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hate snow Nov 2013
Spent my hard earned money buying stuff I seen on commercials
with two singers claiming all they use was the stuff I bought to fix faces.
Both them women got to be telling fibs if they said a little bit of
skin fixer works good did not work and used full bottle and nothing.
I googled them womens pictures and seen how they faces look bad
and messed up and both got blotchy skin and look real tired in pictures.
Seen all them commercials with them woman I am talking about
saying all they used was that stuff but saying did not work on me.
I would be fibbing if I posted I thought those women are pretty
in google search pictures of them without tons of makeup I see on their faces.
No make up do make them look like not so good as women called plain Jane.
Simple telling when women ain't plenty made up or they not wearing skin fixer
when they got them dark circles and darker spots like some pictures I seen when I google.
We got a few women looking very pretty cause they got that natural beauty.
I not grandma old but I got crows feet and cracking lines on my face.
I been trying making up my face with gobs of crap and went to expert at store
where rich folks shop and I know I did not look good like she lied to me
telling me I looked good but that mirror in that store showed me truth.
No more making up this face cause I was born to be what I am not pretty.
hate snow Nov 2013
One person made me think I could be good at poem writing stuff.
Now person taking time off and I don't feel like writing poems.
Person gave me hope that I can be good at something other than not liking me.
I will be tending to my life and new start job and hope person come back.
All I got to say feeling like all the air got let out of a balloon I got at a party.
hate snow Oct 2013
First day new job went better than I hoped.
Worked as domestic for a few years guessing
I would always be one but nice lady said
life skills meant I qualified for better pay
and higher up jobs so I applied and got it.
Thanking nice lady again for help in making
me know I was born to do something better
in life than I was doing and no more crying
over spilled milk man like Daren G.
hate snow Oct 2013
First day new job went better than I hoped.
Worked as domestic for a few years guessing
I would always be one but nice lady said
life skills meant I qualified for better pay
and higher up jobs so I applied and got it.
Thanking nice lady again for help in making
me know I was born to do something better
in life than I was doing and no more crying
over spilled milk man like Daren G.
hate snow Oct 2013
Called the place a few minutes ago and ran my face under cold water.  
I knew didn't dream up getting my new start job and don't matter
about my *** change and didn't mention nothing about it.
Think Daren G was infatuation or something cause I stopped
crying already over him read poems on real love and not how
I feel about him think it was *** that got my body raging
thinking I could not live with out him being in my life.
hate snow Oct 2013
Felt like quitting writing poems then nice lady
posted words at me that kicked me in my tail
and made me stop being sad. She messaged
me that I should use more punctuation and
look things up when I see that red line under words
I don't know how to spell good she said capitalize
my I and first word of sentence thank her for that
and makes sense. I will be good at writing before
to long she said but I can't get sad cause somebody said
things I don't like about my writing and I gotta practice hard.
hate snow Oct 2013
trying to write good stuff but some body on here wrote some thing
hurt my feelings bad. in letter i read from another poet on hellopoety
been doing big net search cause the letter said what we all writing is
bad poem writing, letter said most folks **** at writing and had a
uppity way of telling us they leaving cause we don't write good
been doing net search cause i wanted to know what peotry wrtiing
was and what i write is poems and got some likes on some of them
and one trender. found short meaning of poem when i googeld just
now. A poem is expression of feelings and ideas well my words are
poems that i write on hello poetry site like every body on this site doing.
now i think i don't know if i want to write no more poems on here.
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