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Kellin Feb 2018
No longer do I fear the day someone who swore I was their universe can
no longer see the stars in my eyes
As long as they still choose to look
they will find them again
My fingers sometimes feel like they were meant for more.

I close my eyes and feel the realities clashing against each other.

A myriad of choices drowned out by the distance of a universe. I can see a trillion different fingers gripping pencils in different ways.

Watch from a billion pairs of eyes as my brain trickles art into the air in a billion different dreams. Count the infinite variations rippling out from each song I sing.

Each tune never played writes the outlines of the sketches I've only felt. The rings of possibilities never to pass pull themselves back into the pond. Memory retracting light from infinite universes.

I remember it's just me. In the dark writing words that don't seem to gleam like all the things my dreams wish I could be.
Kendra R Sep 2017
My teeth sinking into his chest
creates earthquakes,
kills worlds of microbes,
shifts tectonic plates and brings him rising to meet me.

When I lick his skin, a thousand oceans are born, and then die.

My fingertip dancing across his skin
blooms a forest where it lands,
which wastes away to desert
as soon as I have left him.

We are universes colliding, my love.
Let's see how big of a bang we can make.
Let's fling our stardust out into a whole other creation.
fairlyfreaksome Mar 2016
>Want a thing? Relax
>into a script to get a taste.
>Fetishes? or repressed natural inclination?
>Roll a D20 to feel better, take fun and make it killing,
>with just enough free will to make it interesting.
>Nothing else can become reality so in the universe we got
>in the cosmic lottery, calm down
>and have fun.
>Find the most effective deformation — BAM BAM
>SHOOT EM UP — and life is real. Over the top?
>Or so aware that art is less than or equal
>to life, so why settle for realism?
>Say something the way that no one else can say
>it. Maintain a state
>of relaxation by white knuckling your partner until you forget to breathe.
>Fetishize white men not being racists.
>Lay it all out for your audience
>whose uneducation cries out to be fixed
>by you
>and you alone.
>Reassure them
>you get it:
>art is hard,
>so I’m going
>to speak my subtext
>and spice things up
>with some choreography
>just to make sure
>you get what it is
>that I’m trying
>to say,
>because god knows you wouldn’t get it otherwise.
>(And this way, people will finally understand you, and you will be complete, and you will be satisfied, and you will get everything you ever wanted, and you will ride fulfilled into the bright new day of artistic enlightenment you lucky sonuvabitch.)
Little Wolf Jan 2016
In another universe , different from ours.
The Polar bears walk among crystals and geodes,
The aurora borealis at their feet.
The sky goes white at night,
Lit by a copper moon.
By copper and coal colored stars.
The clouds at sunset are the colors of poems,
the rain is always cool,
and the air the temperature of warm kisses,
In another universe the polar bears walk among crystals and geodes,
In another universe everything is okay.
Cascading Chaos Sep 2015
Like flowers in a hurricane
we let sparks fly with such
atomic energy
encompassing the existence
of a connection unexpected
but for certain realities...
This truth will be the dream
in our universe
Carolina P Jun 2015
When looking at one's own reflection
It's like looking at another dimension
Everything is the same, but...
deceptively so.
If you stared hard enough,
open-mouthed and peering
You'd see that
Your right ear is on your left
Left eye is right,
as if your person was....
backward? No.

Just a reflection.

But it is interesting to think
that there is a world beyond
with only a thin glass in between.
A world that is yours,
just a play-back in reverse.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
Electrons whirl and leap
able to be in more
than one place at a time.
They move between
many worlds with ease
sometimes more than one
at a time.
Many lives;
many worlds.
Nothing ever as simple
as it appears.

~ mce
DD Apr 2015
You made me feel,
Like i was yours,
All vicious dreams,
That now are lost.

You're gone with them,
They're all with you,
And I am there,
(Still loving you)
And here untrue.

To all the souls,
Deceiving lies...
I'll run forever,
Until they die.

And throw down dirt,
Burying those thoughts,
No longer hurt...
No longer lost...
Lynn Greyling Jan 2015
The sun is put to bed
So that we can see,
Through the opened window
Into eternity.
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