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Apr 25 · 273
Bansi Adroja Apr 25
Being in love with you feels habitual
Like living with a ghost

Kisses on the corner of Blue Boar Street
Walks in comfortable silence when we both should have just gone home
Coffee breaks to talk about philosophy

Old rituals like old friends

It feels lived in and familiar
In the best and worst way

It feels like I should have learnt from every past mistake I've ever made
Oct 2023 · 270
Bansi Adroja Oct 2023
I feel like crawling out of my skin
in this unseasonably warm weather
summer night hazes in mid-October
t-shirts and aircon
and everything else that feels wrong
for where we should be
and how far this year’s gone
Aug 2023 · 83
Bansi Adroja Aug 2023
Falling out of love with you feels like survivors guilt
Like growing pains

Echos of teenage dramatics
Forever etched into the bark of trees long felled

The bittersweet sting of irony

The grass isn't greener
Out in the wilderness with no path to follow
No north star to guide me home

No sense of freedom to speak of
No new day, fresh start, weight lifted

Falling out of love with you feels like the worst thing I've ever done
Nov 2022 · 134
Bansi Adroja Nov 2022
Thinking about you ***** me up these days
like missed alarms in the morning
watching the train leave
spilling the coffee you really need

It reminds me that the best days have gone
passed by in a baby blue haze
in parks pretending to be absolutely anything
but who we are in reality

It feels like a wake up call at three am
that everlasting love doesn’t exist
in the cold of the city streets  
outside of the movies we used to see

Growing up and growing apart
With nothing to show for it
but a handful of memories of sparks
and stories about how it starts

Now I’m tired and feel old
walking past the street we first kissed
wondering if losing love is romantic
or if there is something I’ve missed
Aug 2022 · 163
Bansi Adroja Aug 2022
We used to lay by the window looking up at the stars
pressed together on a tiny single bed
listening to the people walking around upstairs
talking about the dreams we had when we were sixteen
and how much the world had changed since then

I used to know everything about you
like you were the back of my hand
just another part of me I couldn't live without
but now I drink the coffee you like and forget the colour of your eyes
and the way your voice sounded when you told me you loved me for the first time

We talk about the weather and our families
pretending we aren't complete strangers
who used to share a love story we thought we'd be telling forever
and maybe it'll hurt less with passing time
that the promises we made turned into lies
Aug 2022 · 555
Bansi Adroja Aug 2022
I know the feel of summer in this town
ice cream melting down our fingers
bare feet on the grass by the river
daring each other to jump in

Freedom starting with a final bell
carrying our hopes home in a backpack
with all the day dreams and doodles

Reading books about the lives we’d lead
if we were adventurers
exploring beyond the edges of the football field
lost somewhere between fantasy and reality

Watching life pass by with the changing colours of the leaves
crash landing into responsibility
Growing up
Jul 2022 · 357
Bansi Adroja Jul 2022
It's the fraying nerves listening to passing sirens at three am
a long day spent distracted by the ringing in your ears
the hum of of your heartbeat like an alarm bell when you need sleep
drowning when you just want a moment of peace

A persistent companion,
darling anxiety
Jul 2022 · 215
Bansi Adroja Jul 2022
I wish I could wax lyrical about you
like I used to
write sonnets about the constellations
above the corner of Hyde Park
where we first met
the ground shaking beneath our feet
and my wine drunk honesty
as if we haven’t aged by a decade of disappointment
waiting on the same lies we tell eachother
falling out of love one letter at a time
May 2022 · 476
Bansi Adroja May 2022
It’s strange talking about work and the weather
as if we didn’t spend almost a decade
wrapped up in each other

Somewhere out on the water
talking about forever
as if it was just another Tuesday

You were always trying to teach me how to sail
but I never really listened
still I was in love with your voice
and the way you’d stop to kiss me
when I complained about the cold
till it didn’t matter anymore

Sometimes I wish we’d never come ashore
stayed out there where time didn’t matter
and nothing changed

We could have disappeared over the horizon
into the proverbial sunset
we would have stayed golden
May 2022 · 532
Bansi Adroja May 2022
I like traditions
reading the same book on holiday every summer
watching Frasier re-runs with my morning coffee
going to the same restaurant on my birthday
with the same seven friends
meeting at the pub on the corner
for a white wine buzz before heading to the city

Crawling back to you like I do every time
and promising myself I won’t
May 2022 · 92
Bansi Adroja May 2022
We are back to sleeping alone
centre of the bed
in places we used to call home

It feels empty
in a way it never did
before you shifted the mattress
before you stole the covers

It feels quiet
without the city on the outside
without you talking in your sleep

It all feels different
and so do I
May 2022 · 89
Bansi Adroja May 2022
All of these roots feel heavy

Ghosts on every corner
reminders of scraped knees
finding love in the leisure centre carpark

Blurry eyes from chlorine
drinking cider in the park
our ribs hurt from laughing so hard

A lost summer that moved too fast

The streets all look the same
some of the memories fade

Hearts carved into the trees

It’s a place stuck in the past
Apr 2022 · 1.1k
Bansi Adroja Apr 2022
I know all of your jokes
the stories you tell after a few beers
how your voice sounds at 4am
when you haven’t slept all night
because we had a fight
and you just want to make up

I know that you’re scared
of turning into your father
or coming anywhere close  
but I also know that you won’t

I know the day we met
I knew that I had to know you
but now that’s all gone
Apr 2022 · 218
Bansi Adroja Apr 2022
Tell people that I broke your heart
that I never loved you,
not really
not properly
not in the way you needed

Tell people I left you high and dry
that I could have stayed
that I could have tried

Tell people you were right
but I hope you can’t sleep at night

Tell people what you need to
but I hope the memories never leave your side

Tell people the lies you tell yourself
but I hope the regrets eat you up inside
Mar 2022 · 119
Bansi Adroja Mar 2022
You ruined me

Like red wine on the white dress
I wore on that date

Like the broken clasp on the necklace
You gave me on my birthday

Like the torn up letter
That told me you loved me

Like the every good memory

You ruined me
Mar 2022 · 439
Bansi Adroja Mar 2022
I still sleep on the right side of the bed
add sugar to my tea in halves
keep my keys in my coat pocket
with notes of the things you said

I still wonder what you'll think about the mess
and all of these bad habits I have left
because I'm not myself anymore
just a version you kept in your head
Feb 2022 · 99
Bansi Adroja Feb 2022
I wish I’d kissed you in that cinema parking lot
while we froze not wanting to go home
I wish I’d held your hand on that walk
winter sun seeping through our skin

I wish I’d told you I loved you
in the front seat of your car
barely able to breathe we were laughing so hard

I wish I hadn’t been scared
and it didn’t still make my heart hurt
that you were the best thing I could have had
Jan 2022 · 786
Bansi Adroja Jan 2022
I want to fall in love with you all over again
where it all started
on that corner of Hyde Park
watching the leaves change
on the edge of 21
walking home in the rain
living as if nothing would ever change
Dec 2021 · 104
Bansi Adroja Dec 2021
I was a little crazy at 19
when we met on the back streets in the city
dancing dizzy through the crowds
when I drank too much
and you told me it didn't mean anything
even when we couldn't stop

I was a little crazy at 19
but the summers counted for something
because I saw you in the sunlight
I saw you
and it made my heart stop
somewhere near Hyde Park
in a moment we'll never get back
and I wouldn't change that

I was a little crazy at 19
in a way we all tend to be
but I miss feeling like I didn't know who I was going to be
or where life would take me
before everything just faded to grey
and wanting anything more became a haze
Nov 2021 · 129
Bansi Adroja Nov 2021
I think about you in the idle time

The quiet minutes of my life

Waiting for the coffee machine
when it feels too early

On the train station platform
waiting on the central line

In line at the supermarket
trying to figure out what I’ve forgotten

Doing the dishes after dinner
just wishing the day away

It’s always somewhere in the silence

It’s always wanting in the waiting
Oct 2021 · 173
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
The cold reminds me of days at the wall
sheltering under the evergreens
away from the falling rain
and the lectures about wasted days

when every hour felt like an eternity
when we wished for the seasons to change
when all we wanted was to grow up

oh what a waste
Oct 2021 · 924
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
I can blame the champagne
for signing my heart away
to cheap thrills
bruised knees

On the back of your motorbike
riding through the city
as if life made sense

The Springsteen records you played
were stuck in my head

Just like you
Oct 2021 · 647
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
It was just a momentary blip
when I saw you for who you are

A lapse in my better judgement
to have listened to you
and heard the words you said
instead of editing it all in my head

So we look like a movie

So we look like we’re in love
Oct 2021 · 86
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
I hate that I still smile
about the joke you told
on our first date

I hate that I still remember
the way you said my name
under clear skies and stars
made the ground shake

I hate that we were something
that i’ll never be able to replace
Oct 2021 · 2.5k
Bansi Adroja Oct 2021
Kids still smoke under the tree
where we used to hide between classes
where I told Tom I loved him
a life time ago
but it still feels like who I am
the girl with the crush on the guy in the band
Sep 2021 · 768
Bansi Adroja Sep 2021
I miss the summer
when I couldn’t stop thinking about you
falling asleep to your voice at 3am
sharing stories of who we’d been
before that day in October
in the cold and the rain

I miss that feeling
of being safe wrapped up in your arms
in the back of the pub
when it felt like my world was falling apart
hiding away from everything

Before it all went dark
Sep 2021 · 373
Bansi Adroja Sep 2021
We talk like strangers
bemoan the weather
the traffic in the city these days

Everything we should say disappears

All the messy feelings
the late night meetings
sharing every detail of our days

In the spaces in between
we forget each of the last ten years
we fade from each other

Is this falling out of love?
because it hurts
Sep 2021 · 450
Bansi Adroja Sep 2021
I would have stayed in London
not given away my heart
and left it with the wrong person
spent a few nights on beaches
under clear skies and stars
in a Miami sunset haze
Maybe I’d be by the sea
or living the big city dream
be a new version of myself
a person I always wanted to be
Nostalgic regret
Aug 2021 · 401
Bansi Adroja Aug 2021
We still listen to the same bands
Walk the same streets
And think about the same boys that broke our hearts
When the only thing that mattered was the next class we had
Or who kissed who by the bike sheds

When 3pm was the end of the day
And we lived for every mistake we made
Because it didn't matter that we hated this town
And it didn't matter who we let down
We'd become something bigger than
Just names etched into a desk
And all of the tears shed

We'd love and learn
And forget

The only thing is  
After a decade and some change
After miles away
And time for it all to fade

It's still all the same
Nostalgia at its finest
Jul 2021 · 747
Bansi Adroja Jul 2021
Life was simple at twenty-one
there was hope for us
there was a chance we’d be
all of the things we promised we’d be
living on the coast
tangled in each other's arms
under skies full of stars
watching the waves roll in  
a world away from anyone
anything we know
Memories I will always want to relive
Jul 2021 · 492
Bansi Adroja Jul 2021
It felt like a film

Those rose tinted days in the city
the rush at Liverpool Street
running late on my twenty first birthday
waiting on the circle line
in the cold winter sunshine
I remember coffee in the tiny cafe
when everyone turned to look at us laugh

It felt as if the world made sense
as if we’d found the place we needed to be
tucked away in a corner sharing stories
as if we’d known each other forever
like soul mates made of the same star
I knew I never wanted to leave your side
Memories that make me weepy
Jul 2021 · 371
Bansi Adroja Jul 2021
I think about us in the dark
walking the back streets in the city
taking the long way home
hand in hand
sharing laughs and whispers
full of hope

I think about us
in a tiny house in the country
we'd rattle about in our old age
with climbing roses
and rocking chairs on the porch

I think about us
on lazy Sunday mornings
in perfect sleep drunk silence
your favourite black coffee
the crossword puzzles I never finish
just in a haze

I think about us
and sometimes it hurts
because of who we are
A distant past and a hazy future
May 2021 · 248
Bansi Adroja May 2021
I would take every fight
every single heart break
for those three am phonecalls
wishing I could call you home

I would take every single disconnect
every time we tripped
falling in and out of sync
over ten long years and more

I would hold your hand
on the sofa in front of the TV
while we talk about nothing at all
disappearing every evening like a bottle of red

I would do anything
to relive the moments we missed
all over again
because after all this time
you still have my heart in your hands
And I will always wish yours was mine
May 2021 · 591
Bansi Adroja May 2021
We used to picture a life at sea
at the mercy of the waves
and the setting sun
lost under stars
drifting further apart
contained in a space
too small
for the tragedies  
told by aching hearts
We had a plan
Apr 2021 · 458
Bansi Adroja Apr 2021
We fell in love in October
sharing laughs
and lemon sherbets

while everyone else faded away

We fell in love in the dark
when breathing hurt
and every day was the same

stuck alone with our pasts

We fell in love in the rain
waiting for the clouds to clear
and for weather to change

we fell in love when we shouldn't have done

but we wouldn't want it to change
Off the cuff
Apr 2021 · 906
Bansi Adroja Apr 2021
Sometimes I talk in my sleep
more than I do in reality

in a haze of make believe
some particular deceit

woven in amongst fears
and doubts  

stories of better days
daydreams noted down
Sleep deprivation
Apr 2021 · 291
Bansi Adroja Apr 2021
Happiness is a day dream
spent in a London haze
summer in the park
laying in the grass

It’s a distant memory
of drinking white wine
talking about who we were
who we wanted to be

It’s a familiar ghost
like the faded colours
of that corner
on Blue Boar street
Jan 2021 · 346
Bansi Adroja Jan 2021
You are the feeling of walking in the cold
wrapped up in scarves and winter coats
a familiar song playing
at full volume in my ears
each step detached from the world
held in suspension from reality
as weightless as the sunlight

You are the fifth drink on a Friday night
hidden in the corner booth
in the same old bar
with the same stories retold
and the same laughs we always get
familiarity like warmth
like a whiskey

You are a fantasy
a safety blanket
just a nice place to be
Sep 2020 · 223
Bansi Adroja Sep 2020
Living is a case of accidental poisoning
watching ceilings at three am
dissociative days drowning in caffeine
to stay awake
to stay ahead
as anxiety taps your shoulder
an uneasy aching body
always wanting more
will to survive
I've been thinking lately about how much stress is like poison slowly shutting down your health and ability to function.
Aug 2020 · 390
Bansi Adroja Aug 2020
I am fading from real life
turning into notifications
an unread inbox
of messages with emojis
(instead of emotion)
stuck behind blue light
just a digital version
of hope and hurt
Working From Home
Jun 2020 · 186
Bansi Adroja Jun 2020
Depression is
a life lived under water
numb to feeling
robbed of sound
rising in the tide
at the whim of the waves
and hopeless
Apr 2020 · 97
Bansi Adroja Apr 2020
You are my safe space
the feeling of lazing in the sun
sand between my toes
listening to waves rolling in
holding melting ice-cream
as we rush to eat every scoop

A Sunday stroll
in hazy morning light
our feet keeping time
as we try to unpick our lives
in the darkened corners of the Pitt Rivers
You are the only place I want to be

The only person I need
Apr 2020 · 140
Bansi Adroja Apr 2020
Sometimes I feel like a person
all the wishes and wants
of someone who loves
and can be loved
in a surrealist way

Sometimes I feel immaterial
a collection of tangled ideas
lost in someones head
slowly waiting
on the way to disappearing
Mar 2020 · 223
Bansi Adroja Mar 2020
Sometimes its feels like we're talking
through train station speakerphones
muffled by static and noise
screaming our lungs out
to no one at all
while life just rolls on by
disappearing under tracks
with so little regard
A day of feeling like static
Feb 2020 · 85
Bansi Adroja Feb 2020
Love is
Fond memories of a city we hate
Conversations whispered at 3am
Holding hands on Blue Boar Street on my twenty second birthday
Always wishing it was summer in Regents Park that one day

Love is
Crying in the car on a Wednesday morning because of distance
Staring blankly at a phone screen
Debating calling to hear you on the voice mail
An empty side of the bed you should claim

Love is

Love was

Love will be

Soppy and not my usual style
Feb 2020 · 159
Bansi Adroja Feb 2020
The smell of your shirt
when you talked me down from the edge
the middle of winter
in an overcrowded pub
has been my sanity

The sound of your voice
on a crowded bus late Friday night
my escape from reality
from the moment we met
you've been the one
who saved me
Nostalgic and sad
Feb 2020 · 150
Bansi Adroja Feb 2020
We lose each other in the chaos
the everyday shopping lists
the never ending conference calls
the things that feel pointless

When we finally stop to
to feel

Momentary sanity
amid suffocating lunacy
of it always being everything else
over us
Midweek mood
Jan 2020 · 154
Bansi Adroja Jan 2020
How funny it is
to be fleeting,
a momentary lapse in your judgement
an imperfection on an otherwise
pristine existence
a reminder of your weakness
the need to feel
to connect
to care
Honeymoon Over
Jan 2020 · 135
Bansi Adroja Jan 2020
There are days like the brilliance of the first snow
brightness that almost blinds
full hearts
heavy sighs
slowing down time
while grasping at straws
for a way out from under reality and it's spot light
A feeling
Jan 2020 · 142
Bansi Adroja Jan 2020
No one knows the interiors of our lives
all of the tragedies we survive on a daily basis
with the monsters in our homes
days disappeared by ghosts
our love lost
to someone
something so unworthy
Misery pit on a Friday
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