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Feb 2017 · 313
Deeee Feb 2017
Maybe they can't understand
Maybe we speak different languages
And every time I smile
it looks like a grimace
And every time I laugh
it sounds like a scream

Maybe I've been saying all the wrong things
Maybe I've been speaking the wrong way
Like I should be smiling
with tears in my eyes
Like I should show anger
by laughing hysterically

Maybe I should be walking flat-footed
And they should be swimming in the sky
Maybe I should breathe their air
And they should breathe mine

So then maybe... Just maybe... They'll come close to understand.
Deeee Feb 2017
No, I don't think you understand
When I say I want you
I don't think you understand
When I say you're my favourite

The way your skin feels on mine
with your fingers holding tighter
Like you're positively struggling to not eat me alive
Like you're breathing the most intoxicating air

I don't think you understand
When I tell you to tell me secrets
I don't think you understand
When you show me that little piece of your hidden side

The way I melt cell by cell
The way I beam like headlights on a deer
like the sun of my universe has lit up
Because I've never had a flavour like you

I've never tasted anything like your lips
I've never heard anything like your voice
I've never been hit so hard, like a match on its box
I've never been lit on fire like this

I don't think you understand
When I say *I want you
Feb 2017 · 298
Terribly Lonely
Deeee Feb 2017
For the first time in my life, I am terribly lonely
For the first time in my life, I can feel the crisp air around me
For the first time in my life, I notice myself

I notice myself

For the first time in my life, I feel terribly lonely
For the first time in my life, I feel completely naked
For the first time in my life, I am alone

I am alone

In this cold world, in these dreary days
I am shivering, teeth clattering
With not so much as a blanket on my shoulders
With not so much as a shoulder to lean on

I am alone

With a mind clear and sharp as crystal
So I can hear the deafening silence
With a soul burning beyond control
Threatening to take me with it

for the first time in my life, I am alone
*for the first time in my life, I am terribly lonely
Jan 2017 · 738
Dark Soulmate
Deeee Jan 2017

I missed you.

Oh, I missed you so much!

My dark, beautiful, seductive soulmate.

The love of my life
The one who I can always call mine
My alluring, divine, forever love
I feel you deep inside
Where I know you reside
The very feel of your presence
The sheer taste of your essence

You drive me crazy
And I love it

Oh, God I love it

You have been with me
Longer than I can possibly remember
In the back of my mind
In the center of my chest
Flowing through my veins
Filling me up

My Love
My dear
My beautiful
Jan 2017 · 655
Deeee Jan 2017
There's something about you
My body responds to your smile
My soul responds to your touch

There's something about you
I can feel your energy
I can see your mind

There's something about you
*You're addictive
Jan 2017 · 570
To be alive
Deeee Jan 2017
As the knife eases out of my body I feel relief. Painful relief. Relief I’ve never felt before. It’s terrifying. No pressure on the wound makes for profuse bleeding. I’m bleeding. It’s gushing out. Pouring onto everything I’ve ever known. It’s all red. All I see is red. Red soaked into all that is around me.
I black out.
The first thing I notice is that I’m still breathing. It’s unexpected. I thought I would be dead. I open my eyes. Slowly, i see light. It looks different. Maybe I am dead and I’m in heaven. Ha. Likely hell… I blink. I can see everything as it is, but it looks different. The light. It’s different. I sit up and it’s easier than I thought. “I’m definitely dead,” I think.
Where’s the pain?
The air is cleaner. The light is brighter. But i am not dead. I am alive. Breathing crystals and seeing rainbows. Tasting diamonds and holding silks. Heaven on earth.

I am alive.
I wrote this after  getting through a really hard time, and i felt like i could finally breathe again
I hope i feel this again soon ):
Jan 2017 · 305
Deeee Jan 2017
The room is cloudy
His breath is heavy
His hands are strong
so strong

My skin takes in every electric pulse from his fingers
His lips line my jaw, his breath in my ear
Shock waves riding right along my every nerve

Just. Right. *There.
Jan 2017 · 677
You and Me
Deeee Jan 2017
I miss calling you that.
I miss seeing you smile
I miss *making
you smile
But my hands are bleeding
And my soul is torn.
I miss me
I miss being able to make you smile

If I had to choose between you and me
If I could only have one of us...

because that's what it looks like

If I couldn't have an us

You & Me


You  or  Me

*I guess I'll have to pick me
Nov 2016 · 739
My Old Friend
Deeee Nov 2016
My friend knocked on my door
I answered
He asked to come inside
I allowed
He sat at my table and sipped tea
As I sat across him and had my coffee
He told me he missed me, but the feeling was not mutual
He had been a good friend to me, however unusual
But the time of our friendship had reached an end
And I had learned to live without him since then
my friend Death, I value our friendship,
I said,
**but my dear Death, I think it's time you finished your tea
Oct 2016 · 285
My Heart
Deeee Oct 2016
I went out to find her
My Heart
She ran away, from everything
And I couldn't breathe, with everything
Surrounding, suffocating

I needed my Heart

So I went to find her
My Heart
I went to tell her she was mine
I went to tell her to come back home
I went to tell her she is my strength
I went to tell her I'm nothing without her

My beautiful, fragile Heart

I went to tell her I would save her
Save her from the pain of breaking
Save her from the angst of caring
Save her from the constant blackness
Save her from everything

My strong, magnificent Heart

I told her I would be her strength
I told her I'd seal my ribs shut
I told her she would never break again
I told her it's going to be okay

Just as long as she came back home

and she did.
Part II to "Leave of Absence"
Sep 2016 · 4.1k
What if love was math?
Deeee Sep 2016
What's harder
between logic and love?
What's easier
between feeling and reason?

Maybe love is just an equation
with different variables and inconsistent values
Maybe pain could be avoided
if we just add up the right values
and divide the exact problems.
Maybe love could be found
if we subtract mistakes made
and multiply lessons learned.

What if love was math?
my writing's been a bit rusty, but I'm hoping to get back on board soon...
Sep 2016 · 311
I dream of Love
Deeee Sep 2016
I dream of a time
When I'll have found this love of mine
He'll hold me close like his little princess
And he'll respect me like his Queen
We'll laugh and cry together
And we'll be all the other needs

I dream of a time
When I'll have found this love of mine
Maybe it'll even be a "she"
And we'll pick each other's clothes out
Deal with each other's mood swings
Because we both know what they're about

I dream of a time
When I'll have found this love of mine
And all will work out
For their love I'll need not compete
When my other half is found
When I'm finally complete
Sep 2016 · 109
Deeee Sep 2016
You were my shining star
Before you lost the spark; before you went so dark
You were my everything
But now you're a memory, empty
Just like a parody
Except that it's not funny
I don't bruise easily; but that's only physically
You hit me so hard I felt the scars down deep emotionally
I really just couldn't believe that you would do this to me

How could you do this to me??

I was your daughter
I AM your daughter
Doesn't that matter?
Shouldn't that matter?
I was your baby girl
You were my whole **** world
How could you turn so cold?
How could you leave me alone?
Sep 2016 · 247
What if?
Deeee Sep 2016
Maybe we could start over,* you say
Maybe we could try again, you say
Let’s see what that may entail
Let’s see if we’re bound to fail
Let’s pretend that all’s been well,
And now you know to handle Hell
Let’s pretend it’s been the same for me,
And life has taught me lessons free
So in this case we’re all grown up
And we won’t make the same **** up
Maybe this time you’ll take me seriously
Maybe this time I’ll keep my wits with me
We’ll be reasonable and fair
And we’ll give each other air
We’ll compromise and organize
So none of us feels objectified

Maybe we could start over, I say
Maybe we could try again, I say
But what if we haven’t let go?
And all we want is what we know?
What if the only reason I want this
Is because I’m fond of your kiss?
What if you don’t really miss me?
What if you’re only lonely?
Maybe there aren’t any feelings left,
Just memories from before I left
And we get into this, a second round
Then destroy it again, way more profound

What if I really love you, and you made a mistake,
And now fear and pain are what keep me away?
What if the guilt of that day in some twisted way,
Is what’s making me say I want to try again?
Sep 2016 · 543
Leave of absence
Deeee Sep 2016
My heart has taken a leave of absence.
meaningless ***
empty conversations
cold days
This is who I have become,
because my heart has taken a leave of absence.
She told me when she was leaving,
that all she wanted was a break from the breaking.
She told me in a whisper,
that she was losing herself.
She wrote to me,
on a tear-stained sheet,
all the things that would happen if she stayed.

But she didn't tell me
Who I would become
*Without my heart
Jul 2016 · 264
Deeee Jul 2016
Your strong waves crashed down my walls
Your existence in my life was healthy and crucial
But you trickled through my fingers
And now you're just a drop in the ocean
Jul 2016 · 465
Dying To Live
Deeee Jul 2016
My eyes open.
It's another day.


Drag myself out of bed.
Splash water on my face.
Stare into the mirror.




Phone rings.

don't forget to breathe

My eyes close.
It's another night.

please no nightmares tonight
Jul 2016 · 235
Then and now
Deeee Jul 2016
I used to be a princess
Robed in the finest silk
I didn't have a favourite colour
Because I could have any robe I wanted
I had a tiara
So heavy with jewels
That I would put it down when I went to play

I used to play
Out in the fields
With all the other children
I would be dressed in playful garb
So no-one would know I was a princess
We would run around all day till we were called back inside
And then I would bathe
And put on my dress and tiara

I do not wear dresses any more
My tiara broke years ago
The other children all moved away
I dare say they're not children any more

I don't know what happened
All I know is then and now
And then and now are different
Then and now are like day and night
Then and now
With no in between
That was then
*And this is now
Things change
Jul 2016 · 813
The pencil and the mind
Deeee Jul 2016
I pick it up. The blank page awaits.
I touch the sharp tip. It's sharp enough.
And I start to write.

I write about the things I know.
I write true events.
I write the thoughts at the very front of my mind...

But soon,
I start to write things I don't know
I start to write words I have neither heard nor spoken
I start to write thoughts that have never revealed themselves to me

My eyes only see the graphite on the paper
My hand only moves in ways otherwise controlled
My mind whispers to the pencil
And the pencil listens

Only when the mind and the pencil communicate
Do I find
That the wisest words are those that happen to be
My own
This is kinda what writing feels like to me
Jul 2016 · 200
Lessons learned
Deeee Jul 2016
I don't know
If I hate myself
For not having learned sooner
If I hate him
For making me have to learn
In the first place
Jul 2016 · 483
Life: A gift unwanted.
Deeee Jul 2016
Is it so foul
That every morning I regret to see the sunrise?
Is it so foul
That every evening I hope it's the last sunset I see?
Is it so foul
That all I want to do is close my eyes?
Is it so foul
That I despise the life given to me?

Am I at fault
For the pain I have endured?
Am I at fault
For the environment that is mine?
Am I at fault
For the soul so pure that has been scarred?
Am I at fault
For my inability to control my mind?

Don't I deserve
To be done with all these tests?
Don't I deserve
What people refer to as happiness?
Don't I deserve
If not a smoother journey...
Don't I deserve
At least to be put to rest?
Jul 2016 · 344
Grinnie: #3
Deeee Jul 2016
I see you.... Seated on the grass... So beautiful. So serene. So perfect. Your back is to me, and you are silhouetted by the setting sun. You are so beautiful. I remain where I stand... I don't want you to see me... To know I'm there. I don't want to disturb you... I already did my damage. I only did it for you. So that you would know happiness. You would have never known that with me.... You deserve much better. You're a queen. And I... I remain a peasant. A petty thief of the night. A scrappy child from the lower class.
I just had on a very, very nice mask.
I'm sorry.
Maybe you deserved to know... But I am selfish... I am weak... I am proud... I know you would never have understood had I tried to tell you... But I look at you now and I don't regret. You're so beautiful.
More beautiful without me.

Signed, your lost friend.
Jul 2016 · 433
Just a little raw egg
Deeee Jul 2016
I was an egg.
Tough exterior, and complicated but soft on the inside.
My chalaza
You held me together.
Kept my soul in place.
I was albumen, yolk, air space, membranes...
You were my chalaza

and then you weren't

You ripped yourself from me, broke my membranes right from the inside.
My yolk crashed with nothing to hold
My air followed you out
I was left to suffocate in pieces of myself, damaged in a way I could never repair
Experimenting with science and poetry...
Jul 2016 · 731
Artist/Writers' block
Deeee Jul 2016
My hand hovers over the paper.
I twist and flip the pencil in my hand.
My mind swims in images and words.
Colours and thoughts.

*but the paper remains blank
It's just frustrating to have a block, especially when you want so badly to put something on the paper! ):
Jul 2016 · 400
I cry
Deeee Jul 2016
I cry
But not as you do
My tears are not saline
And they do not fall from my eyes

I cry
And with the tears fall years and years of pain and torture
With the tears fall decades of gloom and darkness
With the tears fall chains and ropes and blindfolds

I cry*.
But not as you do
My tears are crimson in shade
And they fall from my wrists.
Jun 2016 · 558
I know you don't
Deeee Jun 2016
He would say "I love you"
I knew he did
I knew I was his world
I knew he wanted to hold me
To keep me safe

So I said "I love you too"
He was my king
My tiger, my teddybear
He was my pillar

But he said "I know you don't"

I was confused
You know I don't?
Don't love you?
I was confused
I was offended
I was angry

You know I don't?
After everything...
You know I don't?
After all this time
You know I don't?
After all we had said and done for each other
After all the plans we had shared
After all the hurdles we'd jumped
After all the nights together and all the nights alone
After everything
You know I don't?

I didn't think that having your love rejected
Is just as bad as being actually rejected
It was a knee to the gut
A palm across my face
I was giving you my heart
and you were dropping it

"I love you"
"I know you don't"

I knew you loved me
I could see it
I could feel it

*Why couldn't you see it too?
Based on a true story
Jun 2016 · 182
Deeee Jun 2016
Can you hear me as I scream your name? Can you hear me as I scream at the top of my lungs for you to come home and wrap your arms around me? Do you feel me calling out that I need you here with me?

You don't.

Because you're only in my dreams. You're million miles away and you don't even know that I exist. You've saved my life a thousand times. You fill my dreams every night. You're all I think about and all I talk about. You're all I've ever wanted...
And you don't know my name.
I want to be the one you run to when you're cut too deep. The one you think about when it hurts too much. The one who holds you when the tears come rushing out. I want to save your life just once; as you've done for me a thousand times.
Jun 2016 · 260
Once Again
Deeee Jun 2016
Once again I find myself racing
Racing through the forest
My feet are sore from running over mulch and twigs
My lungs are burning from the cold air rushing in and out
My face is frozen from the constant stream of tears
My arms are scarred from the rogue branches that strike me

Once again I find myself tired
I sit to take a breath
I lean against a rugged trunk
I close my eyes
and just when I do
I hear them calling
I feel them reaching
I taste their lusting for me

Once again I find myself there
At the edge of the forest
Where the grass is green and the flowers grow
Where the sunlight glows and warms the people
where I should be
I feel the grass with my toes
I reach out for a flower...

Once again I find myself racing
Racing through the forest
Maybe next time I'll feel the grass with my whole foot
Maybe next time I'll get the flower
May 2016 · 563
I love...d you
Deeee May 2016
It started with the fingertips of our hands. They touched. They melded. Next were our wrists. Fingers intertwined, shock waves coursing. Then came our lips. And our hips. Fire burning, sparks flying. Scorching each part of us. And we loved it. Soul to soul, skin on skin.
Sentiments breathed.
Feelings shared.
Words meant.
We became completely merged. Inseparable. Just us, to take on the world together.
A team. A pairing. A union.

And then came the fingertips of our hands. Peeling off. Slowly, nondescript. Next were our wrists. Dropping everything we held close.
Dropping the spark.
Dropping the flame.
Then our faces moved far enough apart that we could see. And we saw. I hadn’t wanted to see. I had wanted to close my eyes and touch you again. To pick up our flame and run.
With you by my side I could have.
But I had seen. And I knew. And you knew. So we parted. As slowly as we had merged.
*As painfully as well.
May 2016 · 283
Grinnie: #2
Deeee May 2016
I’m seated…in an armchair…in an empty room…facing a glass wall. I don’t know if you can see me, but I can see you. Seated calmly on your own armchair…sometimes you like to look around…sometimes you close your eyes. I stand up and walk toward the wall…may as well be a one-sided reflector…and I gently place my hand on the glass. I see you get up to do the same. The look in your eyes is distant…you don’t seem to see me…but your hand is directly opposite mine. Only the glass is stopping our fingers from interlocking. Only the glass is keeping us apart. Only the glass…
The glass which I put up. The glass which I strategically placed between us. I drop my hand and begin to pace around the room. Throwing a glance at you, I see that your palms…now both…are pressed against the glass…but your eyes… so empty…so distant! And it’s all my fault. I drop myself onto the ground behind my armchair. I dig my fingers into my hair. I squeeze my eyes shut. I think. All my questions are whys. My answers make me hate myself. I would be completely fine had I been the only one yearning for you. Had I been the only one aching to know how you are. The only one craving you. Had you been completely oblivious to the reasons of my departure and the fact that it was a conscious move on my part. Had you thought it was just one of those drifting things… "Happens all the time!” But you know. You know why, and you don’t understand. Because hearts don’t understand. I would know.
So what do I do? I can’t bring myself to break the glass, but I can’t bear seeing you like this. I can’t harbor the thought of the possibility of you actually feeling this way because of me. I’m bound by the past…held back by previous happenings…I am in the ******* of past heartbreaks and prominent fears. I do wish I could break the glass, I really do…
That’s why you weren’t supposed to know.
Your temporary friend, Grinnie
May 2016 · 210
My Midnight Mind
Deeee May 2016
It fills with cloudy swirls, beautiful and dark
I search for a reason, and I always find one
It might not have been there, but I found it
sometimes I find many
reasons and causes
truths and lies
I find them all
In my midnight mind
i'm not sure about this one, but i hope the tag clears it up
May 2016 · 207
What is LOVE?
Deeee May 2016
You look into her eyes and you know. It's the only thing you've ever known. It's her. You talk to her, she talks to you. Each day you're more sure. It's her. She laughs at you and your jokes, you're happy that she's happy.

But what do you do when she cries? You hold her
What do you do when she doesn't let you? What do you do when you're the reason for her tears? What do you say when she asks you why? Why her? Why?
What do you do when she makes you angry? What do you do when she makes mistakes? What do you say when she says she's sorry? How would you feel if she tried to tell you it isn't her?

You fight. You fight yourself. You fight her, if you need to. You fight, because you've never been so sure of anything. You hold on. You let go sometimes. You change yourself to better fit her. You grow. You learn. You try to understand.

And when she lets go, you do too.
Because you loved.
And you grew.
To love again.
Love doesn't always last forever, but that doesn't mean it was never real love.
May 2016 · 218
My Home
Deeee May 2016
I could never cry on your shoulder
I told you I was strong
I could never tell you my insecurities
I told you I had none
I could never go home with you
I told you I needed space
I could never show you my world

i lied

I cried in the corners of my room
I doubted myself every second by your side
I ran away every chance I got
Ran away into my world
A world I could never show you

*you were never my home
May 2016 · 328
Grinnie: #1
Deeee May 2016
It’s these times when you sneer at me and I grin right back at you… These times when you want to strangle me to death and you end up laughing like the happiest person in the world… It’s these times that I cherish. It’s these times I feel I was blessed to have met you. When you throw a stone at me and miss intentionally. When you’re chasing me and only catch me because I’m laughing too hard to run. I’m happy when you’re happy. I could never bear the thought of smiling if you’re in tears… But sometimes I’m sad when you’re happy, and devastated when you’re sad. Because it’s these times when I’m feeling blessed to have you… Then it hits me that I don’t have you.
No matter the good times we have, or how much you bring my happiness forth… I’m still the scone you have with your soup, or the salad on your plate of fries. But I don’t want to be selfish, so I don’t think about it. I focus on the joy you give me, and the change you bring out of me. When the time comes, we will part ways. But for now…
I’ll pull that smile onto your face and release as much joy as I can from your heart. Making you happy makes me happy, so until the end of the road….
Keep Smiling.
May 2016 · 1.3k
Deeee May 2016
Are you smart?
You don't act like it*

They don't understand.
You know exactly what you're saying, and all you need is for them to understand.
But they refuse to understand.
Refuse to open their minds to the world you speak of.
It's scary, you know. They know.
But they don't understand.
That your choice to venture out and into the risk, the life is a bold choice.
Not a stupid one, like they think.
Your choice to make a life unlike any they have ever experienced.
It is not impulse. Rebellion. Stupidity. Youth.
Maybe it is youth.
But youth as a blessing.
Youth; not childishness.
Youth as a strength. A weapon. A catapult.
To launch you into the life you know to be yours.
They will never understand.
And that is no fault.
You understand.
And that's what counts.
So use your youth as a catapult and your soul as wings to fly.
Out into the world you know.
The life bestowed upon you.
May 2016 · 153
If you died
Deeee May 2016
If you died I’d miss the funeral
I’d simply keep away from it all
I’d deny the truth
and pretend I still had you

If you died I’d wait till midnight
Then I’d go to your grave and cry
I’d lean on your headstone
and pretend I was leaning on you

If you died I’d cry very often
But no one would see my eyes wet
I’d visit your grave with a book and pen
and I’d write with no intention of an end

If you died I’d want to follow you
But we both know I never could
So instead I’d blame myself for it
as the cause of all your suffering

If you died I’d wipe my eyes
And pretend I never ever cried
Then I’d put on my big plastic grin
*and survive with the pain within
May 2016 · 174
It's cold outside
Deeee May 2016
It's been raining
You press your hand against the window pane
It's cold
The lightning strikes
The thunder rolls
It's cold
So you go back to bed and dream of sunshine
May 2016 · 296
I love You
Deeee May 2016
Used and abused.
Spoken and misunderstood.
I love you
He says to her
She says to him
He says to him
She says to her
I love you
Do You?
I love you
The most beautiful lie ever told
The most common deception ever believed
I love you

*but for how long?
May 2016 · 483
Grinnie: Prelude
Deeee May 2016
My heart is beating… beating against broken glass…glass held in place by barbed wire. Thump…thump…It’s poking…like the thorn crown on Jesus’ head. At least Jesus’ head wasn’t beating. I begin to bleed…the glass piercing my heart. But it beats on…bleeding…beating…I wish it would stop. I wish the pain would go away. But the only way it would is if my heart stopped beating. And I cannot be graced with such mercy as the mercy of death. So it beats and bleeds…each day anew.
May 2016 · 336
Deeee May 2016
As you throw me against the wall and risk giving me a concussion
all I can think is how much I love you
As you kick me and spit in my face
all I can feel is the ache in my heart
As you slap me repeatedly and pull at my hair
I don’t need to hold back, because I know I won’t fight back

As you hold me in your arms
all I can see is the love you have for me
As you look at me with rounded loving eyes
I close my own and forget all the pain you put me through
As you brush away the hair over my eyes
all I feel is your warm fingers on my cheek

Why do I do this?
Why do I love you this much?
Why do I pretend that you never really mean to hurt me?
How do I convince myself that you do these things out of love?
How do I manage to ignore every single blow that lands on my body?
The stabs in my chest?
When will I find my voice?
When will I see that I don’t deserve this kind of pain?
When will I let go of this addiction I have to you?!

But I know.
I know why, how and when.
Because I need you. Because I can’t be without you…
…and I will never let go.
May 2016 · 455
Death, my friend
Deeee May 2016
I have a friend, his name is Death
We like to play, though we never hold hands
We like to sing and run in the fields,
and sometimes he touches a bird.
Sometimes he touches a cow
Sometimes he touches a man
Sometimes he touches a mother

I have friend, his name is Death
We tell each other secrets
We know each other’s feelings
He doesn’t like what he was born to do, he says
And I long to give him a hug as he weeps
But I cannot touch him, you see
Not because death would take me
But because Death would take me

I am not afraid of Death
Or the Afterlife I've glimpsed in my mind
I am not afraid of Death
Or the sound sleep he often describes
I am not afraid of Death


I am afraid for Death
I have seen the pain as he took another
I have seen the regret as he touched a mother
I have heard his cry that he would rather
That he would never

I am afraid for Death
Because he must live with himself
Because he must live by himself
Because he must give all that he wants

And I would never that he was forced to give it to me
May 2016 · 673
Deeee May 2016
You stretched out your hand
for me as i drowned.
You were there as i planned
my escape from this world.
I jumped into quicksand
but you did pull me out.
And now as I stand,
why not help me out?

I told you my sorrows
you helped me through
I knew that tomorrow
I'd still have you
I sang like the sparrows
as you brightened my view.
You were my life's arrow
you told me the truth.

So now I'm alive
most thanks to you
I feel happy inside
because of your truth
I hold you in with pride,
for the things you did do
But it seems that yo lied;
you told me no truth.

I look at you now
and see the change
I ask myself how
things can be this way
The day you vowed,
you said that you'd stay
But you've left me to drown
all over again
May 2016 · 245
Letting Go
Deeee May 2016
My body is falling.
The wind is in my ears; a sharp whistle reminding me how fast I am moving.
Nothing to hold on to, nothing to slow me down.
My body is falling
and there's nothing I can do about it
It's terrifying.

My body is falling.
The gravity is strong, pulling me closer and closer to a ground I can't see.
A fall I cannot predict.
My body is falling
and there's nothing I can do about it
It's exhilarating.
Sometimes the scariest things to happen to us could also be the best
May 2016 · 221
Deeee May 2016
I'm seated in the shade, earphones on. No One Does it Better by You Me At Six is playing. The wind is blowing through my light sweater, gently grazing my cheeks. It's a sunny day; the light reflecting off several shades of green from the grass, bushes and trees. There's no noise, rather I can't hear any above the beautiful playlist. My mind begins to relax; it's been a while since I felt this way.
Since I felt such tranquility.
The past three months have been different from the prior eighteen years. Life has changed. I have changed. Almost nothing about me now is the same as it was only five months ago. Yet I'm still exactly the same person. It's funny, this thing called life. I lean back and enjoy the scenery, both around me and within me.
They're strikingly similar.
The sun is shining, but I don't feel the heat. I only see the beauty it brings.
It's a beautiful day. I am happy.
Not excited. Not giddy. Not the kind of happy I always thought I wanted. Explosive, over-the-top.... No. I am happy. Seated on this wooden chair, now with The Script's Glowing in my ears, with the wind still dancing around with the hem of my cardigan....
I am happy.
May 2016 · 581
The State
Deeee May 2016
I sit.
Legs crossed, back straight, face blank.
I sit.
But in my mind I feel the madness.
In my mind I see the streaks of thoughts long gone.
I feel the torment of years of living.
I see it. I feel it.
But I do not understand it.
Legs crossed, back straight, face blank.
I sit.
May 2016 · 236
When I met you
Deeee May 2016
I danced in fields of flora and fauna. I danced among the birds, and the falling leaves danced around me.
I walked along roads of concrete and humans. I walked on the stone, and the people walked beside me.
I swam in oceans of salt and sharks. I swam in the water, and the fish swam underneath me.
I flew in a sky of clouds and wind. I flew in the air, and the rain fell below me.
Then i met you.
You flew in fields of concrete and water.
You danced on roads of water and clouds.
You walked on oceans of flora and wind.
You swam in a sky of salt and humans.
I was baffled.
Now we dance in the rain, with falling leaves around us.
And we fly with the birds, and the clouds beneath us.
We swim in the air, people oblivious.
**And we walk with each other, all the way to the end.
May 2016 · 541
Closer. Harder.
Deeee May 2016
His fingers on my skin. Tracing lightly above my veins.
His breath on my skin. Warming up my body.
His eyes on my skin. Gazing longingly.
my skin
Bound above my head, my arms crave his body.
Closer. Harder.
He plays with me. He taunts me.
His tie over my eyes. Only his tie over my eyes.
I can smell him
I want him.
Closer. Harder
I feel his lips all over me. I can hardly move.
He's enjoying me.
I think I'm enjoying him too.
I feel the warmth of his body hover over mine.
His scent overwhelms me.
Closer. Harder
I am in a different place.
I am in a perfect place.
I am.
This was fully experimental. I hope it's enjoyable.
May 2016 · 183
Deeee May 2016
He craved her skin. She desired his breath.
On her
He dreamed of her eyes. She thought of his hands.
On her
Cascading. Tracing. Feeling.
She longed for his smile. He thought of her voice.
Her laugh
She dreamed of his love. He wanted her touch.
Her skin
They waited for the day they would see each other.
Feel each other.
Hold each other.

And still they wait.
Trying to depict a long distance love, where they've never physically met before.
May 2016 · 354
Have you ever?
Deeee May 2016
Have you ever felt like you can't breathe?
Like your chest is suffocating, or your ribs turned into plastic bags, holding it all in.

And have you ever felt like you're breaking?
Like every fibre of you is coming apart, every bone in your body is shattering and you're becoming a mass of blood and muck.

Have you ever had so much noise in your head that you don't know what's going on any more? That all you've ever known is going away and there's nothing taking its place...
Not noise because you've got too much on your mind; noise because there's nothing there at all.

And then, after all that, have you ever known silence?
Absolute silence surrounding you, taking you over till you can't even hear your own heart beat. Maybe because it's not there any more...
Absolute nothingness and you don't know what to do.
Complete quiet
Complete loneliness
Complete hollowness

*Have you ever?
Deeee Apr 2016
The voices in my dreams call me out to play.
They say that it's fun.
I wish I could stay.
They say they miss me and they want me to stay, but every morning I wake up.
I wish I didn't.
I wish I could sleep on, enjoying the voices' company...
But they don't understand.
They think I have a choice. They think I want to leave, but I don't. I have no control. I wish I could sleep forever; never wake up...
But my wrists won't let me touch them and my balcony's not high enough.

— The End —