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Heather Apr 2021
Lately I find that my life is shaded in many colors of grey
I neither love him nor can live without
I love the idea of another, but the way he treats me makes me hate him
I feel seen but also burdened by the later
And somewhere in the middle of this tangled web of half truths lies my lonely soul
Always alone.
Heather Apr 2019
I will never be that foolish again as to expect anything to break my fall but my own two hands.
Heather Feb 29
Squeak squeak
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
“Hey babe I just got through security”
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
“Those flying to Charlotte will board on gate A11”
“Girl let’s get a drink”
“Dad I’m on my way home, I board in 20”
Squeak squeak
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
“Ladies and gentleman may I have your attention please”

You’ll go far and you’ll go home
You’ll run to love or from heartbreak
But nothing brings clarity like the unbelievable stillness in your heart as a wallflower in an airport gate.
Heather Feb 29
I’ve lost track of the time I’ve spent in this mental tug of war.
Im still hoping to be better than the last time we said goodbye.
I’ve been walking the line between demure and unleashed.
The glitter of others catch my eye, tho fleeting
None illuminate me like you.
I feel the dimming as I walk deep into this cavern.
The farther I walk the harder it is to see that from which I came.
I don’t recognize me; not in my reflection and not in my heavy steps.
There’s no certainty that this is a path of healing.  
And I know healing; my hands have willed it with vashe soaked gauze.
And I know healing; I’ve auscultated it in lobes and bases.
And I know healing; I’ve smelled it in the excrement of the bedridden.
And I know healing.
I know healing?
Finally blocking Ty
Heather May 2019
Could I be more?

If the grips of anxiety didn’t choke me until I feel constantly on my last breath
If PTSD didn’t rid me of sleep
If sadness didn’t settle in my bones and weigh my body down
If BDD didn’t starve me figuratively and literally

Could I be more?
Mental Health is a disability that cannot be seen. It’s real, it’s painful, and often misunderstood. It manifests physically for many of us.

If you are struggling as well, you are beautiful and I am here for you.
Heather Mar 11
May her broken body peacefully return to earth
And her broken heart heal in the next place
I don’t know where we go when we die but I hope it’s not nearly as dark for her as this world was.
Heather Apr 2019
I may never wrap my head around
What it was about you
That could make me run full speed ahead into that dead end
Heather Dec 2019
So many things I wanted to say
But the sugar coated my throat
And the cream turned my stomach
And your voice drowned my thoughts
So I opened the car door
And I walked back to myself
Heather Mar 5
Was I born with this
The part that  can’t be tamed
She craves chaos
A cigarette between my fingers
A straw parting my lips
My bare feet on stone, sand, tile, dirt, mulch, glass
But she’s never here when I wake to wash the cuts, to rinse the sin, to recover the funds
Is she me or is she chemical
Heather Apr 2019
Each night since he left
I trace your words on my skin
I memorize the curve of the L
And try to imagine what you would say

But the truth is I haven’t the slightest clue
You never worried about men, so it seemed.
I wish you had taught me how.
Grandma- love you always
Heather Mar 2021
Smoke curls
Prison soap

Eyes nose throat


Eyes nose throat
Heather Mar 2021
I reached my hand out to you
And I was terrified
You could see it in my eyes
“You’re done with me”
No I say, I’m just afraid

Afraid of what?
You are bewildered
I take a pause and say
Your desire for me.

Because what men desire
They take.
Heather Aug 2020
Sometimes I drive so far down the highway of my mental illness
My loneliness becomes my whole.

I’m just spinning in circles
Looking for signs
Looking for the road map.
Heather Mar 2021
What is it called when the very act of being near someone makes you want to drive full speed off of a cliff?

But you can’t be without them.
Heather Jan 2020
Was it the patchwork dress I wore for my 8th birthday
Or the mud pies we made after the snow melted
Was it the green and black pleated skirt
Or the behavior chart with little red exes

What of these things rooted
Shallow and wide like a redwood
Shading my heart and soul
Encasing me in doubt
Heather Apr 2019
I spent three weeks stewing in anger
Sweating you out of my pores

And today the fever broke
But my body still aches from the chills

I’m exhausted from having and losing you.
But now I see this doesn’t have to be my failure alone.

I am not the heroine of this tale
Just as you are no villain

We are two people
Who choose two different paths.

And when I strain I can still see the light where our path split
The lamppost of blissful ignorance
I spent the weekend with no phone camping and meeting new people. It was the push I needed to see the light at the end of this tunnel. And while I am sad at least the fury and denial are gone.
Heather Apr 2019
I tried to forget your face
While he was touching me
But your always waiting at the bottom of the bottle.
And in the folds of my pillowcase
Heather May 2019
Im in a race with the bottom of the bottle
Who will forget the way it feels to have you wrapped around themselves first?
Heather Apr 30
Ever  been ***** and equally uninspired?
Not a single person keeps the fantasy alive
Heather Mar 13
For all the sadness in my bones
Nothing can negate the peace I have laying
In the grass watching the sunset
Heather Mar 27
The crank of the pump is audible maybe for the first time
Drops joining a full line endlessly pouring into the vein
Skin so thin I can almost perceive the flow of morphine.. or is it blood?
I can count her bones as I clean
A pressure so light like when I was an infant and my father tickled my toes
No muscle or fat remaining they’ve already rejoined nature
But then the chest balloons, one shallow breath falling into step with mine
Sending a shudder down my spine like I’ve been electrocuted
Both of us hold our breath as i roll her bones
Black pools of blood on her back
Like ink spilling out on the page
vying to get out
And tell her story
Heather Mar 11
I think I spend half my life mourning the versions of me before
And the next half terrified of reaching my final form
Heather Dec 2020
Glassy and red
But oh so crystal blue
They’re beautiful
When you make me cry
Heather May 2020
It’s these moments that still shock me
As much as a Sunday school girl past
When I close my eyes and see flashes of me
On top
And *******
And hair pulled
And *** smacked

As much as I want to be virtuous. I’m just not that kind of Mary it seems.
Heather Apr 1
Cuz mama when it boils down to it we’re all fools
And I’ve become the monster that lets him believe he can fool me more than once
Heather Apr 2019
Can roses bloom again
If it were to rain
On the grave of my heart
A passing thought
Heather May 2019
The blood drained from my hands
And drained from my head
Ran to my heart

Racing, flashing, dancing

Your brought me to my knees hopefully for the last time
I blocked your number today and with that I had the worst panic attack of my life. I was just standing in the copy room and it hit like a bag of bricks, brought me straight to the ground. It was the last bit of anxiety as I finally stood up for myself. And it hurt, terribly,  to leave you behind.
Heather Apr 23
As I struggle for oxygen
And swallow the lump in my throat
I remember the way you saved me

As I skip breakfast
And walk for more and more miles each day
I remember how you praised me

I am as broken as I always was
And I remember what a beautiful thing to be
Sometimes even those who challenge and disappoint you can steer you back on to your path
Heather Mar 11
I want to suffocate your memory.
I want to burn your image.
I want to record over the soundtrack of your voice with a thousand new songs
Each day I wake up I dig your grave deeper.
It’s become so deep that the dirt has begun to fall on me
If only I could drag you down with me.
From first heartbreak to most serious. Fascinating how it’s become angrier in the rewrite. I’m stronger, yet still me.
Heather 4d
I could spend eternity
Sitting in the pouring rain
But it would never rinse you from my skin
Heather 3d
I’m scared to turn 30 without you
A decade you never stepped foot in
Time keeps slipping away
I used to grow with it
But lately it feels as if it’s growing around me
Heather Apr 2019
No. I don’t want to talk.
What would I say?
That all my dreams are either ******* him or killing me?
Like that doesn’t sound insane?

Like you wouldn’t think I’m loosing my mind?
Because truthfully I am loosing my mind.
Somehow I love him in such a way that he hurts me, but I am left holding the razor.

He draws me into the cave with the warmth of a firey soul and then
Leaves me standing in the cold
Listening to echoes of my own growling stomach; of my own beating heart

Feeling a fool for entering alone
Because then I see it was a reflection all this time
His soul was never mine to have and never mine to keep

— How are you doing?
Heather Jun 2019
For all my life I’ve been a woman obsessed
With taking up as little space as possible
To shrink my waist
And sink my cheeks

I’ve been a woman obsessed
With being heard as little as possible
To bite my tongue and not interrupt
To keep the ******* curse words in

I’ve been a woman obsessed
With winning the hearts of others
To see the twinkle in their eye when they smile at me

But I am thick, and I am loud, and I forgot to love myself.
Heather Apr 2019
My therapist blinks
“But you know that’s no good”

I stare thoughtfully

“Yes what?”

Yes, I know how many calories it takes to keep from fainting,
To keep the growling at bay
To stop the cramping
But that doesn’t stop my body from revolting every time I take a bite
It doesn’t keep the calculator from running
It doesn’t make unsafe foods seem safe

Because nothing stops the pain like physical pain. And up until this point nothing has ever felt quite as good as hunger.

“Yes I know I can’t skip breakfast and lunch”

But my bones know the truth.
Heather May 2019
Your love made my stomach turn
Gnarled my fingers
Twisted my intestines

Your love made me light as a feather
Turned my dreams from distant stars
To the Apple just within reach

But tell me
Should love hurt so bad?
I miss you
Heather Mar 27
I used to long to be another half
But lately I can’t imagine anything more empty
Than shaving myself so thin
Heather Apr 2019
Sometimes I’m tragically  sad
Unjustly so
And I’m tired of apologizing for it
Heather May 2019
She loves me
He lusts for me
They need me
You long for me
But I am alone
Heather 3d
I wonder if everyone feels this heavy
If midday naps become a constant escape
From the crushing desperation they live with
If the only time they feel light is drifting through their dreams
Heather Apr 2019
I wanted
And want
Nothing more than to make you smile
And know that you share that pure joy with only me

But we both know I had nothing more to give you
Because your staying in the sinking ship;
Going down without a fight
And I’m a swimmer
Swimming away from your wreckage
Im truly sorry I can’t be friends
Heather Feb 20
You’re gritty between my toes
I watch my roots sink deep
Anchoring me, through the high tide
Imprisoning me still
As you recede
Heather Mar 7
You told me so many times
That I deserved better
But I never heard you
Heather 3d
How many chances at love will I get
Before I’m too bitter
Like an overripe apple
No longer sweet and crisp
Heather Mar 7
What’s a measure of a valuable life?
Or knowing when to ask for help?
Is it clutched in talons of the oppressor?
Is it living fast and dying young all for a story to tell?
How many should watch over your rotting corpse?
Because in the end all our blood pools black;
The ink of our heart’s quill desperate to get out
Heather Apr 2019
As I lay here watching your favorite show
Which became mine
I think of how much I moved my heart towards yours
And how much you ran in the other direction.

And it’s sad.
Not because I love you
But because you will never love like me
Until you let go
Heather Mar 7
I always imagine that being loved will be  
Like sunshine on my face
Like silencing my racing thoughts
Like slowing my heart rate
Like the smell right after it rains

But then they fall in love with me
And I lose all my senses
Heather May 2020
For as long as I can remember I’ve been damaged
Sad eyes that only appear more beautiful with a glassy film of tears.

For as long as I can remember it’s been difficult for me to love or be loved.
I always feel so close to many but never truly connected to one

For as long as I can remember I’ve been disappointing
To myself who is never satisfied until I’m writhing in pain

But even then,  I’m breathless.
Something I found in my notebook.
Heather 4d
The loneliest feeling in the world
Is loving someone you shouldn’t
Suddenly the things that brought you joy
Are hollow without sharing them
Heather Feb 29
Where is the space that  all of me converges
In what dimension does bone meet intuition
Is there a timeline when my necrotic heart beats to the drum of my ambition
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