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 May 8
Stephen E Yocum
My almost grown grandsons
see only a stooped withered
old man when they look at me,
no clue of the young man I used
to be. Or where I have been, the
things I've done. They've only
known me like this. Even 20
years ago, when they were born
I was already a senior citizen.

In my mirror I also see what they
see and can barely recall that
once upon a time younger me.

Time moves on leaving erosion
behind upon mountains and
people too.
Erosion on mountains is
a slow process, we humans
are not that fortunate.
 Apr 24
The clouds refused to allow
the sun to shine as bright
but love will always find a way through the darkest dreary night

Take my word
My poetic hand
I am much more spirit
No less human
Don't believe those lies
you're telling me,
I have spoken your words
I've dreamt your dreams

Nothing can separates
The quantum hold
We are fractals
Of living souls
We are but dreamers
On different clouds
Shake me no more
I'm wide awake now..
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Feb 5
Mohd Arshad
Reading is a long walk in the garden of kashmir when it is full of blossoms!
 Feb 5
Mohd Arshad
Reading is polishing a rusted mind.

Reading is an adventurous journey.

Reading is a memorable confab because all words speak to me.

Going into a mind is like entering a holy place and reading scriptures there.
 Jan 28
Thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream,
A flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.

-Diamond Sutra, ca. fourth century CE
 Jan 8
Carlo C Gomez
Pinhole sunrise
Sodium lit
Murk and ambiguity sleep together
Down in the seabed

One moment of calm in a chaotic rift

These dark vessels
Of the fourth plateau
Scheme vicious pastimes
That live by night

Orphans of the smog
Attiré par le chaos
Soldiers of false beliefs
Progress the beauty of destruction

Their slogan:
"Making better mistakes with tomorrow"
It has the sound of a long goodbye
It lights the final flare
 Jul 2023
George Krokos
There are seven eyes of understanding
some people in life are so commanding
but the divine wisdom behind them all
is to rise up in knowledge and not fall.
Just as there are seven planes of consciousness - seven spiritual states - so also are there seven states of understanding. It is always seven. The number seven is the divine number. The seven understandings are:

Eye of Instinct: governs the animal world which includes insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Eye of Intellect: rules most of the common human realm of existence.

Eye of Inspiration: is for those human souls whose feelings are developed like poets and artists and other creative people.

Eye of Intuition: is for those advanced human souls who have conscious visions and understanding true to the point. What you understand by intuition is always true. What you understand by intellect is sometimes true and sometimes not.

Eye of Insight: human souls on the fourth and fifth plane have insight; their understanding is direct, without thinking with the mind.

Eye of Illumination: means seeing God as he is and is experienced by those human souls who see the Light of God inside and outside of their mind. The understanding is divine.

Eye of Integration or Realization: this is the merging, becoming and understanding of oneself as God (the I am God state – Nirvikalpa Samadhi).
Apart from the title, the introductory quatrain and the last listed named state of Integration to comply with the title - the 7 eyes (or - i's), all of which are my own creation and inclusion, there is also in parts some additional wording included of mine (marked in italics - unable to be seen here on HP) to complement the quoted knowledge, that Meher Baba, a spiritual master of the twentieth century, perhaps the greatest, revealed on the 29th of September 1940 at Meherabad (a place dedicated to him in India, near Poona) and is recorded in an extensive biography written by Bhau Kalchuri, one of his followers whom I had the good fortune to meet in person, titled: Lord Meher – vol7 pages 2617-2618.
Full credit for the above goes to Meher Baba of course and to Bhau Kalchuri who was given the task of writing the biography which is available for reading online by anyone who is interested -
Please also see another fantastic website called Life Eternal - - that's dedicated to Meher Baba which has most, if not all, of the quotes and sayings that he communicated during his lifetime. Jai Baba!
 May 2023
Sk Abdul Aziz
At times take some risks in life...regardless of whether you are successful or not, you will learn..if you win you will experience happiness and if you lose you will be more wise.
 Apr 2023
Oh Lord, nourish me not with love but with the desire
for love. IBN ‘ARABÎ

Not only the thirsty seek the water,
the water as well seeks the thirsty. RÛMÎ

Ecstasy is a flame which springs up in the secret heart,
and appears out of longing. PAUL NWYIA

Open your hidden eyes and return to the root of the root
of your own self. RÛMÎ

The inner truth of desire is that it is a restive motion in
the heart in search of God. AL-QUSHAYRÃŽ

excerpts from "Travelling the Path Of Love  Sayings of Sufi Masters"
 Feb 2023
Mohd Arshad
What are thy lips

 Feb 2023
Mohd Arshad
He can change

A stone

Into a gem
 Feb 2023
Mohd Arshad

I'm so blank!
Still, do you love me?
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