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 Mar 2018 Hunter Aldrich
She never stopped crying
She felt like she was dying
She wore her scars on her back
And Carried her problems like a backpack
She didn't know how great she could grow up to be
She didn't know if she wanted to wait long enough to see
She was ready to give in
Shoulders slouched and a low chin
She didn't think they really cared
About all that was left unsaid
They called out to her
But it was all just a blur
But after calling and calling,
She Almost found herself falling
Until she was caught by a familiar face
And suddenly the world became such a beautiful place

Breathe in,
Breathe out,

How easy is it to meditate?
How can it be that easy to calm down all the atoms in your body?
How is it so easy for you to not want to touch every molecule that moves differently than all the others?

To calm down Avogadro's Number,
to the steadiness of your breathing, and the low bass of your heartbeat.

Taking in the sound of crickets chirping,
even though you comprehend on a whole new level of understanding that you absolutely hate that sound.

Instead of erasing, you cross things out because you now all too well how much of a perfectionist you are with a completely blank canvas.

You don't like the way your hand shakes with anticipation when you feel that spark of inspiration to write.

You're just so eager to tell everything that doesn't make sense in an antique notebook.
Just until you get to the bottom of the page.

Hesitant to turn the page because you don't quite know if you want to keep writing your nonsense pieces of art.

You don't quite know if your inspirations of originality disappeared for vacation,
Or if it's attempting to find a new ****** expression to wow it's crowd.

But you're only trying to fill in spaces,
Not with just words that oddly mean something to you,
But to get your point across.
 Jan 2018 Hunter Aldrich
Rubii ü
She's lonely, but she seems happy
She's tired, but she moves forward
She's down, but she doesn't drown
She's hopeless, but she's not careless

They say she's pretty,
but she feels ugly
They say she's smart,
but she feels dumb
They say she's talented,
but she feels incompetent
They say she's strong,
but she feels weak

She has no one, but she ain't gone
And that she,

**Is me.
 Jan 2018 Hunter Aldrich
 Jan 2018 Hunter Aldrich
Some nights I peel off my face and hang up my despair. I paint on a new face maybe even draw a big smile, then I take some pictures and share some superficial giggles. When the fakeness fades, I come back home- I throw on my raw face, wear my comfy despair, and sit and sob for hours
#empty #fake #lost #sad

— The End —