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1.1k · Feb 2017
A Crystal Method
Heavy Hearted Feb 2017
When its sharp it storms the mind,
swirls of smoke & hate combined-
slither insidiously they entwine,
damage done worse every time.
Clouds to crave- poison waves
seen through white glass & a delirious daze
to dull forever an old sun's rays
light which used to shine out always
now bends inward, refracting in ways
to disguise & confuse in an camouflaged haze.

more & more & more & more
of the curse that never ends,
be it smoke or crystal spore
or snake disguised as friend.
I feel it deep within my core
I desperately pretend
you'll be back to fuel me or
a hand someone will lend.
1.1k · Nov 2018
Reminder From the Monster
Heavy Hearted Nov 2018
"Listen up" addiction said, viciously hypnotic

Statue in bed-

"Im still that shadow, etched into your head. And here Ive been growing, forever unsaid."

"Notice virtue no more
But the violence instead."

I'll quickly write down, how exactly I feel, hoping that I learn
that this yearnings not real-
with these words I have read,
Insatiable dread
no more of this chaos, tonight,
the Addiction is fed.
I'll keep the life that I've got
1.1k · Jan 2021
Move Over
Heavy Hearted Jan 2021
Sometimes I regret every single thing
In my pain- I pass on by

emotionless  oh but still it hurts

You tell the truth,

N I dodge your smoke,

As if sometime I could regret.

away and then I cry....

Won't you go away?

You gimme nothing when everything's still the same
1.1k · Dec 2023
The Ride & Reprise: Oleg
Heavy Hearted Dec 2023
As you drive
taking me, we- on a ride
from the suburbs I grew up in
to the City
Down the same streets
Ive always known, driven myself,
the same route
that leads to Toronto.
Splitting, the fork- takes us,
flying around the circumference of the city
The sun, golden orange,
begins to set.
Iridescence coating the skyline –
as each reflective surface
becomes stained glass.
“Eric-I need GPS direction” …

& Its after I've arrived at my destination
& then home again after it all;
do I re-open & Re-read this scribble in a note book-

Recapitulate, & end.
written on the DVP / Driving through the Gardner and Queen's Quay
1.1k · Oct 2023
The Longest One
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Thirty four days of delusional bliss

Thirty four ways to greet the abyss

Thirty four shock waves, to the cruelest brain

Thirty four days of irreparable pain.
Written Last summer i'm found in an old journal
1.1k · Aug 2018
To Yearn
Heavy Hearted Aug 2018
And I want to believe you when you tell me that it'll be okay-
And I want you to hold my hand and walk me through that door.
And despite my fears I'll dance for you,
becsuse I just dance the way I feel.

Now catch that shut eye in my room
Sleeping in-
Oh, summer moon,
Starts at night - worthless insight
Lapping lakes like Leerey Loons-
Patience, shadow, hold on tight;
Waiting alone in your caccoon,
Till dawn till dusk; till you fade to light

& every night,
you fade to light.
Inspired by my wonderful lil Ipod
1.0k · Oct 2023
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
On my nape the unassuming kiss placed, between slumber's tumble...
While all the while we might forget
Moving forward / Backwardly stumble

Wild eyes open - pierce the dark
Left on my nape, that mesmerizing kiss,
bearing the mark
of true fictitiousness.

Invisibly insidious
I'll scrub it clean off me-
Deliberately delirious
Modern Romance < Liberty.
997 · Jun 2018
Paradise Valley
Heavy Hearted Jun 2018
Prove to me

That there's no twilight galaxy

Sing it to me-

always I search.

Put me down.

Lead me away, through confusion

Pain and fear will follow
But at least we'll be together.

Pain and fear will follow-
So put me down.
982 · Sep 2018
A Point of Entry
Heavy Hearted Sep 2018
this is my only poem-
and its been  written to include

me; within its home-

in an unspoken prelude
949 · Dec 2023
Two Weeks
Heavy Hearted Dec 2023
Every time, you try-
counting time in quarter tones,
scribing rhymes on android phones

the great design-
As light's define
then they postpone,
another chance
To be alone
to change one's mind
To go back home.

would you always maybe sometimes make it easy take your time

in the foreground
and then back;
we reflect
as we react
wallow, in
the nighttime's black;
cinder's splinters trace us back.
Inspired by Grizzly Bear's Two Weeks
945 · Jul 2018
Heavy Hearted Jul 2018
As my backache slowly claims my days
With its unrelenting force
The horror of my evil ways
Begins to take its course.

But how will it stop? a few ways I can see,
Most of which end without victory...
In fact in none of them is a winning me
For from the cravings I'll never be free.  And nothings satasfactory.

And everything I once knew

Everything- all the time

Changes beneath the light.
Free verse
Heavy Hearted Dec 2017
As the unseen family
We record our utmost truths
N remain unknown, as we become
Adults forced out our youths

For poetic sake lets never meet
But continue these
works typed in decept

Yet still, we're the Unseen Family
Sepreat and apart;
Safe with distance our hearts whole
Supposed to broken from the start.
Response to featured poem by Iska in Oregon (Dec 3rd 2017)
899 · Dec 2017
The Rains
Heavy Hearted Dec 2017
I made a pitcure of jade and emma,
Tossed it on my wall,
Even took a couples pics
They loved it, that was all.
Neither understood its facts,
and till now, neither did I
Intended not as honorary, but as a battlecry.
That picture I conceived of them, includes me in it not- just my reflection in it's glaze, an abstraction in their thoughts.

And yes, even we formidibal three
Somehow all forgot
That even forever aint forever
Our lessons already taught.
And so the power of this image, is more then I will share-
It merley depicts my two best friends,
Admiting they don't care.

This type of art is devistating.
Astonishingly clever,
So clear its truths invisible
The subjects see it never.
You should always be able to rley on your friends- dissapointment only exists because of its twin sista, expectation
897 · Mar 2019
Heavy Hearted Mar 2019
H for the humility be it here or there
U for understanding  yet so  unaware
G for the good and also the great
O for opinions we insinuate
French man
884 · Jan 2018
My One Reason
Heavy Hearted Jan 2018
Standing Tall, Standing Brave
is to ignore the chase
begin to hope, rethink the life
I once chose to embrace
though I've still got you-
All  age is on your face-
You've become the one reason
for my life, to retrace
Because you see- with your love
my sorrows replace,
your compassion is my fuel
in life's brutal race.
With Softly Spoken Wisdom &
Unrelenting Grace-
Dad you remind me alone
that I'm not in this place.
880 · Jan 2019
The Gates
Heavy Hearted Jan 2019
My heart is heavy at the gates
Where I was caught before;
Could catch my breath beneath the light -
Kneeling at the door
Gothic bars locked from inside
Thrice absent as sorrow states;
Alone there's nowhere left to hide-
heavyhearteed heartbeats- at The Gates

Waged war unto, through words themselves  
I'm obsessed with this fight,
My heart heaves heavy at the gates -
Forever sealed despite.
840 · Oct 2022
Absolutely Invisible
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
Ill write this down - again
I don't enjoy being alone-
especially when I'm right here
with you-

You're a wilted rose & I'm an empty crowd-
With enchanting prose & voices loud,

I don't enjoy being alone-
especially when I'm right here

Still beside you.
at the end of a moshpit or our time together, my last letter to Zuzu.
821 · Jul 2018
My Song
Heavy Hearted Jul 2018
I have a song which my soul sings
Almost all the time, I frown,
For new sounds with it, it always brings
when I try to write it down.
within my tameless mind
Each attempt itself's profound;
weaving through signature time till the melodies  unbound.

the way it always comes out wrong-
Is something I can’t change;
So I listen again, for My Song
though each new sound is strange.

And so it tolls forever,
with an echo of real love-
and effortlessly somehow it's always been
what I’m dreaming of.
819 · Jul 2019
Between Two Worlds
Heavy Hearted Jul 2019
Caught between two worlds
It becomes harder to find your people.
the many nights are never spent
In ways worth all the while

still trapped within a life of glass and in a fragile world
The death of these pretty distractions is how my truth's unfurled.
The relinquishment of crude enticement
May halt this broken life
As I watch the moon and stars and rain
And try wielding virtues knife.

May I know you, true life,  someday,
& may my memories mindful; stay
In Brightest futures my hopes now lay,
As Henderson Avenue guides me away.

confuse my judgement sometimes I still do
too often reciting the prayer's haiku

And so the initial ideal world
That's leading onward out of range
Is where I direct myself now to
And Hope I truly make it
An interesting pain & A Mundane love
818 · Nov 2017
a Steady Sting
Heavy Hearted Nov 2017
I am of November's start,
wild woeful, stubborn smart-
fighting life with drugs & art
to withstand urges, here I impart:
As water signs, we all have a sting
Once felt, forward tears we'll bring
each drop a note- a full song to sing
the melody a beautiful & tragic thing,
Music, wisdom, wrath & beauty,
facets of a cosmic duty

drawn in the stars, until they show
all trials of us Scorpio
21 year old Scorpion
Heavy Hearted Jan 2021
It's upon these cold stones
Which now, I choose to sit, and wait.

Alone at sunrise, fear, hatred and of course, this synthetic 'Art of Doubt'....become me.

The ridged steps- my only companionship
the true essence of cold.

as my fingers numb, and I can barley type this out
Honestly know
I wonder how long and painful
death by ice
really must be.

Beside me; a building filled with everything I could ever ask for want or even need.


And yet , Upon these Cold stones
I sit, just a while longer
To remember what I still have. Not mourn what I've lost.

But mainly, to be a man who doesnt deserve anything inside that wonderful, overwhelming sentimental house. Be it people, possessions even the animals-on those cold steps of reality-he deserves where he rests.
They all deserve more than what I thought I could haven given them.
More than this.
I am so sorry Dad.
Im very sorry Mom.

Thank you, for these cold stones.  You will never understand the gratitude, which one day
I must leave behind,
of all the these priceless blessings.

But for now
It's upon these
Oh so cold, disgracelesss stones- you and me are too alike
melted with liquid burned and with fire, me and these cold stones
know true
Stones cold stairwell winter waiting alone desperation failure rock personification depression parents guilt shame
785 · Feb 2023
Isn't It Strange?
Heavy Hearted Feb 2023
He would always wear my ring- giving me his full attention;
he would lay there- with me,
he listened to the music.
He listened to our songs.

And she carries my pouch, the one I made for her coins.
She carries my artwork- a piece of my mind, my imagination- one of which that even escapes my own memory-
I know she carried it,
Wherever she went.

And with a silent , namelless love, He uses my bookmark.
The one I made for him.
  I know, at every ending,
to every story-
It's there.  

A simple ring, a coin purse, a bookmark;
like the unity of a song we all listen to at once-
we're pushed together, bound by memory,
and immortalized in such fleeting feelings.
Isn't It Strange? That within these three mundane objects
I take solice.
austins ring bronwens pouch and spencers bookmark.
778 · Nov 2017
Aquarius Confronted
Heavy Hearted Nov 2017
Dear Someone listening in the shadows;

there you've always been,
indifferent to my fails and faults
refusing to be seen.
You've watched me spill the water from
my ever-shaking grasp,
watched it rise above my head
listened to me gasp.

Poor Little Rich Boy, is that you?
maybe Genius next-door, too?
how bout The Man - A Thousand Faces
or the Lady, laced in laces?
could it be the Meanies? ...Michael whispered about?
or even Human of Years?- Ghost of corporate doubt?

To you, listener of the Shadows,
who you are I'll never know
both Samson and myself are stuck
in 20  Years of Snow.
references Regina Spektor's 'Aquarius, as well as a handful of the other characters from her songs.
777 · Feb 2018
Heavy Hearted Feb 2018
The most superficial of all my troubles-
My backache does prosist.
Throughout all my other ****
That dull pain still exists.

Tucked in every lonley smile
And every insatiable crave
Is that pain, sciatic style
Despite how I behave;

Yet dealing with much more then a backache am I,
Addictions, Predictions, prescriptions, I lye:
Here in my bed in my room in my shame,
harbouring my bodys everworseing pain.
Heavy Hearted Jul 2019
to feign acrobatic mystery
through aerodynamic  propensities -
is to let dramatic proclivities
start and stop the show.

the somersault
moronically learned;
while in an endless blur-
Displays the beauty
Truth's discerned

of who and what we were.
753 · Oct 2022
A Fleeting Ability
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
Is it true?

That my words are now spilt- broth pushed against the brim,
Liquid to big for its container-gracelessly,
it mimics the wild
of unbound tides.
Wherein a fleeting salvation; is oh so frantically exempt-
Its within my linguistic inability
lies my failure's false contempt.

The mundane English word was once my spell to cast
An arsenal of adjectives & repertoire of verbs.
Yet in English its still heard,
communication's magic,
Wielding the awe of expression-  Cured-
I try to print back into begin

salvage my fading ability to write
733 · Mar 3
Hero / The Lori Meyers
H    is for help! you know I'm alive
E    for estranged, expressionistics
R    eading rhymes- revise, review
        reprise, recite- rethink and renue.
O    verwhelming-
        vertly, overdone-
o  ntology~
Still, I'm the one.
I'm the hero, of the story-
Don't need to be saved.
No one's got it all

"I aint no Cinderella, I aint waitin on no prince to save me in fact until now I think I been doing just fine- you think I sell my body? I merely sell my time."
728 · Sep 2023
as a sad, sad boy.
Heavy Hearted Sep 2023
Sad boy, oh,
How you had contrived,
But wont you ever understand?
Kristoff: some things we make are more alive; When we're both gone, our memories to fade- What might remain is all we've made.

Poetic rhymes, key signature times,
A meter and an inch~
Fountain pens, splashing ink
How, Word's arrangements force us to think.
Maybe still, you're a piece of art-
I know you're more than just an image...
Or a sound, always formed by arms, frantic written movements:

Which Record
And Remain
Reminding me, & then you too
Inside all we might create,
Lives our spirit too.
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Help me- I am so sorry,
for all the nights you spent in the dark.
they were nights where
I needed the pain and fear to stop-
And you would do
Everything you knew
Just trying to make me alright.
" No one Deserves my world quite like you do"
I heard that in a song once.
Now knowing you,
silently, I
Another poem I found in my old journal
694 · Nov 2018
Reminder From Jade
Heavy Hearted Nov 2018
Sometimes all it takes is to look into the eyes of someone who really knows you to actually see yourself. To be reminded of the things that are too small to loose. Small and essential, necessary- and constantly utilized .
Like the ability to love and be loved back- to truly receive love. To understand, and then to multiply it.
Or the ever underrated ability that is actual listening. To truly and activity be able to listen to someone or something- so few it seems are blessed with this.  As I move throughout people I realize how rare these gifts can really be and
how much of a gift
that is in itself-
That I might really know them.
that momentary feeling-
676 · Mar 31
Heavy Hearted Mar 31
Life is complex, she said to me
A statement unfortunately true,
Reiterating the fact, real happiness
Has become a fleeting virtue.
The single most excruciating task
Of anyone to ever, have to ask-
Is to live this life, so full of pain
As the human race, itselve's disdain
Yet, its as effortless as drawing breath
The simplicity of air
Our automatic processes
That which contagiously, we share:
Laughter, Heartache, Hatred, Hope-
the humanistic ways to cope.

Despite that complexities insue,
You know strength, to let faith renue
Bestow some courage, place belief
In all that initially brings you grief

Every morning, a new dawn's shining-
& every cloud, has it's silver lining.
652 · Oct 2019
Artistic Impartiality
Heavy Hearted Oct 2019
The artists impartiality
Of their craft's integrity
Is their profound gift
May it set us all free-
& Vanquish all anxiety.

When each page is blank, and book empty
Its full with potential's entierity.
Our real gift is sweet opportunity
To create and contrive

Its in our art we become who we wanted to be
With truthfull eyes we garentee
That you'll one day begin to see

The artist's impartiality.
Grace & Reem
648 · Mar 2017
On Friendship
Heavy Hearted Mar 2017
You'll never know if they'll come back,
to mend your heavy heart,
to create all the things you lack,
to validate your art.
True friends one will always know,
regardless where they choose to go.

When your love is more then theirs,
you'll notice quite the bruise;
you'll be the only one who cares
and only one to loose.
Will you come back for me my friend?
Or will this truly be the end.
they came back (i went and got them myself)
626 · Jun 2019
Heavy Hearted Jun 2019
Seeing Simple Sacred Scenes,

and then staring at those

Special someones

Silently and Solemnly-

I hold tightly onto that sight.

*That vision of those three old friends,

at the end of that ally,

Waiting. In the soft June rain


just waiting for me to reach them.

for their friend.
Genuine friendship is warmer than gold- when we were young and now that we're old
610 · Jan 22
Heavy Hearted Jan 22
The cruelty of the the human mind-
To lose, to keep, to hide, to find
Half our life be only true
If somehow the mind allows it to...

To forget; well sadly nothing truly competes
for it's the most merciless of our minds feats:
Nothing can be real
if your memory can't on cue:
Regurgitate information,
ephemerally true.

To perform, to recite, to repeat, and understand-
through blackness- pathetic, forget it, regret it
Oh how the mind cruelly demands.
A troubled mind's much like a web
Tangled in memories unsaid
605 · Apr 2020
The Pallet Orchid: A Relief
Heavy Hearted Apr 2020
Just because every leaf & stem, n all the greenery of foliage-
Twist up to the sun;
Doesn't mean some flowers won't still bloom in shadow.
Don't discredit a blossom in the dark- Though the light hits the leaves,
the truth of each petal
Is privately dispatched,
Through each color- and in each shape

of every lightless rhythm.
600 · Sep 2018
Heavy Hearted Sep 2018
Everyone else
Really is
Aware of
The things that
Often only
581 · Sep 2018
Speed Painting
Heavy Hearted Sep 2018
Close your eyes and open your hands:
See through aperture & nocturne, invented sands-
With the glistening shorelines of imagined lands,
This, my ten minuet creation, foregone of all plans...
Is perfect in itself, alone(ly) it stands
Clear in my minds eye, contrived through my hands this a contemporary tapestry?
with threads sewn into strands?

Or is it a song-  melodic and pure

verse chorus refrain- all sung strong and sure

with my keys and strings and drums and things; Ill

make pretty noise
over which I might sing.
573 · Apr 2017
The Savannah Effect
Heavy Hearted Apr 2017
Lying in thick dark
the candle we made glows warm,
burns away my time.
traditional haiku
572 · Oct 2022
When We Close Our Eyes
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
Dear Dad,

We close our eyes, and we retreat
too a very special place-
Away from worry, away from doubt-
familiar teardrops trace.

So, when I see you, sleeping –
the phone right by your seat-
I cannot help but lay parallel, with you-
& forego frantic defeat.

I cannot help but lay with you
& Join your slumber deep,
Knowing that one day when you leave this earth-
that we can always meet in sleep.

Love, Eric
to my 77 year old father, to whom I owe it all.
569 · Jul 2019
To be Canadian
Heavy Hearted Jul 2019
S *ympathetic
Pass me da peace pipe I'm over this ****. Also **** colonialism.
Heavy Hearted Apr 2017
After were gone
my heart will sit out
on the lawn
And my mind back in our den.
I'm blessed and charmed to be a Pon,
That much I comprehend.
Never wonder- always ill be, grateful till the end:

but an abnormal load of guilt, you see
I feel always & constantly

You wont say, but I still know,
that the ride of life I drive too slow.
Somehow, every loving act,
answered question, & proven fact
I took to quickly, wisdom lacked,
my psyche now barley intact.

for drugs are my defining trait...
never imagined as my fate...
I had it too good, I still have it so...
What the **** will I do when both of you go?
I can barley get by, the extent you don’t know,
of the Eric sacrificed, revert I don’t grow.

I may look like a man, but you know that I'm not
there is so much much more I need to be taught.
Free Verse
542 · Feb 2017
On Obsessions
Heavy Hearted Feb 2017
A gap within my minds brigade
is the price, solemnly payed
weak- the bold brain's barricade

a barricade assumed concrete,
proven otherwise as I repeat
irrational- my slow defeat

Compelled am I, a victim to
intrusive thoughts I can't subdue,
to cease them truly, I've no clue

But I've a hunch that if I end,
consumption, and myself defend,
longer no more I'll haft pretend

No one can function at this pace
I wish always my steps retrace
back to run a different race
to end in a much different place.
537 · Apr 14
It's Time / The Whip
Heavy Hearted Apr 14
The alarm tolls,
On their rude device-
It's time for work
& yet still, despite
the thousand fascets
of one reality
These Newbrunswickin Chavs
Wouldn't recognize, really,
That Despite
the riddle's answer, Being  E;
& that double decade,
One might have over me,

When direct
go unanswered; The respect
I require
(now unvield)
Off, into the past
Oh, how I  become

The Whip

they crack
The Whip                        
& with
All that I am,

the past, In desperation, I forcefully trick
As the blackness, of my being
Forms a darkness,  spilling thick.
Engulfing light- mind's eye's Unseeing,  
Consumes oneself, like a candles wick -
Illuminating every route (for fleeing)
For me, the lights still on- homesick.

Forcefully, faithfully; to keep on believing, & even

just to keep the pathway lit-  by headlight, sunbeam, or doomscrolling trip-
Understand why might a human being
'S now become The Whip
Anything is possible and Nothing makes sense
The babble of the valley Brooke
A rush- the flowing, liquid memory moving
Water; the stillness of
a puddle
A pond, the pooling-
scintillates & permeates.
A gentel lapping
against the creekside,
A skip-stone-scape beneath the wetness
Augments the heavy water
As nature's soundtrack.
The valley walls
528 · Dec 2018
22 continued
Heavy Hearted Dec 2018
I'm a song and a poem and an epitaph alike. I'm the dirt gravel path in the forest you hike. I'm the wind and the rain, I'm the first sip of tea
I am the red haze above the deep dark blue Sea.
I'm whips of hard smoke, fresh perplexities-
im only what
you want me to be,
528 · Aug 2018
In Old Fashions
Heavy Hearted Aug 2018
What I was told was to withhold
belief in what you feel
Yet in fashions old, I lay & behold
All which isn't real

The guise of gold that denial upholds
(Before which we all kneel)
Has taken cold for warm, and sold
what from us it steals.
518 · Apr 2018
Heavy Hearted Apr 2018
Of modern tragedy I sing
Deluge-  tears forwardly fling
Watching winter melt to spring...
goodbye snowflakes glistening.

I've let these months weave past my grip
& I have a feeling I wont return
So take this time and read my lip;
From these words I hope you learn

That No drug ever is stronger than me.

There's always a choice

You are free.
Ive got something no pill could ever ****
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