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Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
The land is green,
And the water, blue.
Let us remove the solves,
Beneath sheltered feet.
Trekking through these colors,
Lapping waves wash out,
Con-caved imprints of adventure
From feet grazing the sand.

Photographs spark,
An array of mental depictions
With first hand sights.
Flashing activity, inside the mind,
Multiple memories,
Recollected in due time.
Words do not describe,
What a photograph provides
But a photograph does not suffice,
The memories which last a lifetime.
Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
Hands tick to tock
Minutes slip and slide
Time painfully dies
Poisoned off clocks

Faces familiar and new
Enclose caps and gowns
Grouped up in two
Sprinting the home stretch
Turns of tassels
One voice shouts
Before hundreds of caps
Flying off small heads

Tangs of bitter
Smiles of sweet
Here comes goodbye
One journey complete
Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
Embodied with warmth
Tingling smiles
Summertime breezes
And wrapped in arms

Sinking into darkness
Lids closing, slowly
Eyes creating pictures
Sleep comes easy

Dreams of infinite nights
Clocks tick and tock
Minutes fall poisoned

Day threatens to break
Over the horizon
But limits on infinity
Do not exist
Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
Standing over this coffin
Staring into my eyes
Watching my own corpse

Sit there as it rots away
This is my wake
Tomorrow is my funeral
But not a soul is present
Because technically
I am alive

Have you watched me
Sit in the shadows
In the corners
On the curbs
In the secrets
Of a wretched mind

Have you understood
What I’ve gone through
In those halls
And classrooms
In the chairs
At the desks
Inside my own head

With all those eyes
Beaming at me
Throwing my mind
Onto overdrive
As I feel myself
Collapse inside

They said it was all my fault
They told me to snap under pressure
Forced me to believe,
I was the eternal loser
And they the eternal winners

They chased me on the streets
Screaming how I deserved to die
They chased me in the halls
Burning my every confidence

They encouraged my awful mind
To realize that everything
That I said to myself
In my own head
That it was true on the outside

And the rest of the population
Inside of that building
Just watched as it passed them by
Bystanders in an awful fight
Letting them pick me apart
Pull it away

All those bystanders
Just stood there
Watching and screaming
Go Go Go
To the winning team

And what else did they do
Those bystanders and those winners
They told me another thing too
I was responsible for my own demise
Because the treatment I was facing
By all the surroundings
Was my fault too

They told me to stand my ground
That I could just take it like a big girl
As I could hide inside
They told me not to fight them off
They said they’d go away some day

So why are they still around
Why do they still say the same things
Why do they stalk my every move
Waiting for the wrong one to appear
So they can use it against my fears

They told me I was responsible
For the bullying I had received
They told me I was the failure
Because I stood my ground
They told me the torture would end

And here it is.
As I stand over my corpse
At my unattended wake
For my own mind
But I am alive.
Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
Prove me wrong
Explain how love
Can work out for us

Force me to believe
In the hopeless cause
That I call myself

Tickle these fantasies
Of a mysterious perfection
They told me
I would never obtain

And please understand
What you do to my brain
Reversing what I believed was truth.  

And just realize,
I’m the luckiest person, in the world
All because I have you.
Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
I see you
Standing there off in the corner
Eyes focused on
A girl standing here

I’m watching you
Glance towards me
And this idle hand
Moving towards me

Shall we dance?

With no music
We still shall move
Around in circles
As the rest of them do

Arms close
Warmth embarks
And slowly we fall
Kate-Lynn Walsh May 2012
I told myself
Reinforced and believed
That I was not enough
To suit anyones needs

Outside the battle
Not one could recognize
That I was any different
When it came to my insides

Raging, the war fought on
And my mind almost won
At least a good 20 times
Before any break in the fight

Restrained by cement
At the bottom of seas
I struggled to break chains
And find strength
To resurface as me

Few are the ways, to weaken chains
But razors seem enough
Dealing with incurable pain
At least until one day

Sparks flew down
Under this sea
Brittling constraints
And I broke free
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