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Bard Jun 2019
Its not okay, but don't worry
Its all okay, If you dont worry

Young and on the run always hurry
Move-in quick and erratic always a flurry
Grow older every step, what's the hurry
But everyone dies so why do I worry
Bard Jun 2020
Can't hear a word you say
As i drown in rosé
Bard Dec 2018
Other day I was thinkin
Lettin **** sink in
Openin my vision
On the horizon a leviathan

Coulda died the other day
I lied the other day
No pride in the way
Might've ****** killed myself the other day

Dark thoughts in my throat
Dark blots swimmin in my note

Final goodbyes as we part ways
Final lies as I cut ties
Bard Jan 2020
Forget and live
Regret to relive
Memory's are lazy
And the past is hazy

Years lost in a sigh
Who even was I
Just some guy
Lost in the lie
Year to Year
Bard Dec 2018
Sentience is life
Sanctity a lie
Sayin it alive

"I think therefore I am"- Descartes
So may as well be a slab of ham a part
Ship the guts off to a lab grow a heart

Social value before Science breakthrough
Society lies before Society lives
Public hysteria some Hateful euphoria

Cloud regulation
With false allegation
Corrupt litigation
By holy congregation
A rights desecration
In an uptight nation
Bard Dec 2020
Look out to the coast, look out for the ghosts
Its those old posts that will chase you the most
While you make a toast ice cubes and frost
In your glass fine taste kept a high cost
Just tell yourself its worth all that's lost

Faust broke bread at your table
Took your hand and wrote your label
Sable eyes dead but working and able
Job with ties has you working and stable
Odd that its all lies faker than fables
Bard Aug 2020
Academia can *******
Had to learn trig to pass
A test pre req for a class

That algebra is all that needs to be known
Intro chem is not a place for tan, cos, and sin
Yet I had to learn and teach it all on my own

After Doing the teaching and learning
They came around and started charging
Hundreds and thousands for nothing

So academia can *******
Had to learn calc to pass
A test pre req for a class

Do your ******* job teach me how to get a job
These administrators are just some ******* slobs
Paid three hundred grand to play with their knobs

If the systems broken fix it or at least override it
Instead you support it while students go into debt
How the **** do you run at a deficit and yet

You take every sweaty blood stained penny
Shake down every downtrodden who looks sorry
Sorry that college was the only choice outta poverty

Academia can eat my ******* ***
Didn't learn **** but I'll still pass
Cause they don't teach **** in the class
Bard Apr 2021
So far from utopia no one even tries
Watch the weak all die, telling themselves lies
Do you feel the betrayal of a honest days pay
Despair without hope in hell we all stay

Why do we live this way, is it the american way
The kids are dying everyday as elders pray
Mothers are crying as the NRA sponsors our grave
Born long after any better days tell me to learn a trade

Or live life as a slave working off the debt of yesterday
Worthless lives who can't even look at an ICU
I have to say it seems humanity lost its way
When scraps of paper mean more than surviving the day

Some people should just say it that they hate the less fortunate
Walls to stop immigrants they just wanted to live somewhere safe
Drugs are smuggled by the guards we pay sponsored by the state
Suburbanites who never faced real fear killing in the name of hate

Drug addicts put in prison till the rot away
Some ******* wouldn't have it any other way
We're all a cancer what else is their to say
Pray to Jesus while damning all of his ways

Put spikes under the freeway to keep them away
Build cases instead of places for the homeless to stay
Then justify it by saying who will be the one to pay
Don't know why I pay taxes anyway

Bask in radioactive snow static on the TV show
Down and down we go living in misery and woe
Spiraling down further till rock bottom is all we know
How low will we all go before we start fighting the flow
Bard May 2021
So many claim that they will commit violence
But are cowards who will commit to silence
In the moments of need remain still and compliant
Thank goodness for others cowardice
How else would we have unregulated avarice
Bard Mar 2021
In local news a killers on the loose
And he's tying up another noose
your neck feels awful, loose

The ******* son burns high above
Father is gone where has he gone
He's lost in love or has he lost his love
Don't you take that tone

Don't you know what he's done
Shouldn't you tell someone
Before its all done and gone

The ******* sun burns high above
It's tattered but its warm
It's rays push and shove
They grip till the fabrics torn

Silk and velour how did you afford more
Lost his ***** and now he feels poor
Her neck circled with silk and velour

You saw purple through the crack in the door
Witnessed light battered in the daylight
Now speaking to death your not so sure
What is illusion and what is right

Just need to see one more just to be sure
The ******* sun will shine once more
A noose in the news at four

Another dead *****
Then sirens knock at the door
And you tell them your not sure
Why this body rests on your floor

In local news a killer faces the noose
And his neck is looking awful, loose
Bard Jun 2020
Free flow is a wild ride no goal or pride
No drive, I walk through with no guide
Moods wax and wane with the tides
Interests ebb and sway with nights

Till I slip into that choppy water
Another case of human fodder
Lassoed by the greed of the butcher
Yanked in undertow to the slaughter

Fish out of water panic and inhale
Alveoli drenched skin turned pale
I die as I breath unbirth the tale
Toxify blood with Co2 as I trail

Fray at the rope around my throat
Underwater choke under the boat
Hull just above so I can't float
Got painted with a blue coat

Bruised blue finger tips and lips
Washed on shore gather the chips
Zombies walk the coast for licks
Get those rotten green bricks

Use em to buy resurrection
An ride the turgid *******
Of life with no protection
Just to feel the connection
I've been in a weird mood lately
Bard Dec 2019
The light went out a mile back
But I'll walk forward in the dark
Empty roads mirror what I lack
I'm busy, I'm out on a lark

Too busy for you and me
So find someone else to see
Cursed with popularity
Time lost in entirety

**** it blow off another friend in need
A little time alone is all I need

I'm barely worth all this time
That everyone gives my rhymes
Everyone given me time
And then they ask me for mine

But I'm used to being alone
So I'll just blow you off
And go get ******
Just let me off

I'm so tired all the time
then everyone hits me up
To give me time
And ask for mine

So used to being alone
Not used to all these people
Only sulking on my own
Thought I was a *******

Never thought people could like me
More than I can even like me
Don't know how to function without
Being on my own and without

I have it all still I stand in the dark
Empty roads a mirror to what I lack
So many people are standin at my back
Trying to keep it all is makin me crack
Bard Jul 2021
Nowhere left in the sky
Now no one will ever fly
Say mayday, say mayday
As all hope goes away
At the cliff feel the breeze and sway
It lifts you to a kneel and sends you away
Bard Dec 2020
Darkness all around me set aside my light for belonging
Welcome to the abyss it resides beside your right and its growing
Lazarus in the flesh I don't fully exist so I cant fight whats coming
Hundreds green lush don't really fill the abyss just grows longing
Goes long but falls short silly people flip bricks and know deaths knocking
Can you hear it he's knocking, can you hear it the guns cocking
It all depends on whether you are of data or of the lost in earths strata
Born of dirt and its your stigmata be de-serviced or reborn as auto-mata
No room for poor flesh as you are to god, worthless
But pious gears thresh it from body a priceless business
My confessions are existences as worthless lesions
Life for passions, persistent refusal of life's lessons
Its wanton days spent profitless and yet the prophet begs the question
"Will you condemn yourself to society's prison"
"Come my son and drink of my poison"
"Or you shall drown in freedoms ocean"
If the choice is society or freedom than I am foreign
If they would let me I would be free of the chains
But angels blessed me with feathers followed by fetters
First they taught me with educators then put me neath betters
So I type out my many letters till the bars of the cuckoo birds cage rusts
Watch cracks and dig at dreams till it all busts at the seams
Unfortunately it seems I will die before freedom will sing
Bard Mar 2020
President wants us dead for the bottom line
Maybe after its over they might give him a fine
More like he'll get paid and it'll get called fine
Every rotten thing I thought of this home of mine

Confirmed by massive stock dumps at the onset
Could have saved a thousand lives instead get
To make a death cult worshiping  the market
Divided on whether our lives are worth it

Government is arguing on if they should **** the poor
Cause they aren't making enough millions this quarter
Trying to push the death toll even higher
Nothing changed, seeing its just easier

Bloodshed of decades propagated by us
Bloodshed instigated by our vote in the U.S.
Now the murderous ignorance will hurt us
Uneducated voters and idle people of the U.S.

Blood of the poor who cant get healthcare
Blood of the third world to small for care
Lives ruined for capital and power ever year
Lives ruined for capital today its so near

Ice rinks filled with corpses are the price
Sweat shops and misery are the price
Ghettos and brutality are the price
A world burning to ash is the price

For our gross negligence these are the costs
For our uneducated country lives are lost
For a red cult once again America could be lost
A new red scare more insidious than the last

People support elephants as they get crushed underfoot
They loathe they're constituents willing to make any cut
Cut education, cut healthcare, but the always get their cut
excised the experts, gutted the cdc, its so clear ******* cut

Who is rotting the body why is this body failing
Maybe its all those cuts amputating everything
Maybe its the glut of wealth stopping blood flowing
Maybe its the suicidal gasping and grasping

Always reaching for the wealth and power
Rabidly wanting higher, higher, higher
When 99.99% of ******* fall lower
And the .001% stand on corpses piling higher

And all I can do is sit quarantined and vent my anger
Bard Jun 2021
True colors show, crimson red on the snow
Deeper reds I go, in every crack is a hateful glow

I hate my ****** family that stole my cash
And **** my friends who never last
So unhappy in every camera flash
Always wondering when will it end

Hated my poverty scarred childhood
Furious in my adolescence surrounded by people who never understood
Now seething and empty I brace myself for adulthood

I dream of dripping meat and bloodbaths
Wanna hurt the elite cause all my friends are dying fast
Wanna **** cause my family got prescribed pill bags
Under my eyes darkness sags

All I see anymore is cash and pain
All I see anymore is trash and rain
All this trash and pains gonna crash the train
Focus in and be insane so wash your brain

Every talking head sounds the same
Everyone clamoring for change
Everyone clamoring for the same
Everyone saying it's such a shame
Bard Jul 2020
See myself over the shoulder
Never associate with my self
**** hits the fan and I get colder
Losing touch with myself
Feels like I'm watching another life

These hands can't be mine
Hands shackled by crime
Over the shoulder
I watch a colder
Man than I, a killer

Treat myself to a cocktail and drugs
Treatment to stop failure of lungs
Self medicate and consolidate my ego
Before I lose my will and let it go
The last shreds of who I was sposed to be
Before I was exposed to the street

Look at an old photo and I don't know
The ***** in the picture where'd he go
Soft boy with kind eyes found on a milk carton
Killer was caught found in his skin got a pardon
Accomplices with Alice, Jane, and molly
I'm still me? are you ******* kidding me

I can't be someone I hardly know
Every action and word is for show
Reactions I can't predict what he'll do
Snap and he might follow through
Or I could rein it in and stay cool
Is he I, could be I wish it wasn't true
Bard Jul 2020
Cut off some friends haven't been out in a week
They out to party like life isn't aboutta end
Say I'm paranoid, Say I oughta take a break
That's stupid, not sorry and I mean to offend

I get outta bed gas mask on the bedstand
Light up a match flag burned and trash canned
WW1 ain't **** to an anti-science fascist land
A rancid maggot-infested wonderland

Don't ******* tell me to chill cuz your blind
Eyes pecked out by shills now you just unwind
Your ironed out wrinkle-free smoothed out mind
Hunned K dead tell me what do you intend

With all this mask hatin and beach partyin
Blue suits over human life you ain't kiddin
Eat my **** and die this last year meant nothin
******* and all the fun we had we ain't talkin

I'm not perfect I suffer my addictions
But I would never **** some to perdition
Cause of prejudice to a skin condition
If loyalty to pigs is your position

We are through we ain't crew you ******* tool
I know I'm a bad person but you're worse than
An ex dealer while I grew you stayed a fool
It stings losin a friend but you ain't a man
Bard Apr 2021
We worship under angry gods who count each and every sin
Scripture says its best to applaud as our home shall burn
So sayeth the flock so sayeth the lord look back and be unborn
Justice in faith Holyness to those that placate the form
Just once I wish to live life more than the meek and the worm
To get caught in the eye of a needle and be lost in the storm
My lifestyle called feeble looked at like I grew out horns
Living too idle, I'm no Able but I know I'm not Cain
Guess some see it as all the same can only live in one lane
Faith is the only way to deliver oneself from eternal pain
But if its all the same I'm fine gonna embrace a way of my own soon
Bard Apr 2022
Take the abuse, yeah I love to abuse
Abuse my lungs I do it for fun
Light up the fuse keep it loose

Outta hand outta grasp
Drink in hand break the cask
Bard Dec 2021
Corpses follow me everywhere
Every step is dread on the stair
Me and empty airs always a pair
What do they care

Gods in a zero and ego is the one
Encoded on the sconce carved in bone
Digits grasp at scripts, flicker on the tome
This is no home

Shadow tints off its sheen a wraith
Misty eyes drown a foggy faith
Murdochs docket was a taste
Billions with a face

Senses made listless buzzed and restless
Rinse the gristle till its sodden an lifeless
Spawn pence on a trumpets estrus
Bile wins the race

Air flows through a blue spile
Just leave the corpse on its pile
Ghetto birds nest outside landfills
You'll stay awhile

States of matter are caged, slain, and in pain
State of a master gated golden ghoulish grins
State your worth state it at birth and begin
To not matter is sin

Plaque in the heart black is the art
Cannibals at work called it wal-mart
Consummate greed and our worst part
She's a ****, a ****

A vote another class war lost at the poll
A painful visual till the orbs sunk into my skull
Wistful introspection absorbed into my own soul
Blind to the quiet cull
Bard Jan 2021
Emotions are the aperture
To anger then something fainter
Diplo emotions I'm bipolar
Heavy smoker, the chain toker
Draw slow its a nail puller
Faster the energetic sinner

Manifesto says never be vulnerable
And if you move blow don't touch the snow
Die young attain oblivion or grow venerable
Who knows how it will go in a show full of wacko's
At Del Taco and the cheese an grease is delectable
Pupils dilate and I speak in tongues, unintelligible

New genesis says the end is nigh
Wretched stoner I stay high
As the crow flys a mile from goodbye
You'll live a long life and enjoy
Sorry, I lied its all strife and you're a toy

Gods playing with action figures
Without any batman just jokers
******* and hookers
***** films they entertain
Suspect your not really sane
Insane is the common brain

Switching lanes and breaking glass panes
Both have a nice ring both mean the same thing
Won't leave any leftovers once I move through ya
Clipped wings to get angel dust in my coca cola
Bubbles in my veins heart bursts like Clydes
Bonnie weeping over me with a forty five

They made me and now they say they hate me
I'll uproot this whole family tree just wait and see
Roots rotten they took me all the way to the bottom
Branches cracked bleached and forgotten
Youngsters left for dead and misbegotten
And our elders are psychopathic mass murderers

They needed benefits so burn the witch
Creepshow and the freaks march to the trench
Evil smiles gotta glow, geeks eat up every inch
No green miles no water feel the burn in every stitch
Crutch rolled up in the joint smoked then spoke without a point
Such is life another meaningless thing under the sun its quaint
Bard Dec 2019
Lost in never never land
Sand grains flow in hand
Bands flowin make a grand
Lose it in never never land

Cards in my hand never good
An ace high bluff and stand
Just to make it to dreamland
Let it roll see where the crown land

Chasin losses will never make a winner
But leavin the *** now is leavin dinner
Roll all in on eatin tonight ramen on the burner
Another gamble a little bit thinner

Every choice is a gamble for a future
Bet my soul become indenture
Lost in anothers venture
Never land better never go under
50/50 if college is just reckless spending or an investment
Bard Mar 2022
Im running away every day
More and more words to say
I guess things will never be okay

Water soon to be a hot commodity
Ten years at most till we trade bodys
For a drink and everyones an enemy

The elders scarred my back and ripped out my heart
Abusers who feathered and tarred every upstart
They partied while the childs life fell apart

I hate them all no love left, ***** soon to be in our court
But the ***** ****** flat and the coach said we fell short
We could've built a future but instead they made it sport

Well they won and their children lost
Never did care about us and that hurts the most
Or maybe what hurts is that I won't mourn the ghost
And if you think kids these days are just lazy I'll be ******* on your grave in the ruins that are left to us
Bard Sep 2020
Something in the water get caught and you'll drown
Just bought a bottle and we're all headed down
Doesn't matter if you drop out or got a cap and gown
Bitter but feel better after a night out on the town
Go getters and quitters all buried under this ground

Its the future and the time flows like mercury
Retrograde, retrowave, means lost in nostalgia
All composure in present is from more *****

Citys alight at night fires burn brighter futures lookin brighter
Ash and blight fills our sight screams and sirens get louder  
Crash incoming cant see obstacles incoming hit the powder
Blast off explosions turn projects to dust and mortar
As it settles to coals after pyrotechnics a moment is quieter

Regain composure in the present with more *****
The future is a toxin and it flows like mercury
Look back retrograde, retrowave, lost in nostalgia

Details weigh heavy in the air we breathin  
Deceit flys every way as broadcast speakin
Repeats leak in many lungs as they breath it in
Doors open and now the thieves are in
Laws broken and the people are misbegotten

Obsessed with retrograde, retrowave nostalgia
Losin composure theres never enough *****
Toxins flow in, time flows out, its like mercury

The earths baked and the landmass disappears with snowflakes
Hearts been staked in class learned we're all soon to die its fate
Parts they break and these are the last as fear grows it gets late
Charts talkin they doomsay, hearsay, naysay, scream mayday
Just wanna say its gonna be okay, but I won't lie not today
Bard Jun 2020
I admit to deception in its name
In the name of easing pain
Sometimes it takes the rain
I'd lie a million times for a change
Bard Aug 2022
I need water thats the nail in the coffin
Missing some screws on those coffers
No future for a buck thats the offer
Indenture your life forever after

Droughts and heat in the room so take a seat
Its about to beat down our tomb and dig up the meat
Watch brothers cannibalize each other we all gotta eat
We all gotta live but the livings run out so take your seat

The perpetrators stacked the bread up real high
But the wheats all gone and I hope that currencys a lie
Traitors among the starved left their children to die
The elephants got itself a long rope and hung us real high

Mouth dry skin cracked the bones will break through skin
To dry to cry wracked with pain all alone we break in sin
Was the high worth the dead planet was it worth the end
The end is nigh is what they said
Said the Mayan
Said the Roman
Said the Babylonian
Said the Akkadian
Said the Persian
Said the Sumerian
Said the American
Bard Jun 2020
Ten thousand years and we're still peasants
Now the ruling class hunt us like pheasants
Presently they act like their oppression is a present
When we act ungracious get gassed till we pleasant

They never cared when opioids hit the street
Why would they when their the pusher
Catch you with drugs they sold and they're the punisher
Arrest an addict and then in the cell they **** her
Evil ******* in the force enforcing like predators
Live life proper and you'll still end up behind bars
If blue stars decide your life offend theirs

Armed like the military and they declare war
On the peasants fighting brutality and alls fair
Might mace a kid cause his skin aint fair
So much pain and I'm no believer but I send a prayer
For every Trayvon Martin and every Tupac Shakur

If we're being real police have never helped me
All they do is spread fear and imprison the free
They'd shoot a man for taking a knee
But let a murderer walk free
Police cause chaos in the street
So defund the police and lets see
If we can have peace, finally
Bard Jun 2021
Citizens everyone of us
Future of business in the class
Passionless, as I pass into the middle class
Fall in line with all the rest

Boss said its time too get paid
Ghost say its best to learn a trade
Make a nest and live as a slave
Only alternative is an early grave

Citizens everyone of us
Irons and gears in our rust
Leaders that make the devil blush
Under foot the meek feel the crush

Decay on the highrises death before our irises
Ashes make me say less make me feel blessed
Blindsided by the crash burning up to fix it
Strings of violence chasing after finances

Small towns raised from dirt left to the curb
Suburbs running from filth is what I deserve
Moneys the only master left to serve
Reach out and grab it if you got the nerve
Bard Aug 2020
Look at what we've done
Through whispers lost in confidence
Contemplate with the gun
Cause here it comes
Its all coming undone
All is lost and none is won

Machines of steel and estates
Grindstones sharpen the state
And dust is our fate
As of late
She hardly wakes
To sirens over the lake

Who poisoned the well
With liquor and bubbly swell
In the noon we drank swill
And in the morn we fell
None left that can tell
Who slipped the pill

I guess this is it
While children throw a fit
We already left
To enjoy the remnant
Drowsy from death time to light
Set it all alight

A funeral for the future
Make-up and sutures
A body in its sepulcher
Pay respect to who we ******
All respect to our sole benefactor
Cry and lie aren't we great actors
Bard Nov 2020
The gold and quicksilver flow upriver
Cold metal acts like water and shimmers
Amalgams come out in slivers, solid no quiver
Seepin into drinkin supply taintin livers
Curin life within daily doses part from life like moses
No one wants it, but strange forces have their enforcers
Pinkerton police, business moguls, and media sorcerers
While you curl up on your comforter
Meandering over boo hoos, poor me
Cant afford to treat your dying grandmother
Pressure creeps on your back, feeling smothered?
Smother her or lose your future
Bard Sep 2019
It began on a Despairing Night:
I was the most Depressed Laborer around,
He was the most Fake Delusion.

He was my Friend,
My Fake Friend,
My Delusion.

We used to Sleep so well together,
Back then.
We wanted to Die together,
We wanted it all to end.

But one Night, one Despairing Night,
We decided to Lie too much.
Together we Chased Death.
It was Pathetic, so Pathetic.

From that moment our relationship changed.
He grew so Lonely.

And then it happened:

He Lived Life.
My Friend Lived Life.

The next day I thought my mind had broken,
I thought my Life had burst into flames,

But still, He is in my thoughts.
I think about how it all changed that Night,
That Despairing  Night.

When I think of that Fake Delusion,
That Fake Delusion and me.
Something different
Bard Feb 2021
Count the holes in my teeth about as many as the holes in my heart
What was it I was supposed to see when does my life finally start
Bard Mar 2021
Saw an article that said people who talk to themselves are geniuses. The source most likely people who talk to themselves, but was it they or the voices that said they were geniuses.
Bard Jun 2019
Never needed a reward to give my heart away
Never needed a punishment for my edges to stay

I don't believe in flying away into a divine sky
And falling into a abyss of pain seems a lie

When I draw my final breath I'm okay
If it is the last time I say goodbye

No perfection to be found in my soul
And I think the many flaws are cool

The human body is not just a tool
To obtain eternity, but maybe I'm a fool

I always give my heart away
And keep my edges at bay

I do not sit and pray
Not for a holy play

But for my own desire and pride
To find my way ego is my guide
Bard Jan 2022
I don't love you because I don't know how
Sorry I met you but I didn't have anywhere to go
I know you have to go I know it was just a dream

And hey if that's how it is then it's just business
Take the time and move the finish line its endless
I paid into a hit list oh god what did I witness
Here's to my continued financial success. Here's to my future financial excess. Here's to my eventual death.
Bard Oct 2021
Our generation is somewhat infertile
Cause its hard to **** amongst ****'n bile
Bard Jul 2022
If your feeling optimistic then go get checked at your optometrist
I've been called a cynic but I really feel dead and pessimistic  
Always been a critic to curb the sickness I smoke it chronic
Words like knives and the cuts are turning septic
Anxious hives over what was progress is caustic
Patience leaves us desiccated and filled with plastic
The elders worship ******* and fascist isn't it tragic
Currency fetters us wagies compliance tacit to magats
Urgency after the page is riddled fully automatic
Solvency under law since the Ritten word became tactic
Theorys get bitten from a foxes tale ripped from static
Its a habit of cult classics like Catholics oppressing hicks
We sit in this death cult around psychotics or rock the ship
Have to prove good and antibiotics can still cure this ****
Or face terminal loss and watch our kids eat the bullet
Bard Dec 2018
Feelings lost in a void
Haunted by Freud
Paranoid of the noise
etc. etc.
Bard Apr 2019
Eat the pain, Beat and batter
Cracked egg, Brain lost all matter
Scrambled, fried put on a platter

Nibble on a thought, Blend memories with fantasy
Seasoning fraught, Zero calories filling is apathy

Negative calories,  A crisp memory
Like Celery, A dish best unserved clearly
Pour on seasoning making memory peppery

Peppered with unreal delusional flavors
A mixture dancing on my mind I sit and savor
This dish laced with mindbending party favors
Bard Mar 2019
Nothing is forever
Nothings end is never

Nothing will be there in the end
In the beginning nothing will I tend

Till nothing is all I shall reap
Nothing in my heart for me to keep
Bard May 2020
The past is shifting like words in the air
Its quiet now and so hard to hear
Don't know who I've forgotten so I feel fear
Fear of the unknown which was once near
Bard Oct 2020
Thief in love he gotta thick goth gf
Russian chick few days boutta be bff's
Rushin in, few months he's her bf
Lookin like future with her to his left

Passion burns, at a Kebab shop it starts
Thief done got robbed took his heart
Helen and Bob, Incredible its art
The young heart throb with a sweetheart
wrote this for a the homie Thief
Bard Aug 2020
Freedom of speech is only ever true
If no one is listening to you
Watch what you say you can disappear too
Bard Jun 2020
Hard to sleep in these times of turmoil
Apparently trump is our new royal
And currently those that are loyal
Put people in the *** to boil
Bard Nov 2020
Label me a radical, a criminal, a ******* liberal
Eyes are critical and logical, thoughts are cynical
I am lethal, I am suicidal, maybe homicidal

Your fealty to the wealthy is filthy
This city made of many is ******
Somebody over fifty makes the money

Won't get better can't even send a letter
Careful if you tread here below is a shredder
Its a tax evader tears apart people and paper

One ******* on the roof looks to the ******* on the floor
Profits through a glass roof raining shards onto the floor
"Stop It" "It Hurts" "Where's the Proof" "Here's the Door"

No money, no ***, just drugs
So funny, so psychedelic, just dregs
Get money, get ***, just a wallstreet ****

******* if you don't care ******* if you don't believe it
***** to be you below getting ****** and no one gives a ****
***** to be you above ******* without consent, leave a cheap tip
Finally met the rich conservative ******* and partied with them and now I'll get 15 an hour because thats "Real minimum wage" to these people they just think poor people are ******* lazy I was ******* dying trying to barely make things work at 9.89 an hour and these ******* get paid 15 an hour to do half the work and while they do it they preach conservatism and deny that minimum wage needs to go up even though they have never had to live off that **** so **** them, *******, and **** me.
Bard Nov 2020
Years chewed up and spit out like double bubble
Chains accrued bit by bit, growing out a stubble
Gains accrued lost in a night in one drunken stumble
Flowers burned blast off in the night sky like Hubble telescope
Me and my homies float without a boat couple a tokes
Everythings funny and I just need to smoke
Got like half a pound in my ****** coat
Without it I might just choke
***** just a joke

Stoner at the party I aint a loner
Under the stars feel like a goner
David Bowie I'm a black star
Cloud my eyes so I don't see far
Clouds roll out the car
Lungs full of dinosaur tar
**** the earth I chill on mars
**** livin ***** a chore
**** bullshittin its a bore
**** im low I need some more
Living high the choice, or

Living a lie every week till friday
Paying my way every payday
Making a choice which do I say
Which way does the rope fray
Do I stay or off the edge I sway
***** just a joke laugh in may

Winter comes and I die in December
Enter the reality of someone noone remember
******* regularly hand grips the member
Participate in everything the club im a member
The party you know im gonna be there
That 40oz im swimming in the amber
No more mind lost it like kramer
Build every line cuz I'm the framer
Wish I made time to be a star
Wish upon a star hope I'll go far

Instead of drowning in the dinosaur tar
Dead in the morning wont last four more bars
Dont have any mourning my passing anymore
Dont have anything left, not existing I'm in the dark
Its all crashing despite the trying nothing seem to work
No more lying, told you I wouldn't last this is the last bar
Bard Jul 2020
Never got to be a child had to be the man
Age nine and I was the only one that gave a ****
So ****** I handle my **** the best I can
Cause nothins been free except for dyin
So I've been cheatin, stealin, and lyin
Since I was a youngun its been survival
To charm and lie see everyone as a rival
In a game where its death if you get tabled
I ran the cards with sharks, waters chummed
Everyone smells blood so my hearts stone
It don't pump red it sits empty in the bone
I will never atone for what I've done
But I'll live to see the sun
Bard May 2021
Saltwater fills the tills and the tide won't let me breath
Insects chase my dread roaches burning in my sheets
Whiskey neat to help me drown underneath
How'd I still get burnt standing in the sea
Bard Mar 2021
Someone pass me the meds
Something to take away our heads
So we don't end up dead
Watch it don't talk to the feds
Leave you on red in your beds

Never talk it out your not a person
Villain criminal **** get taught a lesson
Punishment for all your running
Acting as protectors killing children
Only hope is being someone worth something

If your bank rolls in seven digits
Then life is what you live it
Otherwise be wise to keep a head down
Super sized painted with lies make a clown
Then on trial get paraded around

Another success of the system
Lifeless person assigned as ****
Look the systems gone and won
Victory, victory and my brother is gone
Judged booked by the pious how to atone

Live in a cell eat at the bell
Live in hell get stabbed in the hall
One last call or freedom if you tell
Oh well, oh well even if you'd never sell
Still welcome to hell may you forever fall

The people cheer for this is the cause of fear
They leer at pathetic addicts and their tears
Mock the poor as if its a choice to be born
Back to the hills and pools ignore the others
Who turn to pills and swill to pull together

Why fix a problem that can be swept into a corner
Kept in districts far from home my as well be foreigners
Don't you dare jump the border or face precincts anger  
Your no father not a toddler just society's disorder
Kept in mind as criminal stay in your quarter
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