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Perhaps I have gotten lucky twice
It’s hard to imagine so
But I’m sure of it, it’s something I know
The same kind of luck like the roll of a dice

The first was knowing you
Of all the places I could have been
Of all the towns I could have wound up in
That was the first of many clues

The second was to love you
Who would have thought that of us
To think if I’d never got on that bus
All my days may have been blue

So perhaps I have gotten lucky twice
It’s hard to imagine so
But I’m sure of it, it’s something I know
The same kind of luck, like the roll of a dice
I never wanted any of this
I didn’t see for it
What would I have missed
What more could you fit

Now it’s almost as if I’m blinded
How could anything but you have a prettier glow
Maybe I should resort to being empty minded
Or is it better to know?

When I’m around you I can’t pretend
My walls are down and I’m there stuck
I question if my heart could ever mend
Yet I gamble on fool’s luck

Dreaming of the days to come
Quietly understanding that there may be non
Hoping they won’t leave me numb
Patiently waiting until the day is done

For love is a flick and a flame
Each step leads to a darker night
There is no true one to blame
And so, we become each other’s light
Birds dyed in neon colours tweet
Enchanting tunes
As if they attempt to invoke
Morning's presence.
Hi... can you beam a smile for me?
Before all of this happened, or at least for
someone who can journey through time,
the way you present yourself as a kind
and deserving individual makes it feel
as though going back to meet you once more;
is a privilege that can be repeated endlessly.

Your demeanor and character seem to
transcend time itself, evoking a sense of
admiration and respect that beckons for
more encounters in the past, present, and future.

Each interaction with you feels like stepping into
a realm where the best aspects of humanity converge,
where sincerity and kindness are not only valued
but celebrated. It's as if your essence brings a sense
of comfort and familiarity that transcends the
boundaries of time and space, creating an aura
of positivity and warmth that one can't help
but be drawn towards.

So, in this realm where moments intertwine
with meaning and significance, meeting you
repeatedly feels like a continuation of a
beautiful journey that has no end in sight.
Psych-o-rangE Apr 21
McDonalds is the answer
Feel Joy
Feed the Machine

You are Wrong
You have a Choice
Have KFC.
Ander Stone Apr 12
there's green all throughout
the silver droplets,
coiling about the warmth
of powder-blues and roaring magentas.

there's green all throughout
the golden threads,
winding around the jubilee
of cream-whites and vibrant citrines.

there's green all throughout
the copper clays,
swirling between the renewal
of xantic petals and extatic lilacs.

there's green all throughout
the joyous weeping
of spring.
MsAmendable Apr 10
And yet more was said
In the space
between the breaths
between the words
Of what you thought you were trying to say,
The way your eyes looked away

Hold your tongue my love,
I already know
Joy cannot come if it cannot go
Steve Page Apr 9
Where's your joy?
Where have you found it?
If it's not there before you
turn your face to it.

Where's your joy?
Are you able to grasp it?
If it's not within reach
take steps towards it.

Where's your joy?
And are you enjoying it?
Life's worth the effort
for the joy found within it.
Life is too short.
The righteous and blameless Saviour alone carried the cross,
For someone so unworthy and wretched like me, You paid the cost
Through redemption in Your Son, we are justified freely by Your grace
With new eternal life, may we seek Your face

You lovingly sent Your Son to die on the cross of Calvary for me,
Now that salvation is complete, forever I’m free!
My chains are gone, my debt is paid;
Through the cross, new hope for me is laid

My soul rejoices because Calvary covers it all,
Despite my sin and shame, You still gave Your call
You are merciful and faithful to save,
Nothing can ever separate us from Your love and grace!

Come, let us confess our sins and ask for forgiveness,
The faithful One will cleanse us from all righteousness
In Your light, we see light;
For in You, is the fountain of life!

Inspiration: Romans 3:24, 1 John 1:9, Psalms 36
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