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1.2k · Dec 2022
two-sentenced sad love story
Nicole Dec 2022
i asked the moon to take care of him.
he rarely goes out every night.
how can i love you when you're not only out of my reach, but out of my sight as well?
1.0k · Sep 2022
memories hurt
Nicole Sep 2022
memories are treasures
that you're supposed to bring
not a pin that u have to endure,
that keeps u from moving

go on, move forward
and stop being a coward
close the door and just leave
remember, nostalgia deceives
memories remind me of beautiful days and pain me at the same time by keeping me at a place where i can't move forward nor backwards.
871 · Jan 2023
Nicole Jan 2023
i asked for sanctuary,
the universe gave me you.
u make me feel safe, as if i could still trust u even if there's a gun in ur hand pointing at me.
756 · Sep 2022
Nicole Sep 2022
and here we are again
waiting for that agony
that despite of me doing everything i can
i still always end up helpless

and  yet we keep going :>
631 · Sep 2022
Nicole Sep 2022
burning in the flames of regret
carrying the burden of non-existing debt
slowly losing hope of being free
for the memories are still haunting me
i'm sorry. i was still a kid back then.
515 · Jan 2023
Nicole Jan 2023
you're the only mercy that the universe has given to me.
you're the only compensation i would gladly accept.
497 · Dec 2022
i can't write myself.
Nicole Dec 2022
lots of thoughts,
but only has few words.

oh to be an illiterate writer,
a poet in silence.
a writer who is struggling with writing.
496 · Sep 2022
the past
Nicole Sep 2022
i never thought change would be this hard
it made me realize how deep my heart was carved
with the past i still miserably want to reminisce
the past that caused me to be like this
341 · Apr 2023
an outcast
Nicole Apr 2023
can u call it home when u rarely feel included?
i wish u would let me in.
304 · Jan 2023
Nicole Jan 2023
my home, please let me in.
where do I go when even my only home rejected me as well?
267 · May 2022
A Sad Principle
Nicole May 2022
"If I want to be treated right, I have to be pretty."
- a maddening truth in my life.
I want to say that this is not true, but looking at myself right now? I feel like I'm this dying flower covered by lots and lots of blossoming ones. I want to pretend that idc, I should. But god knows how much I'm starved with validation and affection. I guess... I just want someone to love me, despite of my flaws in and out.
Nicole Mar 28
i pay my debt by seeing you everywhere and realizing we will never meet again.
i will be forever haunted by the fact that i played a role in losing you.
187 · Jan 3
it is what it is
Nicole Jan 3
when you have reached the depth of your internal suffering
that intense heaviness in your heart
and the most comforting part of your sorrow

to realize that you are done
the pleasuring guilt when you just had enough.
170 · Jun 2021
Nicole Jun 2021
Cold breeze touching my skin,
As I sit upon a marble seat,
The moon is brightly shining,
As the lake reflects the elite.

Contrary of the beautiful sight,
Inside thyself, there wasn't any light,
Fighting invisible demons, eating me alive,
Doubting if I will still survive.

Silently weeping with my eyes and heart,
Looking surely like a devastated art,
Alone, I mumble to myself, and again, I swore,
"If my heart could yell, it couldn't talk anymore."
Inspired by Beethoven's "Moonlight"
149 · Jan 2023
i would, for you.
Nicole Jan 2023
i would die for you,
i would live for you,
i would **** for you,
i would save for you.

oh baby, just tell me what to do.
what do i have to do for you to notice me?
143 · Mar 23
Nicole Mar 23
the more you try to find yourself
the more lost you get
there's no running away from the fate of doom.
139 · Jan 18
love me pain
Nicole Jan 18
it is the pleasure in killing myself.
the sting from my wounds are my food.
128 · Feb 2021
Nicole Feb 2021
Life is ******,
and so are we.
127 · May 5
wordless agony
Nicole May 5
it's been a long time since i've bled through poetry
please let me feel again the pain of knowing where i'm hurt
i don't know what i'm supposed to say anymore.
123 · Apr 2022
once a writer
Nicole Apr 2022
struggling to form a single sentence
words are now hard to puzzle alone
battling to bring the thoughts to existence
doubting the skill of its own

but maybe your wings are just resting
storing energy for another flying
just hang in there and wait for your next soar
this is for the one who couldn't write anymore
But honestly, somedays, I'm having this thought that I was never or ever will be, a writer.
121 · Jan 2023
Nicole Jan 2023
tell me, how can i consider myself alive when ur embrace makes me feel like i'm in heaven? when your words strike through my heart? when your presence gives me peace? when sleeping with you actually feel like rest? oh, my love, i die whenever i'm with you.
if this is what heaven feels like, i'm ready to leave this cruel world.
116 · Nov 2022
Nicole Nov 2022
and as if the hell i've been through was worth it, because you came.
your love justified my wretched life.
they suddenly became clear to me.
112 · Jan 2021
Nicole Jan 2021
Lately, I've asked myself
Many questions of mankind
They are like books in a shelf
Combined in my lost mind

The unending questions of "Whys"
A battle that I'm facing
I'm looking for words that are concise
For these unexplainable feeling

Why do I have to be sad?
Why do I have to cry?
This world is making me mad
For always making me try

Try to answer these questions
But what I got were additions
All I wanted were just replies
But what I got were crying eyes

Why can't anyone help me?
Why can't I just be free?
Why do I have to experience these?
All I wanted was just peace

Why am I not in love with life anymore?
Like my young self used to before
Why am I feeling hopeless?
Can I just have some rest?

Drowning in thousand thoughts
While laying alone in a foam
And just like a lost astronaut
I'm trying to find my way back home

Suddenly, a voice came out
She was saying something about
A gentle and warm sound
Feels like a magic that I found

She knew my doubts
She heard my silent shouts
She gave me ease
By just saying these

"You always kept on asking
But there are reasons why these are happening
Universe does knows everything
Just believe in its timing

You have to be sad sometimes
You will experience many emotions in a lifetime
You won't also cry forever
But the prettiest waterfall pours unending water

And sometimes, not everyone can help you
You have to help yourself, too
And don't worry, you will be free
Just keep on going and you will see

And yes, you have to experience everything
Someday, you'll see yourself glowing and glowing
I am very proud of you
For always choosing to continue

I hope you'll fall in love with life once more
Because there are still a lot to explore
You can have rest for a while
And continue again with a smile"

Every words were like magic in the air
She said these words with so much care
And maybe.... maybe, she was right
I just have to hold on tight

Someday, I will meet her somewhere
But in that time, I am not in despair
I will make sure to face her blissfully
Because it was my future self who talked to me
Keep going : )
111 · May 2023
comfortable silence
Nicole May 2023
i've never felt even more understood
when we shared that comfortable silence between us
it's the language of our love
that nakedly speaks for our souls
no one could ever read me the way u do.
103 · Dec 2020
Nicole Dec 2020
H e r o i s m
an unfamiliar word
to me.

They say,
it is an
act of
having a
in thyself.

who saves
a city,
have wands
in their hands,
and having a
mind that
is unique.

Fought a
with 7 heads,
and made
a cure
for a
zombie outbreak.

Those who
can be called

who saves
an existence
before it

Or maybe...

...before it chooses to disappear.

Could it be
whom you can run to
when you're sad?

Could it be
whom you can feel safe
in their arms?

Or could it be
whom you can cry
unto their shoulders
when despair
your system?

isn't just
all about
saving a city,
nor having wands
in our hands,
nor having a
mind that
is unique.

Nor fighting
a monster
with 7 heads,
nor making
a cure
for a
zombie outbreak.

It is also
about saving
from losing
it's will
to live.

can be
a hero
by just
nice words,
tight hugs,
and some

greetings to
random people,
being gentle
in every way,
and showing
your contagious

isn't just saving
someone from death,
it is also giving
reasons to stay alive.
Be someone"s hero of their day : )
91 · Jun 2021
Nicole Jun 2021
Life is full of chemistry

it's challenging to learn

but when you finally understood things

you will realize how amazing life can be

and how little things actually mean a lot.
A science task.
90 · Oct 2022
Nicole Oct 2022
i'm running out of ways how to make myself happy
i don't know what to do anymore
i'm falling unto that dark pit again
89 · Mar 2023
Nicole Mar 2023
when will i ever get to look up at the sky again without my heart being jammed on the ground?
this restlessness has never stopped.
83 · Jan 2023
Nicole Jan 2023
love never came my way
despite of praying for it everyday
i waited for something even just a bit
why do i still have to beg for it?
it's so unfair.
74 · Jun 2023
Nicole Jun 2023
u know it's love, when the same person who once shook your world when they came, now became the reason of its silence and comfort.
i guess, this is love.
61 · Jan 4
people of the past
Nicole Jan 4
there is always this odd feeling whenever i hang out with people from my past. not that we have cut our connection, but we just rarely see each other, and we often only do just to catch up with our lives. i cannot help but to reminisce and notice the difference between now and then. how we used to be like this and how we are doing now. it is both nostalgic and hollow. we are now not who we were. life now is not how it was.
i believe that if time machine exists, going through it would be a feeling similar like this.
53 · Jan 4
Nicole Jan 4
there is this feeling after reading the stories you once did when you were still a young innocent child. it is somewhat sickening, rooted from lost hope. a similar feeling when i realized my childhood was over.
nostalgia could be poison when rooted in regret for unwanted growth. life was better before i was able to cook by myself.
51 · Jan 29
spare me
Nicole Jan 29
everyday i eat dirt just to prove im worthy to step on this land

everyday i inhale toxic gas just to prove im worthy to breathe its air

it's try to say "i belong, i belong, i belong." but i know to myself i never want to be here
i don't want to be worthy of this

— The End —