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Lupus-  Feb 2019
In the Shower
Lupus- Feb 2019
In the shower I cry
In the shower I break
In the shower is where
I name my mistake

In the shower I’m happy
In the shower I’m cold
In the shower is where
All my stories are told

In the shower I’m mad
In the shower I’m hot
In the shower is where
My heart feels like a knot

In the shower I talk
In the shower I pray
In the shower is where
All my feelings would stay

In the shower I’m sad
In the shower I plead
In the shower is where
I plant my seed

In the shower I think
In the shower I scream
In the shower is where
I would keep my dream

In the shower I remember
In the shower I shrink
In the shower is where
All my memories would sink

In the shower I’m not shy
In the shower I grow
In the shower is where
My soul would glow
Jojo Mike  Feb 2019
The shower
Jojo Mike Feb 2019
After a long day of life
I get home put away my bag
Strip my clothes off and smile one last time
Go to the shower for some privacy
Because my room doesn’t allow that
And before i open the shower
I close my eyes and shut down for a sec
And its quiet and peaceful and dark
And I’m tempted to stay there forever
Then i remember my mama depends on me and open my eyes
As i open the shower and water pours from above
My eyes shower the bathroom with water of its own
And for a minute i forget what i was in there for
For a minute i silently pour my heart out
In the shower as i slowly slip to the floor
And i sob for the love i might never explore
I cry out for the death that i have been wishing for
I cry for the words that i was told that day
I sob for the insults that come my way
I remember how as i child i did everything to chase death away
And now i can’t help but call it to me
But not even death wants to deal with me in anyway
And in the shower I’m literally naked
Both on the outside and inside
In the shower i wash my dirt away
In the shower i let my vulnerability show
In the shower I’m never okay
Because i never knew how it feels to act my age
And as i scrub myself and rinse off
I put on the mask i have always known
Dry myself off while practicing my daily mantra
I’m “okay” i'm “fine” words I’ll say
As soon as i leave the shower and my ***** secrets behind
In the shower lies my confidant
In the shower is where I bare my naked soul
In the shower is where i get ideas of what to write next
In the shower is where i sometimes talk to God
In the shower is where my secrets lie
In the shower is where I’ll probably die
The shower is a place of solitude for me the walls know my secrets they have seen me at my lowest and there i poured my heart out
R May 2015
and I would like to thank my shower for always being there with me through everything. my shower has seen the most vulnerable parts of me, and not just because I am physically naked in there, but because my soul is naked there as well. my shower has seen me cry and has listened to my stifled sobs and my muffled screams, as tears mixed with the water flowing from the faucet. my shower has seen me make love and create steam with more than just the hot water, but with our hot bodies pressed against each other with moans escaping us as we smile and kiss. my shower has heard me sing every song known to man, and has heard me mess up... a lot. I say sorry to my shower, as if it has feelings, but maybe it's just because I'm so used to ******* up all the time. my shower has watched me in the worst time of my life as I cut open my skin to let the demons out again and again. the blood would mix with the water and I always wondered if the water pressure would increase in that moment because it was crying for me to stop. my shower has lifted up my spirit in times of need, like on the day she left because I knew something was wrong. so what did I do? I got in the shower, blared oceans, and sobbed for a good thirty minutes. I wasn't ready to face the day, but I felt a bit more ready to hear those 5 horrible words that I knew were coming for me, "I'm breaking up with you". and most importantly, my shower has seen me smile. it has seen me smile as I sing and fail to do so and it has seen me laugh because I have such a beautiful life, and I will be so much more than what I am now. I know this because my shower has shown me with its constant companionship, and that is why I would like to thank my shower.
I got into the shower today and as I was singing, it made me realize some of the things my shower has been through with me in my life. I hope this poem isn't stupid, but I'm actually pretty proud of it so. :)
I also meant to add about the times we wouldn't make love in the shower, but just simply wash each other and enjoy each other's company, but I was told to keep this poem the way it is because it is perfect. So here I go, but at least now you know. xo
EM Biller Feb 2011
I went to Wal-Mart, the other day
To buy you a shower curtain.
Not just any shower curtain, if I do say so myself,
But the perfect shower curtain.
I wanted a shower curtain that would describe you, as a person.
A shower curtain so wonderful
And weird
And uniquely you
That everyone that saw it would say,
"****!  That's a fine shower curtain!"
And what's more, they would know,
Beyond a shadow of a doubt,
That it was your shower curtain.
No one else's.

I didn't find it.

I'm sorry.  I am.
I tried to get one that fit
Your style, your class, your ******* beauty,
But I'm not sure it exists.

First, I tried to find one that smelled like fresh-cut flowers
After a rainstorm
In the Amazon.
Then, I thought about trying to find
Something that would match the color of your eyes,
But I don't think they've invented a material
That starts out sea green
Then changes to iron gray when you're happy,
Sky blue when you're sad,
And a mix of all three when you're angry,
Like a technicolor warning system.

So I looked for one patterned with cartoon owls.
Because I know you're scared of birds,
And the best time to face any fear
Is in the morning.
And the best way
Is as a cartoon.

They didn't have one printed with your favorite song,
Or one made entirely of white lillies,
Or one cut into the shape of every snowflake
From every snowball
You've ever fired,
With the accuracy of the captain of the softball team,
Directly at my head.

I tried to find one with your vicious brand of humor
That I find so compelling,
But they don't make a shower curtain
That insults your mother,
Then gives you a kiss on the chin
Because it can't reach your nose.

I went to Wal-Mart to buy you a shower curtain.

So I bought the only one they had
That I could justify
Because nothing else would have fit.
I bought one that is translucent,
So that if I walk in on you one morning-

By accident, of course-

When you are busy washing your hair
As you sing Elvis songs,
I'll be able to see you,
Without seeing everything.
Copyright 2010 E.M. Biller.  Or whatever I need to put here to say, "Don't steal this!"
Elisabeth Mar 2020
I sit in the shower, wishing for my brain to work the way it should.
I sit in the shower and let the water beat against my face, hoping that will drown out my thoughts and insecurities.
I sit in the shower and cry because I know no one will hear me.
I sit in the shower and question my importance here.
I sit in the shower and gag myself while I sob quietly.
I sit in the shower and take apart razor blades and let them dance across my wrists so that I will stop numbly staring at the shower wall.
I sit in the shower and wonder, if I should really be here tomorrow.
So, how do I tell my friends I sit in the shower?
Nienke  Mar 2014
Nienke Mar 2014
the shower is my nation
the shower is not my bath
the shower is my salvation
when I have lost my path

the shower is warm
the shower is wet
the shower, like a storm
sometimes makes me sweat

the shower is my nation
he does not dare to frown
he stops all of my frustration
and knows to calm me down
Kuzhur Wilson Apr 2019
In your place,

I planted a *******.

On the southern border

Of a dilapidated, porous house.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.

I used leaves that have decayed

More than the usual

As manure.

I took handfuls of the sand,

That was measured out

For construction of the house,

And spread over its base,

Without any measure.

I diverted the rain,

That was flowing away lazily,

To its base.

******* trembled

As love swelled up within.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.

I kissed every leaf,

Without anyone seeing it.

Its veins looked like yours,

When I read them gently.

And when the eyes welled up

I made a ridge under them

With my soiled hands.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.

I will nurture it with love.

I will fight with ants and beetles

And even butterflies.

If it ever droops,

I will pamper it with sweet talks

And pet names uttered in its ear.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.

I will stand guard to it

In rain and shine.

I will tattoo on my palm

Its green, branches and leaves.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.




I will pour out the soul of life

Just for it.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.

In nights, when I really lose it,

I will hug it and cry my heart out.

I will shower it with kisses,

Drenched with tears and spittle.

I will lie down on its lap,

When the eleven bells crumble.

And when I feel naughtier

I will close my eyes

Get inside it

And hide in there.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.

One day,

It will flower.

And sing aloud, yellow yellow yellow.

The wind, birds and all creepers around

Will take up that song.

When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.

In your place,

I planted a *******.

One day.

One day

I will open my day

With its sight

And fade away to next life.

It will wait for me

Till the next life.

‘ When it rains,

Seeds sprout in the fields.

When the bugle sounds,

The dead come alive.’

A requiem sung at funeral of Christians.
Kuzhur Wilson

trans. Anand Haridas
jeremy wyatt Jun 2014
The thing is Boy,
Yes, YES! I did need a shower this morning, and ****** lovely it was.
Aye cracking........
Let me tell you three things I got just right with my shower this morning.
First of it was HOT.
Not warm, definitely not lukers, as you said when you where a lad, but ****** lovely and hot.
Like the shower after a shift in The Pit.
Now, notice the capitals there, on The Pit.
Not to make it a loud word, I am simply showing due respect to The Pit.
I spent enough years down that colliery to show it that due respect.
The Pit indeed.

Secondly, there was enough water.
In my shower, not the mine now, pay attention!
It can be hard for folk to hang on to my words, I digress so much, hanging on to my words is like trying to grab a slimy mackerel on a sunny day at Porthcawl Pier.
Now that is a ditry pier, due to littering.
And fishing.
Speaking as a fisherman, with you will notice, a  SMALL f, as I do not profess a great degree of skill in that area, but speaking as a fisherman, I will admit that there is an occasional tendency towards the dropping of litter.
On the pier, that is.
Quite likely elsewhere as well, but then I only fish the pier, see.

Anyway, yes, water.
Enough of it.
Not a ****** half-hearted trickle, an apologetic drip, but a deluge!
Fair flooded me out, it did.
****** marvellous.

Now, there was a third good thing.....
Ahh. THAT was it..
Someone to scrub my back.
Very important indeed.
You see, in The Pit, or at least, in the colliery shower, after a shift, we had good showers.
Hot, they were. Hot and wet, and we would stand there, warming ourselves under the water.
By Christ, my arms were sore after a day on my side with a pick.
And the soap was hard too, like a ruddy brick.
But the water helped see, took the pain away, it did.
Aye, and all the Boys, we would wash each others backs.
That was the way then.
In the showers.
I new my mate's backs better than my missus'
Thirty years scrubbing them.
"Whiter than white" I would say.
When they asked me.
"How is my back Bryn?"
"Whiter than white".
Good days.

Now this shower.
A ****** good one too, It was today.
The Girl who comes in got it just right.
Halfway between five and five and a quarter.
Bang on.
And she washed my back.
Not as hard as the boys would have done,
but good enough for a youngster.
Not bad at all.

All in all, a good shower.
And that means a good day.
I can wheel my chair to look out the front later.

You'll pardon me for going now,
but I have to go to the bathroom see.
A big ****** task for me now.
Still, no-one in till teatime, and I can manage,
if I take it slow.

And thursday I get another shower.
And I will tell you about the days in The Pit again.
Meant to be read in a Welsh accent.
As in Pontrhydyfen.
Not like Richard Burton, who was from Pontrhydyfen, but in the accent the rest of the folk speak.
****** lovely it is too.
When first shower of monsoon
Touched the emotions
Of my innocent heart
Its strings began to ring
Drops of rain began to open
The windows of my heart
And with its tender touch
Heart began to pour out
Pearls of positive thoughts
Now everything seemed positive

Seeds of inspiration
Sowed by a rain shower in my heart
Began to reverberate
Everything now appeared inspirational
Seedlings of love and compassion
Began to germinate and
Fresh winds of peace and humanity
Started blowing in my heart
Monsoon shower roused
A new hope to live and
Left a lasting legacy
Every corner of my heart
Heart bells started ringing exaltation
And raising wave of happiness
Monsoon shower taught the heart
A new art of living

Darkness changed in brightness
The heart began to rejuvenate
The monsoon shower infused
A new life with peace and prosperity
And kindled the lamps off
Bright and prosper tomorrow

(Written by Kishan Negi)
First shower of monsoon infused new life in my heart and a new art of living
Victor Tripp Dec 2015
Life is to brief to live all alone
I need someone to come to be my very own
I will care tenderly for you, you will do the same for me
Our love will always be forever
Come shower me with your love, shower with all the love I've waited for
I'm hurting inside as this love song I now sing, but when a true love
Comes, it can turn around and change everything
Shower me with your love, shower me please somebody
With all the love I've been waiting here for
I close my eyes and bow down on my knees and pray
That all my dreams do come true
Until you to me, I'll wait right here for you,patiently
Fairy tales in story books come true, praying hard and hoping
Each day and hour to fill up forever with you
Like the night stars that shine above in the sky
Our love and dreams will come together
Shower me with your love,shower me with the love I've needed
Shower me with your love that I've been waiting here for
victor tripp Dec 2015
Life is too brief to live all alone.
I need someone to come for my very own.
I will care tenderly for you and you will do the same for me.
Our love will be forever, shower me with your love, shower me.
Shower with all the love I've been waiting here for.
I've been hurting inside as this song I now sing
But know a true love when it comes can change everything.
Your love will comfort me and mine will indeed do the same for you
This joy that we share will last forever.
Shower me please somebody shower me with your love
Here and now with the love I've waited for.
I close my eyes on bended knees and pray that all of my dreams
do come true.
Until you come by here, please know that I belong to only you.
Waiting days and nights patiently for you, knowing if a man has a
dream someday it will come true, and I keep hoping to soon be with you.
Like the night stars shine high above in the sky
Our dreams will come together both yours and mine.
Shower me with your love, shower me with all the love I've been
longing for.
Alvin Jun 2017
I took a shower tonight.
But I didn't wash my hair
Or my body or my face
Or even my toes.
I took a shower tonight.
And although the water was as hot as it can go
I stepped in and my whole body froze
From my hair
To my body to my face
To my toes.
I took a shower tonight.
And I just sat on the shower floor
I put my face in my knees
Let the billion clear little razors
Roll down my back
And down the drain.
I didn't cry.
I didn't break down.
I took a shower tonight.
And I just sat on the ground
And I sat in the shower.
Till the hot water turned cold.
Three hours of sitting
of mini razor blades rolling gently down my back
And in just a moment.
I'll get in my bed.
And I'll lay.
For about six to seven hours.
Until seven am
And then I'll put on my eyeliner
And be on my way.

— The End —