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Urshita Sharma Apr 2020
I feel restless.
I am helpless.
Have I changed?
Or have you given up on me?

Feeling like a nobody,
reduced to dust.
Have I lost the way?
Or have I lost myself?

Trying to find answers,
I reach my destination.
Only to find myself falling into
a deeper pall of darkness.

What is right?
What is wrong?
Living is already tough,
do we have to make it even more unbearable?

Not knowing which way,
I continue walking.
Hoping, wishing,
someday I find myself again.
Stay safe everybody. Take care.
Urshita Sharma Jun 2019
Life isn't just about give and take,
it is about sharing.
Life isn't just about me and only me,
it is about us together.
Life isn't about scowling at everything wrong,
it is about smiling while solving the problem.
Life isn't about finding something to be sad about,
it is about being happy and content with all that you have.
A little something after a long time. A simple message for everybody. There are sufferings worse than yours and mine, we have to learn to live together to lead a proper life and have a better future.
Urshita Sharma Mar 2019
On my way, I go.
Leaving behind the sorrow, the pain
that once had me crawling in fear.
I won't look back.

On my way, I go.
Leaving behind the memories,
memories that haunted my dreams.
I won't look back.

Because I am strong,
I am me and now,
I am free.
Be strong, never stop believing in yourself. You'll do good.
  Mar 2019 Urshita Sharma
The worlds is painful
The only forever person
Is you in yourself
Urshita Sharma Mar 2019
I am not different,
I am just me.

I am not you,
I can never be either.

I am just me,
but is that enough?
Urshita Sharma Apr 2018
Is it wrong to say what I want to?
Is it wrong to feel what I feel?
Is it wrong to not listen to everything they tell me?
These questions haunt me,
getting their answers is not easy.

They want me to be happy all the time,
Is being sad when I feel sad wrong?
Am I supposed to hide how I feel, just so..
so that they aren't affected by it?
I am human too

I want to have choices,
I don't want everything served in a platter to me,
and still not have a choice.
I want to live my life.
Is that so wrong?

It is the fear of what would happen next,
that keeps me from speaking.
I don't seek sympathy or pity,
I seek understanding.
I want people to let me be what I want to be,
do what I want to do.
Is it wrong to have goals and dreams?

If growing up means giving up on my dreams,
then I don't want to grow up.
I would rather be an immature kid than be an adult without dreams.
I would rather be illiterate with humanity than be literate without humanity.
Is it so wrong to wish?
We live in a world where even though we have various freedoms, we are still scared to speak up. It does not mean on a very high level, it means not opening up to your parents, friends or anybody else. People need to understand that if they don't put out their feelings, others won't be able to know what he/she wants. Hence, this would lead to misunderstandings between the closest people. So, it's better to open up.
Urshita Sharma Apr 2018
It's not easy saying goodbye,
And I learned it the hard way.
Not much I remember from the days when I used to be the one,
the one saying goodbye.
But this one goodbye, I know will never leave me.
It's not mine though, it's of that one person who means a lot to me,
that one person who believes in me,
that one person who doesn't judge me,
that one person who would still be on my side whatever happens.

The days are less, yet I don't know what to feel.
"Is this really happening?', I ask myself again and again.
I don't know how I will handle it, cause this will be the first goodbye I get.
"Am I ready for it?", I ask
I have to be no matter what.
I know my tears won't stop anything, however..
I believe that those tears will help ease my pain.

Tears won't make me look weak,
they will just be small mirrors of my feelings which cannot be put into words.
And she will understand.
I can choose not to cry, but I know for a fact that won't be able to happen.
Because, she won't be there anymore after that.
All I can give her are my tears, those tears will be the only way I can let my sadness out.

She won't be happy seeing me cry, she never is.
She will still try to be cheerful, just for me.
"Why?", people may ask.
Because that is who she is, her smile is everything.
Her smile can make a bad day go away anytime.
She will be missed but who she is as a person will be missed more.
That one person who I love the most.
This poem, I wrote for my best friend who is moving to another state. I have known her since 2014, yet it feels like I have known her forever. She knows me in and out and this poem is one last present I want to give her before she leaves. Thank You and Love You Alot, D!
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