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Angela Rose Jul 2021
We both liked the folded chips, the ones with the extra crunch
We both liked them the best, but you always saved them for me
It was a small gesture, but it was a gesture of love

We both liked to be the center of attention and sing or play guitar for everyone
We both liked to be the one with everyone’s eyes on us, but you always let me shine
It was another small gesture, but you never let me forget you loved me most

We both loved hard and powerful and passionately
We both loved in a way that I have still yet to match with another, but you always loved me harder
In the end it was my failure to connect that let us diminish into smithereens of failed high school sweethearts
Carl m Sep 2020
Oh Lady heart eyes my heartaches of love
My heart bleeds the name of someone I mustn’t love
The moonlight sits on her skin so gently, she is made of stardust
A jewel of many colors no other reaches her beauty
Her simple words sing in my head as the birds do at the crack of dawn
I enjoy her company but I mustn't love another woman.
Another poem, I am anxious.
Sophie Lucy Jun 2020
Take me
All I have
Every single inch
Absorb my soul
Into your core
Let us combine
Wake me
When you're mine.
Muneer Oct 2017
Hello friend,
Do you remember me ?
We used to date back in high school.
We havent talked much since then.
All I have been doing since then is,
search for you in others.
Now you ask me how am I?
And I said, I missed you.
You say, I am the sweetest
Oh, that must have made my day every single time.
I wouldn’t have become the man I am today,
If it wasnt for you.
I’m not a fool, nor am I fooling around.
Just telling you whatever my heart feels.
You can take my love for granted.
I’ll give it all to you.
Its always been yours,
I didn’t realise it until now.
At the end, just make me count for something.
Would you still give me a second chance?
Can you still be mine?
I hope you can stay mine, mine alone.
I keep searching for the answers in your eyes,
But all they tell me is that you are more than jst a friend of mine.
Inspired by Avicii - Friend of mine~
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