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Jeremy Betts Apr 25
Depths of despair
Hang thick in the air
Almost daring me to care
And step into it's crosshair
Not realizing I'm aware
I've lived that nightmare
Been caught up in that snare
Somehow pushed past the warfare
Came through worse for wear
But it no longer has power
Over someone who can't care
Forcing it to find it's next victim elsewhere

Jeremy Betts Mar 30
Life can seem like a nightmare
I'm afraid of all of the time
I release my flair in the night air
Noticing all the fear is of the same kind
I more than recognize the familiar glare
The eyes looking back at me are mine
Aware that I'm unaware
Fair or not,
Witness my paradigm

Jamesb Mar 16
I wake abruptly
In the early hours,
To a lungful of
Icy air,
The curtains flapping idly
In the breeze,

Fear fades as I recognise my
Darkened room,
Well known shapes
Of furniture
And shadows cast by
Newly bulbed street lights

Yet what woke me
Was and indeed remains
A mystery,
But something did,
Something lost or hiding now in
Mists of memory

Through which my minds eye
Cannot pierce,
But vaguely seen are
Edges and corners
Hovering at perceptions edge
As I roll over

And go

Back to sleep
Just a simple.yet recurring memory and event thatbseemed nonetheless to warrant a verse
Mrs Timetable Oct 2023
Do you ever wish the
Pleasant visionaries
Of your daydreams
Were aware
They lived in your
When 2 daydreams meet. Maybe they know.
I really loved the definition of daydreams
Lauren Leal Jul 2023
My wounds runs deep
Steeped in time
Memories to keep
Into my prime

Testing my virtues
Taking a deep breath
Walking in my earth shoes
Feeling like ego death

I must stay focused
On what I desire
Despite this fire
Thoughts like a swarm of locusts

Time to embrace the new
That being with you
I refuse to be static
Time with you is chromatic

It's a complete headliner

With you it's all about the major and the minor
Overcoming the trials of past wounds
Mark Wanless May 2023
you don't get conscious
without a rise from the base
then you are aware
Talia Feb 2023
Camouflaged amongst
chaotic crowds
Eyes with a ****** range
Target detected.
Locked in                              
since you weren’t
Locked up.
Heart rate raised. Enraged.
I check my calibre.
explored using ****** terminology
I am cornered by this world I have come to despise
it has wretched the few morsels of contentment
from my soul
being aware is a curse
in this day
and in the time of my childhood
when we lived in blind bliss
those memories have been stained as well
God help these maniacs
feeling a bit grumpy today
Mark Wanless Sep 2021
streaks of white in sky
soft blue green trees empty
space filled with aware
is you
Descovia Aug 2021

Each other. Love thy neighbor and honor him/her them accordingly.

In complete unison
we stand, with stronger chances against the fall of the world.

The only means for survival
depends on the quality of our connections and commitment.

The love you have for understanding, appreciating, learning and growing with others more than on a physical level.

We can rebuild our home through revived hopes and disconnected dreams.
This generation will survive and we will not be slaves to systematic death anymore.
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