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my ex wants me back.
i don't want her.
there she is, once again,
waiting, whispering
working her way into my cracks
winding me up and worsening my wounds,
whittling me into weaker wood

she makes me feel like i can't live without her
and the irony isn't lost on me.
she cradles me at stupid, sleepless hours
and serenades me with sweet, sweet symphonies
of everlasting silence,
songs of sempiternal slumber

i know my insomnia gets the better of me but
i don't want to sleep that badly
or maybe i do sometimes
but i think my mother would want me to wake up
maybe my friends, too
and no, she would never let me
she'd want to keep me, you see

my ex likes me in her bed,
it's her favourite place to have me
some call that vanilla but they don't know the things she does to me
when her lips brush my wrists
and that one time they teased my neck
******* it, she drives me crazy
has me ******* the sheets and sobbing into the pillows
my screams so loud, i choke
and lose my voice

sometimes my veins start pulsing with need
and she makes it so tempting,
slender fingers slipping over my skin,
sliding over my spine
"do it", she says
i want to submit to her, show her how much of a hold she has on me- no
i don't, i don't, i can't, i won't

my ex wants me back
but i don't want her.
i let her have her way with me
under the covers,
my sweet, sadistic lover
and then i turn my back on her
and sleep until the sun comes up to remind me
lightness still remains even if the darkness lasts longer.
 Mar 2016 KellzKitty
m i a
lonely nights,
verbal fights,
no more flying kites,
blind to imaginary knights,
losing sight of light,
this doesnt seem right,
life is no longer a delight,
reality woke me up today telling me, "get the **** up, you're not a kid anymore." which was oh so lovely.
 Mar 2016 KellzKitty
Little Bear
It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no to someone you love. It’s okay to say no to a friend. It’s okay to say no to a parent or child. It’s okay to say no to a job or relationship.

It’s okay to say no to ****** advances. And it’s okay to say no to a person who’s romantically interested in you. Even if it hurts someone’s feelings, even if you disappoint people, even if you’re judged and ostracized — it’s okay to say no to anything and anyone that causes you pain or makes you uncomfortable. You’re allowed to put yourself first. You’re allowed to set limits and boundaries.

And you deserve to make your happiness and well being a priority. You don’t ever have to settle for something or someone that doesn’t feel right. And you definitely don’t have to compromise yourself for the sake of making other people happy. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, AND IF THAT MEANS SAYING NO, IT'S MORE THAN OKAY.**

A quote by – Daniell Koepke
"No" is a complete sentence.
It does not require justification or explanation

(not my quote)
 Mar 2016 KellzKitty
Alex Riley
 Mar 2016 KellzKitty
Alex Riley
Home should be loving
Home should be neat
Home should be filled with something to eat
Where family surrounds you
Or if they are gone
A place you can rest alone all night long

Home should be looked forward too
And not at all despised
A place you should be looked upon
With loving caring eyes
 Mar 2016 KellzKitty
 Mar 2016 KellzKitty
The same person that broke you
**can't fix you
Just saying
 Feb 2016 KellzKitty
Puffy Eyes
 Feb 2016 KellzKitty
I like keeping things in and away
But my eyes don't lie, and people can see
Stupid puffy eyes. I hate that. Anyways I want to thank my friends for being here for me, even when I'm a *******.
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