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2d · 38
For too many reasons,
this month feels like
a memory
May 20 · 84
Mitch Prax May 20
Some leave,
and when they do,
they take a piece of
your soul with them.
How many more have to leave
until I am nothing
but a shell?
May 19 · 184
Mitch Prax May 19
Some love is only
meant for dreams and nothing more-
oh, what a nightmare

7:09 AM
May 16 · 44
Eulogy for Daniel
Mitch Prax May 16
Spiderman would have
been in awe of your wit,
Just as superman for
the way you never quit.
The hulk would have
been in awe of your might,
just as Thor for the
way you shone so bright.
May 16 · 62
By You
Mitch Prax May 16
I saved our photographs
for days like this when the
nights are cold and solitary.
Hard to believe that I
was loved by some,
and above all,
by you.
May 4 · 93
Nostalgia 2
Mitch Prax May 4
Nostalgia can be
like your favorite jacket:
it'll keep you warm in times of cold
but can become unbearable
when life starts to burn.
May 4 · 84
Mitch Prax May 4
What is so sad
about nostalgia is
how it leaves one frozen
in time.
May 4 · 45
Mitch Prax May 4
You may be living
without me but you are not
without all my love

3:38 PM
May 3 · 46
Wishful Thinking
Mitch Prax May 3
Are you hoping they will
come back or say they miss you?
Are you hoping they will
wipe away all those tears and scars
they left upon you?
Are you sure you are not wishful thinking?
That they have not thought about you since
and have gone the farthest
they could from you?
May 3 · 48
The One
Mitch Prax May 3
Stay in my life
with purpose or
leave and take your
dubiety with you.
Life is too short for games,
and half-assed attempts and platitudes.
I want meaning, I want passion,
I want the one.
May 1 · 68
Our Story
Mitch Prax May 1
What if we are not
the writers of our story?
A writer knows the next page
where as we are prisoners
of the past and present.
Hell, some of us barely live a story,
but merely characters in another's story,
or worse, nothing but a tragedy.
May 1 · 41
The End
Mitch Prax May 1
If my time were to end
I would hope not to upset you.
Just know that I lived life to
the best of my ability.
Know that I remained loyal,
bold and sometimes bizarre.
So if I meet my end
think of it more as a
mere inconvenience
rather than a tragedy.
I have lived a hundred lives,
been on a thousand journeys,
so just be sure to wish me a
safe and thrilling journey
for whatever comes next.
May 1 · 63
Mitch Prax May 1
I would erase all the poetry
I had ever written for you if
it would free me from
your grasp.
Mitch Prax May 1
Our time was brief-
so brief that you left
without really arriving.
I did not even have the time
to say goodbye to you.
Our time flashed before my eyes,
and just like that,
we were strangers
Mitch Prax May 1
There are so many
people who have entered my life
and have left behind a piece of them
in my heart.
What an honor it has been,
to cross paths with all the beautiful people
who still reside in this heart
and these memories.
Thank you for for the memories,
the growth, the lessons and the joy
and I hope we can
cross paths again.
Apr 30 · 33
Our House
Mitch Prax Apr 30
I found you
in the dead of night-
a lost and lonely wanderer.
So I took you in,
cleaned up this house and
made space for you to stay.
You stayed for a while and
we felt lonely no more.
This house became our house,
and when it was your time to leave,
this place was never the same
no matter how many times I
tried to fill your absence.
Apr 30 · 284
Nothing More
Mitch Prax Apr 30
They are
dreams and
nothing more.
Impossible ones-
simply illusions
that have worn
out over time.
Apr 29 · 66
Mitch Prax Apr 29
I have reached
a crossroad once again.
Will you lead me down the road
I need to follow,
The one of dreams and delectations?
Or will you take me down the
road I would rather forget?
The one that leaves me
lost every time.
Apr 29 · 162
Mitch Prax Apr 29
you will forever stay,
my favorite place of all:
our memories.
Apr 28 · 92
Shooting Stars
Mitch Prax Apr 28
I wish people were
more like shooting stars
that would disappear in
a flash of an eye,
leaving no trace but
the memories of something
that was once beautiful
rather than the sun-
an unforgiving and inescapable
giant that leave us burnt
and burdened.
Apr 28 · 29
Treasure Chest
Mitch Prax Apr 28
How do you know if
you are missing someone or
simply the feelings they made you feel?
Is there any way to know for sure?
The memories will last forever
but the nostalgia will come and go
like tides on a lonely shore.
So is it you or the feelings we shared
that I find washed up from sea?
My own little treasure chests
I will cherish forever.
Apr 28 · 38
Mitch Prax Apr 28
Be sure to
contain those
seas and storms within you
or else those leaks and lightning
will leave you drowning.
Apr 28 · 39
Mitch Prax Apr 28
It was your spark that
lit this divine fire within this heart.
I am convinced that it
will burn forever.
Apr 7 · 78
The Same Coin
Mitch Prax Apr 7
Relationships and solitude:
they are just two sides of the same coin.  
I aim to flip the coin and find
the balance in every outcome
and each side the
coin may fall.
Apr 7 · 54
Mitch Prax Apr 7
Of all that I know,
of all that I have seen,
you are the only thing that shines
and the one that gives me life.
Nothing is as pure as you
and as long as you exist,
there is still hope.
Apr 5 · 245
Mitch Prax Apr 5
My memories are
like dissonant wind chimes-
they shriek every time
my mind's winds blow.
Those familiar tunes still haunt me
and to this day they remain
stuck in my head.
Apr 4 · 61
Mitch Prax Apr 4
I hope the fragments of me
left behind in your heart will
continue to make you smile
while I am gone.
Mar 23 · 53
Mitch Prax Mar 23
When trauma
punches holes in your heart,
we find ourselves seeking reassurance
and validity to plug those holes
so that love cannot
leak so easily.
Mar 23 · 63
This Heart
Mitch Prax Mar 23
My heart is a
sanctuary of silence,
a place where few have ever glimpsed.
The demons may try to penetrate its walls
but this heart has always proved stronger
than what I gave it credit for.
Mar 23 · 74
Mitch Prax Mar 23
You should aim to be
kind and loyal but not at
the cost of yourself.

4:18 PM
Mar 16 · 61
From Within
Mitch Prax Mar 16
If you know me by my writing,
be prepared to know me by my silence,
for the demons from within and beyond
have choked the voice out of me.
I don't want to speak anymore,
I only watch and
I write.
Feb 22 · 169
Mitch Prax Feb 22
Everything will be
okay just as long as I
get to call you mine

3:49 PM
Feb 17 · 165
Mitch Prax Feb 17
Still in between
waking up on a
crisp Sunday morning and
these dreams of you.

Truly, my favorite
time of the week.
Feb 17 · 94
Looking Back
Mitch Prax Feb 17
Isn't it funny how
the days, weeks, months
never seem to change,
but looking back,
the years never
feel the same?
Feb 10 · 107
Singing Alone
Mitch Prax Feb 10
My soul's melody
can still be played but
it is missing your voice.
It is still pleasant to listen to
but without your harmony,
I will forever sing alone.
Feb 4 · 158
Mitch Prax Feb 4
You make me feel like
'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac on a
fresh Sunday morning

11:19 AM
Feb 4 · 77
Mitch Prax Feb 4
What is worse:
the ending or forgetting
how to begin again?
We have a choice not to
give into the destruction and despair
or rebuild from the ruins of
what came before.
Feb 3 · 110
Mitch Prax Feb 3
You are my chai-
there is nothing as sweet
or as warming as you.
I need you every morning
to get me through the day
and each night to grant me
the sweetest of dreams.
Feb 3 · 108
Valentine for Joy
Mitch Prax Feb 3
When I think about the adventures,
the laughs, the meals, the memories,
the highs and even the lows,
I am always left with a smile
and heart full of JOY.
No matter the season,
no matter the country,
I will be your friend,
partner and lover in every
adventure, hardship and celebration
we shall face together.
Your life and your soul
is a spark of inspiration and
your smile sets my heart ablaze.
If you continue to warm me,
I will continue by your side
whether it be at home or
a land so far away-
I will continue to support you
and spoil you in every
way that I can.
Feb 3 · 75
Your Smile
Mitch Prax Feb 3
If I were given the choice
over a thousand sunflowers
or an endless field of lavender,
I would choose your smile
every time.
Feb 3 · 108
Mitch Prax Feb 3
I want to
drink from your
lips as if you were
an oasis in
the desert.
Feb 3 · 78
Mitch Prax Feb 3
As the stars come out each night,
as do my thoughts of you
the way they set my skies ablaze
in your beauty and every
memory we shared.
Feb 3 · 68
Mitch Prax Feb 3
When you smile at me,
the sun inside me ignites
and the flowers of
my heart bloom.
Feb 3 · 61
Mitch Prax Feb 3
The only one who
feels with me is me-
all the joy, the pain,
and everything in between.
Those tears and those smiles
only reach my face and
its my burden to carry.
This is my solitude and it is
all I have ever know.
Feb 3 · 77
The Page
Mitch Prax Feb 3
How lonely is the
writer who sinks into the page
as they pour their mind into their words
only for no other soul to
witness their art?
Feb 2 · 140
Mitch Prax Feb 2
I close my eyes and
suddenly, I am there,
in the memories I try to forget,
where I lost my heart and
have been trying to
reclaim it since.
Feb 2 · 64
In Your Eyes
Mitch Prax Feb 2
I love you more
than the milky way
on a clear summer night.
For me the universe only
exists in your eyes.
Feb 2 · 52
Mitch Prax Feb 2
Learn to separate
the blue from the skies
from the blue in
your heart.
Feb 2 · 61
Mitch Prax Feb 2
I will always
look for you with my eyes
just as I will always
long for you with my heart.
Jan 31 · 60
Mind Garden
Mitch Prax Jan 31
Treat your mind as if
it were your garden.
Be careful with who you
make memories with so that
you can plant seeds rather
than pollute what is good.
Indeed, memories are forever
and not the people so make sure
you keep out the locust to keep
your garden a pretty place
to return to.
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