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Feb 24 · 924
Northern Poet Feb 24
Addicted to the puff
No sign of giving up
Even on the tube to work
I just can't get enough
That fruity vapour
And the morning rush
A tasty blue razz elf bar
And some candy crush

Give me a hit of that sweet sweet nicotine
As sweet as a sweet sweet tangerine
A morning shot of dopamine
Get that **** straight into my bloodstream

Puffing away at those magical clouds
Fighting your way through the morning crowds
I wonder what these people would think out loud
Times are up and then times are down
But no matter who's around
My lovely lost Mary
And her nicotine cherry
Will keep me sound

Give me a hit of that sweet sweet nicotine
As sweet as a sweet sweet tangerine
A morning shot of dopamine
Get that **** straight into my bloodstream
Feb 15 · 2.8k
Northern Poet Feb 15
My soul is as grey
As the weather outside
All I see are dark clouds
For ******* miles and ******* miles

The puddles on the floor
And discarded cigarettes
Finding myself reflecting over
One of many of my life's regrets

Where did it all go wrong?
Or where do I even begin?
The edge of that bridge looks nice
I might go for a swim


Flashing lights in the distance
Thinking of a mere existence
Addiction and no resistance  
Born with nothing
And leaving with a pittance
Northern Poet Jan 2022
London is dead
And the streets are on fire
Boris Johnson
Is a ******* liar

He's had one too many chips
And stuck his hands in the fryer
Cheese, wine and BYOB
But a party wasn't his desire
Boris Johnson
Is a ******* liar

A Tory boy at heart
Doesn't know the cost of bread
...For a start
Lying has become
His favourite art
Funds his chums with millions
They only eat a le carte
While the working class struggle
On a horse and cart
Outside Downing Street
You can hear the choir
Boris Johnson
Is a ******* liar

Full of lies and deceit
Tory voters should have kept a receipt
In the House of Commons
How the **** does this man have a seat?
A once proud nation
Now knocked off our feet
In Trafalgar Square
You can hear the Town Crier
Boris Johnson
Is a ******* liar

Higher income tax
No money back
No guarantee
Trying to get rid of the BBC
The Tories even had to apologise
To the ******* Queen
This situation is beyond belief
The screams are getting higher and higher
Boris Johnson
Is a ******* liar

No respect for the NHS
This country's in a ******* mess
Ran by monkeys
Who can't even dress
Led by a *****
Who we all deteste
It's time for this muppet to retire
Boris Johnson
Is a ******* liar

Brexit was his plan
And Grenfell was neglected  
The pandemic sent this place
******* hectic
Someone please get this clown ejected
London's burning
And the city's on fire
Boris Johnson
Is a ******* liar
Jan 2022 · 557
Northern Poet Jan 2022
We've all got the same 24 hours in a day
So you should use them in a better way
And become an influencer
Like Molly Mae

It doesn't matter what your class
Or your privilege
Just get a job
On six-figure digits
So become an influencer
Like Molly Mae

Find yourself a spot on prime time TV
Where brands and sponsors come your way for free
Isn't this what life's meant to be?
So become an influencer
Like Molly Mae

Million dollar contracts
Stacks of television contacts
Instagram your life for maximum impact
Posing in Dubai to keep your career intact
So become an influencer
Like Molly Mae

Pay your factory workers less than minimum wage
Watch them graft away 12 hour days
Claim you worked your **** off to get where you are today
And become an influencer
Like Molly Mae
Jun 2020 · 828
Black Lives Matter
Northern Poet Jun 2020
It's time for a name
Not to be just another 'name'

To anyone who lost a life
You didn't die in vain

Colour doesn't matter
Inside we're all the same

It's time to stop the suffering
It's time to stop the pain
Mar 2020 · 232
Northern Poet Mar 2020
It's a pandemic
A global epidemic
People are dying
And they're telling us not to panic

Setting the scene
In your quarantine
Fresh air and reality
Now seem a distant dream
Everything used to be so serene
Now it's pandemonium in the shops
People fighting over toilet roll
Someone please
Call the cops

The sirens never stop
In the city that never sleeps
Deserted like an island
Where the lonely hearts still beat

Our faith will never die
While the government keep telling lies
All we can do is try and survive
And think of our loved ones
Who lost their lives
Sep 2019 · 505
H e a r t l e s s
Northern Poet Sep 2019
When I looked
Into your eyes
I saw the truth
Behind your lies
And I won't play
All your games
'Cause you think
We're all the same

How could you be this heartless?
How could you be
This heartless?

Have come to pass
And this
Was never meant to last
Thrown away
Into the sea
Is this the death
Of you and me?

How could you be this heartless?
How could you be
This heartless?
Sep 2019 · 433
You and Me
Northern Poet Sep 2019
If I asked you
To take my soul
Would you take me out
Of this hole?
If I asked you
To stand and fight
Would you stay with me
For one more night?

Can't you see
We're meant to be
Just you and me
For eternity

If I asked you
To be my girl
Would you take me out
Of this world?
And when I'm down
Would you pick me up
And take me out
Of this town?

Can't you see
We're meant to be
Just you and me
For eternity
We'll live our lives
By the sea
I'll show you what
You mean to me

If I asked you
To take my heart
And take me back
To the start
And when the sun
Is shining through
The light shines
On me and you

Can't you see
We're meant to be
Just you and me
For eternity
We'll live our lives
By the sea
You're sipping wine
I'm drinking tea
Originally written as an acoustic number back in 2012
Northern Poet Sep 2019
My timeline is filled
With self indulgent selfies
Searching for gratification
And self satisfaction
Need to get an instant reaction
Some social media traction
There's no time for distraction
From this digital attraction
You can't get enough
Of the interaction
1,000 poses in your camera roll
Narcissists are taking control

It doesn't matter
What the time
Come wind, rain
Snow or shine
Just make sure
You look devine
Lick your lips
You're looking fine
Flip the camera
And strike a pose
Making sure
Everybody knows
Here's your next
Digital daily dose
Does it really matter
Which ******* filter you chose?
I feel like I've lost my soul
Narcissists are taking control

The bathroom
Is the perfect spot
Take your picture
Before you Photoshop
Bunny ears
And a rainbow smile
Frogs legs
And a crocodile
Snapping away
Well all the while
You could have been
Down the Curry Mile
Instead you're out there
On your own
Sat at home
On your ******* phone
Sharing pictures
With people you don't know
You'll end up on the ******* dole
Narcissists are taking control

1,000 poses in your camera roll
Mirror selfies
And online trolls
Constantly searching
To find your soul
There's no way out
Of this black hole
Just one more post
On your way home
Narcissists are taking control
Mar 2019 · 3.1k
Northern Poet Mar 2019
That pound means more to her
Than it does to me
She's got to feed her family
A family of three

****** by the government
And ******* by society
This is what it's like
To live in Blighty

They've come here for a better life
A second chance
And a chance to survive
No they're out
On their own
Just like a dog
Without its bone

****** by the government
And ******* by society
This is what it's like
To live in Blighty

It's **** or be killed
The rich feed the rich
While the poor scape and beg
All alone
On a cardboard bed
No change for you
No not today
I need my money
Sorry love
Not unless you accept contactless
Or Apple Pay

****** by the government
And ******* by society
This is what it's like
To live in Blighty
Feb 2019 · 3.6k
Northern Poet Feb 2019
Up north
There's this thing called queuing
Down south
It looks more like ******* looting
I can see the trouble brewing
Squeezing on the tube – can't even get my ******* shoe in
Some of these miserable ******* look like they need shooting
Stuck on the northern line back to Tooting
Northern Poet Jan 2019
Imagine all the things I could have been
And all the places I could have seen
I should have married that girl
From Kensel Green
A beauty queen – so serene
The day alcohol ruined my life

Imagine all the books I could have read
And all those words left unsaid
I went out and got ****** instead
Fell down the stairs and broke my leg
Ten pints and I'm ready for bed
The day alcohol ruined my life

I could have been a Premiership footballer
One of the greats – the league's top scorer
Sponsored by Adidas and Diadora
Up there with Bobby Zamora
Scored an overhead kick from a corner
The day alcohol ruined my life

I could have been a movie star
Champagne and Caviar
Me and Arnie in the Terminator
*******, hookers and fast cars
Enough money to fly to Mars
The day alcohol ruined my life

The day alcohol ruined my life
I lost my kids
And I lost my wife
I woke up in East Fife
On the day alcohol ruined my life
Jan 2019 · 771
Northern Poet Jan 2019
I drink when I smoke
And I smoke when I drink
I think and I hope
And I hope when I think
I drink just to hope
******* hopelessly drink
I think down the road
There's a place I can think
In this place I can drink
And with my drink I can smoke
I'll finish my drink
With a feeling of hope
After this drink I will think
And think I can cope
I can't cope with this feeling
Of being alone
Jan 2019 · 16.9k
Wannabe Gangsters
Northern Poet Jan 2019
Look at all these wannabe gangsters
Terrorising our streets
That one's wearing camouflage trousers
Just wait till you hear him speak
'Dems bear skills mate'
'Can you lend me fifty bar?'
He sounds like he's from Los Angeles
Doing time in the yard
But he's not
He still lives at home with his mum
And his pregnant girlfriend
And he's under the thumb
You see them outside Tesco
But they're not shopping for pesto
Let's go
They've seen the old bill
He's known around this town
For selling dodgy pills
Guns, knives and slang
That's what you need
If you wanna be in their gang
No education
Just a stolen Playstation
And don't forget the ****
Even on a school night
They're out doing speed
You'll see 'em in the park
With a bottle of cider
Then they'll start
On a poor old-timer
Tracky bottoms
And a Burberry hat
Chav fashion
Cause they think they're all that
But the funny thing is
They don't have a clue
They don't think like
Me or you
They think that they're rap stars
Dreaming of fast cars
But they're just wankers
More like 'wannabe gangsters'
Oct 2017 · 612
Hard Drugs and Safe Sex
Northern Poet Oct 2017
Hard drugs and safe ***
That’s all you need when your life’s a mess
A bit of brown
When you’re feeling down
Can really help
Turn your world around

A tight belt
Then an injection
A bit of foreplay
Time for protection
He rubbers up
And takes no chance
Safety first
In this romance
He needs no bed
Or fancy candles
They do it outside
The ***** scoundrels
He doesn’t want to compromise
Or run the risk
Of another life
He’s got everything
He could ever need
A crack pipe
And some speed

The streets are no place
To bring up a child
He knows that
They’d rather go wild
They shoot up
And take some blow
Take off their clothes
It’s all on show
She kisses his neck
Like he wants her to
Get the ‘jonny’ out
You know what to do
No emotion
It’s all commotion
A rollercoaster
Of deep devotion
An open mind
And the empty air
Hands entwined
As they lay bare

All he needs is hard drugs and safe ***
That’s all he needs when his life’s a wreck
A bit of brown
When he was down
Gave him a smile
And took away the frown
Oct 2017 · 5.3k
All Women Are Witches
Northern Poet Oct 2017
She broke his heart
It needed stitches
Then he said
All women are witches

She let him down
You’re not to blame
I’m leaving this town
It’s not the same
We had love
But it went away
What could have been
Wasn’t meant to stay

He can’t sleep
And his body itches
Then he said
All women are witches

One bad experience
Cut him deep in side
Deeper and deeper
With a rusty old knife
What was once love
Wasn’t meant to be
You’ll get over her
And those memories

The mind weeps
While the body twitches
Then he said
All women are witches

He took the wrong path
And he walked the line
She took him for granted
While he bought her wine
She lied to his face
Time after time
An utter disgrace
He’s now doing just fine
It's never easy
But you've got to let go
Enough is enough
I’m tired of this show
Now he's free as a bird
And back on track
He’s ****** her off
And got his life back

Now she’s gone
He removed the stitches
And no longer thinks
All women are witches
Oct 2017 · 1.7k
Live Forever
Northern Poet Oct 2017
We're not all gonna live forever
Not matter how big
Or how ******* clever
Though it would be nice
To think twice
About how we're gonna spend
The afterlife
But in reality
We live and we die
We laugh and we cry
We love and we lie
We look fate
Right in the ******* eye
And when it's time
Life passes us by
And we end up in a box
Staring up at the sky
Oct 2017 · 1.8k
The Beautiful Game
Northern Poet Oct 2017
That passion
When you see the ground
That passion
When you hear the crowd
There’s nothing quite like it
When you hear them all sing
The fans are in unison
To watch their team win

Until it all goes wrong
Then you change your song
You give them stick
And think
Why do I support this ****
They make me sick
They’re not worthy
To wear that shirt
Over paid wankers
Playing like dirt

We want our money back
I’m not paying my wage
To watch that crap
Then you hit the town
And then you drown
Your sorrows in drink
And then you think
I love my team
But they make my heart sink
Deep down you feel the pain
Until next week
When it all starts again
Oct 2017 · 1.7k
Northern Poet Oct 2017
You'll eat meat
And love a bacon sarnie
When you're ******
You'll smash a biryani
But when it comes to
Chopped pork, rinds and ham
No one wants to eat spam

In the Great War
We survived on rations
And beat zee Germans
With ******* passion
The lads didn't complain
About what they had to eat
Whether it was a le carte
Or mashed-up meat
But these days
That's not your jam
And no one wants to eat spam

It's great in a fry up
And ******* lovely in a butty
Get the kettle on
And get comfy
And enjoy
A cup of ******* tea
And eat your spam
Perfect with ketchup or HP
And don't complain
That it ain't real meat
Just get it in your gob
And enjoy this tasty treat

But most of you
Are to blame
And like the majority
Don't think it's the same
You're into avocados
Poached eggs and all that
And can't stand the thought
Of a chopped pig in a can
When you were young
You should've listened to your nan
Now it's a ******* shame
No one wants to eat spam
Oct 2017 · 3.0k
Northern Poet Oct 2017
I know the feeling
I feel the pain
Look outside
******* pouring rain

The days are dull
And all the same
So ******* boring
So mundane

The only excitement
Is two days of rest
When you’re alone
You get it off your chest

You go to the ******
And drown your sorrows
And ******* pray
It’s not Monday tomorrow

We fought for freedom
Now we’re under the thumb
Pay your ******* taxes
And work till your numb

But don’t you worry
You’ll get your time
Just work for 70 years
And you’ll be just fine
Oct 2017 · 3.7k
Just Me and My Gun
Northern Poet Oct 2017
I feel empty
Empty inside
I want to run away
But there’s nowhere to hide
**** it
I’ll just get in a boat
And go for a ride
Set the sails
And go with the tide
I’ll go with the wind
Wherever it blows
All I need is a drink
And something to smoke

I’ll escape to an island
To a place in the sun
With no one else
Just me and my gun
That’s all I need
To be out in the sticks
Peace and quiet
And somewhere to think
It’s not the end
Just the start
Only me
And my broken heart

We’ll just sit there
And talk things through
Look back at the times
Of just me and you
When I’m down
I just look around
I see the trees
And some clouds
Grey skies around me now
I close my eyes
And look at the floor
Flick the switch
And feel no more
Oct 2017 · 997
Sad Old Town
Northern Poet Oct 2017
The building's boarded up
The sign says ‘to let’
It’s from an era
We want to forget

It’s been left to rot
The place is a wreck
Not fit for a squat
Like an old bike shed
It’s from an era
We want to forget

The building looks sad
And sorry for itself
Just like your old books
On the back of your shelf
Covered in dust
And rust
And soot
And ****
This once former glory
Is now a sad old story
It’s derelict and destroyed
And no longer makes noise
It’s seen it all
Now it’s time for bed

It’s from an era
We want to forget
Oct 2017 · 15.3k
Northern Poet Oct 2017
Why am I so obsessed
With checking my notifications
If no one texts me
It feels like suffocation
That little red dot
Next to my application
It ***** me off
When it won’t work down at the station
I've got a mate who's into spontaneous flirtation
He met a bird on this app
I think she's Croatian
They went on two dates
And then went on vacation
Meanwhile I'm sat at home
Watching babe station
I fell in love once
Then realised it was infatuation  
She said I had no drive
But she had no imagination
When we go out
Theres no conversation
Even Siri
Gives me ******* quotations
My new phone
Is the new sensation
Checking Facebook
My only temptation
I check my phone
Just to know my location
**** it
I’ve had it...
With this nation
Oct 2017 · 6.5k
L o v e
Northern Poet Oct 2017
When you're with someone
That you don't love
What will you do
When push comes to shove

Do you sit there in silence
In these self-hurt times of violence
Or do you cut the rope
And lose all hope
'Until death do us part'
Or will you go back to the start

Do you lie and cheat
Until you start to spy
And then you can't eat
You can't even sleep
And you never felt so cheap
And *****
It was only
A bit of flirting

What started out as lust
Is now all about trust
When the happiness fades away
It all turns to dust

— The End —