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Nickols 10h
It happens every night, as the clock chimes the witching hour, the same sinister ritual unfolds. The world around you, inside your bedroom plunges into an abyss, the darkness so complete it seems to swallow sound itself. You lie in bed, a prisoner within your own flesh as the familiar pressure builds upon your chest. It’s oppressive force, growing heavier with each passing second, squeezing the breath from your lungs until you’re gasping for air that just wont come.

The room feels smaller, the walls inching closer, as if the very space you occupy is being compressed by the unseen hands. And there, at the edge of your bed, the sleep paralysis demon looms. Its smiling is a crescent moon cut into the night, a beacon of malice that watches you struggle with glee.

You try to cry out, to call for help from your roommate down the hall, but your voice is a prisoner too, locked away behind the bars of your silence screaming gilded cage. The demon’s white eyes glint with hellish light, and it leans forward, crawling onto your bed. You can feel the mattress dip, dip, dip, dip with each of it’s limbs climbing on. It grins widening as if it feeds on your fears, grow stronger with your desperation.

This is your nightly torment, a cycle of terror that repeats with the inevitability of a cursed lullaby. But what does it want? Why does it visits you night after night, stealing your peace, your breath, your sanity?

Perhaps it’s a manifestation of your deepest fears, a creature born from the anxiety that lurk in the recesses of your mind. Or maybe it’s something more, a sentinel of night, a guardian of the threshold between wakefulness and dreams.

Whatever it is, it’s real to you. As real as the sweat that beads on your forehead, as the panic that claws at your chest, as the silence prayers that spill from your lips in the hope that dawn will come sooner than later.

And when morning finally breaks, the demon vanishes like smoke in the light, leaving you to wonder if it was there at all. But the memory lingers, A haunting reminder that tonight, as you close your eyes and surrender to sleep, the smiling demon will return. It always does.
i am dreaming of
the furthest room down the hall,
the slight fall of the chest as someone sighs deeply

the watery gaze that sees nothing
save dull and diffused light

of reasons that have the stink of rationalization on them

of slight couched in invitation
to yesterday's cancelled reservation
for the chance to revisit the ultimatum
where live words held in the mouth
words now sentenced to life
for murders never said

of the memory of tiny actions
for the sake of their intended

of small bright wings painted with the faces of children laughing
that flutter in what appears to be aimless flight yet always alighting with precision on the nectarless flowers
in their artificial meadow
of sleep without dreams or waking
Please wake me
The waking will shake you
But it won't **** you
And soon you'll be so taken with reality
That falling asleep will be a torturous task
Damon Robinson Dec 2022
I'm laying on the floor at 1:37am
on a tuesday, or maybe wednesday.
the vents are reeking of that dog again.

Blanketed by only a scented candle
I see shadows, it resembles residue
a stained glass ceiling.

There is an ache between my shoulders
as I contemplate living, or sleeping
but that's always been the same thing.

As I listen to the showering upstairs,
I try to find ways to speak in words
that have nothing to do with you.
@damonrobpoetry on instagram
Chris Saitta Jan 2022
Winter is the cold sleeping space
Between the blanket and the sky,
Between the legs falling asleep in warmth,
And the leaves turned to frost in twilight.
Tony Tweedy Dec 2021
Dark of night surrounds me, pillow below my head.
How long the many hours since I tumbled onto my bed?

Mind so filled with thought that clearly has me stressed.
Racing, scattered thought that just wont let me rest.

Blanket that feels loose and shifts to feel oh so tight,
and so it sets the pattern for this never ending night.

I know that I must sleep before the rise again of the sun,
in a world that cant relent from insistence things must be done.

My body urgent in its craving to be silent and be still,
but my mind just wont give in possessing the stronger will.

A discomfort on my left side, so I roll again to my right.
Countless repetition through the hours of a god forsaken night.

Nothing that I do brings a sense my mind is nearing calm,
I must try to get some sleep before clock sounds its alarm.

So the hours go, too many hours surely for just one night,
but too late now to rest as window reveals dawns early light.
Oh too many nights like this....
Tia Sep 2021
Isn’t that what we all do?
We’re okay but we don’t think so

Minds getting hazy
A little bit crazy
Should we ask maybes
Or should we just stop talking?

I’ve been having a lot of arguments
In my head
I don’t know whose currently winning

It’s lame
A big joke that we make
We act we’re okay
But inside our soul is dead

Do we really heal or do we conceal?
Does time really heal or we get better at faking?
Are we really here or were just asleep dreaming?
Corrinne Shadow May 2021
I lost my daydreams for a while.
The bounce, the charm, the myrth, the smile.
All locked within the sleeping child
That I buried deep in the wild.

And yet, my fantasies resumed.
The undecayed body exhumed.
My girlhood rose from her repose,
The bright side of life to expose.
Perhaps, upon reflection, I may be getting a little better?
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