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You mindless thwarts. Repent from your unbelieve!
See the genius in fiction and bow to its supremacy.
For haven't the mind conceived so many great things?
Even the world was born out of Fiction....
For your unbelieve I pray you :
Wonder off the savanna. Reek to the world in shame !
Or else kiss the feet of the Mastery of mind.
For even that tiny space
And you clutching within onto breath,
Are figments of SOMEONE'S  imagination.
Let there be Light! And there came trillions packets of photons.
 May 20 Onoma
Drain You
 May 20 Onoma
Anonymous, oblivious
To the person kneeling before me.
My head spinning,
Weakness in the knees.
My heart racing,
Color flushing cheeks.
Darkness, heavy scents
Gripping the sheets
She sits, knees down,
In practiced posture.

Grounded and calm.

Her curled fingers
Rest on her thighs.

Her own.

In her smile,
A wisp on the wings
Slowly unfurls,
In a whirl
Of wise and winding


As honey'd tones
Roll from her maw,
I am humbled.

Lucky to be involved.

And in her every word
There is a piece of her
But no less present.

Pure effervescence.

On all terms,
In her way,
And pleasant.

Purposeful, she;
Spinner of tales.
Gawking at the light
In search of bounty in streams
That hold no water
 Apr 27 Onoma
When the rains fall away,
We move on with things and
Think nothing of the water which percolates
Seeping into the water table
No thought as it saturates
As cycles repeat
And liquid evaporates, condensates,
And it falls once more;
When rains end
 Apr 2 Onoma
my grandad on my mother's side
was a lamplighter
so sad that these memories should die
that in some small way
helped to make me
A lamplighter lit the street lamps in London.
 Mar 10 Onoma
neth jones
weather breaks the clouds            
    a day of mouths  eating mouths
cold churning nature      
lording weight over my mood ;    
the role of a child   subdued
tanka style
 Mar 6 Onoma
Michael John

transference is us?!
and living by denial
i remember breakfast
by the nile

i was only seventeen..
it was nice
though  not very well
so beautiful..
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