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You never think it'll hit you like it does,
headlines, top stories, dead classmates.
Subtle news that causes an earthquake,
rumbling through your chest.

It's not your everyday story,
but it seems it's becoming that way.
"Overdosed on ******", I read,
but it doesn't surprise me.

Just another soul the Devil grasped,
torn from the heart and left to pass,
another good man broken down,
another motherless child in doubt.

Another headline gone ignored,
another cry for help lost,
in the drowning sound of the thousands,
trapped beneath the crippling disease.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I believe
             that you believe
                                        that you believe
                       that they believe
                                                   what you believe
                                                         ­       and you believe
                                                  what he believes
                                                        ­                     and he believes
                                                        ­                                   what she believes
                                                        ­        and she believes
                                 what they believe
          so she believes
           what she believes
             and he believes
              what she believes
                 and they believe
                    what he believes
                                                        ­                                      and I can't believe I got a 113 bowling last night.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Bells toll at noon
on a rainy Monday,
dread seeps through my pores,
into my bones.

I weep for
the creaking porch and chairs,
the gentle rock back and forth,
the crisp air.

At last I found my place,
but it is not here.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
In the event that I die in tomorrows rebellion,
please leave the following items to my son:

My grandmother's locket, my best pair of stockings,
and the ownership of our shack.
Give him my shoes, and make sure he doesn't lose,
the key to the shed in the back.
Tell him to take care of Buddy, clean him when he's muddy,
and don't leave him out in the sun.
I know it's not much, but it's all I got,
worth giving to my beloved son.

But most of all, do not forget,
your heritage, your name.
That of all things, I want you to keep,
and take it to the grave.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Today I saw my house burn to the ground when it flashed before my eyes while putting out a fire in the tenants bathroom downstairs.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Walking by the riverbed,
drowning my thoughts,
and regrets.

Rocks sink quickly,
like my heart,
ever since,
you chose to depart.

Never again,
I cannot swim.

Been searchin’ for,
a light to hold,
and wane away the darkness a little more.

Stars grow dim,
like the tunnel entrance,
slipping further away,
disconnected romance.

Never again,
I cannot see.

The night is cold,
the frost is thick,
and I am growing old.

My fingers and face,
have become numb,
like my weak heart,
when we’re not one.

Never again,
I cannot feel.

The world has gone gray,
an empty canvas abandoned,
when did you even go astray?

Everything seems like nothing,
colorblind to the emotions around,
like a dog trying to define a rainbow,
or the deaf’s hope of enjoying a sound.

Never again,
I cannot hear.

War torn,
my heart cries,
like a newborn.

And like a newborn,
I have become immature,
to what love truly is,
you have distorted my perception,

Never again,
I cannot love.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio and Ryan Kotowski. Thanks Ryan, as always, for writing another piece with me!
I took a gun,
and put it to my head,
safety off,
fully loaded.

I didn't shake,
didn't hesitate.
Finger on the trigger,
finger on my fate.

Didn't breakdown,
didn't make a sound,
all I did was smile.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
If I disappeared,
would you notice I'm even gone?
If I vanished,
would you right all you did wrong?
If I faded,
would you listen to our song?

Or would you share it with someone else?
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Sometimes my curiosity peaks new levels as I wonder how someone could commit such atrocities.

A child's life,
so precious.
A child's spirit,

A child's smile,
heart warming.
A child's dreams,
forever growing.

A child is a scared key to a second realm that cannot be seen by grown ups.

A realm of happiness,
and joy beyond comparison to anything else.

A child brings smiles on a cold, rainy day.
A child brings joy to the old and weak, fading away.
A child brings hope,
of a brighter, better future.

To me,
a child is one of the most special things in the world.
I hope to have my own some day,
and hopefully,
I pray,
something like this never happens to my child or myself.

But for now I grieve,
I mourn,
and I remember,
those who lost their lives in this horrific tragedy.
I send my condolences to the families of the children,
and hope they find peace,
and a supportive community,
in this tragic time.

May God bless all involved in the incident,
and may they know he is taking good care of their loved ones up in Heaven.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Frozen stone walls,
cracked and aging.
Floors of dirt,
forever waiting.

Cold steel bars,
rusted and corroding.
Last bit of hope,
slowly fading.

They tell me hell is waiting for me,
they say that there's a welcoming party.
They laugh and they cry,
as they spit in my eyes,
whittling crosses out of wood,
they're what He despises.

I sit here, slowly dying,
waiting for death to set me free,
hanging noose waits in the gallows for me.
Day after day,
after day,
after day.

They cry and they die,
from unknown diseases.
Condemning each other,
when somebody wheezes.

Now He hates what he has created,
so he's trying to destroy the Earth to save it.
I'm not the villain,
I'm not here to sin,
I'm here to save what's left,
of his His once great creation.

I sit here, slowly dying,
waiting for death to set me free,
hanging noose waits in the gallows for me.
Day after day,
after day,
after day.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I sit at Robert Frost Farm
On a bench so tall my feet can’t touch ground
I move them around and pretend I’m sitting on a cliff
But I’m surrounded by twigs
And dead yellow grass

It feels like spring but it looks like autumn
The trees are still bare and the landscape barren
Stripped down and beaten
Like a hollow survivor
Waiting for sunlight and just a little water

I sit here blindly like a silent on looker
I stare right through the tattered survivors
An old lady in the distance yells something friendly
But I can’t hear her so I stare and smile
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
When you try to be something you’re not
You get lost in the afterthought
Of who you’re trying to please
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Every year, I age,
another wrinkle on my face.
I'm getting older,
and time ain't gettin' slower.

My hands tremble and shake,
my back almost always aches.
I know I ain't gettin' any younger,
but my love is always gettin' stronger,
for you.

And when I lie in bed,
and rest my weary head,
I thank God I'm next to you,
but now it's time to thank you for what you do.

For being my wife,
for being my lover.
For giving me a life,
like no other.

For being there,
for always caring.
For showing me a love,
that's never ending.

But now I grow old,
and soon I will die,
and when they day comes,
do not cry.

Just remember,
how great my life was,
and all because of you,
all because of your love.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I write to you now from the bunker,
beneath the surface of what was once London.
The earth around me shakes,
it quivers and quakes,
as sand falls from the cracks in the walls.

I don't want you to worry about me,
I'll return home eventually, one way or another.
I hope this letter finds you,
when the sky is blue,
and the sun shines down on our beautiful son.

I want you to always remember,
with or without me, you're the strongest girl I know.
You're going far in this world,
your voice will be heard,
and you are only are strong as you think you are.

So reach for the stars,
my love.

I'm sure we'll meet again.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
pull the plug.
Reboot program,
start again.
Don't try to reconnect.
Don't try to reprogram.

I'm now new,
moving on.
You'll forget,
once I'm gone.

Delete memories,
cut all ties.
Before you know it,
time goes by.

Before you know it,
memories die.

Before you know it...
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I always thought you were beautiful,
in my eyes, nothing less than perfection.
The way you spoke to me, so softly,
your voice like an angels, so heavenly.

I was far from the perfect man,
I tried my best to be what you wanted.
There's no doubt, I made mistakes,
always the wrong time, wrong place.

Don't make me plea and beg,
don't push my buttons,
get in my head.

I just want you to understand,
I'll always love you,
show it every chance I get.

You never liked me,
hated everything about me.

Left me to die,
but I'm still alive.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I'm running my hands through my hair,
ripping out the loose strands.
I'm finding nothing in our lives,
goes just as planned.

I'm tired so I rub my eyes,
but nothing seems to satisfy that itch I have for sleeping by your side tonight,
isn't this a wonderful life?

It's six years of burning tears,
broken hearts and confirmed fears,
that everyone I know goes away in the end,
just like Trent Reznor said.
And every day is a new fight,
and I don't know if I'll make it out alive,
so when I rest my head at the end of the day,
I thank God I survived the fray,
because under the circumstances,
I shouldn't be alive,
but I am,
so I'll take it.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
This world is,
mighty big.
Makes me think,
I'm too small.
Not at all,
I'm just right.
Can't complain,
I'll go insane.

I love this life,
does it love me?

Can't control,
I'm the king,
for the world.
Have you heard,
the good news?
I love you,
life does too.

There's so little time,
got all I need.

This world's cruel,
I'm out of tune.
I don't need,
your bad news.
Got my thoughts,
and loved ones.
That's enough,
for a lifetime.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Never leaves his house, only leaves to get the mail,
through over grown bushes, always walks the same trail.
Use to spend every Sunday praying, in the house of the Lord,
as soon as he was done, sped away in his rusty old Ford.

Always alone,
he’s Alone Man.
Doesn’t want to be another drone,
Alone Man.

Not invited to anything anymore, because he never shows,
as for where is family went, no one really knows.
Talks to himself in the mirror, every single day,
“*******” is the only thing he ever seems to say.

Always alone,
he’s Alone Man.
Doesn’t want to be another drone,
Alone Man.

When night finally falls, the lights never go out,
we hear a lot of screaming, all he does it shout.
Yelling at his mirror, an argument going on,
it goes on and on forever, all the way until dawn.

It’s the first time he’s left his house, in about fifty years,
only because inside his body, he ain’t got anymore moving gears.
Now he lives in a rectangle box, buried underground,
no tombstone, no worries, now he can’t be found.

Always alone,
Alone Man.
Forever alone,
The Alone Man.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio- From Traveling Through Time
Walking so delicately,
down the riverbank.
Touching the water softly,
by the riverbank.

How I wish we still,
had it all.
Not everything is meant to be,
some things must fall.

I remember when we use to,
sit here for hours.
Looking up at the trees,
and how they towered over us.

I thought that maybe,
we weren't the same.
But turns out,
we all play love's game.

I held you and you held me,
it was magic.
But soon we drifted out of reach,
it was tragic.

We were meddling teenagers,
no surprises.
But thing fall down, crumble apart,
when we're left to our own devices.

I wouldn't say I hate you,
and I hope you don't hate me.
Things just didn't work,
and that's how it has to be.

How I wish we still,
had it all.
Not everything it meant to be,
some things must fall.

But next time,
you crumble down,
fall to the ground,
I will be there.

Next time,
you think it's the end,
and you need a friend,
I will be there.

Because although we are no longer one,
and although our time has come and gone,
I still believe in love after all,
and so I will be there.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
He who rides his horse
through the mountains of love
while spitting down on those
in the valley of seething hate
should be struck from his horse,
and cast down among them,
for he is no different.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
America isn't what it used to be.
What happened to the American Dream?

Now we're a country that depends on foreign oil.
Fighting wars, all on enemy soil.

Our leader's a coward,
cowards are our leaders.
And mother Earth,
just look how we treat her.

We spend money frivolously,
haven't you heard?
We even are hypocrites of our own word.

The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!

Oiled up machines stealing our jobs.
As the unemployed let out weak sobs.

We let our greed get to our heads.
And now soon we'll all be dead.

The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!
The American Dream murderers,
we are!

We are the ultimate murderers,
of the American Dream!
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
O joyous world
for which I weep,
what splendid treats
you share with me.

For I've seen your
beauty in green mountain side,
or in soft blue skies as far as
my eyes reach.

I've been entranced by mirrored lakes
and natural silence.

I weep for the people
who will not see,
the elegance carved before me.

I weep for the world
encased in sin,
a concrete evil that shackles our will.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
One time I saw a boy,
with a bright smile,
walking down aisle four.

He reached out to me,
and said hello,
as I reached for a cantaloupe.

His mother talked to me,
said he was an angel,
was always nice to every stranger.

That boy,
he made me smile,
as he ran down the aisle.

A few year pass,
and I'm at a cafe,
wasting my life away.

You hear about hate,
and how strong it can be.
It's something I don't believe in.

But hate found that boy,
and tore him right down.
Saw his face in the Sunday paper.

They heckled him to death,
till he could no longer take it,
thought his life would be better if it was taken.

Cause when life is a weight on your shoulders and you're ready to break,
you think about giving in.
And when life is a burden and you feel like a mistake,
it's easier to quit rather than living it.

One time I saw a boy,
with a bright smile,
walking down aisle four.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio

Greetings Hello Poetry! I have recently self published a book. It is currently on Here's the link! Check it out and if you're interested, buy it! Peace!;=1376273963&sr;=8-1&keywords;=barry+andrew+pietrantonio
My mother once told me,
"I forgive but never forget,"
which at first made sense,
to my ignorant little mind.

Why would I forget,
all the bad things said?
All the venom once spit,
in my ears and face.

But when I found myself trying to live my life,
built on grudges and animosity,
I found myself struggling to stay alive,
I was living the wrong philosophy.

I had an insatiable appetite,
for life and love,
neither of which I could get,
with this bitter taste in my mouth.

So I broke loose,
of the memories that once scarred me.
Now I forgive and forget,
so no memories can bar me.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Lights off,
doors locked,
windows shut,
blocked off.
No sound,
no sight,
no love,
no light.
Sparks fly,
don't ignite,
blank life.
Years gone,
love lost,
never hurt,
at what cost?
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Are you going to the show?
They're playing jazz tonight down on Main Street.
If you're going, let me know.
We'll find a quiet place we can both meet.

I want to dance with you all night.
I want to sing and cheer until the morning.
I want to dance in the moonlight.
I want to do something so this night ain't boring.

Will you take my hand?
If you do I'll show you all around town.
I'm not the most handsome man,
but I'll show you the world if you come with me now.

We'll live a life we've only dreamed.
We'll spend the night living like never before.
We'll hold hands under the moon beams.
We won't stop until it is the morning.

This town is such a small place.
There's so many places I want to go.
So just let me know,
are you going to the show?
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Serenity, sweet serenity,
I found it in your arms.
Like a black hole, you ****** me in,
protecting me from harm.

But when I tried to escape,
you ripped out my heart.
Leaving me broken,
mangled, a piece of art.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
And it was then that my heart slowly sank to my feet.
I was drowning in doubt, and disbelief.
So I reached down my throat to grab my heart.
Once I had pulled it back to its proper place,
I decided to pull it out, and look at it,
see how badly you had bruised it.
Once I pulled it out, I observed it closely.
It looked dead, and was ripe with hate,
so I decided to eat it.
I shoved the heart in my mouth, like a savage,
and slowly swallowed it whole.
The heart then got stuck in my throat,
for it was too big to swallow.
I asphyxiated, and died.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Sometimes, you have to wait,
for things like love.
It comes, beautifully,
like a white dove.

It can be painful waiting,
for life to pass.
You'll miss it though when it's gone,
it goes by fast.

Time is, the enemy,
battling life.
Slitting us, by the throat,
with a butter knife.

Life will show you no mercy,
But don't let that stop you,
stop you from living.

When you've fallen victim to time,
always keep this in mind.
Your life was not lived to die,
life was lived to be alive.

Time kills, and likes to die,
noose around neck.
Death takes, advantage of,
the nervous wreck.

Over time, comes brother death,
wanting your soul.
Takes your life, in one big bite,
eating you whole.

When you've fallen victim to time,
always keep this in mind.
Your life was not lived to die,
life was lived to be alive,
your life was lived to be alive.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio.
Can't you see,
my friends, brethren,
that we are in a time of trial,
and tribulation.

Our will, it will be tested,
and our spirit,
pushed to the brink of breaking.
Our knees will give way,
hands tremble and shake,
but we will beat the desert.

Forsaken by our fathers,
for taking the path of the righteous man,
we will trek under the desert sun.
And when we reach,
the river of the Nile,
we will not longer be forsaken.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
If I had,
the words you possess,
I would take them,
and clean up this mess.

But I have no control.
I was a toy and now I'm sold.

seal my fate,
claim you hate,
what you can't see,
you can see me.

Slicing our love,
slicing an atom,
you drop the bomb,
under a setting sun.

A fire burns inside me now.
And no one can put it out.

You feel,
what I feel.
Tell me,
is this real?

Slicing our love,
slicing an atom,
you drop the bomb,
under a setting sun.

You smiled,
as you walked away.
I loved you,
in every single way.

You slyly slipped me the poison,
before I could run.
Next time, do me a favor,
make it quick, use a gun.

You smiled,
as you walked away.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I'm just an average man,
working nine to five,
doing all I can.

I bring the bread home,
and spend my nights,
all alone.

Don't ask me how I do it,
I don't know myself,
I just put my mind to it.

Stretch myself so thin,
I'm barely alive,
I can't win.

My wife and kids come first,
seeing them unhappy,
is truly the worst.

To make them smile infinitely,
will always be,
a goal for me.

And when I feel broken down,
seeing my kids smile,
erases my frown.

And when I'm not feeling fine,
you lay in my arms,
and say that you're mine.

A man can truly lose his mind,
without someone there,
to keep him in line.

I don't know where I'd be,
without all of you,
my family.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Another lonesome day,
that the rain can't wash away.
Another day, insane,
another day in pain.

Another day alone,
sitting my the phone.
Waiting for you to call,
awaiting my final fall.

my final fall.

I have lost my heart,
to a majestic art.
Impeached from the throne,
thrown into a world unknown.

Now I sit alone,
waiting by the phone.
Waiting for you to call,
awaiting my final fall.

my final fall.
my final fall.

Let the rain,
wash away,
the pain.
Let the rain,
wash away,
the pain.
Let the rain,
wash away,
the pain.
wash away the pain.

my final fall.
my final fall.
my final fall.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Sitting at home,
I can't write.
The TV is too loud,
and Jerry Springer's not my thing.
I try to think, what exactly is my purpose,
but I always draw a blank.
Maybe I'm here to run a circus,
I only said that because it rhymes.

I just can't see life,
in my old brown eyes.
I can't seem to fight,
these feelings inside.

I go bowling on Tuesdays.
I stand there in silence,
take my turn when it comes.
I look around but no one understands me,
they just know me as Barry.
I wonder if they even care for me,
or if I'm just some lonely fool.

I just can't see life,
in my old brown eyes.
I can't seem to fight,
these feelings inside.

Dropped out of school and lost my mind.
My teacher said I'm lazy,
or maybe I just don't like school.
The thought of growing older bothers me,
it makes me uneasy.
I really don't mind getting grey hairs,
I just don't like dying.

I'm a nothing,
a no one,
a loser,
a fool.

I sit silent,
I lose myself,
I am a fool.

And I just can't see life,
in my old brown eyes.
I can't seem to fight,
these feelings inside.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Sun perched in the trees,
why do you stare at me?
I’ve not sinned!
Sun perched in the trees,
why can’t you leave me be?
Rest already so I can breathe,
I’m barely standing,
on my knees.
Your piercing gaze,
jets through me.
You ******* sun,
let the night take thee.
A stain in the sky,
blistering high,
perched in the trees,
let me be!
I’ll trade you for anything,
even disease,
just bury yourself deep,
into stone and granite.
Settle behind cloudy seas,
burrow into hillsides if need be,
just avert your gaze,
sun perched in the trees.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
People write about the city lights,
how they glimmer and shine so bright,
but all I see is a man made mess,
infrastructure, nothing more, nothing less.

Unkempt properties and sewage scented streets,
under dim lit lights and fluorescent flickering signs.
I'm driving through vast fields and flourishing forests,
that were torn up and toppled when man arrived.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Tie me up and poke some holes,
in my heart and in my soul.
Watch me drain, I feel cold,
I'll deflate and you'll move on.

Simple things fall through the cracks,
she loves his love and all it lacks.
Inside the collapsed heart, I lay,
drowning in the blood that remains.

I won't move, no I won't fight,
I'll wander on into the night.
Because every single word I say,
floats into irrelevance anyway.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I watched as you washed your hands of me,
I can't figure out why you're leaving.

So far from perfect, I am just a man,
but I don't expect you to understand.

The leaves are changing and it's getting cold,
I'll find someone new, or so I'm told.

There's no way to explain how I feel,
my skin is smooth and cold as steel,
my heart is broken and it won't heal,
because of you.

Late nights, late thoughts have me still awake,
I don't know how much more my heart can take.

My blank white walls remind me of your face,
the day you left, you left me in this place,
I hate it.

Tear down the walls and tear up the floors,
I can't live in this house anymore,
need to forget the memories we formed,
inside these walls.
It's finally Fall.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Chaos on earth,
chaos among man,
when the devil emerged,
and hatched an evil plan.

Beelzebub came from the ground and,
Beelzebub raided the towns and,
Beelzebub destroyed all around him,
and Beelzebub killed all the townsmen.

He marched across the land,
destroying all the cities,
killing all of man,
with no remorse, no pity.

Beelzebub came from the ground and,
Beelzebub raided the towns and,
Beelzebub destroyed all around him,
and Beelzebub killed all the townsmen.

Hell is on earth,
hell is in the sky.
Everyone who lives,
eventually will die.

Beelzebub came from the ground and,
Beelzebub raided the towns and,
Beelzebub destroyed all around him,
and Beelzebub killed all the townsmen.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
And old man, a beggar man,
on the side of the road.
Where that man truly belongs,
no one really knows.

It's not like anyone really cares,
tossing quarters in his jar.
Like the money that they give him,
will get him very far.

It won't give him a shelter,
it won't give him a home.
It won't give him healthy food,
it won't give him warm clothes.

An old man, a beggar man,
roaming the streets at night.
Just another common fool,
fighting for his life.

It's not like anyone really cares,
as they slowly trot by.
He's just another guy,
on the side of the road.

He will never have a shelter,
he will never have a home.
He will never have healthy food,
he will never have warm clothes.

An old man, a beggar man,
on the side of the road.
Who that man truly is,
no one will ever know.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Reaching back, to the past,
hoping to pull something out of the wreck.
Nothing remains, but a fiery mess,
everything has changed.

I walk alone, down a lonely road,
I can't look back,
because if I do,
I won't continue.

I fight forward, struggling onward,
I leave everything.

Every name,
every touch,
every kiss,
every bit of love.

All of it.

I'm leaving you behind.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Sitting behind who I used to be,
watching him juggle and fight gravity,
such a young rebel, a child at heart,
a child in his mind.

Big ideas and big hopes for all the world,
big love for everyone and that special girl,
all so small now that I realized,
how big everything else is.

I fought with myself and I fought with the law,
with my mother, my father, and everyone I saw,
brash and boisterous as I cocked my head back,
a savior of no one at all.

Years come and go with the blustering breeze,
people you loved let go with ease,
and you find yourself looking back one day,
at the back of your pasts head.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
I miss you,
I miss me.
Lately living,
hasn't been easy.

And this disease,
isn't easy to live with.
I'm just a kid,
with dreams.

What if my goals,
are dreams?
Is that why you left me?

I know I'm a dreamer.
And you aren't exactly a believer.
But I need you, to believe.
If I am to beat this disease.

I can't beat it,
on my own.
I can't handle,
the unknown.

I miss you,
and I miss me.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Broken miscommunication,
building on our frustrations,
with the strangers that we live with.

Fabrics of our families fraying,
our history, we love erasing,
anything to break the natural bond.

We don't want to be alone,
but we don't want to share the world,
so instead we live in darkness.

I live for the people I meet,
my neighbors aren't strangers to me,
why close the blinds when you can let in the light?

The world we know lives in the dark,
hoping to avoid that benevolent spark,
that's why I'm here holding the torch.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
We take for granted,
the water that we drink,
the air that we breathe,
the thoughts that we think.

We are forsaken,
for not remembering our past,
for forgetting our mistakes,
far too fast.

Nations kneel before us,
they worship the soil beneath our feet,
wish they had the opportunity,
we were given.

They grovel before us,
asking for a chance to be seen,
they cry and they weep,
but to no avail.

We take for granted,
the simplest of things,
from our rights as human beings,
to our diamond encrusted rings.

And still we take,
more than we give.
I'm just happy to be alive,
happy I'm allowed to live.

Understand, I make mistakes too,
I don't recycle and that might insult you.
But at least I try,
every day of my life,
to be better than,
I was the day before.

So join in with me,
in the fight to be,
better than you were before.

If we all join in,
this world will begin,
to be better than before.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
When I was a child,
I never ventured past the garden walls.
Blanketed by vines and moss,
they stood oh so very tall.

I didn't dare to imagine,
what was beyond them.
Mother said there were monsters,
and other scary men.

So I played behind,
the garden walls.
And so I was confined,
by the garden walls.

It wasn't till one day,
I was playing in the mud outside.
I kicked my ball over the wall,
and onto the other side.

I stood there for a while,
thinking to myself.
All I had was that ball,
and nothing else.

I was behind,
the garden walls.
But I wasn't confined,
by the garden walls.

So I disobeyed my mother,
and climbed to the other side,
and I was greeted by, to my surprise...
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Today I found a bird of the side of the road.
It had been hit by a car, and was dying.
I picked it up, and slowly caressed it in my hand.
It looked into my eyes, and let out a weak chirp.
Then, with one swift movement,
I crushed the bird in my hand.
It twitched a bit, then died.
I smiled, and knew what I must do next.
Some may say it deserves a proper burial.
I cooked it, and ate it for dinner.
I am now one with the bird.
We are now brothers.
I am now Bird Man.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
Reaching out,
she grabs my ankles.
Pleading for a friend,
she slips away into the dark.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
The black hole heart ***** everyone in sight inside.
Gravity is not real,
for it were,
I would not be in heaven.
The side show is over,
go home,
face the music,
and go to bed.
No one ever died trying,
unless they were trying to die.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
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