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Jeremy Betts Feb 2
I don't know who I think I am, but I ain't
Ain't shiit, ain't a saint, track record ain't great
I battle free will and fate over ornate quips with no stake in reality but won't vacate
I'll always acknowledge everyone that has filed a legitimate complaint
I eat nonstop, still too much on my plate
With this much weight, it's gonna break
Losses stacking at an alarming rate
Losing track of where I'm at in this debate
The one on good and evil and people that doesn't seem to translate
Breathed life into a mistake
I'm what I thought he couldn't make
But here I am
With almost nothing left at stake
Never heard the last boarding call whistle for moving on, left stranded at the departure gate
It never has before, I don't know why I thought it would wait
And being in the state of mind I'm in, my best guess for what the **** is happenin' is not elaborate
I was simply destin to be too late
Or maybe it was destiny that was early but I shouldn't fixate
'Cause either way, the screen says game over and on the board...

Confirm the fact and fate
Of a life of contrariety & frustrations,
With a note on every date,
And a count of its disruptions.

Bear it all with amusement,
Be a witness and shed the torment,
Give it beautiful words for garment,
Help heal the worlds' ailments.

You are the maker of your Joy
So wait not for the end of all ploys,
To grant yourself the gift of radiance,
And step into moments of only gracious dance...
... And live the Beauty of a life of Defiance.
Jeremy Betts Jan 28
Love and hate
Both require devotion, more than enough to challenge fate
Both known to be used as a powerful bait
The realization of either can often land a dollar short or a day late
Both can rear their ugly heads at first sight, on the first date
What one is the strongest trait?
Disney shows one over the other but if you were to look into it further you might see the actual history reveals it's no checkmate
What one will ruin your life faster is up for debate
Obviously not a hot take
Show me someone saying only one of 'em can make your life great
And I'll direct you straight to a liar just trying to narrate some amateur bs to placate
To hide the primate, trying illustrate the opposite of it's namesake
Investing in either one, one over the other puts a lot at stake
And don't be fooled
Both love and hate will walk hand in hand with you to heartache
I can't sit here and say I hate to love nor do I love to hate
Just forced to live the second half with no heart to break
The phrase make it or break it plays seconds before I notice I broke what I made...
...once again...
...for fu©ks sake

mjad Jan 12
I hope one day you can close your eyes
And smile at our memory
Zywa Jan 4
Climb up the ladder

and look next to you, a snake --

is waiting for you!
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-2 "Snakes and Ladders" (the board game "Moksha Patamu")

Collection "Low gear [2]"
I shatter into a thousand tiny glass shards of a tea cup

Time did not stop it

Time did not reverse

Hands picked me, held me,
and mended me with gold.
Shanghai Dec 2023
Heart is racing like a wave
I'm too sentimental
It's hard for me to let go
Or I'm just scared of the outcome

Eyes are wailing like the clouds
They used to shine so bright
I know it’ll all end in tears
*** I see it coming at eight

The art is you
I’m letting you go

I know I'm fallin
At the same time I'm breakin
Now, I must let go
*** I can't go with the flow

I prayed; I prayed everyday
If you are the one for me
If not, I asked Him to take away
And if He will, I'll accept the fate
raven arcane Dec 2023
we were but strangers
that happened to cross paths
I saw you staring
and I couldn’t help but look back
a mere encounter
that didn’t form any wonders
only a red thread
that signifies this is not the end.
fate has a playful way of doing things
for I saw you once more,
and another time,
and another time.
the same face,
the same stare.
anticipation filled
the next encounter.
life seems so exciting,
without knowing the after,
staying in the safe zone
of the unknown.
or so I tried to convince myself,
for my heart could not take the baritone
of your first “hello.”

2019. merry christmas :)
Zywa Dec 2023
The pointing finger.

Does it point to my finger?

To my path in life?
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-1 "The fisherman's pointing finger"

Painting "The Creation" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome (1508-1512, Michelangelo Buonarroti)

Collection "Low gear [2]"
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