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People will have something to say
However you do it, any way
If you stay quiet
Or have a lot to say
Whether you wake up late at night
Or early in the day
Whether you spectate
Or whether you play
Whether you’re straight
Or whether you’re gay
Whether you say
Yay or nay
Whether your an atheist
Or if you pray
Whether you’re black
Or white or gray
On your nerves
It’s gonna fray
If you bother with what
Other people say
2d · 99
Flight reflex
I have no walls
I am an open field as far as you can see
I refuse to blueprint my soul
By past wins and losses
I have no walls
But a strong reflex to flee
As soon as I dislike something I see
I’m sorry lady
You’re so angry
That you cannot make me agree
Your imaginary
Take on the situation
Is how it really be
You are certainly free
To believe what you
Think you can see
But the mirage in your mind
Has nothing to do with me
Breathing life
Into someone already living well
Is probably impossi-bell
And now
I sit here
The intricacies
Of turning impossibilities
Into likelees
But if I can turn
Into a word
You needing fresh air
Might not be absurd
4d · 45
This is me!
This right here
Is the rarest commodity
There’s never gonna be
Another ME
One of a kind
All throughout history
So it would be foolish to
Pretend to be
Some commonplace personality
Seen online or on TV
Altogether too frequently
But there is only one me
And, it is also true
There is only one you
And another
There never will be
A uniquely precious rarity
So, ROCK THAT ****
And be the youest you can be
Never offer an apology
Let the real you wild and free
If the you you are
Doesn’t hurt anybody
Wave your you flag determinedly
And celebrate when you see
Someone else say “this is me!”
4d · 46
Attention please
He walks so far away
Yesterday and today
Maybe he will see
One would think that would be up to me
Make myself known, flail about
Jump up and down
Scream and shout
Amid the crowd
Millions of kitties
Pulling up shirts
And showing off *******
I got ******* too
But my brain is
So much more beautiful
Like most things that are hard to see
You gotta pay attention to notice the beauty
5d · 51
Deep on demand
Trying to think of something poignant to say
But I’m not sure poignancy works that way
Think and think til your brain turns blue
But it’s just the kinda thing that’s gotta
Come  to you
I wanna see your ugly
I wanna smell your stink
Show me the dry, cracked heels
You walk upon
Present the dirt under your fingernails
Blackheads, zits, and straight up ****
Blow ya nose into a napkin and show ya boogasnots
Display the ***** q-tip pulled from your ear
Ingrown toenail, weird hair
There’s gotta be imperfection there
5d · 35
Coming warmth
Summer rising
Tshirts outside
Something special every year
The first time
5d · 30
Straight sauce
I wanna ******* so right
Your bones realign
5d · 24
It’s not a necessity
You and me
But it feels like
It really should be
5d · 34
No fixed limits
I ain’t planning on leaving here
If you ain’t planning on coming with me
I ain’t planning on staying endlessly
But I will, if that’s the way it has to be
6d · 49
You and I
Fo Eva Eva
Via Via
This poemonia
6d · 47
However it goes down
It won’t be said
I didn’t try
I fleet and flit
My attention
Not much to speak
Yet you
You captivate me
6d · 38
I feel you in the Wind
Tickling my skin
6d · 118
Harmlessly weird
Harmlessly weird is either fun or
Depending upon whether it’s
Or just
An act
6d · 80
Whispers of a dream
Turn into silent screams
Still, somehow heard
I know I am special enough
To be loved by a man like you
7d · 28
I’m not the type to make announced exits
Unless I love you
Then, you’ll know
It must be something
I can’t even name
Never before feeling
Makes me still want you
When you’re wearing that dorky hat
7d · 30
I ain’t gonna recover from wanting you
It will always be there
I might wind up meeting somebody new
But if you came around
Asking for me
I would answer so hastily
Heads would spin
And everyone would see
There isn’t anyone else as perfect for me
As you seem to naturally be
Beautiful, man, beautiful mind
Beautiful soul, so **** fine
So I will stand here in line
Waving my arms and shouting my lines
Maybe one day, it will be the right time
And I’ll throw up just the right sign
To cause your attention to become mine
May 23 · 45
Sliver of silver
Silver linings come in all shapes and sizes
Some are barrels
Some are bars
And some, just a sliver
Slivers of silver
Are apt to make one bitter
Striving so hard
For pittance of pitter
Turns one into
A resentful sitter
For silver
Which forever eludes
Waiting critters
May 23 · 33
Hard to see
Arguing over the internet
Futile, probably
Frustrating, surely
But occasionally
There is a hugely satisfying victory
All the better
There in writing
For everyone to see
One would assume
People want to avoid drama
But that’s not the case
For some who are so lonely
And inept at being friendly
So they create controversy
Just to interact with humanity
The natural reaction is to get angry
But really
We should feel sorry
Through the curtain of *******
The hurt person inside is hard to see
She was searching out drama
And wanted to pretend
I did something to offend
Not sure why
But it would seem
She searched out a beef
With specifically me
And so she imagined it to be
I’d behaved offensively
And with a few twists on the real story
She created a fantasy
That she seemed to really believe
In which I apparently
Did her *****
And now she’s gone from my vicinity
No hard feelings on my part, really
Good luck to her, but stay the Hell away
From me
May 22 · 46
It’s hard to be a grownup
With adult sensibilities
Thinking over the stupid crap
I did when I was a kiddie
There ain’t no going back
To when I was thirteen
And stopping myself from torturing
That poor girl I bullied
I can’t replace
The money
I stole from nana’s purse
When I was a teen
All I can do
Is not repeat
Those stupid mistakes
That may define me
May 22 · 124
I feel like I can’t truly call myself a poet
If I haven’t used the word “petrichor”
In a poem before
So here it is
My official entry
Into the poetry “industry”
May 21 · 51
You’re supposed to be cooler than this
Either turn it on
Or dismiss
It doesn’t have to end in a kiss
But it should be more, or less,  than this

((I say these things in vain
I’ll surely be back here
Begging again)
May 21 · 46
Bringing it to ya
Something you never before knew
The one and only
Never been seen
In the entirety of history
A golden rarity
Piece that fits so perfectly
You will never know
Unless you try to see
May 21 · 44
Lock and key and free
You are the ice and the tea
You’re the light when it’s too dark to see
You’re the journey and the destiny
You’re the missing part of me
You’re the carrots in my peas
You’re the laughter and the glee
You are the fight and the agree
You are the fervent, woeful plea
You are the only bullseye I see
You are the royal decree
You are for what my heart will bleed
You are the nest at the top of the tree
You are the coffee and the cream
You are the best show on TV
You are the waking and the dream
You are the luxurious shopping spree
You are the best player on any team
You are the yellow in the green
You are the sunrise over the sea
You’re the treasure that’s eluded me
You hold the lock and the key
Until you open the gate
I’ll never be free
May 20 · 35
Evicted from my world
I almost feel sorry for you
Sitting over there
Trying so hard to be offensive
And don’t nobody care
It must be thoroughly frustrating
To be ignored
When using every trigger word
Trolling, trolling, vigorously
Screaming “somebody PLEASE notice me!”
And still, nobody bothers to see
Your frustration displayed so angrily
Go back in the basement and shut the door
Cry for ya mummy til your lungs are sore
But whatever you do
Don’t come round here bothering me no more
May 20 · 48
Knocking boots
I wanna tickle him in his happy place
Put a big smile on his face
**** him up til he is spent
Make him wonder where his inhibitions went
Bring him to the brink
And all that he can think
Is jumping over the ledge
Trembling there, at the edge
And then I set him free
Into the realm of ecstasy
That is where he’ll be
Whenever he gets under me
May 20 · 132
Your such an angle to me
You’re goodness their for all to sea
Your the best person I no
So I must tell yew sew
May 20 · 33
Frustrated frustration
I want to be angry with you
Over something you didn’t know you were supposed to do
It’s true
But anger seldom thinks clearly
It sits in my chest
Makes a big mess
Takes away happiness’ success
And so
I pretend
And bend
Smile and remember that we are friends
The feeling is still there
Ignored by me
And ignored by you
Even more thoroughly
As you pretend
And bend
And act like you don’t see
Frustration welling up in me
May 19 · 41
It is alarming to see
How many unlocked doors
Are cloaked with invisibility
May 19 · 72
Lots of bruises
Cuts and scrapes
Pound of flesh
Life will take
Healing anyway
Just to spit in trouble’s face
May 19 · 55
Silent drumming
I bang my drum
Words on a page
Music you see
May 19 · 61
Beautiful muse
I wonder what the chances be
That he has never noticed me
Slim, really
And yet, here I still be
Waving my arms so vigorously
He need not acknowledge that he see
These poems aren’t only for him
They’re also for me
And I share them to he
So he can see how beautiful I think he be
May 19 · 36
Hemming and hawing
Braying and cawing
Practically bawling
Begging for you
And this inept
Grab at a slice of attention
That never comes
Is all this dummy can do
May 19 · 64
Golden confessions
I want to ****** your dark places
And spaces
Tell me what keeps you from sleep
Unburden yourself from the secrets you keep
Give me your story of guilt and remorse
Walk me through your mind’s obstacle course
Show me your ugly
Share all the bitter
Truths and lies that make up your litter
Splay yourself all over the scene
In my mind’s eye
Lose control; laugh and cry
Pound your fists on the ground
And ask God “why?!”
Share who you are
Give it a try
I promise you no matter what I see
I will search for it’s beauty
No matter how ugly it be
May 19 · 66
Naked soul
The problem with me
I’m such a fan of my poetry
Each written honestly
Feelings bared
For all to see
Which naturally
Bums me out
When nobody notices me
Got my **** right out so publicly
Jiggling, wiggling, ******* are free
All this soulful ******
And not a soul who wants to see
May 19 · 52
Maybe it’s me
Maybe I’m intimidating
With all that brazen speculating
On what I see in he and me
And what I think we could be
Maybe I am just annoying
And altogether too adoring
Who knows what the reason be
That he is so thoroughly
Uninterested in me
May 18 · 33
Memories that I can’t erase
Of an imaginary happy place
You and I could be
If you’d only notice me
May 18 · 39
Deaf ears
Hard way learner
Back burner
Is where I seem to stay
Not one compliment
He will pay
Despite the nice things I always say
Maybe I should rearrange
Tactics, goals, or honesty
Cannot figure out
How to get him to notice me
Losing battles fought for love
Are still lost
At whatever cost
No silver-lined cloud
I just said all that **** out loud
Right in front of the crowd
Everyone with the ability to hear
Turning to me their deaf ear
Maybe the fault is with me
Babbling on uncomfortably
While I think I’m being unique and sweet
I cannot tell the perception of me
But it’s all I can be
Just me
Who no one hears and no one sees
May 18 · 39
For some speedy
It could be
You don’t even notice me
But it is more likely you see
And don’t know what the Hell
To do with me
So doors stay unopened
And you peek through curtains
Out of morbid curiosity
Whatever it be
That makes you not acknowledge me
It ain’t from lack of trying
And it’s sort of unkind
To pretend to be blind
And leave me to dance here
If you have no intention
You could give that a mention
And put me out of my misery
Of splashing my foolish dreams
Out in these waters so publicly
But then again
You have no obligation
To set this foolish girl free
Maybe it’ll always be this way
But until I hear it from you
Here I stay
And this I do
May 18 · 57
Invisible girl
I feel the effect
Of your neglect
But that’s something you’ll never see
When you don’t ever look at me
May 18 · 89
The gift of absence
Against my will
Probably healthy
But torture, still
May 18 · 37
You are put to good use
I’ve lost count of all
The nuts I’ve busted
With you as the muse
As far as nut busting goes
You, sir, are a pro
Even when you do not know
You are the best
******* mascot  
It’s pretty cool to be so great
At something in which
You don’t participate
Real and feel
Just have to rhyme
So I can write you a poem
About my real feelings
One more time
May 17 · 41
Step one
From hundreds of miles away
Not even sure if I’ll get there someday
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