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Why do I Bitcoin? Taint no mystery
Wanna have a good finance history!

My brain tells me Bitcoin is great,
Helps my blood cells circulate

Great for my eyesight
Great for my ticker
Can’t nothing fill me
With love and hope quicker!

It feels so honest, feels so sweet
Bitcoin just makes my mind complete

Knowing the code is sure and tight
Makes my toenails feel just right

Great for my future
Great for my teens
Great for my Grandma
And all “in betweens”

Saving Bitcoin makes me feel light
Makes people wonder
‘Bout me in the night

Bitcoin makes me bright and strong
Worldwide adoption
Coming right along

It beats using fiat
It beats being lazy
Why do I Bitcoin?
Well, maybe I’m crazy
You can see this poem on a background here -
Incremental actions
Bring monumental
With every added
Bitcoin block,
The ledger
Tick and tock,
We add a block,
The chain is fundamental.
So many problems
Fixed and solved
By entries incremental.
More love and hope -
Connection too,
I’m getting sentimental.
About sound money,
Fixed supply
Spread intercontinental.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Power grids frequently produce excess
     Energy that is wasted during non-peak
          Times of day (or week, month, or year).
               Especially with intermittent renewable
                    Energy production, there can be a lot
                         Of waste, with limited options for use
                         We need users of energy who do use
                     The excess energy when produced,
                Yet remain able to shut down quickly
           When the energy is required for users
     During peak energy consumption times.
Bitcoin solves this widespread problem
You can see this poem on a background here -
Come, Bitcoiners join
From every land
Alone we may fall
But together we stand

Stand up for rights
And freedoms for all
Stand in all countries
The big and the small

Stand for our freedom
To transact with peers
No middle men needed
To control us with fears

Stand to deny them
Their plots to debase
Our money and wealth
The plans they embrace

Stand up and tell them
We’re done with your taking
Bitcoin’s our money
It’s not of your making

Stand for the assets
We’ve built with our hands
Stand for our children
Our families, our lands
You can see this poem on a background here -
Review the code, it’s plain to see
It’s open source, for you and me
Bitcoin provides an open book
You want to see? Just take a look

If closed, we couldn’t verify
The way it works - or firm supply
We couldn’t see the security
Or if the code will make us free

With open source, we know the rules
The inner workings - all the tools
So much better than the fiat scheme
With changing rules - in the extreme

We aren’t all coders, this is true
But thousands check the code for you
Bitcoin is reviewed, every day
It’s open source, and on display

Likely the code most analyzed
So it performs as advertised
And keeps our ledger so secure
Review the code, it will endure
You can see this poem on a background here -
Quote from Satoshi Below (included on the poem)
“Being open source means anyone can independently review the code. If it was closed source, nobody could verify the security. I think it’s essential for a program of this nature to be open source.”
Don’t delay, just start today
This glad message I convey
Bitcoin’s here, so act straightway
For Bitcoin keeps on growing

Money printing never ends
For the rich, and for their friends
Government just spends & spends
While Bitcoin keeps on growing

Bitcoin brings deflation’s gains
Come break free from fiat’s chains
Hold some value that remains
As Bitcoin keeps on growing

Take some time to sit and learn
To store the value that you earn
Act right now - this is your turn
Since Bitcoin keeps on growing

More good people, every day
Move to Bitcoin’s better way
Get some now, and don’t delay
As Bitcoin keeps on growing
You can see this poem on a background here
Hundreds of items have been used
     For money over the course of history.
          Yet they cease being money when
               They cease being scarce, through
                    New technology, along with greed.
                         No tangible item has true scarcity
                         What we need is digital scarcity.
                    Digital content is usually easy to
               Replicate and therefore not scarce.
          So we need a system that is digital
     Yet also perfectly limited in supply
Bitcoin’s the digital scarce solution
You can see this poem on a background here -
Perfect Scarcity - Bitcoin Poem 095.  Number 024 in the Problems and Solutions series.  Inspired by Dante at Swan Bitcoin.  So many things used for money stopped being money when they stopped being scarce.
Who controls the ledger?
And can change an entry there?
Who controls the money?
And keeps the ledger fair?

For money is a ledger
And gets abused and hacked
By those who love control
And change what’s being tracked

Who controls the ledger?
And has kept it fair and true?
Retaining money’s value
Yes, who has done this, who?

Who controls the ledger?
We mortals will always stray
So let us use technology
For Bitcoin’s a better way

Bitcoin controls the ledger
No mortals can cheat or gain
And we can reach the fairness
No other ledger can attain
You can see this poem on a background here -

Money is just a ledger - a simple way to track who has what.  You can do this through commodity money, or a written or digital ledger.

Imagine you are playing cards with seven friends, and you each use pennies, or quarters, or poker chips, or jelly beans to track who wins and who loses.  This is an example of commodity money, where you literally give Lance 10 chips and you don't have them anymore.

OR, you can get a blank sheet of paper, and write eight names across the top, and keep track on paper.  You can each start out with 500.  Then when Lance owes you 25, you just subtract 25 from his total and add it to yours.  

Both commodity money and ledger money are simply ways to track who owns what and who owes what.  Over history, commodity money tends to develop among groups or nations who don't trust each other, and ledger money tends to work better in groups that mostly trust each other.

And, of course these days most ledger money is digital, for example, Venmo, PayPal, your bank account, and many more.  

But these require a middle man, or a company, and can you trust them?  Sometimes you can, and sometimes you can't.  

Can you trust them to accurately maintain the ledger, AND not create new units of the currency for themselves (which debases the value of your holdings)?  With Bitcoin, nobody is in control (and everybody is in control) - or more aptly, the code (or the rules) are in control.
With fiat money losing value consistently
     This leads to a proclivity for consumption
          Since the money is worth more right now
               Than it will be worth in the coming years.
                    In time, this leads to overconsumption &
                         Ostentation and environmental effects
                              Due to a constant need for spending.
                               Let’s use an option that reverses this
                          By using money that gains value over
                     Time and incentivizes the holding of
                Money because it purchases more in
          The future rather than less.  Over time
     The psychological and environmental
Benefits of Bitcoin grow and help all.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Free from the whims - of politics
And the shifting tides of state
Bitcoin remains unchanging
Impervious to love or hate

Free from the whims - of power
In any of its ugly faces
Bitcoin performs its duties
At all times and in all places

Free from the whims - of greed
From those who reach and steal
Bitcoin continues like clockwork
Holding scarcity as the ideal

Free from the whims - of looters
Who mandate the “sharing” of gains
Bitcoin rewards the hard workers
Who break from the idler’s chains

Free from the whims - of anyone
Who might alter or change the code
Bitcoin stays governed by rules
Staying firmly on freedom’s road
You can see this poem on a background here -
New coins come to those who add
Transactions to each new block
This started out as 50 coins
Every 10 minutes around the clock

7200 Bitcoin - average, each day
Over two million in each year
And at block 210,000
The first halving was here

HALF of all bitcoins already mined
Then the reward halved to 25...
Coins for each new block reward
And bitcoin continued to thrive

Four more years, block 420,000
And then cut in half once more
Bitcoin reward down to 12.5
But price continued to soar

At block 630,000, cut to 6.25
The supply continues to shrink
You may want to get some soon
As it’s catching on, I think

Now we approach block 840,000
A critical juncture in time
Rewards will “half” to 3.125
As the price continues to climb
You can see this poem on a background here -
Fiat money loses value over time
     People know this and this influences
          Their thinking towards the short term.
               Short term thinking bleeds into many
                    Areas of life leading to inferiority in so
                         Many areas of our life and our world
                         We need a money that increases in
                    Value leading to long term planning
               And greater VISION in goals, family,
          Business, architecture, and nutrition.
     Imagine nations and people planning
For generations. Bitcoin gives vision
You can see this poem on a background here -
Question: What has Bitcoin done for Humanity?
Answer: Bitcoin has helped millions of people to:

Move money safely
Across country borders
Or keep money private
Through seizure orders

Avoid the debasement
Of all of their savings
As inflation abounds
Amidst Keynesian ravings

Transfer remittances
To countries abroad
Without the high fees
That border on fraud

Own their own money
For millions the “first time”
Generations unbanked
This is truly a crime

Trade with anyone
Across land or ‘cross sea
With no “middle man”
Who might disagree

Enjoy some privacy
A basic human right
As foundational freedoms
Tyrants try to rewrite

So here you go Jim
This is just a small list
Of what Bitcoin’s done
And you simply dismissed
You can see this poem on a background here -  Question comes from Jim Cramer - an investor.
One problem in traditional finance
     Is that intermediaries are needed to
          Facilitate transactions in the system.  
               These intermediaries charge fees, act
                    As points of control or censorship, and
                         Often allow chargebacks (non-finality)
                         What we need is a truly peer to peer
                    Electronic cash system which allows
               Payments to be sent from one party
          To another without an intermediary.
     Such a system built for the internet
Exists here and now.  It is Bitcoin.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Freedom may sleep, but it will awaken
For those who love freedom
Can never stay shaken

Freedom may pine, in chains for a night
Yet will always break through
And stand firm in the right

Freedom may kneel, but only to pray
For strength in its purpose
And hope for today

Freedom may falter, and may need to slow
But with renewed vigor
Will get up and go

Freedom may fall, but it NEVER dies
It’s part of our soul
And will EVER arise

Bitcoin is freedom - to save or to spend
The freedom of money
We will ever defend
You can see this poem on a background here - Inspired by the end of Ayn Rand's book Anthem.
Self custody your Bitcoin now
There’s nobody you can blame
When you take responsibility
Of holding your own claim

Avoid the risk of “Trust me, bro”
For trust is a dangerous game
And letting others hold your coins
Allows THEM to own your claim

Stake your claim with “Proof of Work”
For “Proof of Weapons” is a shame
Help build the world you want to see
By fostering freedom's flame

Twenty one million Bitcoin
No other project has the same...
Mission critical purpose
So get some and stake your claim
You can see this poem on a background here -
Fiat money, printed freely and wildly
     Contributes directly to big government
          Because they don’t need the will of the
               People (paying taxes) for large programs.
                    Instead the government can just use new
                         Money created by the big central banks
                          When money is not created easily but
                    Instead is only created by honest work
               And energy expenditure, this naturally
          Limits the resources the government
     Can use for their projects and ideas.
Bitcoin is the money based on work
You can see this poem on a background here -
The problem with a world reserve
     Currency is that one country benefits
          More because they are in “control” of
               The supply and interest rate of money.
                    This gives that country an exorbitant
                         Privilege and ability to abuse the power
                         What we need is a neutral base layer of
                     Money that can serve as a reserve
               Asset for the world, not controllable
          By any group or country, open to all.
     Bitcoin is this completely neutral
Base layer available to the world
You can see this poem on a background here -
When fiat money is regularly debased,
     Then people can’t save in the money
          And they must learn to be investors,
               Investing in land, homes, stocks, art
                    Merely to keep their purchasing power
                         Which they’ve worked so hard to earn
                         Let’s allow people to simply save again
                    We can do this when we have a money
               That is truly scarce and limited in issue.
          This frees people to just work and save,
     Unless they truly want to be investors
We have this scarce money in Bitcoin
You can see this poem on a background here -
Did you wait & procrastinate?
Or act ahead of the curve?
Well, you will get your bitcoin
At the price that you deserve

Start right now and do the work
Strengthen your will and nerve
And then you’ll get your bitcoin
At that price that you deserve

Keep your mind steady and firm
Stay focused and never swerve
In order to hold your bitcoin
As it becomes the world reserve

Learn about money, study well
Be quick to judge and observe
Then act to get your bitcoin
At the price that you deserve
You can see this poem on a background here -
In the Bitcoin mathematics
The equations work just right
They add up perfect every day
And they do the same at night

Adding data to the Timechain
Like clockwork, line by line
A ledger of all transactions
And it always adds up fine

Yes, the Bitcoin mathematics
To adjust the block creation
Keeps it close to six per hour
Though spread across all nations

And the math for bitcoin halving
Is elegant, exact, and true
It keeps the issue limited
Which adds up for me and you

Trust the math and trust the code
As Bitcoin keeps on growing
The equations add up neatly
So our money keeps on flowing
You can see this poem on a background here -
The bitcoin supply formula is on the background, with some explanations.  The math just keeps on working.
God grant me the serenity
To stack all the Bitcoin I can,
The courage to create more memes
That expose the thieving fiat system,
And the wisdom to know
That Bitcoin fixes this;

Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting criticism and adversity
As the pathway to orange pilling
All people, trusting that every
Last person will get Bitcoin
At the price they deserve;

Trusting the equations of Satoshi
That my value will increase
Due to truly scarce money
And aligned incentives;
With responsibility
And freedom for all
You can see this poem on a background here -
Parody of The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr
When people can’t save value
     In their money system, because
          Of debasement of the currency,
               Then they learn to save in assets.
                    Houses remain the top choice to
                         Save and preserve monetary value
                              Which leads to higher priced homes
                              If we have a hard money that holds
                         Value then people can simply save
                    In money and home prices will drop
               To the normal utility value of a home
          This will make homes more affordable
     For more people across the world
Bitcoin is the hard money solution
You can see this poem on a background here -
Do you know how Bitcoin solves this problem?  Do you know why houses are priced so high?
The core of basic freedoms
Is the freedom to transact
This underpins the other rights
In the Magna Carta pact

The crux is private property
To use, or hold, or trade
Our time, our land, our energy
Our work - our fortune made

King John was forced to sign it
Holding tyrants to account
So that we can all stand free
With our liberty paramount

Why, in all our nations dear
Have freedoms flown away?
Due process rashly flung aside
As prisoners, we must pay

Now Bitcoin rises to sustain
Our freedom to transact
A bastion of private property
No matter how oft attacked

So steady - up and onward
For our freedoms, stand exact
At the root of other freedoms
Lies the freedom to transact
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by the Magna Carta - which King John was forced to sign on June 15, 2015.

This was a freedom document that contained basic rights, such as the freedom to transact, and the right to a fair trial.

Unfortunately, most countries have strayed from these basic rights, surveilling citizens and censoring or controlling free market transactions.

Bitcoin restores this right - because it's open to all, and difficult to censor or control.
Bitcoin’s not a hedge
It’s a permanent SOLUTION
For the PROBLEM of inflation
It’s a timely revolution

Yes, Bitcoin’s not a hedge
When the money printers run
But it is a bold SOLUTION
And remains the only one

When the money that you earn
Buys you less and less each year
It’s the money printers fault
So blame inflation for your fear

Though Bitcoin’s not a hedge
It has a hard and fixed supply
And a steady rate of issue
So the time is right to buy

Yes, Bitcoin’s not a hedge
Against inflation, it is true
But it is a great SOLUTION
To keep wealth for me and you
You can see the poem on a background here -
Inspired by Parker Lewis and his video and article about Bitcoin not being a hedge against inflation.
Centralized power proves antithetical
To your freedom - it’s quite pathetical

They ask us to be more ascetical
And let them rule - it’s quite heretical

Collectivism fails! Not hypothetical
Property and Liberty - quite synthetical

I’ll stand for freedom and wax poetical
It makes the message more aesthetical
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by Russell Brand "Their control is antithetical to your freedom"
Power of the money printer
Quite intoxicating

Stealing from the rest of us
Shame, incriminating

Modern Monetary Theory
Slowly devastating

Bitcoin makes the money true
Free and liberating

Rebuilding our lives and wealth
All appreciating

Cantillon theft and seigniorage
Now eliminating

Bitcoin adoption ‘cross the world
Fast accelerating
You can see this poem on a background here -
Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Every morning you greet me
Wealth increase, bring me peace
You look happy to meet me

Patient and slow, may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Grow my money forever

Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Every morning you greet me
Firm and true, thanks to you
You look happy to meet me

Treasure that flows, may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Bitcoin stash, bitcoin stash
Grow my freedom forever
You can see this poem on a background here -
This poem can be sung to the song “Edelweiss” from the Sound of Music. The edelweiss flower grows in some of the toughest alpine conditions in the world.  Likewise, Bitcoin must survive and thrive in tough and adversarial conditions throughout the world.
Your voice matters - take a stand
Share how Bitcoin makes you free
Shake the fiat shackles off
Do your part and you will see

Mining, holding, running nodes
Buying, teaching, giving too
In all of these, you spread your voice
And stand for what you know is true

Your voice matters - don’t be shy
Bitcoin changes us for good
No theft of money from the top
Increasing value - as it should

You have so many ways to share
Use your talents as you can
Your voice matters - speak aloud
To forward this great Bitcoin plan
You can see this poem on a background here -
The history of fiat
Is chock full of breaches
Of centralized power
That pushes and reaches

Debasing our money
The looters and leeches
Gaslighting people
With Keynesian speeches

Where is our money
In fractional banks?
They lend out in bubbles
And give us no thanks

Restricting our freedoms
With raw overreaches
Yes, the history of fiat
Is brimming with breaches

But now we have freedom
From theft and abuse
A better money in Bitcoin
And the power to choose
You can see this poem on a background here -
Inspired by this quote from Satoshi
The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve.

Satoshi Nakamoto
Money that stores our working hours
Free from the theft of looting powers
Children happy - living carefree
This is the future I want to see

Safe, protected property rights
Long term planning in our sights
A country we don’t have to flee
This is the future I want to see

Honest leaders who give a care
Willing to serve, without fanfare
Living humbly like you and me
This is the future I want to see

Holding value for decades hence
Simply saving with common sense
Speaking boldly - living free
This is the future I want to see

Abundance flowing everywhere
Because the money’s true and rare
Bitcoin’s the answer, Bitcoin’s the key
To build this future we want to see
You can see this poem on a background here -
Humans are fallible in many ways
   One way human weakness is shown
      Is by inevitably debasing a money supply
         NO human has been able to resist the short
            Term gain for those in power, but only pain
               And suffering for the majority of the people
               Since we can’t make infallible human beings
            We must move the money supply out of the
         Control of humans completely.  We do this
      Through cryptography and mathematics
   Bitcoin is the rules based decentralized
Solution for this human fallibility issue
You can see this poem on a background here -
If there must be trouble now
Let this happen in my day
With my fight - a peace endow
So children live a better way

If there must be tyranny
I choose now to rise and stand
Resist a broken currency
With all the strength that I command

This reflection - well applied
Makes duty clear to choose the right
We can awaken - turn the tide
In the darkness - spread the light

If central planners choose control
And limit freedoms year by year
Liberty is Bitcoin’s goal
Join today - it has no peer

So if there must be troubling times
Bitcoin stands for freedom’s way
To overcome the theft and crimes
Yes - let this happen in my day
You can see this poem on a background here -
“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace; and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty.”

Thomas Paine, The Crisis
You can’t print prosperity
Since it only comes from work
And not from rank barbarity
Of looters as they shirk

Yes, you can’t print prosperity
Or houses, food, or land
But looters hate austerity
So they think printing’s grand

If you could print prosperity
(The central planners dream)
T’would lead to popularity
So this becomes their scheme

Some tried to print prosperity
Yet the money finally died
From money’s lack of rarity
Prosperity was denied

So let’s create prosperity
Through money that is rare
Choose with careful clarity
Bitcoin will take us there
You can see this poem on a background here -
The anguish flows when money dies
Amid the child’s and mother’s cries
It comes when scarcity is lost
And money made without a cost

Taking savings, stealing time
Open theft through hidden crime
Stones or feathers, shells or beads
These all once filled money needs

And represented hours of work
Yet money died when people shirk
And made more units, cheap and fast
Then money died - it did not last

We work for money - you and me
But central banks just print for free
Fiat money - scarce no longer
Loss of savings growing stronger

We need scarcity - absolute
No debasement - no dispute
Bitcoin provides the solution clear
Thank God Bitcoin’s finally here

180 nations - use fiat today
All are dying - come what may
Bitcoin conquers the fiat lies
Bitcoin is Hope, when money dies
You can see this poem on a background here -
There is a book by the same name, documenting the hyperinflation in Germany.  Read it if you dare.

The exact title is When Money Dies: The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation in Weimar, Germany.

Deficit spending is immoral, ineffective, and hurts people.

When new units of money are created easily, they go to certain groups and people first.  Look up the Cantillon Effect
Bitcoin doesn’t really care
The color of your skin or hair
If you’re short or if you’re tall
Bitcoin does not care at all.

And therefore can’t discriminate
By who you love, or who you hate
Save it, spend it - large or small.
Bitcoin does not care at all.

You can save for years and years.
It will be there - calm your fears
Or spend it soon - go have a ball.
Bitcoin does not care at all.

No restrictions, no money games
If you own it (no paper claims)
Keep it safe, for if you fall
Bitcoin does not care at all

Bitcoin CAN’T discriminate
Steal your funds - or seal your fate
If you miss this - if you stall
Bitcoin does not care at all

Bitcoin’s free for all to use
Very soon I hope you’ll choose
If not, one day you will recall
That Bitcoin does not care at all
You can see this poem on a background here -
Dark forces
Stealing time
Through inflation’s daily climb

Printing money
Come what may
Though the poorest have to pay

Dark forces
Surveilling you
Watching what you say and do

With the motive
To control
Shaping you - their stated goal

Dark forces
Creating naught
They just live off what you’ve got

Higher taxes
They decide
We work hard - yet incomes slide

Dark forces
Anger and fear
When they see - Bitcoin is here

Bringing hope
Shining light
On dark forces, with truth and right
You can see this poem on a background here -
Gold is not easily portable due
   To gold’s weight and risk of theft
      The paper currency originally built
         On top of gold can be moved faster
            And digital money even more quickly
               Yet is controlled and limited through
                  Centralized entities that limit transfers
                  We need a money that is lightweight
               And easily transported anywhere at
            Very low cost, AND has no controls
         Or censorship - truly open to people
      Everywhere in the world - a money
   Very hard to steal, but easy to send
Bitcoin is supremely portable money
You can see this poem on a background here -
For your future’s sake
Do you know what’s at stake?
I plead with all to awake
For holding
NO Bitcoin
Could be
An increasingly costly mistake

There’s a decision you can make
To choose a treasured keepsake
Rather than fiat, which will break
For holding
NO Bitcoin
Could be
An increasingly costly mistake

Avoid a coming heartache
With money true - rather than fake
Get some - for future’s sake
For holding
NO Bitcoin
Could be
An increasingly costly mistake
You can see this poem on a background here -
Atlas shrugged, and the world fell
In violence and despair
Thank God for the rise of Bitcoin
Equitable, fast, and fair

With Galt’s Gulch we take our stand
Our sovereignty to prepare
As Bitcoin keeps on winning
Equitable, fast, and fair

With cancel culture all around
Censoring what you share
Bitcoin is permissionless
Equitable, fast, and fair

With dollars losing value fast
Act smart and stay aware
Hold Bitcoin - based on scarcity
Equitable, fast, and fair

A truth and freedom machine
To which nothing can compare
A portal into cyberspace
Equitable, fast, and fair

The Alpha asset taking ground
For everyone, everywhere
Bitcoin’s here to save or spend
Equitable, fast, and fair
You can see this poem on a background here -
Do you feel you’re running twice as fast?
But only getting half as far?
Do you see your money doesn’t last?
No matter how diligent you are?

Do you want to know a better way
Than the dollar’s debasing plan?
A saving method - come what may?
Well with Bitcoin you surely can!

Save in a money with staying power
Not in money losing strength
Bitcoin’s yet young - a budding flower
And will open full bloom at length

Or, just keep on running twice as fast
Yet not going far at all
While the money printers have a blast
And your savings continue to fall
You can see this poem on a background here -
Tyranny of the status quo -
Of fiat money’s theft and shame
But we escape - the way we know
For Bitcoin changes the game

Short term thinking - everywhere
No discipline can we claim
But now our vision we can share
For Bitcoin changes the game

Inflation draining what we save
Pointing wildly for who to blame
We find respite - no more a slave
For Bitcoin changes the game

Yes, we can vote, but see no gain
We just get more of the same
Now we can see the true campaign
For Bitcoin changes the game

We see our freedoms ebbing low
How can we rise to fan the flame?
We can help adoption grow
For Bitcoin changes the game

Act firm and stalwart in your stance
Keep force and focus on your aim
Join in and help this tech advance
For Bitcoin changes the game
You can see this poem on a background here -
Tick tock, next block
Onward beating timechain clock
Bitcoin’s steady every day
Adding entries, come what may

Tick tock, next block
Through any kind of stress or shock
Incentives keep it running sure
Bitcoin’s ledger will endure

Tick tock, next block
Newly minted bitcoin stock
Small supply of precious coin
No better time than now to join

Tick tock, next block
Opportunity - here to knock
It’s catching on, so just in case
Get some bitcoin, at your pace

Tick tock, next block
Prove your work - walk your talk
Nodes and miners, every hour
Proving Bitcoin’s staying power

Tick tock, next block
Though fiat lovers try to mock
Our confidence remains so sweet
With every block - with every beat
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When crypto fans approach us
And say “We’re on the same team”
Invite them to grasp our vision
And see if they share our dream

Say, “Great, now you’re joining us to…

Adopt seizure resistant money?
Boost personal power and accountability?
Separate money from state control and abuse?
Restore proper capital allocation through hard money?
Forsake the fiat fraud and cancel the Cantillon privilege?
Allow people to simply save and store value through time?
Cultivate new freedom for billions of people under tyranny?
Abolish the theft of our time and wealth through debasement?
Increase long-term work and vision in all areas due to stable money?
Abandon foolish agendas and wars made possible only by printing money for free?”

Then they can humbly join us
Bitcoin’s purpose in their mind
Or see they are “not on our team”
And sadly - get left behind
You can see this poem on a background here -
In the current financial system we never can
   Know the future increase of money supply as
      This is decided by a few powerful people who
         Are not elected or chosen by the citizens, yet
            Rig the game for the benefit of those in power
               Monetary Inflation rate for 2024?  We don’t know              
                  Monetary Inflation rate for 2025?  We don’t know
                  Let’s gain surety by using a Bitcoin Standard
               Which has a perfectly predictable issue rate
            The new coin inflation rate for 2023?  1.78%
         Inflation rate after halving in 2024?   1.1%
      Knowing these figures exactly for the next
   100 years and more gives people surety
And businesses foresight and stability

Stats on Bitcoin Issuance when this poem was written 6/14/23
Total amount of Bitcoins to be mined:  21,000,000
Bitcoins in Circulation:  19,401,756
Total Bitcoins left to mine:  1,598,024
Bitcoins Generated per day: 900
Bitcoins Generated per day after halving: 450
You can see this poem on a background here -
Join the global revolution
A once in a bloodline chance
Join the peaceful grand solution
Seize the offered circumstance

Come and make your contribution
The Bitcoin standard rings out true
Free from value dissolution
Instead it lets our wealth accrue

Your children may not get the choice
To own a healthy Bitcoin share
Unless you choose with acts and voice
To opt away from fiat’s snare

Rise up - expand your comfort zone
Conquer what you need to learn
We can help - you’re not alone
Once in a bloodline chance to earn
You can see this poem on a background here -
When powers try to steal our wealth
With high inflation’s chill
We now claim a better way
With Bitcoin as free will

When people try to censor thought
And freedoms go downhill
We get on the sovereign path
As Bitcoin is free will

When tyrants seize or confiscate
“Trust us” (a bitter pill)
We hold an asset we can own
And Bitcoin is free will

When moving funds across the world
With no “permission” drill
We can use an open money
Since Bitcoin is free will

When planning for our children’s lives
So they can be fulfilled
We’ll save the surest money
For Bitcoin is free will
You can see this poem on a background here -
Honest people say what is true
The iron law - true things prevail
And not the lies that often spew
From diktats which our rights curtail

Opinions and ideas abound
What are the signs of truth telltale?
Follow incentives - search around
What ideas will our freedoms derail?

Follow ideas to where they lead
Think of the results - in detail
Talk and discuss - think and read
Stand for freedom. Let truth prevail

Does an idea centralize power?
Central powers will always fail
Though dictators may gain the hour
In the end - true things prevail

Bitcoin keeps the ledger true
Decentralized - on worldwide scale
Better money for me and you
Come join and let the truth prevail
You can see this poem on a background here
“We are the US government”
We can print out of thin air
Mister Sherman says aloud
Which should be quite a scare

But yet he says of Bitcoin
(Amazing that he can dare)
That bitcoin isn’t valuable
But created from thin air

Bitcoin has a cost to make
A cost that can’t compare
To fiat’s cheap and easy flow
Debasing the saver’s share

Thank you Mister Sherman
For making us all aware
Of your Cantillon privilege
Printing money from thin air

Study what a bitcoin costs
To make one - with work & care
And you’ll see Bitcoin’s value
Come join and get a share

Thank you Mister Sherman
For helping us to prepare
As our dollars get debased
Since they’re printed from thin air
You can see this poem on a background here -
Look up Representative Brad Sherman Out of Thin Air
Battle not for red and blue
They’re both the same machine
The real choice that’s coming up
Is orange versus green

Bitcoin holds your value well
Come join the Bitcoin scene
Skip inflation’s stealthy theft
Choose orange versus green

From Iceland to Australia
And countries in between
People are awakening
To orange versus green

Money made by central banks
With printing that’s obscene
You can pick another way
Choose orange versus green

Break free from your assumptions
And question your routine
For everyone can benefit
From orange over green
You can see this poem on a background here -
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