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Shea Jun 2
A veil of fear
Floats around my face
I was some starry eyed child
Never taught self control

The fear of aging
And living through this day in age
Consumes me
And wanders aimlessly
In my brain
But still seems to stop me in my tracks

The things I’ve done
Remind me not only
That I am imperfect
But that I am aging
Growing into a starry eyed woman
Who learned that she can change
Because when you stop growing
You are dead
And I am full of life
I have nothing but time

And even so
Even if this veil of fear
Floats around my face
There are things I can only
Learn with time
There are things that only
Come with age
And I am aging all the time
I am growing all the time

So in that time
I will throw the veil from off my face
I am not afraid to age
I am not afraid to change
Shea May 26
Familiar sights, I'm covered in bites
and the ants crawl
and the night falls.
Spring comes, lights aspire
King set fires
October, the time of falling
Time has no meaning, it is tainted
and our lives are truly painted.
A rewrite of my favorite poem written in 2016
Shea May 8
Haunted by ghosts of past lovers and lives
But she holds her hand in mine
And holding her now
While time seems to slow down
The sound of her snoring and deep breaths
Comforts the part of me
That I’m too afraid to dissect
I’m not afraid to show her who I am

Haunted by ghosts of past lovers and lives
Slowly we are forgetting the sins and
All the things we did to deal with these
Past lovers and lives
Shea Mar 11
I was made for hopeless dedication, for love that feels like poetry. And it exists because I carry it with me. It's heavy and I can't put it down.
Shea Jan 6
Why would I choose you?
And flatter yourself under my skin
With visions of
What you think I should worship you?
Why would I choose you?
You’d never know the words
***** poets do to you
You’re not the only one
Don’t flatter yourself
With something you can touch
But will never understand
Shea Sep 2023
Cancer is a thief
It stole your faith,
Your lust for life

Cancer is a thief
It stole your breath, your lungs
And you from me

Death is not the end of life,
But growing up feels like the end of mine
As I got older, so did you
And you can’t do all the things you used to do
Which made me realize just how much things change

My size, soul, body, thoughts
Your skin, your energy
My memories are all I have left of you,
And of my childhood
Nothing is the same

And I think that it’s okay
That things change
You have to do it sometime
But I wish cancer didn’t steal
What I wanted to have forever
Shea Sep 2023
Cancer is a thief
It stole your breath, your lungs
And you from home

Cancer is a thief
It stole your faith,
Your lust for life

Cancer is a thief
It stole you from me
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