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  May 15 Zara rain
Unpolished Ink
Stroll with me under the trees
to where the old road bends,
at the hanging sycamores
then walk away
beyond my sight
for I cannot follow
do not turn back,
you have many miles to go
and new companions to meet
I will wait here, in the shade
tired feet need to rest
visit me now and again
when the leaves fall
but only in memory
walk on
  Apr 9 Zara rain
perhaps the greatest
suffering one can endure;
is too find someone
you cannot exist without;
and then existing without them.
lithe she floats
surface barely breaking
hard as wood, smooth as jade
yet light, a thing of burnished air
barely there
no thoughts to weigh her down
for she has ceased to care
  Mar 15 Zara rain
you carry old baggage in straight suitcases
full of contrition’s contractions, each rosary bead spent
dragging sorrowful daggers of spite
pity self-pity’s pity, no others or places

killing softly with words, not deeds
psychic murders in poesy lines
each keystroke a slasher’s razor bleeds
disregarding tender hearts and rhyme

history’s ink well spill on your page
born-out to suffer blue outrage
sworn blind with fear of life’s gift
unwilling grace to heal this rift

Zara rain Mar 14
Is it a state of mind,
to always stay behind when advancing?
To deliberately lose stephold when gaining ground.
Does it mean loss of an era when reaching a new beginning?
Time, impatiently knocking on my door, requiring to know when I'm done procrastinating.
  Feb 9 Zara rain
When you're down and you're emotionally weak
Remind yourself that there's beauty in every beast
You don't have to be taken down or beaten by defeat
It's inside yourself- the capability to rise to your feet
I try to remind myself every night before I sleep

Sometimes it doesn't work; sometimes I still weap
It's hard to fight the stinging when, into the heart, it creeps
It can be so intense you may feel your world freeze
Still, don't let your legs buckle; don't fall to your knees
Your will is more powerful- this I truly believe

It's unwise to depend on others to provide your relief
Greed is abundant; I feel that's plain to see
You must begin to love yourself to actually be free
Discover a method to let your inner emotions breathe
And grant yourself freedom to let your soul speak

Things may be hard; yes, life may seem bleak
Just understand that there's beauty in every beast
Don't doubt that, in every human, there is magnificent strength
Take flight- let the struggles grace you with elegant wings
Undoubtedly, *there's beauty in every beast
Zara rain Jan 14
All my life I've been lost.
And all my life
I hoped to be found.
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