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 Feb 2020 scatterbrained
My labored breathing carries through the woods like a child’s laughter. The consistent pounding in my chest augments the barely perceptible reverberations of summer.

The skeletal branches of the trees bend just short of snapping. Their spines creak in the biting wind. The bright-white silence of death fills the moments of emptiness, a constant contrast to the rare instance of life.

The elusive quiet always returns, but there is no fear in the woods.
 Jun 2016 scatterbrained

Harmonic footprints
we stroll hand in hand

Seashells and heartbeats
alone on the sand

Ocean breeze whispers
and sandcastle dreams

Twilight concertos in
shimmered moon beams

Slumbered horizons,
a slow lullaby

Stars made for wishing
now sing to the sky

Melodic waves
softly kissing the shore

Here on this beach
I could not love you more
 Sep 2015 scatterbrained
you are eighteen and you're in love
with a boy who hates his birthday.
you don't know it yet,
but the world gets so much bigger than the back of his car.
you think he needs you to be happy and so does he
but both of you are wrong.
it'll take you almost a year to stop crying.
and then you don't talk for another three
and when you finally do,
he thinks he still knows you,
but your heart is heavier than it was then.
and you **** him because you're lonely
but it isn't the same.
neither of you can fake love.
at least he still makes you laugh.
you'll pretend it's enough
because at least he's a body.
at least you're not by yourself.
at least you're alive
and you're good at *******.
because bodies are distractions
from the things we hide inside them.
you have him inside you
and he wants to gut you of your ugly, your sad.
he scrambles for an excuse not to stay the night
and you laugh.
you know what this is and how it goes
and you both love someone else.
you swear you won't **** him again
but you do anyway because you're still lonely
and you like the way his hands fit around your neck.
you **** him because it's good for your art
and you get bored of your own hands on your body
and you're fine with letting him feel useful.
and you think about when you were sixteen
and how *** was supposed to be special
and it makes you cry
because you're not who you wanted to be.
it makes you cry, because the world got so much bigger
after you left the backseat of his car.
the world is so big and you don't know
how it ended up on your shoulders.
you would have died for him.
you have been ready to die for every person you have ever loved.
you have dreams where he dies
and you can't save him.
you have dreams where people die
and you can't save them
and you're the one who tied your hands.
your mangled heart and all its bleeding.
nobody asked you to die.
what good is all the love in your chest
if you don't leave any for yourself?

- m.f.
 Aug 2015 scatterbrained
right now there are eleven empty containers of alcohol in my bedroom,
but it's fine, i'm fine.
i've been telling myself for more than a year
that i wasn't going to write anymore sad ****** poems about you,
but here we are.
most days i'm sure i don't miss you,
but then i listen to the wrong song,
and before i know it -
i'm screaming along to band of horses in the dark,
stalking your twitter favorites,
and somehow,
i've managed to get snot on my forehead.
yeah, nostalgia is an *******
but not all the memories sting.
there was that one time we went to the movies
and i slipped on some ice and fell flat on my ***.
i just sat there while you took a picture.
but i'm glad we could laugh about it.
i'm glad we were comfortable.
in my head, we still are.
in my head, we're oversized-goodwill-sweater comfortable.
we aren't as comfortable in real life
but i'm glad we still laugh.
this is the part where i don't bring up the time you told me
my laughter could cure your sadness,
because i'm pretty sure i already put that in another poem,
and it makes me really ******* sad.
did i ever tell you i used to play guitar and piano?
i loved them, but i never tried very hard.
i wanted to be good without having to practice.
i wanted to be good without having to practice.
i wanna meet the girl you write about
so i can ask her how she manages not to love you back.
because i've tried everything & i am so tired.
i forgot this wasn't supposed to be a sad poem.
i'm not good at happy anyway,
i never have been.
but in your absence i've learned a lot about softness.
so if i ever find myself back in your passenger seat,
i won't correct you when you sing the wrong lyrics,
i won't ask why when you take the long way home.
i won't ask you why you don't have your seatbelt on,
i'll just say a silent prayer
and watch for signs that you might be about to swerve.
right now there are eleven empty containers of alcohol in my bedroom,
and i didn't find you at the bottom of a single one.

- m.f.
 Jul 2015 scatterbrained

 Jul 2015 scatterbrained
strip me down until I'm nothing
then make me feel like I'm *everything
I still think about you almost every moment
And I wish that you had never left my mind
But the thing I adore most in life is torment
And so that is why my heart is hard to find

And with time and space, sure sometimes I get so lost
that your face is most impossible to see
But when the clouds of Jupiter and Saturn are tossed
into the atmosphere of space, you're left with me

I'm gargled over rocks and rivers, churned by your tongue
And as my body splits, I'm torn up over you
But there is so much in this world I want, I'm still young
And sometimes I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do

So I stay frozen on the sidelines waving my sign
That simply reads "I'll wait in outer space for you"
While you're stuck spinning in the traps left, they're all mine
I'll keep guessing until I find something that's true

I'm sorry for the pain I caused that's more than three
As I showed fleeting signs of love while you were there
But please know there is still so much here left in me
And I promise that most of my pieces still care
Sorry, Justin.

You deserve better.
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