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Alexander May 2022
I find myself breathing through others,
living a life that never was
Alexander Jul 2021
“I love her

  like you love me”
Alexander Aug 2020
slip away
These hands can’t hold onto you

Like sand you give away,
through these cracks you sink
Alexander Mar 2021
It’s crystal clear,
You love my skin.

But my mind?
Alexander Jan 2022
The future is haunted,  
By what it can’t remember-
For the past is its only contender
Alexander Jul 2021
when i am gone,
no legacy will be left
only a grave
Alexander Sep 2021
I want the type of happiness that feels like liquor
but looks like love.
Alexander Sep 2021
You burnt me without fire
Bruised me with just words
Twisted with my desire
Until I was begging to be yours

I remember clearly,
The day I left you behind,
The fire turned to embers
the bruises faded overnight.

These scars I still have,
but a reminder they will always serve,
while it pained me to leave you
love should never hurt
Alexander Jan 2022
a lesson you will learn,
before your life comes to an end
is that the grave is dug the deepest,
For the ones putting you in
Alexander Feb 2022
I’ve scuffled with wanting greatness,
A grip that’s held onto me tight
Squeezing the life out til I’m just tired
Weak and stressed
Wanting everything to be just alright
Alexander Feb 2022
i crave for the days where I saw you in a different light,
these stained glass moments,
creating delicate pillars in my life  
i miss you is an understatement,
but I love you is too strong
this grey zone which i have always avoided,
because of my fear of the unknown
is now the only place I can call home
Alexander Jan 2022
hello looks like goodbye,
every time I look into your eyes;
as a leaf born from the May air,
on an August day,
the death grip on the hour hand,
desperate to stay:
There is never enough of the time we share
Alexander Oct 2021
Out of the ordinary
A canary with clipped wings,
Destined for greatness,
While being bound to her cage

Out of the ordinary
Clinging to her daily routine
Paralyzed by the fears,  
That she’ll never succeed

Out of the ordinary
Maybe she’ll fly after all
Though she was made for the sky,
We all have to learn to crawl
Alexander Dec 2021
like the bruise carefully placed on my upper thigh,
by the man who gifted me my green eyes
you affectionately caused pain in the name of

this cycle truly never ends
Alexander May 2022
they all move on, down these halls they walk
While I’m stuck in this room, staring at the walls
glued go this bed, I wish could be more
I know life is expensive, I’ve heard it from every angle, wishing I could live up to the standards
I just wish they could understand:
I’ve been dying the entire year
Alexander Jan 2023
i am different now
from the fleeting words you didn’t mean
I muse at the fact that I changed my entire self for you because you dug into my brain and tugged at the parts I hate
you clawed your way through my nervous system and playfully stitched back the wires after you got the reaction
The way you grasped my body after shattering its purpose,
my mind frozen from bareness as I grabbed the blanket
You didn’t force yourself onto me,
But we both know you would never have to

      i am different now
Alexander Feb 2019
You can hide your shame
Cover your past
But the look in your eyes
Will always last.
Alexander Oct 2021
Why did you only notice me when I was almost gone?
Alexander Oct 2018
I ripped my heart out
then put it on your silver platter
and all you can say is
“ I’ll text you later .”
I guess this is how heartbreak goes for some people.
Alexander Sep 2018





Is when I knew things weren’t right.
Alexander Nov 2021
they don’t think to save the girl
with a smile on her face
Alexander Jul 2021
It hurts we were so close,
but got caught on the what ifs.
What hurts the most though,
is we were so ******* in each other arms
We forgot to break our fall
Alexander Oct 2021
Would you care if I left and not just for the day
I feel myself slipping,
slipping away.
Alexander Sep 2018
you said you didn’t want to lose me
I was all you ever had
And while this is all very flattering
You really can’t lose what you never had.
Nothing to add to this.
Alexander Sep 2019
I woke up happy today,
The clouds weren’t blue
The sun wasn’t out.
There was no sight of you.
But that’s not the point.
I woke up happy today.
Alexander Mar 2022
the internal *****, from the words you say
to the way you don't ever seem to think my way
great minds think alike until we disagree
The crisis of yearning, for a body with an empty mind,
I have found myself loving a man who is not worth my time
I feel myself separating,
two at a time,
blooming while withering away.
Alexander Sep 2019
I loved an empty being,
Gave my all just so you could feel something,
But somewhere along the way,
You came alive as I withered away.
Alexander Dec 2021
love is a strange thing,
It seems to always be defined
by the things we do
and the words we don’t say
Alexander Jul 2021
do you love me
or the love i give
Alexander Jan 2022
Perhaps I’m just a kid from Jordan
with dreams to fly
or maybe the pills are starting to take control
of this sunken mind
Alexander Apr 2020
I daydreamed to the point,
Where we seemed like a reality.
Alexander Feb 2022
we can look past his lies,
but not the ugly truth?
Alexander Jan 2022
This mundane heart, where my soul now lays
In the childhood bedroom where I used to play,
Hidden memories washed up by the past,
Trying to remember what I worked so hard to forget:
The illicit realization that my childhood has been auctioned off at lowest bid
Alexander Feb 2021
Things will be different,

  Once I change.
Alexander Oct 2021
Maybe at one point,
It was worth the wait,
but these words cut deeper than the blade
Alexander Feb 2021
Come back,
Let us talk
I can become what you want.
Alexander Jul 2021
is it me
or her
looking in this mirror
Alexander Dec 2021
they say truth is a hard pill to swallow,
i desperately wish that were true
for the ones that I tend to swallow,
are why I lost you.
Alexander Oct 2021
“You’re in line.”

I fall asleep on the suicide hotline
Alexander Mar 2019
My artificial heart beats
Somehow you made me whole by breaking me apart.
Alexander Jan 2019
I erased you from my mind
So my heart could beat another time.
I need to do what’s healthy for me, not you.
Alexander Jan 2020
this world couldn’t break me,
for it had hardened me long ago.
Alexander Sep 2018
Everything in place,
A single book out
Made my world cave.
I tried to reason with my mind
But it always struggled to be right.
So I pushed my finger nails
Into the bed of my palms
And ten,
****** half- moons
Lighted my way home.
I wrote this about the fear of not being perfect.
Alexander Oct 2021
I’ll start a sentence with “but”
never leave a “.”
I’ve always started,
What I could never finish
Alexander Oct 2021
I can’t blame you for loving her,
She’s everything I want to be
Alexander Apr 2022
i think hail kinda burns before it melts
the same way your love hurts before it is felt
Alexander Dec 2021
there we were at 5am,
was that the sun or the stars in our heads?
Alexander May 2019
You aren’t the designated anchor,
For the person who can’t get it together.
Alexander Oct 2018
I promise a day will come,
When the sun shines bright
And the darkness only finds you at
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