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it means the innermost room.
the room where the first point is made that
makes the man, the place of unshared secrets common to us all,
the penetralium.

penetrate my heart, and that is where you find yourself
is this for real or fun.

We call William James to witness:
Where there is no difference, no distinction is to be made.

Some thoughts seem insistent, believe me,
others seem confident that your unbelief, changes nothing.

Beg to differ, please.
Is the meaning clear? Penetralium.
Now Emily Bronte and me and John Keats all mean nearly
the same idea, at core, when we employ this once idle word.
Six years to ripen, for real, I watch the first stars with a granddaughter, ten;
then come to my scribal office, I see Penetralium in a file name, this is that, projected from six years ago, a document journey since I first accounted for the power in that whole idea. The reason for post peace preparation...

Gotta expand the penetralium, gotta deal with spherical infinite points,
examining a lived life is an investment in others
As I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to take
Ease my pain, for I am broken
Make still my thoughts
Toss out my dreams like the ash
Of a fire that died ages ago.

My will is gone
My strength is waning
I pray for sleep
But never waking.
multi sense experience
all clamouring for attention

you can close your eyes
to ease your burden

to rest a weary mind
cutting down sensory overload
A song and melody
With its words
Exquisitely heartbreaking

Rips into the chest
Picks at the core
Yet, giving caress

Steadies the vessel
Causing it to rest
With a stillness

That becomes the Devine
bright shining sun beams
reflected upon the lake
in glinting ripples
you like
her smile's bright
skin's tight
and she's chesty

he's hefty
his nose, a balloon
like a Flintstone cartoon

for a match
to land a catch
there's a rolling batch
of new pictures to

like a line dance
to the left
to the right
did he use a filter
or is he a bodybuilder?

your future is in your finger
Mary Ann or Ginger?
played hide and seek all along the road
travelled with an unknown companion
given strength to keep on keeping on....
until the child rediscovered its hideaway
portal where love waited long my arrival.
you soon come to realise that it is the Spirit of God living in your heart
that is one and the same love you have for flowers
When your mind
has roots in poverty
all riches bend and wilt

The fleeting gold
the moment holds
— no more than fading gilt

(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)
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