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Hear ye! Hear ye!
Know me and hear me
Oh but please don't look over here at me
What a thing to say, but see
I don't want to be seen, my plea
It feels kinda cheesy
I thought it'd me easy
But the harder I try the more it eludes me
You can't live a life heard but not seen and not be seen as a cautionary tale of a someone broken mentally trying to take part in some creativity
Never taken seriously,
Kinda gimmicky
Ultimately a one trick pony
I know it but it hurts still when it's throw back at me
I can't handle the cheeky hostility
So openly hidden in the commentary
It can't be avoided but it's also not necessary
Maybe this isn't for me
Or more likely,
It's probably not that bad actually
Ah, gee,
Yeah, nevermind, sorry...
I just noticed it's only my insecurity ripping at me
My apology

Lydia 5d
when the alarm goes off I hit snooze two too many times
now I’ve overslept by twenty minutes
I look at myself in the mirror and run a brush through my hair and think
Well at least my hair is behaving today
Lydia 5d
to see the parts of me that are melancholy and depressed
as beautiful or bewildering
would be too much of a compliment to myself,
the words sing to my soul,
describe me so perfectly I rename myself with the formations of these letters until I become them,
I have spent my whole life as the color blue, melting into puddles every chance I get,
I’ll look down just in case
so you don’t see me,
my eyes give me away, by
reflecting the blue on the inside that drowns me in my feelings
Pulling this one from my drafts. Sorry all of my poetry is so depressing
Jess May 6
These thoughts
so dark
These visions
so bright
One cannot exist
without the other in line
Like the stars that shine
through empty space
Don't  you  see  it?

D u a l i t y
L i f e

B a l a n c e
L i f e

We hold the key
To destroy                                            
                                          To create

But to wield
such power

Who are we and
Who are

And that is the Journey of life. To find who we are, or rather, to remember who we are.
The stars shine in a vast nothingness.
the heat creates light and form, and with the right mix...eventually you
If there is no meaning, then what's the point?
Randomness breeds Nihilism.
And that breeds despair along with all of it's cousins,
creating a chain reaction.
As within, so Without. As above, So below.

We are responsible for what we create, weather we know it or not.

Artists create through pain, but also create through joy and love. We have intense emotions. They are both a gift and a curse.
We have the ability to transmute.
Everyone does in some way.
I think therefore I am. I speak, therefore I create.
What you think creates the world you live in. What you speak forms it into existence.
How we use it is up to us.
There is a blessing in every curse
and a curse in every blessing.
Otherwise, how would we know anything without it's opposite?

*If I don't believe in something beautiful than I will fall into myself into utter destruction and ruin and fall into the darkest depths my thoughts can fathom.
Seeing the beauty in the smallest of things keeps me...alive. It keeps me here it keeps me from falling, it keeps me from making myself disappear. Sometimes I want to die. Other times I feel nothing.
But what pulls me out of that is seeing the beauty of things,
the balance, the compassion.
Sometimes I need to fall really hard again to see it once again.
Because every so often, i need to be reminded of just how beautiful things are,
but to do that I need to pull myself through the darkest depths of myself and face the hell i created for myself to remember what the light once looked like.
Such is life. In all things.
But that's just what I think.
Lydia Apr 25
when I was angry, I was unstoppable
with fire in my veins I felt like I could move mountains if I just believed it hard enough
I was so capable
and so delicate
I was so scared
and so strong
when I was mad, I was motivated
with pain came beautiful triumphs
I was so ashamed
and so proud
I was so embarrassed
and so confident
when I am not angry anymore, I am incapable
without fire in my soul, I don’t believe I can get up out of bed
I am so happy
and so sad
I am so comfortable
and so confused
You were my child,
my priority,
my responsibility,
my spouse,
my delightful melancholy,
my breathtaking Christmas,
during moments of despair.
What perfect misfortune
would bring about
the same terrifying nights next to you.
I missed you.
Encontrar sempre  teu terno sorriso,
É  tudo o que eu preciso.
Parece que Deus criador te fez vida e só amor.
Canto em Hino de louvor!
Possa eu viver sempre contigo ,
No Céu,  na terra , no paraíso...

Deus com teu corpo e alma me abençoou ,
Da roseira a mais bela rosa brotou.
Me aconchego no teu carinho desmedido,
E com teu calor viva adormecido,
Amando tudo com teu porto de abrigo.

Mãe és tu minha Mãe suave com frio, calor, com a doce brisa...
Saudade das saudades a mais querida.!
Posso eu viver sempre no teu regaço,
Sendo doce beijo, apertado abraço.

Quantos filhos,  filhas não têm amor de ninguém,
Vivem a vida com desdém!
Ousai amar sempre alguém,..
Deixai bater o vento que vêm por bem,
Pois bate devagarinho no rosto de minha Mãe.

Parece que dentro do teu ventre eu vou sempre viver,
Deitado nos teus braços quero adormecer.
De manhã acordar com a madrugada,
E morrer contigo de mão dada.

Mãe,  amor
Mãe   puro,amor.
Jake Devlin Apr 10
anxiously pacing
smoking cigarettes
to just get away
alone in a crowd
crowded by memories
when alone
i beg for mercy
but like prayers
i'll never have answers
drink to sleep
pills to not dream
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