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Oct 2013
There was once a family of three miserly men
Miserably miserly they were, spending money was such pain
So when they had to travel for business to another state
For the three they bought only a half ticket.

The train arrived and they occupied their seats
Forgetting they ought to have at least three tickets
They sat comfortably cut jokes and laughed
Very happy that the cost was reduced two-halved.

Merrily chatting they didn’t notice the man in black coat
Checking the tickets and marking off on his note
They thought there won’t be ticket examiners on that line
With a half ticket they could get away without having to pay a fine.

The alarmed men planned fast they weren’t short of wit
Two of them went below and one remained on the seat
The checker came and when found below the seat two huddled men
Asked the one above ‘for three a half ticket, how you that explain?’

That man of clever think without a wink said ‘I can easily do,
You too know it sir, it comes to half when one is placed above two’!
Pradip Chattopadhyay
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