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Nov 2022 · 1.2k
three's a crowd
Ley Nov 2022
two's a company
three's a crowd
but what if that crowd
was the most peace you've had?

three's a crowd
then two
then there was one

and years later you sit with nothing but the regret of growing up and growing without
nothing but the memories of love and closeness that you fear you'll never have in friends again

two's a company
three's a crowd
i'd rather drown in the masses
than drown in my solitude
dedicated to the ones who miss their ex-best friends
Nov 2021 · 634
being outgrown
Ley Nov 2021
talking to memories of you

the caterpillar has now become a butterfly

yet the ant walks the same path
emergence to cessation
Sep 2021 · 575
an ode to teenage me
Ley Sep 2021

sophomore year

it's not that dark

if you squint your eyes
beyond the blurred lines
loneliness pierces through the heart

people you once knew are merely memories now
and you are reduced to what they write about you on the bathroom walls

they don't need you anymore
they found someone better

all you have is me
a gun to your thoughts
and lungs that won't quit (but you wish they would)

what's that? you can't breathe?

don't worry darling
it's only down from here
Sep 2021 · 635
atlantic city
Ley Sep 2021
but the sweetness of my ben and jerry's smoothie
couldn't mask the sour mix of your whiskey and prescription drugs  

was your high worth the risk of us being buried below?

i'm still alive but my soul has yet to be revived
Sep 2021 · 99
an ode to teenage me
Ley Sep 2021

freshman year

four foot eleven amongst five foot four girls
you look up but they never look down
kind-hearted people pleaser
yet no one stuck around
and when you received that text asking why you walked away you simply said you had class and never looked back
when the truth was you couldn't handle looking at the back of everyones heads any longer
and no one looking back

you weren't invisible, darling
just wanting to be seen
sad feelings feeling feel teen teenager thoughts healing memory
Jun 2021 · 1.4k
Ley Jun 2021
she's the reason the sun sets later in the summer and why the moon rises earlier in the winter
just to see her shine a little longer
Mar 2021 · 978
the fascinations of love
Ley Mar 2021
we have never experienced as little
as brushing hands
and yet you have
every inch
of my body memorized
Jan 2021 · 1.5k
Ley Jan 2021
our kisses are pink
your fingertips blue
my neck purple
pop goes the balloon

my hands in your hair
you taste of cherry
and pop goes my heart
just like confetti
Jan 2021 · 341
Ley Jan 2021
if you love me
why am i lonely?
while short and simple, it seemed to best sum up how i feel at the moment
Oct 2020 · 222
Ley Oct 2020
what do you do
when neither life
nor death sound delicious?

i’ll swallow the void
and hope it eats me
from the inside out
Aug 2020 · 214
Miles Are Empty
Ley Aug 2020
5 angels on earth are hard to come by
7 luck is now tangible i tighten my grip
9 as the fruit of your spirit
0 brings wholeness and infinite love
Apr 2020 · 109
Ley Apr 2020
do you think about me?
do angels cry too?

irises bloom for a third time
and i'm still in love with you
Apr 2020 · 83
Ley Apr 2020
i saw a rainbow for the first time
i was black

an array of colors i had never seen before
she showed me all of them
and soon i became colorful too

but rain always comes back
and rainbows always fade

i join the clouds once more
she dissolves under my tears
and i am black
Apr 2020 · 70
liquid therapy
Ley Apr 2020
i am the epitome of fall too fast and love too hard
it is a sick and twisted cycle induced with life trauma
thinking of resorting to alcohol
just like my father taught me
Jan 2020 · 56
Ley Jan 2020
i wonder if you think about how you ****** me up as much as i think about how i ****** you up
Jan 2020 · 77
blooming season
Ley Jan 2020
the drought has yet to end
but my petals are still holding on strong

you see
blooming season is upon me
and i have decided relinquishing
is no appendage

as seeds are planted with purpose


blooming season is upon me
as i brace myself to dance among the meadow
and hide my colors
no more
i hope everyone can be a bit more gentle to themselves in the coming year
i feel that good things are in store for all of us
happy new year
Dec 2019 · 77
Ley Dec 2019
she’s wept so much that
fish now swim among her anxieties
algae feed on her negativity
and man fish for her insecurities

the ocean consumes her despite her creation
and she is back to where she started
barely alive
barely breathing

and yet somehow
far more alone than
she was at the start
Ley Nov 2019
stupid girl
soon no one will be left
but it doesn’t really matter anyways
when it felt like no one was there
in the first place
Mar 2019 · 465
My Flower
Ley Mar 2019
even when your stem has dried up
and can no longer support you
even when your petals wilt and blacken
and are carried away by the wind

i will love you no less
than when you first bloomed
Mar 2019 · 382
The Archer
Ley Mar 2019
as jupiter sat on the horizon
neptune had entered its orbit
i resurfaced
under the impression that the
seasons have reordered
and ruling was altered

i was simply testing the waters
but you were fishing for love

and never once did i picture myself
becoming cosmic dust
but when you reeled me to shore
and took your arrow to my heart
my fate was decided

foolish me
could not tell
black from blue
and as you continued to search
i continued to bleed
soon to be recycled
in the stars
Mar 2019 · 332
Ley Mar 2019
praxinoscope-théatres and chatelaines
vinaigrettes and salt sets
strawberry grabbers and victorian dress lifters
inkwells and i

how foolish of of us
to believe we would
have a purpose

how foolish of us
to believe that we would
ever be of use again
Dec 2018 · 273
Ley Dec 2018
i could search for synonyms to lift my dejections
and disguise them as something more beautiful
and uplifting
a life lesson, a bump in the road

but it is simply
not simple

i am tired
and i cannot save myself
or attempt to no longer

i am a lost cause
beyond remedy
beyond recovery

i have acknowledged
and have no attempts left
for retaliation
Dec 2018 · 348
La Vierge (The Virgo)
Ley Dec 2018
as our hearts cross paths in an illusion
i am convinced that neptune has met mercury
and the stars have aligned as desired
but the reality of the cosmos
is not what i had hoped
a supernova for my thoughts
as i wish to obliterate the sorrow

the maiden will never meet the fish
because gills are destined for waves
and lungs are destined for land
i pray our souls, that are soon to be stardust
are fated to fall to the same surface
and your woven heart salvages
my breathless body

my expectations are high
praying to the galaxy
to alter its ruling
the seasons will reorder
my constellation resides next to yours
fulfilling the desire
to be truly in love with you

— The End —