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Nitin Pandey May 23
हर्फ़-ए-लिबास पिरोये,
एक ख़्वाहिश-ए-ख़िताब लिखूँ...
रूह-ए-स्याह बिखरे जो,
तो तुम्हे नूर-ए-आफ़ताब लिखूँ...
It seems like I'm contemplating the concept of identity and its relation to moments. while a person's identity is not reducible to individual moments, those moments can still be indicative of their experiences, beliefs, and choices. being a person identity is formed through a complex interplay of various factors over time, including moments, relationships, and personal growth. and each moment contributes to the broader narrative of who a person is, rather than defining them entirely.
But, being an actor, I'm envisioning futuristic moments that can involve immersing myself in a role set in a futuristic scenario. For example, I have imagined portraying a character in a fictional set, in a distant future, where my thoughts have colonized other planets. and my character may grapple with my futuristic setting. I might need to imagine societal norms, and cultural shifts that define this future world, allowing me to fully embody the character and bring the futuristic moments to life on screen.
Nitin Pandey May 23
Hoping, distance would dull the pain,
Yet, those memories surprisingly rain.
Sipping my day to day with the sorrow,
Despite flow fares, filings are on tomorrow.
Nitin Pandey May 23
*******, moments are spelled,
Practically, THE THEORY failed.
She's lying on the heavenly bed,
I meant She's near around dead.
Fluid forced, flooring of her vein,
She's breathing like artificial rain.
I found her when she rose in the case,
In those days I was busy winning the race.
Now, I'm running out too far, to the betelled,
She left me a note, I think, it has to be settled,

The Note:)

When we lost together, we can not be found,
If I'm lost alone, it will always be a remound.
Nitin Pandey Apr 5
Amidst the moon's tranquil glow,
echoes of a cacophony reverberate flow.
intertwining chaos with serenity,
In this delving juxtaposition of security.
I find solace in the harmony of contradictions only,
embracing the tumultuous symphony of my life's journey.
The approach integrates by emphasizing the contrast between the moon's peaceful presence and the soundscape that accompanies it, so I'm just exploring the deeper meaning behind this juxtaposition.
Nitin Pandey Apr 1
वो थी सुबह, सुर्ख-ऐ-लाल,
उनका यूँ मिलना भी, था कमाल.
बातें तो चल रही अब भी, आसमानी रंगों सी फिलहाल,
मुकम्मल हुआ भी तो क्या? सिर्फ इश्क़ के 'बाल की खाल.
Nitin Pandey Apr 1
that fair to me?
Burn me,
to your heart's-content.
only this much praise has to be set.
don't strip me down to my Shroud sheet.
Nitin Pandey Apr 1
If I have any relationship with my God,
Maybe, Is it my fear?
In the shadows of suffering,
My beliefs and hopes stand as an unwavering pillar.
after every storm, a little more happiness returns to the day, like golden rays breaking through clouds. May I wish only my journey to be adorned with endless blessings, and may the tapestry of my life be woven with threads of joy, that would be never seen as fade and guilt.
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