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Shai  Dec 2018
Shai Dec 2018
I want a redo. I want to take back the things I said to you. I want to take back the things we did.

I want a redo. I want to avoid meeting you. I want to forget you exist.

I want a redo. I want to make us work. I want to be with you still. I want to be whole again.

I want things to be different. I want a different ending.
Things didn’t go how I wanted. Now all I am is hurt.
Softly spoken Oct 2011
Been ******* ova a thousand times
Result of that is trust isnt on my mind
Thats one thing i dont have
So i kno any relationship i start wont last
I try to believe that your not like my past
But after you gave it all its hard to redo that
I have put my heart on the line
Covered my eyes to lies i played blind
Closed my ears to gossip in the streets
Of her cheating and not claiming me
Who would of thought the one you give your soul
Would trade it for what they thought was gold
Make you out to be the fool when time of approach comes
And i loved her so much i believed her how dumb
So now you come in singing a song i have heard
How you would love me forever and my heart you wont hurt
Sorry to be the barrier of bad news
But i must be real and say i dont believe you
Yes i heard you when you said you'd love me on dieing knee
And your promise to never cheat
But your words are oh to familar
I have dejavu with your words this is a bad delima
Trust isnt something i can give easily
As well as my heart my mind cant you see
Take it slow with me i cant go fast
I refuse to get out of us what i did in my past
I be ****** if i get hurt again
Having to hear gossip from my friends
I will not hold the sign of pain any more
Before i go thru it again i will show you the door
I dont want to wait up at night for you to walk in
Or get scared when i see you around another woman
I want to be free of playing the fool
And to be honest i just want to love and be loved without trust issues
Eridan Ampora Jul 2014
You're smart  and funny  and kind of really loud
But that doesn't mean I don't want you to talk
And though I do things you don't want me to
You know it's true
I can always call you if I need to
And you know you have me to

Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
We're Moirails through and through
And you know that I will always be with you


Don't you know
I see the way you talk about your dad
I didn't know him at all I'm sorry
It's okay He's in a better please  and I'll stay
But please don't ever push me away
When everything crumble beneath your hands
I'll be there to be the one who understands

Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
We're Moirails through and through
And you know that I will always be with you

lala lala lalalalalala lala lalaaaooo

Sign your Kik name with YinYangs
I'll make cat faces too : 3
Put up with my HomeStuck shenanigans
And I'll be there there you
for you

Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
Pale, pale, pale for you
Cause I'm pale, pale, pale for you
There's no combination that beats teal and violet
Pale, pale, pale for you
We're Moirails through and through
And you know that I will always be with you

lalala lala lala la la la la la
For Sarah! My Moirail(Faded Friend in Latin!) Pale means I can't live without her! <><><><>
Fixed some things and edited it to more of the song since I'm weird like that
Let me start this sentence over
I repeat,
Let me start that sentence over
I understand,
Let them start that sentence over
I declare,
Let them redo that sentence over
I concede,
Make them redo that sentence over
I consider,
Make them redo that compromise over
I influence,
Make them redo that compromise anew
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
Open up my Ribs and drink my soup
With your mouth directly over my stomach
I don't think that I'd taste like anything though
but as long as Daddy is able to enjoy it

Drink up the yellow chunks of fat from my body
Stick a straw in my veins and drink me until I am dry
Even my innards: stuff them, cut them, and then bake them right up
Although my body is about to drop from my Daddy

I'm Sorry,
but I don't think this is a good idea!
A stranger, Onii-san, told me
He pitted my collapsing body
and took me by the hand away~
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be a bad kid
Forgive me please, Forgive me Please!
Poor Pitiful Me.
I'm sorry, Sayonara
I'm a bad kid running from Daddy
I'm sorry, Forgive me please!
I'm afraid I'm in love with someone other than my Daddy!

Onii-san greedily pours my Amniotic Fluids down his throat
He cuts open my body and touches all the insides
He doesn't eat me and he doesn't even fight me
He said that my collapsing body is too ugly for anything

I'm Sorry,
but I don't think this is a good idea!
Onii-san, he must hate me
My collapsing body is just too disgusting
Seal me away and that shall be my ending~
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be such a useless kid
Forgive me please, forgive me please!
I'm too scared to be alone!
I'm sorry, Sayonara
I'm a bad kid now running to Daddy
I'm sorry, Forgive me please!
I can't love anyone other than my cruel Daddy!

When I went home, Daddy was with lots of men
They said they believed I would come home
They wanted to eat what was left of my broken body
That was what they had said~

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be a bad kid
Forgive me please, Forgive me Please!
Poor Pitiful Me.
I'm sorry, is it yummy?
That is the flavor of a warm heart
I'm sorry, although it hurts
please eat my fulfilled Heart!

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry!
I must be such a useless kid
Forgive me please, forgive me please!
I'm too scared to be alone!
I'm sorry, it hurts too much
but as long as you are able to enjoy eating
I'm so happy! Sayonara
Everyone Else,
Come help yourselves to anything but my heart!
I think this song is about a girl who is ****** abused by her father, using cannibalism as a metaphor for him eating away at who she was. Onii-san means Brother, or in more formal situations, a young man of older age or social standing. So Onii-san comes to save her, takes her away but doesn't abuse her or **** her. She tries to show she loves him and, Onii-san means brother, he refused her. Seeing *** as a symbol of true love, she runs home to her father who has had his friends help find her, to use her as a *** slave. She in the end is totally cool with his because I think she realizes that she's ****** up in the head or sees that no one but her Father truly loves her. Thus this song is deep and gorey with a **** meaning. Wow, so different from my other redos about friendship and love. The Italic part is this really gritty, hard to hear parts in the song. I changed it to innards cause the idea of eating...that, was too much for ever me.I kept to goodbye Sayonara because I liked it so lol.WHAT THE ACTUAL **** ONII-SAN! I MEAN **** BOY, THAT BETTER BE A GRIMDARK METAPHOR OR YOU'VE GOT SOME EXPLAININ TO DO.The part where he cuts her open and touches the insides, he askes her what happened to her, but she runs away cause he doesn't Love/****\ her or abuse her.. I love this song!

Must have a goal
Go get that thing
What if I want
To stop and sing

Retreat inside
Wait out the storm

Else feel the wrath
Of nature scorned

Instead a kid
I wish to be
To feel alive
And so carefree

Each drip, each drop
Upon my head
Wish I could splash
In rain instead

I'd watch the sky
Explode with light
A warming joy
Not filled with fright

When did I lose
Sight of it all
Pattern I fall

Start living in
Every moment
Past and future
Wasted and spent

Granted a new
Chance I'm given
Can not redo
But start living

Each day awake
Fresh start; Can be

World's my oyster
Alive and free
Written: July 14, 2018

All rights reserved.
Ders Oct 2016
Write me better
Color me everything
Paint me neon and glow in the dark purple

Foolish me
Wasteful too
Trying again to not be blue
Force myself suggest you do too
But if we can't then redo redo...

Galaxy Angel Starship
Shikamaru Soloman
I can't name my cat
I can't do anything
Can't eat, just sleep
Dream of nothing and everything at once

Whats that?
You too?
In this circle of dust and dreaming blue?
I can't imagine without imagining you?

Calm, serene
Life to being, wife of me and
No stumbling or worrying
Just straight forward thinking
Becky Littmann Jul 2014
Different day, same ****
& here I am back at it
Such a love/hate kind of habit
Speeding up the pace, gotta go like the White Rabbit

Although, I'm not going to be late
I'm just TOO impatient for time & it's hard to wait
I'm sure some of you, at times, can relate
Like when you're ready a tad bit early for a date
Time seems to go so much slower, which I ******* hate!

Of courser I am well aware
This habit is the reason I've got extra time to spare
& that is when I do & redo & redo my hair
Which I do quite often, not doing it is actually what's rare
Just another fun little FYI fact I'd like to share
& yes I know, you probably don't really care

A list of 'to do's' are done with such a quickness
Cleaning is a breeze, it should always be like this
I guarantee you though, there will be something I miss
I get so sidetracked, that's what my problem is....

Days have no end & nights rapidly just begin
Enters is turned up, my blood is steadily pumping under my skin
Creativity is leaking & starting to overflow from within
WHOA SHOCKER! Another race with the sun & yet again I win!
I don't always have the greatest self discipline
****....this habit is one hell of a bittersweet sin!!
Moks Sulayman Apr 2015
I don't remember yesterday,
I can't redo it today.
I don't see any big change,
I can't even recall my original age.

I kept thinking of the past
And I realized time moves fast.
All memories trapped in a glass,
A reflection of that past.

I have captured many moments.
People placed it in portraits.
I'll forever be your mini time machine,
Along with my partners, the films and the batteries.

Yours truly,
This poem was a project for our philosophy subject and i just knew about this on the d-day(submission day). We were task to make a poem about an object and i had to do this in only 3 minutes. I hope i did good.
Jenni  Mar 2015
Jenni Mar 2015
I kept telling myself
That all I wanted
Was to feel your arms around me
But now I think
I've become addicted to your touch

My skin aches
My limbs shake
My heart quakes

For ****'s sake...

I never wanted to need you
I think I want a redo
It wasn't you but me who
****** it up this time

Next time I'll try harder
I swear
Kilie Steel Jun 2023
the constant motion of her earth around
my sun
how can she not see that she revolves around me
always in my view
always out of reach

maybe that's why it will never work
i am stuck here
watching you move effortlessly along your path
i am stuck here
seeing everyone else move along with you

a thousand fireflies dance in my molten heart
each light a flicker of my fancy
trying to imitate your carefree dance
but my heart is too warm
and it burns and burns and burns
but no one can see it.
Klvshp0et  Aug 2013
"Hurt People"
Klvshp0et Aug 2013
Hurt people hurt people
It's all that we seem to do.
Sometimes I wonder
Will we ever learn people?
Because there are way too many
Hurt people.

As strong as love is
We say we love people.
Things change and get
rough and tough
Then we abandon people.
Instead of working it out
to become better people.
We get lost in our
Emotions and thoughts
And become bitter people.

We seek out other people
To feel loved again
Hoping for a redo
Something like a sequel
only to realize
When it's over that we've
Become more scared
And tainted people.
And the cycle continues.
Until we can no longer
Trust people

I have no idea why
Hurt people hurt people
The very act is oh so feeble
To love each other equal?
I doubt we ever will
As long as hurt people
hurt people.

Even religious people
can hurt people
they find God's love
and think they can judge people
Like there isn't any evil
Going on inside that cathedral
Like they've forgotten what it's like
To be amongst the struggling people
Yeah, prayer changes and helps but
We are all the same people
sane people
Living in an insane world
Filled with unanswered questions.
Which is probably why
We can't be peaceful.

I will never know why
Hurt people hurt people
The very act is oh so feeble
To love each other equal?
I doubt we ever will
As long as hurt people
hurt people

So as I sit at home alone
And peer out of my peephole
I wonder what has caused
All this evil
That makes these hurt people
hurt people.

— The End —