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Magenta Blume Jul 2017
Never saying the right words.
Never being the one heard.
I lay awake buzzing. My body bounces on the bed. I bang my head.
Slowly I start to stick in a slippery ***** of my mind. Falling so fast farther into time.
Swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe swipe
Slowly fading out as the continual motion of your phone screen moving back and forth makes your eyes glaze over and you take another step deeper into your head.
Am I manic
Am I sad
Am I normal
Why do I get like this
Tears slide down my face as I read a conversation in a way that makes me feel the pain.
My breathing picks up and suddenly I can't get enough
Gasping flailing and needing someone to anchor you down.
There is no one around.

Because In your spiral into the dark you hurt their hearts, and now they don't want to be around you.
You are too much to handle you say too many things that shouldn't be said.
But it's only to get them out of my head.
Maybe then I can get out of bed
Where I've been for endless hours doing nothing
Listening to my thought if they are there.
Today I'm just a sad blank stare.
Harsh  Dec 2015
Harsh Dec 2015
Before bed,
first thing in the morning,
when you randomly wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep,
In the beginning it's almost like a new toy or a car,
the excitement when you first download it,
the careful precision with which your profile is created,
how into it you are all day all night,
Then slowly a pattern emerges.
You get the insanely sporty ones,
running, jumping, swimming, lifting freaking weights,
and you think if I were looking for a personal trainer I would swipe right but no thanks.
Then there are the travelers,
on a world tour since the beginning of time with no permanent address, let alone any potential for a relationship, so you swipe left on instability.
Then there are the 6 packs and no heads,
making you wonder when muscles and treasure trails overrode eyes,
and cringing at the sight of those semi shirt lifted body shots, you swipe left.
Then there are genuinely you're not attracted type,
too much baggage type,
too good looking making you skeptical type,
standing too close to girls type,
reptiles as pets type,
really bad grammar or purging emoticons type,
alcohol is a hobby type,
no ambition or future type,
on all which you keep swiping left.
Every now and then there's the just right type, with the right amount of words and smiles,
sincerely looking for something more than *** or just good at pretending they are,
so you swipe right.
A match...
You never end up talking anyway so swiping on, all day long,
and you realize this is *******!
The only thing that's getting anything is your right index finger,
and there are much better ways in which it too can be put into use.
You realize even after expanding the age limits to highly questionable numbers and including the maximum area in distance,
and proactively lowering your standards,
you still haven't swiped right on Mr. Right.
You realize you aren't looking but rather searching for that one face, that specific personality who already escaped between your fingers like that one cute guy you accidentally swiped left on a super drunk night while eating peanut butter out of the jar,
or that one guy who you thought was perfect so you super liked but never liked you back.
You realize you are searching for a specific person who doesn't have a Tinder profile but lives in the same building as you, who'll never swipe right for you even if he had the chance.
So you unmatch all those stupidly silent, mute, mistakes of matches, reset the preferences to more respectable limits and...
This poem is the sole property of me and cannot be copied or used without permission. [Copyright G.H. Rodrigo 12/12/2015]
Holly Clark Nov 2018
A much needed skill
If you want to be chosen
In the online beauty contests
A competitive dating game
Prettiest picture wins the prize
The most matches
More messages
Get the highest score
Selling yourself to whoever likes your picture
You’re just glad you look good enough
For someone’s greedy eyes
Because you just want to feel wanted
To find the one we are all looking for
Searching for soulmates
In sea of profiles and usernames
Because these days
It’s how we find true love
solfang Dec 2017
today on tinder,
swipe, swipe, swipe right,
swipe, swipe, swipe left,
oh, it seems like we matched.

now tell me lover boy,
who's going to spark,
the fire with this match,
you or I?
reinstalled tinder and swipes a number of matches but
why isn't anyone bold enough to start a conversation
Miguel Cardozo  May 2018
Miguel Cardozo May 2018

I never knew 2 seconds were all it took.
...Swipe right...
Two seconds of superficial observation.
inspiration for a game.
A game,
That once inspired countless books.

Swipe left.
Swipe right.
Two seconds!
Ignore a life.
Ignore a struggle.
Ignore a...
hungering for more.

Did you know,
In two seconds you might,
...Swipe left...
miss a chance?
The chance.
For two lives to become one.
A thought left..
In hindsight.

Did you know!
Did You know,
...Swipe right...
That love was blind before the screens told us that this was not so.
That *** for the sake of it,
Could sap away our soul?
Leave us corpses...
Nothing more...
Nobody  Sep 2017
Nobody Sep 2017
Ive joined dateing sites,
Ive seen hundereds of females of all size and shape, national origin, skin colour, and beliefs.
Messege after messege,
hellos and goodbyes.
I look at each face and stare into their eyes and think to myself,
"will she make me happy?


My heart begins to desend to the lowest viod in my soul.

Its you.
Its been months since ive seen you,
My heart can not take it anymore.
We live in the same city,
No more than a few blocks away.
You were my world, and now youre gone.

But you're right here,
Behind this tiny screen.
The closest ive been in a while.

As i read your bio,
whatever that is left of my heart that still remains in my chest, slowly crumbles into dust word after word.
I feel as it floats away in the dark emptiness of my mind.

You look happy.
I hate every last bit in my soul. I have nothing, no one. Im just a nobody.
Sashaa  Aug 2020
swipe right.
Sashaa Aug 2020
he swipes the cigarette ashes on his shirt to the right.
he swipes the coffee stain on the table to the right.
he swipes my damp lips from kissing him to the right.
he swipes his hair to the right.
he swipes my blushing cheek to the right.
he swipes my bra straps to the right.
swipe right.
swipe right.
swipe right.
swipe right.

and i swipe my falling tears to the right.

but our love wasn't right.
that i had to find you again as the choices offered.

i still have those pains from the moment that you swipe your invisible knife on my heart
to the right
to the left.
i thought you were right, but you left.
you know... you should never fall in love with anyone that swipes you right on tinder.
Swipe. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe.

Driving through the dark of night.

Swipe. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe.

Go a little faster, I just might.

Turn on the light, hydroplane.

Driving through the pouring rain.

Behind my eyes, anger and pain.

Today, truly, the best of me insane.
Eitten S May 31


I’m bored




In a cycle

That I can’t



I’m programmed

Now To want

That instant



That comes

From a

30 second clip

About nothing

In particular




I miss the days when I would sit and play in the yard. I would make mud pies and cake and just be a curious, simple kid.

Nowadays, you look around at a restaurant, and the minute a kid says anything loudly or wiggles in their seat, the parents give them a tablet.

My kids are never having tablets.

To satiate ourselves, we’ve seemed to somewhere swipe away our simple senses.

We’ve forgotten what it’s like to be entertained by words on an unmoving, dull page.

We’ve forgotten what it’s like to sit and listen to the birds - or even to listen to a podcast or anything over 10 minutes.

Our lost city is our simplicity.

When will we dig it up again?


We’ve forgotten what it’s like to be bored.

And that’s dangerous.

Those that are easily bored are easily manipulated, because they’ll grasp onto anything that comes their way in a desperate attempt to escape from their inner silence.
Arjun Raj Jul 2016
Swipe in
Swipe out
Pay bills
And *******

“Repeat” they say
And you might be,
Programmed to deceive
Time, freedom, and drive,
To only move forward,
Or rather be just fooled into
Believing that you
Are moving forward,
By coming back to

Swipe in
Swipe out
Pay bills
And *******

We must question
Did we **** up
Did we exhaust our drive,
The passion, to be a somebody,
To make a difference
To touch people’s lives
To follow our dreams,
Lets introspect for a while,
While we,

Swipe in
Swipe out
Pay bills
And *******
Yet again

What is this trap,
This false sense of accomplishment,
The short lived excitement,
And a remorseful hangover,
Friday nights be like another step
Towards an inevitable end
Only that we come back on Monday to

Swipe in
Swipe out
Pay bills
And *******
All over again
sergiodib  Jan 2021
sergiodib Jan 2021
Magic Mobile in my hand,
Who is the wonder of the Web?
Who's so special in the social?
Who should I follow?
Who should I love?
Who should I leave?

Swipe, here’s an archetype,
Swipe, that’s a stereotype,
Swipe, a melody pipe,
Swipe, the vibe of the tribe,
Swipe, don’t wait, subscribe.

Magic mobile in my hand,
Turn me into a pixel ray,
Let me through the display,
Into an ocean of emotion without delay,
Don’t wanna think I wanna play.

— The End —