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 Jan 2022 Alexander
Pain doesn't leave you
till it teaches the lesson.

Pain doesn't leave you
till it makes you an artist.

Pain doesn't leave you
till it provokes wisdom.
Pain is a wise man's teacher.
I thought if I could swallow the stars
I’d be as beautiful as the evening sky
I tried one night    with fireflies
They burned my throat
Their legs striking at soft flesh
But my skin did not glow
No moon crawled from my eye sockets
I was left with corpses in my stomach
I soon learned I would only ever be
A cemetery
 Oct 2021 Alexander
 Oct 2021 Alexander
i want to delete all the memories
just like i did with all our pictures
i want to forget our history
and act like we're strangers
i don't want to miss you anymore
i want to get over you and close the door
i know you're not missing me
i know this is how it's meant to be
#forget #memories #relationship #missyou #strangers
I will spread dirt into every crevice of my broken heart and plant flowers so big and beautiful, that their roots will mend all the shattered pieces back together, and you’ll never be able to see the mess I used to be.
 Sep 2018 Alexander
Dennis Willis
On my face

I don't think
It's just

The alcohol
And drugs

It may not
be poetic

To be

for a moment


For your sake
I'll say it's sandwiched

'Tween episodes
of soul biting

It's not tho

it's just
I've decided

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Ghostly maiden in the lonely night
Concessions for my glancing

But I could not help but drink the light
Of one so misty fancy

May I ask your hand my whispy sight
So that we may go dancing

And laugh away all this foolish fright
This love so circumstancing
The moon and clouds looked like a ghostly dancer.

— The End —