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degzvdg Jan 2021
We are linked with the hope of yesterday.
Like hearing noises filled with decay.
I still embraced us, only to find us in dismay.
Why must your trust be always in display?

Having enough of you is all I wanted.
But created only you wanting more of what lasted.

As the twilight sets in, I only see what's ahead.
Lines breaking, thoughts wrecking, grieve pressing.
You, and only you should know that you are missing.

I may not be for you, but in time you will see.
that an Impostor will steal from what you guarantee.

Should you find this, I hope that the ink filled in this page reaches you in time.
Like a light giving brightness to the unsure tomorrow.
Know that you will be fine.
GQ James Dec 2020
Them flashing lights give you that PTSD vibe,
Many lives lost at a young age,
Every time the phone rings it gives mama the chills,
That late night knock at the door,
You never know what to expect,
When you're use to losing someone,
Everything becomes real for you.

Identifying the body of a lost one is never easy,
You never wanna face the lost of a loved one,
You have to face the truth,
Don't hide behind the what IFS or lies.

When you're hurting don't silence your cries,
Cry out loud and grieve the ones you lost,
No one can begin to understand your pain,
Life will never be the same,
You'll forever be changed.
lover Nov 2020
inconsolably empty
a glass half full
my life left dull
the failure to grasp, the loss of your touch
as if to my demise
I sometimes long to choke a little longer than I breathe
forget I have a throat that allows me to speak
for every word wish spoken can only come from your lips
to speak no words and listen to those unspoken
maybe I should trust the hallucinations
call it a living nightmare
remembering only our fantasy
it's like the anguish of misplacement
recovery without finding the resolution to what you cant find
and what you never meant to lose
one out of two the number of wounded,
I shall speak to the sky
and hope you hear me
as holistic as the moon
I'm not satisfy neither am I happy
Saying goodbye to you wasn't really my intention

You caused me sleepless night of worries and tears
Unbearable pain and countless heartbreaks

Intially,  we were the most talk about couple
Our moves and steps got people calling us sweet names

You stole my heart and ran
Broke it into pieces and threw it right on my face

You betrayed me with hurtful words
Saying that you and I ain't compatible
You used me and dump me without any regret

I trusted you
I loved you
I did everything for you

This is how you could repay me
I'm totally a stranger and absolutely nobody to you

I got to let you go
I have hold onto you for long
Seriously, that has killed me numerous times

I'm sick of dieing a death that is worthless

Goodbye 😭😭😭

To those pleasurable moments
The calls, sms, visits & hanging out

Goodbye 😭😭😭

To 'I love you'
I miss you'
'You are my joy'
'I can't live without you'
'We were meant to be together'

Goodbye 😭😭😭
To everything
Most especially you
At times the expected turn to be the unexpected. Life is full of uncertainty!!
Paul Idiaghe Nov 2020
snow spills
like stars shredding onto soil.
suddenly I’m sinking,
& the world weighs like a wound
wrapped in the white, wet wool of winter;

autumn appears in amber, already
pulling out my pieces—
again, it aches;

death dawns in darkness
& I dance, drenched of the desire
to dream—breathing and breaking
bonded before, now they birth
a boundless burden;

nests its nails into my neck;
& I’m bone-broken, body-bloodied,
sprawling scarlet across my skin;

eclipsing with you,
I lose my light, looking for love,
& all of my colors cease to conceive;

sun sits
on the saffron spine of summer
but the melancholy doesn’t melt away,
dreams do;

skies spout
my sorrow in spring—
garnished with green grounds, I grieve.
Paul Idiaghe Sep 2020
as autumn plants her feet,
cities burst into smoke, shades
and silence, until I can only sit
& grieve as a ruby-dream fades

into the mist; tell me this is earth
breaking feasts to mark the birth
of our bond, tell me this remains
the season where hearts rain

like leaves as they, as we, fall
in love beneath golden trees
& we'll only need to loosen our all
to cling tighter than we please;

tell me that when the perils flee,
you'll return, arms open-- tell me.
Esther L Krenzin Aug 2020
send me away
to a place where i can scream
until my face turns blue
to a place where i have permission
to grieve
to a place where despair is a art
instead of a sin
send me away
for i cannot find that here

Esther Krenzin
Bente Holthuizen Aug 2020
Forever they had me fooled,
the fake flowers on my nightstand
Kept watering them, kept them in the sun,
Pools forming in the light sand

You’re buried too,
Not as close, it’s a fifty-mile drive
I don’t mind it though, I do it for you,
I think every time I arrive

You’ve had me fooled as well,
these flowers you can’t receive
And although these are real,
they’re just there to help me grieve
Berry Blue Jul 2020
I miss you with all my being
having you in my life was so freeing
I miss the looks we exchanged
I miss the love we held so close
I see lovers every where
parts of me suffocates
as I know I won’t feel that with you anymore
parts of me awaits
as I feel this might still be a bad dream
I miss you with all my being
not having you makes my life meaning
-/- less beyond anyone can imagine
“I miss you” is the only three words on my tongue these days
Chineze Jul 2020
When I remember all the people I knew that passed away.

I keep wondering; Were their spirits standing next to their bodies watching all the wailing and weeping ?

Were they saying.  "hey stop crying I can see you!. ..Can't you see me?. I'm here ...I've not left"

Were they tired of not being heard, couldn't stand the tears then started off a lonely walk into eternity?
or maybe they were escorted by a host of angels ?

These answers I do not know....

What I know for sure is.. no matter how frequent death visits, it sure hurts afresh like hell!
To the many candles of our loved ones that lit off on earth, I pray they keep shining forever in eternity!
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