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silvervi Apr 2019
Expectations, expectations,
Can I drop you for a while?
I don't mean it bad or vicious,
I just need a relaxed mind.

I don't really need your pressure,
Since it holds me back a lot,
Can I please enjoy this moment?
Cause it's everything I got!
Scarlet Rose Jun 2018
Slow down
Watch the sunset
Pick flowers
Tickle the baby
Remember the small things

Don’t forget to tell your sister you love her
Because she’ll be gone soon
Build legos and have tea parties with the little kids
Because you’ll be gone soon too

Don’t worry so much about the future
It usually takes care of itself

I promise your mum and dad love you
Even when it feels like they don’t
Confide in them often
They understand better than you think

That boy may be cute
And he might make you laugh
But I promise he isn’t worth your time
There’s someone so much better coming
Be patient
Wait for him

Remember it’s okay to cry
As long as you can smile afterward
Always know you are loved and needed
Even when you think you aren’t

Sing in the park
Dance in the yard
Turn up those headphones
Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to have fun
As long as you work hard in between

Read your Bible
Don’t forget to pray
And when you feel afraid remember God always has a plan
And it is always the best plan

Your life will be a good one
Even during the bad times
Look forward to it
KM' Jun 2018
If you’d ask me how to describe you, I would say you’re like the rain.  You can be strong but sometimes you
Can be timid. You are quite peaceful,
Yet for some reason, I never stopped to enjoy it.

If you’d ask me how to describe you, I would say you’re like the night sky. You are beautiful and mysterious
And you leave so many questions in your wake. Yet for some reason I never stopped to ask them, and
enjoy the humility it creates.

If you’d ask me to how to describe you, I would say you’re like the heartbeat of a babe. You are strong and vibrant and pure.  And for some reason I never stopped to enjoy the happiness that creates…

I guess I got so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that I never stopped to enjoy the good things in the world u create.
PAAA May 2018
A white sheet of paper;
But not for long

Four old red stripes
Enter quickly; followed
By seven blue ones above
And below the horizon
-in no order yet

Pastel green and greyblue
Paint summer sky; Emerald
And cobalt present themselves
As ocean; last daylight
Shines in sangria and ruby; reflecting
In the blue spreading cosmos

Turning the page ocean gets
Darkest night and the sun
Sails away on a red boat with
A shining black sail, just like life
Life is full of turning points and there can always be the last one, so enjoy life!
Waking up in the morning
still tired and groggy
rushing to leave the house
throwing on whatever clothes are closest to me.

endless cycle, day in, day out
rushing through my life to do someone else's bidding
then it clicks.
something in my head, and in my heart.

I want more of you, more of us
more time to explore the true nature of life
unbound, free to choose my own speed
today, here, with you, I choose slow
Rob Sandman Jun 2016
I had the Needle in my arm,but couldn't take the Plunge,
Like a Fencer Poised to do some harm,but somehow couldn't make the Lunge,
my life has gone to **** lately to be honest fellow chasers of the Muse,
so I started Chasing Dragons amongst other systems of abuse,
I made a new pal! Sal,my Dealer,what a Pal that Sal!,
he told me I was wasting time with Tinfoil,Lighter and all...
So I got my instructions (Safety first use clean gear!),
and Needle in vein,Thumb Poised I heard a whisper in my ear,
it said
Life's not so bad,compare yourself to millions without food,
or clean water or a future,or the horror of abuse
so with a Sting of shame I pulled the Stinger out and snapped the Wasp in half in disgust,
pulled out the rest of my stash and it duly got Flushed.
so that's why you haven't seen me lately Hello Poetry,sorry pals!...
*and there's a poster up looking for a missing Scumbag name of Sal
True Story
Anyone needs any help through a rocky patch send me a message-
M G Hsieh Apr 2016
Do not go out softly
but like a free verse
rain into the Pacific

splattered then spent.
Odious vessel,
dry and salted.

Come watch comets
graze mountains,
with their audacity.

And eclipses! Behind
blue lights and fluorescent skies --
foibles of exigency.

Form was not made
for free spirits
to crash into. Watermarks

dance lively now, like petals
that once spiralled
outside our window.
Chijioke Nnamani Mar 2016
Having a reason all the time is boring
Like dancing only when there's music
Or crying out of sorrow
Or singing because you're happy

Lie on the street
Look up and count the stars
Sit in the rain and laugh

Forget about the why
Don't have a reason
Francie Lynch Aug 2015
Six, sixty or a hundred and six,
Every day's a holiday,
A festival of lights,
And roller coaster
Lows and highs.
Yes, it matters
If someone dies,
But you didn't,
Enjoy your ride.
DC raw love Aug 2015
Do you really know who you are or
do you just go through the motions of life....

Me, I am no superman, nor am I perfect.....
I do know who I am and where I am going....

I control my own life and work for no one....
I make my own money and enjoy life....

I understand by helping other,
I help myself by showing understanding...

Life is way to short to fear anything,
face life head on and stay real to yourself....

I never stress, complain or make excuses....
The words "I can't" do not exist in my vocabulary...

Stay true, honest and respectful to all......
Be a caring person about others to a point....

What is most important is understanding love....

Love is patient...
Love is kind....
Love is not self seeking....
Love does not boast...
Love is always there....
Hate will never show...

Treat your lady like a princess....
Yes they need to be shown affection...

But in return ladies need to do the same...
Where respect is given, respect is earned....

True love cannot exist,
were it truly does not exist.

True love cannot be hidden,
were it truly exist...

Mind games are for foolish people...
Foolish people will always hurt...

Pride will only get you in trouble....
Be mindful and thoughtful to all....

Yet, stay wise to everything....
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