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he brought in cakes and out of
politeness I had to ask
how old he was,
just twenty two
I've got T' shirts older than you
I can't even remember the stupidity
the freedom and immortality
of days that just escaped me
tossing them aside as though
they were in endless supply

you wait until every precious
moment is a gift
sunsets mark an inevitable end
and the days are dark
when you neither laugh nor cry
 Feb 28
Nigel Finn
I wrote a poem, just for you,
Wrought out of pain and tears.
You took the pain, and wrote one too;
It multiplied our fears.

I wrote a poem, filled with joy,
And gave you that as well.
You wrote one too, and helped destroy
Our paranoia's spell.
 Nov 2023
Francie Lynch
They flip like flapjacks,
Sizzlin' on heat;
They flip like a light switch,
The rats,
The finks,
The stools,
The snitches.

How many will get told tonight:

     Y'll sleep wi da fisches.
      That'll school you alright.
Always use good lures.
 Oct 2023
My Dear Poet
Do not fly higher than the sky
although eagles often try
keep your head instead, below
where worms squirm the earth
and grow
along roots wrought from trees
crouching out to open seas
when cages are without keys
crawls a hope, when wings can’t set
you free.
 Oct 2023
Satsih Verma
You are not complete.
I have to fix the steps to climb.
The moral intensity has no choice.

Wealth of truth is
buried in me daily. Above all my
existence flies away like a torn Rupee note.

Where is the clarity
of the motif? The question is how to
cross the god in darkness?
 Oct 2023
Some Big .
Some Small.
Some Complete
Some Broken.
Some of Steel
Some of Clay
Some of Wood
Some of Gold.
 Oct 2023
Jayantee Khare
Worn out and broken
Used and beaten
Reasonable old
Couple of times sold
Polished to shine
Cracks intermine
No fear of imperfection
Seen rejection
Place, things and person
Loving them is a perfection
 Aug 2023
Wearing the crown of magnetic allurement ,
Sheathed , Sanguine , Egregious and Effulgent !
With a beguiling pace she coyly approaches in shades of shimmery reds , bowed with obliging politeness .
Gracefully walking into 'thy' life and grasping 'thy' strings of happiness.

She lives  in 'thy ' mind with enticing gravity ,  residing within 'thy' heart for eternity .

Unveiling her true self  shedding all dignity and peace , she renders her de bouch self as she now plays 'thy ' perfect host.
She titillates 'thy ' mind like a ghost !

Bewitched by the 'sorceress' ,
'Thy' life is succumbed to the tempest !
Alas !  
Now their is no escape for  she paved the way to desperation  .
Captivated by the "SUPERIOR  TEMPTATION" is 'thy hopeless mind swarming with aggresion and a helpless heart flanked with  apprehension, depression and destruction !
Such  my friend is the devastation of  thee " TEMPTATION "
© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Effulgent ,Egregious, Sanguine, Allurement ,debouch ,Sorceress..
Contemporary#Archaic# Shakespeare's language#Metaphor #Symbolism
Sometimes you have to run really fast
To keep the dark from catching up with  you.
ljm - I think
I somehow can't remember writing this, but I found it on a scrap of paper - did I copy it from someone else?  I wouldn't think so, but.......
 Jul 2023
Amazing, this thing, time, it goes on whether you're here, or not, and to come back and see the irrelevance of all, is somehow calming.
Adaptive, time and life, it lives when we die. To observe from a distance, has, in a word, been relieving.
I carried my importance as a trait.
What a weight it is. Its good to know, no matter my place, I have one.
Very calm
 Jun 2023
Carlo C Gomez
First thing I do when
I get to work
is hide

Because a good employee
is hard to find
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