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Jeremy Betts
41/M/Washington State   
Jme Love
44/F/Cloud9    I think. I feel. I write. Sometimes i share sometimes i dont. Im no different than anyone else. Just trying to make it in a ...
19/F    „From my rotting body flowers shall grow and I am in them, and that is eternity“ - Edvard Munch // All rights reserved
65/M/London England    Lady J collection now published
Thomas W Case
56/M/Clear Lake My book, Seedy Town Blues is on Amazon
31/F/Cleveland    ladybird sun. jo march moon. barbie rising.
seeking dream donations
Imran Islam
30/M/🍁✓Lure Pot ✓🍁    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
where East meets West    Feeling Playing Recycling myself Writing as a way of being together
Radhika Krishna
19/F/hurtling through space   
M/Tunisia    Naceur ben Mesbah is a university professor.
Agent Provocateur4
**at your own peril** dare to vex provoke, antagonize, exasperate that is what my words will do they won't irritate or annoy, bug you or ...
Smoke Scribe
with the aid of smoke, all clear, and this absurdity, strikes me as normal...
Emeka Mokeme
M/Nigeria    A Naturopathic Physician,Poet, Researcher,Lecturer,Human rights activist,Crisis Councillor, Humanitarian, Author of A Guide to Health(Natural Medicine), Whisperings from within:Poems by Emeka Mokeme,Personal Glimpses,and a Poetry Therapist.
Sorrowful Serendipity
16/F/Itomorie    my presence may feel like a pretty serenity, but my existence is the profound definition of insanity. ~m "finding refuge in my own lies" :3
40/F/A Dream    Creative writer, dreamer, make-believer...INFJ...
Erian Rose
18/Non-binary/Based in Wisconsin    Xe/They / HS '23 / Published Poet, Translator, Journalist, Working Editor & Lit Magazine Founder
18/Genderqueer/Canada    writing to counteract the weirdness of my brain and the depression that comes along with it; they/them
22/F    Texas for sure, a girl, a woman, a mystery, a buzzard and an eagle

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