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Eliot York   Mar 22, 2014
I'm excited to tell you about some new features on the site. The design has been refreshed, mostly to give more breathing room and focus to your poems, as I felt it was too cluttered before, and to accommodate these new features. Also, for those of you browsing on your mobile phone or iPad, you should notice a big improvement in the layout and readability of the poems.

The first feature has been the most requested for some time now: tags. You can tag your poems with anything you like, and then easily browse poems by those tags. Already as of writing this, the "trending" tags (the most popular tags in the last 24 hours) are #love, #sad, #life, #death and #pain. Perhaps those tags don't surprise you, but let's see if those continue to trend! Soon, you'll be able to subscribe to your favourite tags, so they'll show up on your home page and you can receive a poem delivered daily to your inbox from that tag. Exciting stuff!

The second feature is something you'll be familiar with if you've used Twitter (retweeting) or Tumblr (reblogging). On Hello Poetry, we just call it Reposting. If there is a poem you really like, you can repost it on to your poem stream, so your followers will see it too. You can use it like your own personal collection, or to help spread the word about a poem you really love.

And finally, there's been a refresh of the Classics section, to help you browse and discover classic poets and their work. There is plenty more to come here (more details coming soon) but for now you can browse by country (Irish poets), by century (18th century poets) or the two combined (19th century English poets). If you would like to see other classic poets or poems added, get in touch with my by commenting below and I'll get you involved.

There are many more exciting things to come in the next months. If you're having a blast on the site, it would mean a lot if you could make a small donation; anything at all helps. You can read more details here: Donate to Hello Poetry. And don't forget, that if there is anything you'd like to see done differently on Hello Poetry, please let me know.

Hope you're having a great week, and a happy Saturday! Until next time..
