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Salmabanu Hatim Jun 2018
Our starving children,
0nly have tears in their eyes,
Protruding ribs,
Distended hungry bellies,
Cry and moan,unable to sing.


Four small diamond hearts,
On a pretty, platinum ring,
Our beautiful love,
Like the glitter of stars,
Intense, multifaceted.
Tanka is like Haiku but has more syllables.Use metaphor smilies and personification.Have 5 lines
2. 7 syllables
3. 5 syllables
4. 7 syllables
5. 7syllables
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2017
A New Year,a new beginning,
What's in store,awaiting,
365 blank pages,
To be filled with new strategies.
Forget the past,time to move on,
Throw in a handful of resolutions.
Dear God, present us with a perfect New Year's Gift,
From war we must drift,
All bad politicians You sift,
Climate changes we should heed,
Safety from nature's hazard we need.
Away with weapons of mass destruction,
Unity amongst every nation.
Herald in economic equality,
And do away with poverty.
Please remove our aches, bitterness and sorrows,
Instead,fill them with peace and joy for all tomorrows.
Make this year short and sweet,
Everyday, our needs we are able to meet.
Shower us with plentiful blessings,
So we wake up laughing.
Friends and foes,let us leave every thing behind,
Make amends with good things in mind.
Let us start 2018 with a new slate
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2019
I wish you have
lots of ***,
not get caught,
food you enjoy,
win a lottery,
fulfill your dreams,
no resolutions.
Happy New Year.
Salmabanu Hatim May 2020
Should only be DEDICATED to Essential Health Workers and other Frontline Workers who give their time and energy to fight this pandemic.
No Emmy Awards
No Golden Globe Awards
No awards for Music, Fashion Sports, Arts etc. ..............
Salmabanu Hatim Mar 2020
The Year of Covid 19,
The Year of Awakening,
Don't go for forbidden fruits,
Make earth a better place.
We are travellers here,
The universe has made many of our dreams come true
And so it will our nightmares.
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2020
I wish to take care of
My body: smile more, drink more water and work out,
My mind: cleanse my mind and **** out all negatives,
Home:pay more attention to my home and earth we live in.
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2021
To love those who are in need of love 💘
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2021
The birds in their nests chirrped to signal the males loud and clear
No Mating
While my husband encircled me in his arms,
Whispering sweet nothings.
Salmabanu Hatim Sep 2019
Fast asleep,
Not now,
Moan again,
You had left,
Woke, eyes wide open,
Who was caressing me,
Saw my little brother's pet mouse nibbling my ears.
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2019
I woke up tingling with arousal,
I desired ***,
My lover was gone,
He was married I suppose.
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2021
Got an urge to write poetry,
But,every word I tried to write on paper,
Both my thoughts and pen coaxed me to go to sleep,
So I snoozed on.
Salmabanu Hatim Jun 2019
I wanted coffee,
He wanted ***.
We compromised,
He made coffee,
We had coffee and ***.
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2020
tossing and turning
not a wink what should i do
here write poetry.
Salmabanu Hatim Aug 2019
After you fall in love,
Your life is in 3D.
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2019
I relish,
And Females.
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2020
Something closest to your heart are?
My *****.

Why don't you run?
Big *****.

What appears when babies cry
Big or small *****.
Salmabanu Hatim Sep 2022
Have your own mindset,
Be yourself
Be humble.
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2021
Just returned from the bathroom the fourth time.
Salmabanu Hatim Oct 2022
We were still talking,
Engrossed in our conversation,
That's when I really came to know him.
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2022
My mobile alarm rang,
Assalatu khairum
Minan naam.
Salah (prayer) is better than sleep,
Wake up,
Hear the Azan calling.
I jumped out of bed,
And got ready to go to Masjid,
What you think you become.
Salmabanu Hatim Apr 2020
Better six feet apart
than six feet under.
Salmabanu Hatim Mar 2020
Mum taught her how to bake her own birthday cake.
She decorated it the way she wanted and she was happy.
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2021
Not the Pyramids of Egypt nor The Taj Mahal,
To touch and feel,
To hear,
To see
To smell
To taste
And above all LOVE
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2020
Take a moment,
Make it perfect for you.
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2018
Seven EIGHT poor six
Run away dear five
Seven eight (ate)six
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2018
It goes 99 Thump, 99 Thump,
A centipede with a wooden leg
Salmabanu Hatim Mar 2018
Life is full of strife,
If you have lost something  in life,
Remember one thing,
What you have lost is nothing,
Compared to what you have gained,
It fills you with profound joys unexplained.
What you don't have is just a dream,
What you have is beyond your dreams,
Hold on to it,
Every little bit.
Your family,your relations and your dignity,
Your dignity is your pride in society,
Your family, your pearls,your precious treasure,
Your relations,your world, has no measure.
Be happy and satisfied with what you have.It is enough.Little things and people close to you matter the most.
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2021
Till today I can never forget,
A teenager's ego,
I should have let go.
A bet to make you fall in love with me and then leave you,
The opposite would happen I never knew,
You left me instead heartbroken. 😭💔
Salmabanu Hatim Mar 2020
Thank you Government,
At last I will have mum with me,
And she will have time for me.
Salmabanu Hatim Sep 2020
This world here is transitory,
Your every breath a gift,
Your life on loan,
Live it in a such a way that your story is written on golden pages,
Making you eternal.
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2021
Don't worry,
It goes on.
Salmabanu Hatim Apr 2018
She was a dam,
When he made love to her,
The gates opened,
He drowned in her desires.
Salmabanu Hatim Mar 2020
girl- stop your screaming
only a mouse betwixt your feet
tasty gift for us.
Salmabanu Hatim Feb 2020
People don't change,
It's either they have lost interest in you,
Or they have found somebody else.
Salmabanu Hatim Apr 2019
Love me not only,
Love me and accept me completely,
Don't ask "where" and "why",
Trust me completely.
Salmabanu Hatim May 2022
Every age has its own charm.
When you cry,coo and gurgle,
Everyone is smitten over you.
Full of fun and innocence.
A package of I know all attitude and don't mess with me.
Mellowed and wiser,
Old age,
Fair wear and tear clearly seen
Having to use aids and props,
The last chapter of your stories,
Welcome, embrace and enjoy the art of living.
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2021
At two boutiques my husband holds my arm tightly,
Distracts and steers me away,
Handbags and shoes.
Salmabanu Hatim Apr 2020
C cough,sneeze,cough,cough
O over and over
R  respiratory syndrome severe
O  older people and those with
      medical problems
N  need to be isolated
A   at all cost

V  vaccine not available so try
I  isolation
R  respiratory etiquette
U  use masks
S  stop social gatherings and keep  

Last and not least have faith and pray
Salmabanu Hatim Jul 2020
P  perceived , crafted ,thoughts

O  of the senses

E   endowed with diverse
      emotions and

M   mental images

S   scripted beautifully.
Salmabanu Hatim Aug 2019
If you can play on tons of emotions to explore the human soul,then you are an awesome actor.
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2018
His actions were like his lies,
all honeyed and hollow.
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2021
That was my husband,
He rarely said "I love you,"
But his actions showed what I meant to him.
He was always by my side,
Kind, gentle and reassuring,
Be it a visit to a doctor,
A family feud,
Or hassle with my in-laws.
Though he was not for candlelight dinner,
He took me frequently to dinner, picnic and movies,
But to the ones I enjoyed.
He did all the DIY work around the house,
Before I knew something needed to be repaired it was already done.
After early morning and evening prayers I enjoy reciting Quran, duas and talking to Allah,
So he would help me with sending the children to school,
And bed at night,
Though he never helped with cooking or housework,
He lived for his family,
And when he died,
For me it was as if my computer had crashed and I had to start all over again.
I never knew the house needed so much repair,
Nor so many bills needed to be settled,
Or where to shop for groceries.
Salmabanu Hatim Aug 2020
That's me,
I try to grow in places people
would never think I could,
To some I am a ****,
To others a wish,
But I can heal too.
Salmabanu Hatim Aug 2019
A hope to fill up the emptiness,
a relief,
a longing for something,
a trap,
an obsessive  behaviour,
creates an altered state of consciousness,
Salmabanu Hatim Oct 2020
Your final goodbye was the sharpest knife to pierce my heart.
Salmabanu Hatim Dec 2018
She fell in love with his personality,
They got married,
Now she had to live with his character.
The alarm bells rang.
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2023
When she looked up,
To admire the stars in the night sky,
I looked at her gawking,
As the moon's magical glow,
Enhanced her beauty.
Pointing at the stars she sighed,
Hugging herself,
The beautiful night sky her muse.
Nodding I sighed and put my arm around her,
My lady love my muse.
Salmabanu Hatim Jan 2019
She told me
I was young, handsome,tall,
well sculpted and brave,
She worshipped  me,
She had blinds over her eyes,
She was not my Aphrodite.
I was not her Adonis,
I fled.
I am lazy,
I am afraid of cockroaches,
I snore a lot,
I love to watch football on T.V,
I sometimes forget to leave the toilet sit up,
In short, I  have flaws,
I am human, not a God.
Salmabanu Hatim Aug 2019
born not unto her
grew up into mummy's heart
bond greater than blood.
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