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scatterbrained Jul 2016
When I watched my lover punch a brick wall, I felt the blow too
While it radiated up his arm it radiated through my chest
I could feel each bruised knuckle and each ****** hole
Wishing I could take it away with every second

But I can't help seeing myself in that wall
And I cant help seeing my own reflection in the leftover bruises

When I watched my lover punch a brick wall, I felt the blow too

And I am sure that I will feel it every day after
scatterbrained Jun 2016
You call me lavender, you call me sunshine
You tell me sweet dreams
I'm your weeping wildflower, your ice cold queen
The clouds are rolling in, the thunder makes your ears ring
You can strike the match and watch me burn with the trees
scatterbrained Sep 2015
scatterbrained Jul 2015
I'm learning to keep my jaw unhinged so i don't bite my tongue as easily

I'm learning that i can't keep myself on the same track, i am a derailed train speeding full force into wherever my bouts of anger or jealousy lead me

I'm learning that irrationality is stuck with me almost as much as my expendability

I'm learning that you'll never stop my shaking whenever you cause it
scatterbrained Jul 2015
scatterbrained Jul 2015
lately i've been comparing myself to a house
i know you think i'm nice to look at
but i've got faulty wiring and a cracked foundation
my ceilings leak and i'm fairly worried you're going to fall right through my floors
you were the earthquakes and storms that ruined my worth

*consider this to be full disclosure for anyone who nearly invests in a broken home
scatterbrained Jul 2015
i am one sad poem after another.
but i am not ashamed of it because they all reek of you—
my backstage baby

Did you know I only think of you?  Of course you did.
Did you know I'm always writing for you? Of course you didn't.
Did you know I only smile for you? Yes. So now the only time i can see your teeth smiling is when they're grazing my skin, but i watched everything i had left fall through your fingers.

I think you gave up on me, or maybe i gave up on you, or maybe i never even had faith in you but it doesn't make now any less empty.

I am not hostile towards our flat-line but i still miss you.
scatterbrained Mar 2016
I am a broken record that is stuck on the same track; you cannot lift my needle-point pen.

I am repeating over and over, "I miss you, I love you, will it ever go away?"
Will it ever go away?
Will it ever go away?
I can feel you in my dreams, but that is not enough
You are haunting me like a ghost that cannot speak, but with each visit you get harder to see.
scatterbrained Sep 2016
I can't explain why I need to be near you
But baby, I do
Because gravity is pulling your hand into mine like a soaring comet that has finally figured out where to land
This cosmic alignment is screaming our names, and we are leaving a path of stardust across the sky

Do you think our love was written in the stars? Because no matter how star crossed we may be, you've always found your way back to me.
Baby, you can call my heart 'Home'.
scatterbrained Oct 2015
You are an undiscovered religion
I am the only devotee
Worshipping at the foot of your bed
scatterbrained Sep 2015
I am an artist who's breaking her own fingers to set my art free

My hands are like bottles of champagne that someone shook too much, and next thing i know everything is overflowing; except this champagne is like acid and it will eat away at you.
Don't drink me up like a tall glass of something pretty and don't bust me open and then celebrate afterwards.
I am itching to be near you
I am itching to let you know what it feels like to have your fingers curl when you feel the rhythm of a dull ache
I am itching to tell you that i am not the inspired, i am the expired.
scatterbrained Feb 2016
I've been thinking of you
And how you used to let me eat cough drops like candy, and sleep with my face nuzzled in your back
The world couldn't touch me there
I am engulfed in the world now.

I miss the days you would rescue me from home to take me shopping, and you wouldn't make me go back. You would tell dad that you were keeping me until he was nicer, that I was your little girl now.
I know dad misses you too
He just won't talk about it
I'm glad you didn't have to see him on the day you forgot his name, because all he could do was cry.
Three years ago, we all cried together. He cried because he would miss you, mom cried because we did, and I cried because no one had even told me you were sick.
Dad said it was better to remember you how you were: sassy and full of life.
But I don't think he realized that the memories would follow you.
Sometimes I can't remember your voice, but I can still remember how the nursing home smelled like death. I have a lot of things to apologize for now. Like when things got really bad, and I wouldn't answer the phone anymore. Or when I stopped saying yes to rubbing your feet. Most importantly, when I didn't visit you for three years because no one would bring me, but also because I couldn't make myself do it.
Things are okay now, and I am sure you're in a better place
You're voice comes back when I do stupid things, because I'm sure you still scold me with my middle name. Thank you for looking down, because I am looking up.

I don't know about God, but I do know about you
And I know you're with me
And I know I love you more than you could imagine
All the Archangels are rubbing your feet now, and you don't even have to give them a dollar.
I miss you, Aunt B.
scatterbrained Jun 2015
I'm burning bridges faster than i can repeat how sorry i am for it;
Burn scars aren't pretty, but maybe once things are better you can tell your new muse that they came from valiant effort.
scatterbrained Aug 2016
Last year I went to a pumpkin farm, and I thought of you the whole time
I was wearing my favorite sweater, but I missed your warmth

Since then, you remind me of Fall, rich in color and allure

I am suddenly glad you weren't like every pumpkin in the patch.
Trick or treat, kiss me please.
scatterbrained May 2015
I'm romanticizing the sound of trumpets, telling myself they hit the notes in your name, because god himself knows i lost my voice while i was screaming for you in the dark

So I've sat around smoking 25 cent cigarettes with a little extra "**** me", hoping I'll finally escape the Judas of my brain, but only with the solace of your razor touch

Last night it started raining, so i played in it like i dreamt of doing with you. It didn't live up to the expectations in my head, seeing as i was only soaked in jealousy, so i pretended to be the gravel in the street

Tonight the cashier informed me that i can't buy cigarettes with extra "**** me", so I've upgraded to expensive whiskey; it still won't **** me, but it numbs my demons enough to sleep.
scatterbrained Apr 2016

scatterbrained Mar 2016
It was February, and integrity had long ago fallen with the leaves. This clearing was forgotten, for it had not felt the steps of a heavy heart in many years. But today that would change, and the forest could feel them coming.
Although the forest knew they would come, it was simply a coincidence that they would arrive on the same day. They were not spectacular, or even particularly good, but they both had the same intentions.

She stumbled into the clearing first

She didn't know how long she had walked to get here, but she was amazed by how right it felt to have arrived. She knelt down into the dead grass, letting it scrape across her fingertips, all while thinking of where to go from here. The path did not carry on any further, but she knew that if she rested there long enough she would find her way. So there she sat, humming a tune she couldn't remember learning, when the first rustling of leaves found her ears. She had been in many forests, and on her journey she had encountered the footsteps of many cautious deer, the trampling of frightened rabbits, and even the silent tread of hunters. But what she heard now, were footsteps she never thought she would find:

they sounded like her own

Before she could be seen, she ducked behind a fallen tree and peeked over the top. Watching and waiting, the anticipation was enough to swallow her whole. But just as she nearly gave up, there was a break in the foliage, and it led to him. She was not sure what she expected, but it was most definitely not him. Maybe she thought he would be scary, or even another animal, but he was just a boy. He was built of simplicity and marble, all smooth surface and a calming stillness. He was surrounded by the grace of God but his eyes spoke of Hell. They burned like hell too, and she felt it when he instantly spotted her. She was frozen, for she did not know what else to do, but her wild eyes were already telling stories of where she had been— they whispered the desire to be wanted, but more importantly they screamed the demand to be understood. They were both hesitant, but he broke the silence first.

"I won't hurt you. Come out from behind the tree."
So out she came, but she did not speak.

"What's your name?"
This took her by surprise since she had not said her name in a very, very long time.

"I don't know," she stammered.
This brought a slight smile to his face, and although it did not reach his eyes, it transformed him. With a corner of his mouth lifted, he was holding the weight of the world.

"That's okay, I didn't know mine either. But I do know how you can figure it out." So he rummaged in his pocket, pulling out small, strange objects, until finally he unveiled a skinny paint brush. Slowly he walked towards her, and holding out the paint brush he said,
"Here, take it. You can write in the dirt."
She was baffled when she said, "Well, what do I write?"
There was the smile again, taunting her ignorance but also promising clarity.

"That doesn't matter yet. Just close your eyes and scrawl in the dirt."
She did not know why, but the amount of trust she felt for him was unfathomable. So without peeking, she closed her eyes and she felt her fingers move. It was as if her fingers were meant to spill over the top, uncovering the name that had followed her for all of her life, and now after. It was a familiar friend giving her a warm hug, a blanket wrapping around her, finally coaxing her identity to the surface.  It was over as soon as it began, and she opened her eyes to look at the bold lines in the dirt. The letters showed no sign of hesitation or fear; only strength and hardness. There lay the word, etched into more than just the Earth.


"What does it mean?" She whispered to the boy, but when she looked up at him she saw only astonishment. He smiled again, however this time it fully reached his eyes. When he looked away from her name and into her, he felt as if he had known her name from the very beginning.

"It means you have a beautiful violence about you." In those words there were a million meanings, things that would never be spoken aloud, but that was alright, because she understood. Her smile was bright, and it was then that she realized she had not yet learned his name.

"What's your name?"
His smile faltered as he spoke.
It was obvious that he resented this title, but she could not understand why.
"It's lovely, you are the calm before the storm," she said.

Before he could say anything the ground began to shake, and in front of them the trees trembled and cracked until two paths had appeared. It was very obvious that one was made for destruction and the other was made for peace. Silence did not dare look at War, for he knew he had to follow his path without looking back. But War did not care, and she stared into his soul. When he did not look at her she began to weep, because she did not care about the paths. She was War and she was destruction, she would create a path wherever she went. He was Silence and he was acceptance, but he could only make a path when he dared to make a sound. She knew what he would say next, but she would not let him get that far.

"Don't leave," she said.
This time when he tried to smile, it was only a sad grimace. He must have felt his lips revealing too much, so instead he spoke.
"Our paths are different, you must understand that we are not the same."
She was no longer scared of him, because she felt the rightness of their unity. She knew that she had to keep him. He felt finality in the paths but she felt finality in the one path that led them there— the path they had both traveled.

"What brought you to the path that led here?" She asked him.
His eyes went dark, but he found humor in the question. He walked towards the first path, and he looked far down it, although he couldn't see where it began. He turned back to War and he said,
"A rope necklace showed me the way. How about you?"
And in that instant, she knew she was right.
"I took a ten story leap, and I landed here."
He did not speak after that, but he was named Silence for a reason. He did not need to speak.
"Stay," she whispered in the light of dusk.

His quiet decision spoke for itself, when both of their paths grew back together, to form the forest walls that they could call their home.
This is for last February.
scatterbrained Aug 2017
Fifth grade:

Today the boys and girls were separated so they could learn about their body parts. You weren't sure you understood, but the teacher said you didn't have to be afraid of change.

Seventh grade:

Today the class started to learn about ***, but all you did was look at diagrams. Your teacher told you it was alright to giggle.

Eighth grade:

You've decided you'll wait until marriage, because your teacher told you that was the right thing to do. You can't wait to have a family.

Freshman year:

Your health teacher tells you that 50% of people will catch an STD, and he shows you pictures to make sure you don't become one of the statistics. He reminds you that it's immature to giggle.

Sophomore year:

You fell in love last year, and he thinks it's hot that you're still a ******. You tell him that you want him to be your first. He wants to sleep with your best friend instead.

Junior year:

That boy won't love you back, no matter how hard you try. He wants your body on his, and that's about it
But you want him
Maybe you even need him
And you know that *** is supposedly about love, so if you love him then that's enough,
But while you laid there and cried, he wouldn't even look you in the eyes.

Senior year:

You can't explain why things are red and itchy and you're missing so much school. But finally the doctor called on a Tuesday, and you have to tell your mother what's wrong with you.

You can't stand the way the pharmacist looks at you when you pick up your prescription
You know your new lover deserves more than this
And so do you

Because your fifth grade teacher never could have warned you about these sorts of changes
And you really did want to wait until marriage
But freshman health didn't warn you about someone who would lie to you, someone who would kiss you while he kills you
And the statistics couldn't prepare you for the names you would be called
The sleep you would lose

It's funny how my fingers shake, how they spill their suffering onto a page
I've written this poem a million times, but somehow the only thing that ever surfaces is shame
Because I can't forget that my silk underwear broadcast a warning sign
And now my life will never be the same

This poem is dedicated to all my regrets
It's dedicated to loving you, to hating me, and everything in-between
To reminding myself that my mother was wrong when she said no one else will ever love me, because I know that I am worth loving
I dedicate it to the burning and itching feeling of missing you, because sometimes I still do
This poem can be about the way i shake when I think about ever seeing you again
Or it could even be about the way my lover has to hold me while i try and breathe

You have left your mark on me and it has grown into blisters
And while I am teaching myself to hate you, I hope you think of me each morning.
scatterbrained Jul 2016
There was a time when you were Sixteen and you were excited about life
Because you could only hope that the world would get bigger than a boys bed
And you were ready to see it for yourself

But now you are Eighteen and you're not sure how you've survived this long
Because you never learned how to sleep on your own

You don't know if the world got bigger, but you can be sure that you grew harder
Sometimes you may see that sixteen year old in your dreams, but she doesn't know you and you can't bring yourself to tell her

All you can do is wish her the best and send her on her way before she tries to fix you too
Because you know she will

Except you can't seem to shake her, and every night she sits in front of you with wide eyes, all while you tell her about who she became

But last night when you looked for your sweet Sixteen, she was nowhere to be found, and in her place was just an old dusty mirror

Maybe you'll cry for her and what she reminded you of
Or maybe you'll have a drink with her name on it, and you'll down the last thought of her

You are sure you won't cry, because Sixteen led to Seventeen, so it wasn't a good year anyway

But you will wish you had told her to remind her future lovers of what she is, you'll wish you had repeated it over and over until it was like a red flag on her head


But you were set to explode long ago, and you are still picking shrapnel out of your chest

And while you cannot breathe around the ache, you will still secretly hope that Twenty-Something can teach Eighteen a thing or two.
scatterbrained May 2015
Poetry is the way my fingerprints are left smudged across your hipbones
the way your hair curls around my scatterbrained fingers

Poetry is the taste of bitterness your 'I love you' leaves in my mouth
and the venomous words you use to fend mine off  

Poetry is the dead kind of feeling I get only from your eyes that seem so warm,
and the discontent I know all too well

Your poetry will be scrawled all over my life, in the messy ink of all of our memories of the nights we weren't too cold for each others hands.
scatterbrained Sep 2015
he loves me, he loves me not
scatterbrained Nov 2015
The rose for your mom bleeds red while my hands bleed black

I can see the smudges im leaving on your back while you're leaving prints on me
Keep smiling and whispering "please", we can stay in that white room where your emotional shield lays in the second drawer
Where the showerhead washes away the dirt and grime of our every day lives
Where our laughs resonate off the walls and ricochet back to make us feel less lonely
Where you promised you weren't afraid of anything but flinched at the idea of admitting I'm right

Those white walls are speaking our names like a Mantra from a forgotten language, a language only found when our mouths move together.
This is for that cute floral hoodie that'd probably look better on me.
scatterbrained May 2015
I'll never forget the day you taught me that tender words fall into violent jabs when we say each others name. I hope that you never forget the way I've turned myself into more of a paradox than an obstacle, and how i envision myself as quicksand. I could be something like a bee, endangered and wild, but I've stung you too many times for my metaphor to still hold meaning.
The bees are only in my head, buzzing and stinging the softest parts, but i want you to know i'm still Blank Verse; I'm not made of pretty rhyme or reason, but I'll glue myself into a structured iambic pentameter just for you. Every night i ask my dream catcher to take the bad away, but I still dream of Novocaine and the feeling that comes with it.

You don't have a dream catcher so it can't keep me away, but please don't dream of me— or at least don't tell me if you do.
scatterbrained Jan 2017
In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth
On this First Day he started it all
They were only atoms, simply a little essence of life here or there
But today he said to himself, "Heaven is where their souls will meet and Earth is where they'll dance."
Then God said, "Let there be light," and my oh my, there was light
A sliver of life was suddenly the beginning of a good man
And a collection of atoms turned into blonde hair and blue eyes
But when God looked at the light, he was able to see darkness too
The dark was different though, for it was not warm and inviting
But the qualities it did possess were mysterious and enchanting  
He quickly learned that one could not exist without the other, the Light and the Dark
and while they were so drastically different, they were magnetically drawn together, destined to share the world forever

On the Second Day, God brought forth the sky, along with day and night
He could see it all ahead, the way their days would feel so bright and their nights would feel so warm

And when the Third Day came God was full of excitement and pride for all of his work, but he knew he could not rest quite yet
So on this day he clapped his hands and up rose dry land
It began as just mounds of dirt, a barren stretch of ground
But as seeds fell from the sky God caught himself smiling at the emptiness
Because he knew he would never forget the way the colors sprouted from the ground, and how it made the emptiness feel so full
Their favorite things were sprouting here, shooting up into the sky like magic
Lavender as far as the eye could see, and as many flowers as there were peach trees

Next was the Fourth Day, and it would be one of immense work for God
Today he would hand pick each wandering soul, each little burst of life, and he would delicately place it in the sky
He decided he would call them 'stars', as he arranged them in a peculiar way
And if you look close enough to the sky, you might even say that the stars could spell their name's
Or even write their fate
But then he grabbed the largest constellation and spun it into one large star, one star that would shine bright enough to light up the world— this would lead the day
However, he did not stop there, for how could he?
Next he grabbed all of the broken or unfinished constellations he could fine, and he pardoned their imperfections just by piecing them together like a puzzle
And then what started as flaws and incompletion, had suddenly become the glowing orb that would lead the night

God was satisfied with the world so far, but he was surely not done
Day Five was the day he would create his first heartbeat, the first manifestation of life
For he knew that to give life to the land, he must create life in-between each shore
The oceans were vast and rich with color, but they were transformed entirely when God released all of the sea creatures that he could imagine
These were the creatures that would experience the world first, that would wash all of it's wonder into the land that he and she would soon inhabit

Next was Day Six, the day of all days
God was silent in concentration as he looked upon the land
The color green stretched as far as the eye could see, and everything was dripping in majesty
But it was not complete
The vegetation was tall and teeming with life, but he simply wanted more
So with a blink of his eye came a small creature with wings
And he went on from there, dropping heart beats from the Heavens
But this was only the prequel to his Plan, the beginning of the best
Now was time for the one's that would be like him
The man would walk with certainty, and he would smile with absolute sincerity
The woman would bleed love and she would dance like the rivers
So with all the magic he could muster, God cast them onto Earth from the bones of his own body
The bodies formed from bones and dirt, just separate collections of Heaven and Earth
They would soon open their eyes and see each other for the first time
And with each new life they lived they would love each other all the same
They did not ever get to meet their Creator, but they could feel the love he had given them
And when they fell into the other's embrace it mattered not that they couldn't find God, but just that they had each other.

Finally, the Seventh Day had arrived and God was almost done
Before he could finally rest, he decided that he would give his people one last gift
So while they were fast asleep, he descended from Heaven just to whisper in her ear
"You will find him across each lifetime, his kiss will taste the same. I give you this whole world on the condition you learn his name."
She heard these words clearly,
But when she woke up she could only remember thinking that the sleeping boy next to her was a vision of absolute loveliness​.

And finally, God could rest.
Happy Anniversary, I love you so much.
scatterbrained Aug 2015
scatterbrained Jun 2015
You are a ****
You make me tear my hair out
You killed my haiku
scatterbrained Feb 2020
Baby; can I call you that?

Winter fell and so did we  
But it didn’t stop the cold
That bloomed in your chest and poured out of your mouth right into my expectant hands
My fingers haven’t really warmed up since
Each season reminds me of you
And I’m sure Spring will too
You come and go as you please, but I yearn for you each time, so what does that say about me?

Baby; can I call you that?

I know I’m on your mind
At least when you lie to her
I wanna know if my name is on your lips when you touch her too
I wanna know if you’re reaching for her
But wishing for something new
Because each time I taste him
All I can think of is you

Baby; can I call you that?

I cant forget the ‘never’ on your lips
But if it’s body on your brain, I can fix that
If it’s the heat of our fingertips you’re thinking of, I miss that
But when I think of you with her I can’t stand it
I’m stuck in the cold begging you to come along with summer
But I’m like a groundhog that always sees it’s shadow  
Bringing extra weeks of winter

Baby; can I call you that?
scatterbrained Mar 2017
I can't explain why I'm so lonely but I feel it in my bones
Sometimes it creeps under my covers and claws at my toes
There is only one thing I can hope
That I'll see the sun before forcing my tired eyes closed
scatterbrained May 2015
I remember the day you got your first tattoo— it wasn't long ago but it was a different you. The gypsy on your arm has a habit of drifting into your head, and i know you can't stay in one place for too long but i promise my arms are warm for you. I'm repeating to myself that i have to let go before you cut me anymore, but the fingerprints i love are embedded in my veins. I keep telling you that i want to stay tucked away in your collarbones where the world can't touch me, but you shake so much that your bones are rattling.

Do you remember the day you told me that i make you change your mind all the time? That was the day that i caught your conscience sleeping in my memory box. Now i can always smell you in my hair, and the only solution i can see is to cut it all off but that doesn't make it go away. You're Novocaine, but i'm already too numb to say no.

I should ask God to fix me, but my knees are far too bruised from kneeling under your weight.
scatterbrained Aug 2015
I am in a cage
Sitting in your spacious chest
My wings are still clipped
you told all our friends that you're afraid of birds
scatterbrained Jan 2021
To think or to know
What is to love or be known
A fawn finds it’s legs
scatterbrained Jan 2021
Beginning breeds loss
This path continues to curve
Still I will follow
scatterbrained Aug 2020
We’re parallel lines
Going the same direction
But we’ll never meet
I miss you
scatterbrained Apr 2016
Somebody loves me
He wants me to love him too
And I always have
scatterbrained Aug 2020
Lips meld like butter
A kiss I wish did not end
A soft I love you
come back
scatterbrained Jul 2015
i can't shut you out
you have crushed my resistance
like a broken branch
scatterbrained Dec 2020
hands cool to the touch
but he makes me feel so warm
thawing winters frost
scatterbrained Sep 2017
Serenity sleeps
Like algae on a thick stone
Forever my home
scatterbrained Jul 2015
i find myself stuck
stranded in my own psyche
rock in a hard place
scatterbrained Jul 2016
I can see escape
In the soft amber twilight
River running red
scatterbrained Mar 2021
spun like a vinyl
you’re the needle laid on top
I’m titled for you
scatterbrained Jan 2021
The road not taken
I’m basking in your presence
This map leads to you
scatterbrained Jul 2016
My love is my vice
I'm a wounded animal
Under your brute force
scatterbrained Jul 2019
The world may be dim
But the sun shines bright on you
My beacon of light
scatterbrained Mar 2016
Spinning head, glazed eyes
Floating in pool of wine
Somber stars that shine for you
scatterbrained Oct 2015
Whispered to the trees
That rustled with your silence
We are evergreen
scatterbrained Jan 2016
Who is the cold one?
It is winter in our world
We are hollow trees
scatterbrained Jul 2019
Tell me what it’s like
To not fear your own shadow
Always it follows
scatterbrained Jun 2015
your mouth on my neck
crooning your resignation
like a flooding dam
scatterbrained Feb 2021
His hand grips my neck
Steady like a steering wheel
Tell me where to go
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