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May 19 · 374
A Mothers Day Lullaby
Heavy Hearted May 19
my mother would sing me
this song as a baby-
remembering,the power of sound.

for three quarters of the year
my mother she would steer
me from dreams to true love.

and that day, when you have gone
melted back into the dawn
I know you'll still hear me somehow.

for you, I will play, every song- in the way
that I know you'll receive, and retain.
Ill play those songs you love ..Me Do!
Hideaway, Over the Rainbow, Mrs. Robinson too

ill play the purest, sweet sound.
In Awe, Ill foster such simplistic beauty
Because the day I sit on that bench,
to play the Piano, as I have throughout my entire life,
The day I inherent it's entirety
That inevitably hollow day...
When only my ears
Feel it's vibrations.
When only my mind
Floats inside it's rhythm.
That day When
you've gone

How will it sound
I'm not sure, but that day will come inevitably.
So. I must take great care to hone my skills. Commit to that piano ******* and really- really- get some good jams going for my mother and father to enjoy.
May 19 · 366
Heavy Hearted May 19
A Candle
's flame
-the most
selfless of light-
Consuming itself,
Illuminate night.
"always find a way to leave,
always chasing brighter sky
always fighting my disease-
No, even drugs won't satisfy...
& you can hold a candle
so long it burns your hand,
and love can last a lifetime
no nothing has to end" - Lala Lala
Apr 15 · 400
Michelle Milner
Heavy Hearted Apr 15
It's right after I wrote your message
That I had to write this here
Please know I dont hightlight tragedy
But this page, is full of fear...

It's also full of a bunch of NEXT ****T

To single out fear is but a guise!
one written so as to throw you off,
In hopes that you realize
That I write for more than just
Some cathartic sort of prize

It's a vehicle, A medium
unique as song and dance-
Like water color or oil paints
The rhythmic rhymes entrance
I Wonder if you'll see this!
Apr 14 · 548
It's Time / The Whip
Heavy Hearted Apr 14
The alarm tolls,
On their rude device-
It's time for work
& yet still, despite
the thousand fascets
of one reality
These Newbrunswickin Chavs
Wouldn't recognize, really,
That Despite
the riddle's answer, Being  E;
& that double decade,
One might have over me,

When direct
go unanswered; The respect
I require
(now unvield)
Off, into the past
Oh, how I  become

The Whip

they crack
The Whip                        
& with
All that I am,

the past, In desperation, I forcefully trick
As the blackness, of my being
Forms a darkness,  spilling thick.
Engulfing light- mind's eye's Unseeing,  
Consumes oneself, like a candles wick -
Illuminating every route (for fleeing)
For me, the lights still on- homesick.

Forcefully, faithfully; to keep on believing, & even

just to keep the pathway lit-  by headlight, sunbeam, or doomscrolling trip-
Understand why might a human being
'S now become The Whip
Anything is possible and Nothing makes sense
Mar 31 · 688
Heavy Hearted Mar 31
Life is complex, she said to me
A statement unfortunately true,
Reiterating the fact, real happiness
Has become a fleeting virtue.
The single most excruciating task
Of anyone to ever, have to ask-
Is to live this life, so full of pain
As the human race, itselve's disdain
Yet, its as effortless as drawing breath
The simplicity of air
Our automatic processes
That which contagiously, we share:
Laughter, Heartache, Hatred, Hope-
the humanistic ways to cope.

Despite that complexities insue,
You know strength, to let faith renue
Bestow some courage, place belief
In all that initially brings you grief

Every morning, a new dawn's shining-
& every cloud, has it's silver lining.
Mar 29 · 365
Another chance
Heavy Hearted Mar 29
chests heave-
in the dark,
Breathing throughout
Each exhale.
The soundscape
a sleepers tone;
the clock's
      Tick tock,
Counting each second;
Becomes infinite-
The midnight's
"What we've become is the price we've paid to get what we used to want".
The babble of the valley Brooke
A rush- the flowing, liquid memory moving
Water; the stillness of
a puddle
A pond, the pooling-
scintillates & permeates.
A gentel lapping
against the creekside,
A skip-stone-scape beneath the wetness
Augments the heavy water
As nature's soundtrack.
The valley walls
Mar 3 · 743
Hero / The Lori Meyers
H    is for help! you know I'm alive
E    for estranged, expressionistics
R    eading rhymes- revise, review
        reprise, recite- rethink and renue.
O    verwhelming-
        vertly, overdone-
o  ntology~
Still, I'm the one.
I'm the hero, of the story-
Don't need to be saved.
No one's got it all

"I aint no Cinderella, I aint waitin on no prince to save me in fact until now I think I been doing just fine- you think I sell my body? I merely sell my time."
Feb 18 · 307
Mangos and I
Heavy Hearted Feb 18
Me n mangoz are heading west
Spontaneous with serendipity,
Expressing isn't easily found
When ones pretentiously profound,
Thinking of all the words
But they won't come out
So let's type them together, here
in the cyberspace let's shout.
Did the guy stay- no, the MANGOOOOO
Feb 18 · 160
F***, I'm bad.
Heavy Hearted Feb 18
F*, I'm so bad at this lyrical translation
With Rhyming words a  fabrication
Spews fourth from my mouth to screen
No mind or hand- or medium between.
Just thoughts unadulterated raw
Unconsciously weild with grammatical awe
Jan 22 · 621
Heavy Hearted Jan 22
The cruelty of the the human mind-
To lose, to keep, to hide, to find
Half our life be only true
If somehow the mind allows it to...

To forget; well sadly nothing truly competes
for it's the most merciless of our minds feats:
Nothing can be real
if your memory can't on cue:
Regurgitate information,
ephemerally true.

To perform, to recite, to repeat, and understand-
through blackness- pathetic, forget it, regret it
Oh how the mind cruelly demands.
A troubled mind's much like a web
Tangled in memories unsaid
Jan 20 · 1.7k
Heavy Hearted Jan 20
Here I sit
In this basement of
some other house
In the core of the city-
I'm almost on my own...
This January's night
Flashes frozen-
As I adicite, light
I see all that I've chosen:

perturbation, and frustration,
Entwine in all my fascination
Stinging- they whip my body &
paint on lacerations

What you've chosen I cannot see
And the light I catch redefines me
Shadows ignite
That December's day
Reminds me I'm not alone.
In the outskirts of Toronto-
In my Parents home-
My room, my bed - my life's in
The basement

its there; I cry.
A ustin
L ucie
O verwhelming
N othingness
E ncapsulates
Dec 2023 · 1.1k
The Ride & Reprise: Oleg
Heavy Hearted Dec 2023
As you drive
taking me, we- on a ride
from the suburbs I grew up in
to the City
Down the same streets
Ive always known, driven myself,
the same route
that leads to Toronto.
Splitting, the fork- takes us,
flying around the circumference of the city
The sun, golden orange,
begins to set.
Iridescence coating the skyline –
as each reflective surface
becomes stained glass.
“Eric-I need GPS direction” …

& Its after I've arrived at my destination
& then home again after it all;
do I re-open & Re-read this scribble in a note book-

Recapitulate, & end.
written on the DVP / Driving through the Gardner and Queen's Quay
Dec 2023 · 954
Two Weeks
Heavy Hearted Dec 2023
Every time, you try-
counting time in quarter tones,
scribing rhymes on android phones

the great design-
As light's define
then they postpone,
another chance
To be alone
to change one's mind
To go back home.

would you always maybe sometimes make it easy take your time

in the foreground
and then back;
we reflect
as we react
wallow, in
the nighttime's black;
cinder's splinters trace us back.
Inspired by Grizzly Bear's Two Weeks
Nov 2023 · 3.4k
For the Beauty Yet to Come
Heavy Hearted Nov 2023
Before the sun ascends
Through dawn's first clouds.
Hold on to the now pastel sky-
Of a late November morning.

Let the waking world below
slowly warm your spirit,
Play a song to soothe the pain / remember, but don't fear it-

All this beauty of what is to come
can only ever be made real
When shared with those who understand
Intrinsic- all you feel.
Nov 2023 · 1.8k
Alena- My bad!
Heavy Hearted Nov 2023
Forgiveness, to forgive                    (for me)
Is essentially subtle- to a fault,
Beautifully it's practiced,
Yet inherently mistaught:
To ask of anything more
From the person you've done wrong
Is blatantly selfish, at its core
Pressuring them along.

Unless exactly, specific and honestly, you reiterate once more.
All the reasons which you petition forgiveness
And what you're sorry for:

To draw conclusions, assumptions and things, without the facts in place-
Was to right out start off in
an Unreasonable head space.
Furthermore, my tone of voice
And the disrespect it achieved
Is not what you- Alena, not at all
From me; should've ever recieved.

Lastly, explicitly I have to say;
I'm sorry for my aggressive words.
And the fact I reacted that way is
A retort- as a minuet or two, voice note
Deserved the block- and what you wrote.

I'm sorry about this- discrepancy
I actually enjoyed you working with me.
I'll leave this here for you to find, &
Hope these words were worth your time.
When you read, know these are sincere; my apologies- true.
Not just mere pretty, fluffy words for you.

Poetry's something I, almost know, you appreciate~ so heres an apologistic-free vers hyphenate.
A note to a co-worker I hope she takes to heart

Dear alena,

I'm sorry for taking to you like that online- it won't happen again. Hopefully in time You can give me another chance regarding how you feel about me / see me in a different light.

Nov 2023 · 1.8k
When I Speak
Heavy Hearted Nov 2023
I speak the name of My god over you
inspite of sorrow,
doubted belief...

I'll nurture your virtue.
I speak these words of power-  to renue;
In desperation, I may plead

The divine to restore you.

I speak these words, to petition the unknown;
omniscient or indifferent
I plead they lead you home.

I speak a poem that doesn't rhyme aloud
Reciting prayers,
still holding on
and on
     and on.
Nov 2023 · 1.7k
Classicism's Obliteration
Heavy Hearted Nov 2023
Comprise the population
Revolutionized, new variants
Attempt consolidation.
Socialist experiments or
Anthropology's deviation?
Avoidance- societal detriments of health:
Classism's obliteration.
Heavy Hearted Nov 2023
To you I scribe these words of grace
& pray you reach that golden place,
the one beyond the world we live- a place that transcends time.
A place to move through, with the brightness of peace-            all places

Untill we reach that
faithfull destination
Of our dreams.

Though we've got direction-
The destinations never been clear.
Regardless, onwards we march
with confident discretion
Revel, in the thought -
togetherness; connection.
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Help me- I am so sorry,
for all the nights you spent in the dark.
they were nights where
I needed the pain and fear to stop-
And you would do
Everything you knew
Just trying to make me alright.
" No one Deserves my world quite like you do"
I heard that in a song once.
Now knowing you,
silently, I
Another poem I found in my old journal
Oct 2023 · 1.1k
The Longest One
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Thirty four days of delusional bliss

Thirty four ways to greet the abyss

Thirty four shock waves, to the cruelest brain

Thirty four days of irreparable pain.
Written Last summer i'm found in an old journal
Oct 2023 · 2.4k
A Late Summer
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Autumns leaves undo
& all that's said carefully-
remains untrue

Unorganized these
unprecedented artworks
Powerfully heal.
2 stanza northamericanized haiku
Oct 2023 · 1.0k
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
On my nape the unassuming kiss placed, between slumber's tumble...
While all the while we might forget
Moving forward / Backwardly stumble

Wild eyes open - pierce the dark
Left on my nape, that mesmerizing kiss,
bearing the mark
of true fictitiousness.

Invisibly insidious
I'll scrub it clean off me-
Deliberately delirious
Modern Romance < Liberty.
Sep 2023 · 2.4k
Julia's 26th
Heavy Hearted Sep 2023
So sometimes, I still double back,
To these little pretty things-
Where I entwine my written words
with depictive new meanings.

Happy birthday, I must first say
To my Albanian commerce kid.
When we met, then when I left, I
always appreciated all you did.
Next comes the apologizes, I'm sure you know what for
The fact that you showed up, for me?
Confirms it even more:

Julia Kruja, you're an incredible person- such a beautiful soul,
Its a blessing to call you 'friend', and remain someone you know.
With unconditional support- unwavering sincerity
whichever way things go.
Despite my lack of clarity, selfishness and pain- you're always there to meet with me, make plans again and again.

You instill this worth back in my soul, by treating me the same- removing judgement from your heart,
Regifting hope inside my brain.

Happy Belated Birthday my friend
Happy Birthday
Sep 2023 · 731
as a sad, sad boy.
Heavy Hearted Sep 2023
Sad boy, oh,
How you had contrived,
But wont you ever understand?
Kristoff: some things we make are more alive; When we're both gone, our memories to fade- What might remain is all we've made.

Poetic rhymes, key signature times,
A meter and an inch~
Fountain pens, splashing ink
How, Word's arrangements force us to think.
Maybe still, you're a piece of art-
I know you're more than just an image...
Or a sound, always formed by arms, frantic written movements:

Which Record
And Remain
Reminding me, & then you too
Inside all we might create,
Lives our spirit too.
Heavy Hearted Aug 2023
You see me
You free me
And every time
you take me back-

"A hint of light in the dark (I always know)

Only enough to keep from giving up
(you're never too far, cause)
If I could go back to the start;
(wherever you go)
Id break the pattern-
(We're under the same stars.)
-before too late."

You change bodies
Sporting each soul,
Their trivialities vs.
True athenticity
How it tesselates each role;
As if I wouldn't notice it
Always, so open ended;
Every word written -
Every artwork made;
Each specific song -
Either listened to or played

Were never for anyone but myself.
Heavy Hearted Jul 2023
and what lucie is what you get
or so a new voice, charmingly said
Puns profoundly... playful direct
pull me toward this new subject

less than a year is all I've got,
to see from such new eyes
absorbing all which might be taught
when my memory's a minefield...

I get so far ahead of myself
I wonder why I write
without the longing, without the lost,
how can we know how deep the cost?
to feel or not- Its a choice now-

& it's as it's always been
Ours to give,
and to receive.
written for, about, and then to, Dylan.
Jun 2023 · 2.2k
(on a Bed of Feather White)
Heavy Hearted Jun 2023
Summon up the courage
keeping up the cover
A Minefield of memory,
I see you uncover
Irrationality implosion -
Energetically, explosion.

Do you really think,
in our realities
that a happiness
love,  might continue?

When emotions are temporary
& feelings too fleeting  
when I announce my selfishness.
as I manipulate.
Better run, better run on home

You got the crush all wrong
Jun 2023 · 1.7k
Heavy Hearted Jun 2023

Narcissistic -

To the dreamers
Divine deceivers
A Sublime message,
The faith's receiver'
Understanding lonesome
Psychic sleepers;
The Destroyers'
Disguised Defeater.

Apathetic -

S  till
T  ry
I   manging
C  ompassion
May 2023 · 1.8k
Heavy Hearted May 2023
Although I dont know her all to well
With a first impression flawed
Ive wrote this poem to show and tell
her happy birthday! I KNOW, this is odd-

Who writes a poem as a birthday gift?
So personal yet incomplete-
Its because im here so spirits lift
And to show remorse for my deceit

Im not really as rude as i was;
Not nearly as mean of a *****,
Still im unfiltered, simply because -
When around lucie hehe, sometimes I switch
So Shay,
im sorry
for unleashing my inner *****.

Happy 24th Birthday- from me, to you-
Im too poor to buy presents
So I hope this will do.
With words incandessence
Do you boo boo!
Apr 2023 · 1.7k
A d a m
Heavy Hearted Apr 2023
A, always absencent and afraid
D, in such distaste;
A, for anger- absoloute
& M, cuz mans a ****** Waste:

Is this a written name?
Of this friend or potential lover
How he Reels this unique pain,
Too bad he wont discover:
That I'm the one whos truth's attentive
Not the one with words incentive-
Take ownership, & be repentive
Your minds absolutely unretentive.

I don't believe that you have this gift
To heal and unlock a Better version
of whoever you think you are-

What you've been given, you must shift
Enjoying that fake xannax bar?

A lthough you hurt
D ont hurt me too
A lways iconsiderate-
M anipulated too.

A man disrespected me and i dont tollerate that from little *******
Mar 2023 · 2.6k
Heavy Hearted Mar 2023
There is a magic dragon
 That my father and I know
It circles me then glides back to him
No matter where we go.

 Inside this invisible little beast,
 Part of my dad does stay
Immortalized, by magic art
please never go away.

Upon these words dragon's wings hang
ontop the lonley wind,
supported- gliding endlessly
Through life's chaos its spinned.

With every spin circling back,
To the begninng, till each end....
Each time another battlecry -
This Heavy heart's hardened.

May I be rendered, in truths light
When deception's shadow's tall,
& may that dragon help me find
A way back through it all.
Puff the magic dragon, lived by the sea... 🎶
Inspired by the famous nursery rhyme of the same title.
Feb 2023 · 472
Late 20's
Heavy Hearted Feb 2023
21 for the decades, times double date
22 for your memory & how still, it placates
23, for my parents, with all their support-
& 24 to reflect, record and report.
25 for the sound of my friends breathing sleep, and
26, for the shared memories that only one of us keep.
27 for Heaven & 27 for Hell,
if my next years worth living, its worth living well.
28 as an EP, The Mainstream, the mandate;
the lifestyle, the butcher, the people relate-
29 in a battlecry,when we run towards the light,

& 30- for all those who fight the good fight. The addicts, the victims all without support systems:

may peace keep you warm & may you know love  is a place,
& that
Together we'll triumpth, in the futures we face.
Feb 2023 · 787
Isn't It Strange?
Heavy Hearted Feb 2023
He would always wear my ring- giving me his full attention;
he would lay there- with me,
he listened to the music.
He listened to our songs.

And she carries my pouch, the one I made for her coins.
She carries my artwork- a piece of my mind, my imagination- one of which that even escapes my own memory-
I know she carried it,
Wherever she went.

And with a silent , namelless love, He uses my bookmark.
The one I made for him.
  I know, at every ending,
to every story-
It's there.  

A simple ring, a coin purse, a bookmark;
like the unity of a song we all listen to at once-
we're pushed together, bound by memory,
and immortalized in such fleeting feelings.
Isn't It Strange? That within these three mundane objects
I take solice.
austins ring bronwens pouch and spencers bookmark.
Jan 2023 · 452
Heavy Hearted Jan 2023
If you were the sun I'd bask in your light and if you were the stars, I'd see them tonight.  If you were the rain I'd be driffted to sleep, in the same room from the memories only we keep. I'd be engulfed in your sound, listening id forget,
The pain, my reality and every regret
Jan 2023 · 1.2k
S ä m
Heavy Hearted Jan 2023
Cut in half and also double,
The time I take from each perception,  Sifting through the artworks ruble-
Changes constantly, with new direction

Words which placate then befuddle
Like an instinctive, intervention.
Longingly, negating trouble,
Empirically, a resurrection.

All the while my medications
(Pills to fix the way we feel)
Unraveling fast deviation
Investing in what isn't real.

Oh Destroyer, and Creater;

The Accention & Decline-

How we Falsify & fabricate,

Then factually Define.
Dec 2022 · 1.4k
Enter One
Heavy Hearted Dec 2022
And when the darkness comes
I'll remember this moment.
Where we held out our hearts
& filled them with faith-


Dec 2022 · 1.2k
Heavy Hearted Dec 2022
Twenty six years, a companionship spans
The length of an entire lifetime.
What can be said of future plans?
Inherent, flawless design.

Now with my art three stanzas stretch
Scribbles in the cyberspace
A fleeting truth, for you to fetch
Deceptive pasts to face.

This last writing of the year
To Stephen I now dedicate
May life's kindness reappear
N like a melody, placate.
Peace poem tribute past
Nov 2022 · 1.4k
Beauty Dies
Heavy Hearted Nov 2022
Beauty's rose wilts 
 and petal by petal,
shard by shard;
Faster than fantasy-
time relapses
Beauty's rose wilts-
it's soils all settle
Erosion by erosion,
slower than springtime;
the future arrives.
Beauty's rose,
But a wilt!
without trophy or medal,
condolences, by condolences,
at our own paces-
the past persists.

Black flowers, wilted with time,
without beginning, nor end-
are seen;
   &  through the stained glass gaze of love,
are shimmering.
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
Here I lye with you-
you don't listen, so my words
write reversed haikus

I don’t need your drugs,
but I do need you to know
no one deserves this.

I choose to let you
treat me like I’m blindfolded;
Still, I gift to you-

Graphite and color
a blank sketchbook (with this piece)
Inscribed in the front.

Art is all I know
so this opportunity.
to express it all-

Has such strong power,
you might never truly know…
Still- I hope you do.
5 stanza Haiku letter

I wish he could have known about this.  Written in his gifted sketchbook (from me) while he was finally asleep after almost overdosing on fetynol and me saving his life, over 7  hours of horror.  When he woke up I went to the washroom, came back, and he was smoking it again. He overdosed- stopped breathing-  I called 911, they resuscitated him and rushed him to the hospital, then before he could be released, he died.

He was only 19.
Oct 2022 · 576
When We Close Our Eyes
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
Dear Dad,

We close our eyes, and we retreat
too a very special place-
Away from worry, away from doubt-
familiar teardrops trace.

So, when I see you, sleeping –
the phone right by your seat-
I cannot help but lay parallel, with you-
& forego frantic defeat.

I cannot help but lay with you
& Join your slumber deep,
Knowing that one day when you leave this earth-
that we can always meet in sleep.

Love, Eric
to my 77 year old father, to whom I owe it all.
Oct 2022 · 843
Absolutely Invisible
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
Ill write this down - again
I don't enjoy being alone-
especially when I'm right here
with you-

You're a wilted rose & I'm an empty crowd-
With enchanting prose & voices loud,

I don't enjoy being alone-
especially when I'm right here

Still beside you.
at the end of a moshpit or our time together, my last letter to Zuzu.
Oct 2022 · 760
A Fleeting Ability
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
Is it true?

That my words are now spilt- broth pushed against the brim,
Liquid to big for its container-gracelessly,
it mimics the wild
of unbound tides.
Wherein a fleeting salvation; is oh so frantically exempt-
Its within my linguistic inability
lies my failure's false contempt.

The mundane English word was once my spell to cast
An arsenal of adjectives & repertoire of verbs.
Yet in English its still heard,
communication's magic,
Wielding the awe of expression-  Cured-
I try to print back into begin

salvage my fading ability to write
Oct 2022 · 335
Heavy Hearted Oct 2022
There's freedom to-
and freedom from,

Freedom to run, from everyone.

Free to do-
And freely undone,

Free to run

from anyone.
Sep 2022 · 256
Heavy Hearted Sep 2022
Couplets here, leak out of me
out of my very being,
unto the world in front of me
simultaneously seeing: that I'm made up of couplets,
no more & no less;
two lines of written words that arch balanced, they confess:

that first lines nothing without the second,
& alone the second lines meaningless at best

For it's in couplet's regularity, that confusion doth detest  
that there's always one then two, 2 reasons to write the rest.
Jul 2022 · 466
Heavy Hearted Jul 2022
It happens just because we need
To want and be Wanted too
Serendipitously here, spontaneously there,
A true friend I've found in you.

Now friends will come and some will last, but in the end so few;
Are in actuality Ride or Dies
Disappointingly it's proven true.

Lucie my friend, has forced my hand
To write my words of feeling
For untill now there'd been no reason
To attempt a written healing.

Thanks lucie
Apr 2022 · 1.3k
Flowers & Prose
Heavy Hearted Apr 2022
Red & blue sage in remembrance of you
Gladiolus, carnations-
pink poppies too.

While foxglove protects
With larkspur and flax,
The windflowers wilt but always grow back.

White lilies for hope
And forget-me-nots true,
an innocence captured in their ambiguous blue.

Griefs Pink and white orchids,
Support’s crimson rose-
the healing of hyacinth,

flowers & prose.
written in  tribute, to the family of a good friend.
Apr 2022 · 151
Heavy Hearted Apr 2022
Sad boy- have you grown into a now sad man?
or maybe,  perhaps, as  young adult you now stand.
the point I'm making  is that we still can
with both flattery and deviation, unsynchronized corotation,

Through this site I've gained a lot, mind a reading's worlds now written thoughts;
I know it's too easy,
when our own lives we ruin,
Just don't give up- on yourself,
Can you deduce what I'm doing?
Heavy Hearted Apr 2022
I see you, in your miserable high

I wonder if last chances gone by

In protest you'll hear me screaming Why?

N hope the you thats loved wont die

Alone, we're caught in Meg's Constant's

Thank You for Taking Me to The Disco
I'd Like to Go Home Now

5 lines based off the end of meg myers 3rd studio album, take me to the disco, where in the closing song 'constant' was this writing inspired.
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