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Farida Ezzat Dec 2012
I am patient and cold like the sea

I am patient and cold like you and me

I am patient and cold like the sea

I am patient and cold like the bumblebee

The bumblebee went out to sea

To fish a shell

But instead it just dropped dead

And went straight to hell

I am patient and cold like the sea

I am patient and cold like you and me

I am patient and cold like the sea

I am patient and cold like the key

The key is more than a key

It wants to find control

But after time it lost its chime

And fell into a black hole

I am patient and cold like the sea

I am patient and cold like you and me

I am patient and cold like the sea

I am patient and cold like the sea

The sea wants to be

Something more

But on the way it swam astray

And gulped its core

And now it is no more

I am patient and cold like something no more

I am patient and cold like you and me

I am patient and cold like something no more

I am patient and cold like you and me

You and me flew a tree

Up nowhere

But it crashed and you gashed

And left like despair

And now you’re not there

I am patient and cold like something no more

I am patient and cold like you’re not there and me

I am patient and cold like something no more

I am patient and cold like you’re not there and me
luci Jan 2018
Assisted suicide?
Physician Assisted Suicide is the process of a doctor providing the necessary sleeping pills/lethal dose to allow a terminally ill patient to perform the life ending act. In the United States, all but four states have made physician assisted suicide (PAS) illegal.When in a situation a terminally ill patient is in, they should have the right to commit a physician-assisted suicide.
In 1994, the state of Oregon enabled the Death With Dignity Act (DWDA). With 51% voting in favor of the act, it gives terminally ill patients access to PAS. Attorney General John Ashcroft challenged the act by saying it was not “real” and that allowing doctors to do perform that, violates the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). CSA protects the regulation of doctors from performing unauthorized distributions of drugs and drug abuse. If doctors are able to assist suicides, through Ashcroft’s claim, they would be using drugs as an abuse. In the Supreme Court, petitioner Paul D. Clement argued in the case about the violation of CSA, with 6-3, “we conclude the rule is not authorized by the CSA, and we affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals” (Gonzales V Oregon).
Patients of irreversible illnesses often develop disorders that go underdiagnosed causing them to live a life that isn’t happy for them or their family members. According to Dr. Fine of the Office of Clinical Ethics, terminally ill patients usually get depressed when dealing with intense suffering. When the patient is depressed, they may not respond to treatment as expected. If the patient is not responding to treatment well, the doctor may up the dosage of medication or consider adding antidepressants, causing the patient to be reliant on medication for the rest of their life.
Patients who receive a terminal diagnosis usually experience high levels of anxiety.  According to Dr. Fine, anxiety can cause problems such as, agitation, insomnia, restlessness, sweating, tachycardia, hyperventilation, panic disorder, worry, or tension. Sleep deprivation plays a huge part in the anxiety the patients feel. The patient’s sleep is often interrupted many nights and several times to get their blood pressure checked, blood withdrawals, checkings of veins, etc. Because these medical requirements can not be withheld, many doctors may feel the need to heavily sedate the patient to make them feel lucid during the day time.
Studies have shown that patients of terminal illnesses fear that they’d burden their families. The patients feel, “grief and fear not only for their own future but also for their families’ future” (Johnson), researchers say. The feelings of being in the way can cause emotional, physical, social, and financial problems. In  doctors Johnson, Nolan, and Sulmasy’s research, they found that feelings of burden are most likely to affect emotional symptoms, quality of life, and patient satisfaction. Wanting to feel like they aren’t a burden to their families and society was most important to patients seen by the doctors. The research the doctors conducted found that out of a list of 28 qualities, the wish to not be a physical or emotional burden on family, 93% of respondents said that this was very or extremely important to them. The doctors made three categories of experiences that were related to “self-perceived burden” (Johnson). The first one being “concerns for other” (Johnson), then “implications for self” (Johnson), and last being “minimizing the burden” (Johnson). Feeling like a burden can cause “empathic concern engendered from the impact on others of one’s illness and care needs, resulting in guilt, distress, feelings of responsibility, and diminished sense of self” (Johnson).
To let a patient commit an assisted suicide means, they’re freed from pain. To force someone who knows that their time's coming to an end quickly when they do not wish to be in pain anymore should be a crime. In Epidemics, Book 1, it states, “practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient”, by allowing the patient to continue their life is harming them, all physically, mentally, and spiritually. Doctors take an oath, the Hippocratic Oath when practicing medicine. In the oath, there is a phrase that says “Also I will, according to my ability and judgment, prescribe a regimen for the health of the sick; but I will utterly reject harm and mischief”, if the patient has considered an assisted suicide, they’ve been in too much pain and wish for it to end. Refusing them the help causes them more physical and emotional pain; physical being the illness itself and emotional being the feeling of being a burden.
Patients with terminal illnesses have the right to commit assisted suicides because it allows them to end their life from something no drug would be able to fix. With the illness being irreversible, dragging it out will cause both suffering and financial problems. Terminally ill patients have the right to die with dignity. Dying by choice will let their loved ones know that they are ready and have accepted their fate, easing weight off their families shoulders. Having the ability to die will portray the patients as human beings who want to make one last decision before going rather than people who are laying in a hospital bed waiting to die. A patient knows that the doctor’s job is to relieve pain, with a doctor refusing their wish, only cause distrust in their relationship. Letting assisted suicide would allow their families to begin healing. By refusing the patient their right to die, forces them to live a poor quality of life no one would ever wish upon anybody. It is in everyone’s interest to let them go. Doctors have a responsibility to make the patient happy and to relieve them of any kind of pain, letting them go is relieving them of the pain they wish to no longer feel. PAS gives them the ability to go happily and contently.
Edward Fairley May 2017
Patience, the mother of wisdom
The bricks of a kingdom
She and revenge work in tandem
For only patient silence beckons revenge to come

Patient men, some call them spies
Many refer to them as watchful eyes
Keeping record of the times
And reading between the lines

The thing about a patient man is
He waits, and as he waits he watches
As he watches and he learns
And he keeps record of what he learns

The thing about a patient man who learns
Is that you never know what they know
Can't comprehend the possibility of them
Knowing all the wrong you've done though
It's quite possible they know and will show

Show whom you ask
Well the world, unless you do their task
For you see you can't stop the patient man from finding your well hidden plan
Because in the end you're sloppy past
Will always reveal itself to the patient man

The patient man, knowing what he knows
Could potentially rule the world if he chose
Because with the right ammunition he could make his foes
Comply to his wishes despite their moans and groans

For if that patient mans foes don’t foes comply
They may surely die
For not only their sins, but also their lies
For your sins will be revealed eventually, though hide them you may try

Truth be told of the patient man
He is not a perfect man
And must in the end stand
Trial for the sins he planned

For a planned sin is still a sin
For one to come up with the very notion
To break the law and commit treason
Can take some things from you in the final destination

And so people of the earth be mindful
For the patient man learns a handful
From those who plan and spill a mouthful
In the wrong place, us patient men see you as a fool

To expose your sins to the very people
Who could use it to stifle
Any resistance to whatever rule
They impose, or rat you out just because they are cruel

For patients is the mother of wisdom
And though the queen of boredom
Births revenge in her womb
And leads her enemies to their doom
preservationman Aug 2017
A matter of life and Death
Dr. Blake’s patient having not much time left
Heart problems with Cancer that has spread
Discussions with the patient’s family beyond compare
The hour having not much time to spare
Dr. Blake’s patient is suffering with pain
The Angering hours will continue to remain
Timely is everything
Medical Technology can’t help the patient to survive
I have done all the research and spoken to other specialist doctor’s with all having the same results
We can do more for the patient
The family is suggesting if there were any more tests that could be done
But over and over, there is none
All we can do is just wait
Destiny has the date
Dr. Blake sits in his office feeling more like a tiny room
The moment of announcement that could be soon
The patient is sleeping as comfortably as possible
Possibilities having no options
Suddenly Dr. Blake was summoned to the patient’s room
Announcement made throughout the hospital
When Dr. Blake entered the patient’s room, the patient was dead
Even though the hospital staff was trying to revive the patient, senseless tries failed
Death was the patient’s call
Establishment having no stall
A patient called up to Heaven having a rising spirit.
Roxx3000 May 2021
You are not patient
Oh if only you knew the pain I felt
You are not patient
Oh if only you knew the secrets I held
You are not patient
Oh if only you knew the heart I killed
You are not patient
Oh if only you saw what I have seen
You are not patient
Oh if only you saw what I dreamed
You are not patient
Oh if only you saw what I bleed
You are not patient
Oh if only you felt my rage
You are not patient
Oh if only you felt my cage
You are not patient
Oh if only you felt my ache
You are not patient
Oh if only you were aware
If only you just listened and cared
You will ask “ how do you bare?”
mom is sick her 90th birthday is in several weeks she says she has lived a long full life and is ready to die the doctors are trained to keep her alive i remember when the doctors kept dad alive while waiting for the cancer to attack a vital ***** i wonder if this practice of keeping people alive is humane mom forgets events 2 hours earlier walks into mirrors falls down wakes up with black eyes i’m having trouble sleeping thinking morbid thoughts maybe lots of people all around the world are waiting to die people ***** mutilated robbed cheated bankrupt homeless war victims old people with chronic diseases dependent on caretakers maybe millions of people are thinking about death waiting hoping praying for death faced with the growing problem of overpopulation why can’t we mitigate the suffering of those waiting to die i don’t understand

in early morning i drift out of sleep toss right turn left look out window glance Mount Lemmon stretch out on back planter flex dorsal flex toes extend arms out to sides over head look up at exposed redwood beams ceiling try to remember interpret understand what i was dreaming rise from bed brush teeth walk around make bed pull brush sheets try to take dump because i don’t want to embarrass myself in pilates class drink water slip on gym shorts head down stairs grab keys lock door scan garden always feel lucky if Saab starts drive to Tucson racquet fitness club pilates class

i am ready to move away from Tucson nobody here wants needs me no one reads my writings or is interested in showing buying my paintings sun scorches bakes intrudes invades rudely glaring mercilessly my skin suffers i am thinking about heading back east North Hampton Massachusetts or Hudson Valley area or Chicago where i have many friends or rainy Apeldoorn Netherlands where Pavanne and Shannon live or Eureka California where Shannon also resides i’ve paid my dues a thousand times hoping to achieve success i live in fantasy imagining outcomes that never come

younger attractive female doctor wearing white coat low heel black pumps enters room of 60 year old patient suffering from depression loneliness despair

DOCTOR please sit up and open your gown (she plugs stethoscope into her ears)

PATIENT you want to hear my heart

DOCTOR breathe deep breaths (she examines glands around throat under arms shines light into ears eyes nose mouth) hmmm what symptoms caused you to admit yourself

PATIENT i’ve been feeling frustrated defeated isolated anxious for a while

DOCTOR you look strong healthy height weight proportionate i think your problems are psychological you may want to find a good therapist

PATIENT i’ve seen many as a kid none helped

DOCTOR well if you think you’re ready to be euphonized i can schedule you for next week of course the hospital will need to make arrangements for disposing your body

PATIENT does it hurt

DOCTOR the drug industry has made huge advances in the last few years i’ve been informed the procedure is actually quite euphoric

PATIENT next week huh like Friday or Saturday next week

DOCTOR the hospital will contact you

PATIENT do i need to bring anything or what do i wear

DOCTOR the hospital will contact you with a list of details including an e-will if you have family or relations

PATIENT thank you for your kindness you’re really sweet and pretty i don’t see a wedding ring are you married or single my mom would love to hear i’m dating a doctor
Jasmine Oct 2014
My love, be patient,
Your heart has become dependent,
Upon my words and actions,
Mixed with fatal attraction.

My love, be patient,
I love you more than words could describe,
Love obvious on both parts from conversation,
You can't imagine my surprise.

My love, be patient,
Admission of emotion is a powerful statement,
It shocked me to realise how my heart jumps at the thought of you,
It is your love I cling too.

My love, be patient,
Our time is here,
No need to rush it,
I swore my walls would be high,
You pushed them down with ease,
You didn't even have to try.

My love, be patient,
You are my inspiration,
A sensation,
Your love is calming.

Please know I love you,
But my love, be patient.

Copyright© 2014 Jasmine Bryony Holmes
All rights reserved.
He will know!
Francie Lynch Mar 2014
Zero One and modern blight
Travel at the speed of light.

We wondered on the Wandering Jew,
Or, in lieu,
Orthon, Urian or Lilitu.

We trepanned our empty skulls,
Searched our humours,
Were touched by Rulers!

Now troubling symptoms of want and need,
Have blighted growth of yesterseed.

Patient Zero left no lead.

East fingered West
(and vice versa)
Was Ireland really the cause of cholera?
Did Blacks languish in Tuskegee squalor?
We christened Mary, but drank the water.
Fracked Incubus and Succubus
From son and daughter.

Patient Zero left the slaughter.

We deprived women of their tea
To cure wandering womb hysteriae.
Deviances and leaking lesions
Were headwaters of women's *****.

Patient Zero has no season.

The barber sensed it might be smell,
So our widened streets became a sulfurous hell.
And wastelands swelled
Where curled cats dwelled.
(no talk of Michelangelo)


Our children's blight has a techno name,
Like the rose, IT smells the same.
With zero tolerance I lay blame
On screens and phones and video games.

The world wide box stores flipped their lids,
Touching all who crawl the social grids;
From the base of Mammon's pyramid.

Now Jake believes he's a gangsta dude
Since posting whatever on You Tube.
Nothing to gain, nothing to lose:
No services rendered but expects what's due.

Inflated egos are a system symptom,
Clearing firewalls, reaching children.

Patient Zero is no phantom.

There is no tale of rat or flea
As cause of lost immunity.
There is no open sore to fester,
The Selfie is the X-ray picture.

Patient Zero is so much quicker.

In our gel of techno bliss,
On our elliptic petrie dish,
Bathed in more than we could wish,
Patient Zero will finish,
And with that whimper
All vanish.

— The End —