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Irritation is the dragon
That breathes fire and destruction
Should I dare to open my mouth.
Stained Glass Sep 2020
This is how I love. I barter what I own and exchange it for your happiness, hoping it's enough to make you full.
Stained Glass Aug 2020
The worst part about having mental health issues is that you're seemingly required to have a breakdown in order for people to understand how hard you were trying to hold yourself together.
Stained Glass Jul 2020
...I was a child. I didn't need to be strong,
I needed to be safe.
Stained Glass Jun 2020
I don't want to see stores looted or even buildings burn. But African Americans have been living in a burning building for many years, choking on the smoke as the flames burn closer and closer. Racism in America is like dust in the air. It seems invisible - even if you're choking on it -until you let the sun in. Then you see it's everywhere. As long as we keep shining that light, we have a chance of cleaning it wherever it lands. But we have to stay vigilant because it's always still in the air.

Stained Glass Jun 2020
I want your kiss, upon my lips
   I want your hand, gripping my wrist
                   I want your heart, beaten apart
                       So you can feel how you left my soul down to rot.'
Stained Glass Jun 2020
And with each tear
that crossed my face,
the person I once was
slowly washed away.
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