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 Apr 2020 waffle
 Apr 2020 waffle
where are we.
where did we come from.
where are we going.

we are here to learn the answer to existence.
not to fear the answer to existence.
 Apr 2020 waffle
 Apr 2020 waffle
if you can't put yourself in my position through perspective,
don't talk bad about my shoes.
 Feb 2020 waffle
your name
 Feb 2020 waffle
if they say a one-word poem,
i'll write your name...
 Feb 2020 waffle
She loves so wholly
But even god himself knows
She can’t be fulfilled
 Dec 2019 waffle
life is beautiful
but it is also sad
of all the good things
there is also the bad
and it feels as though the bad is always embracing the good
that there is more bad than there is good in this world

and when the mind is overloaded with the negative
sometimes the drowning can't be stopped

the world starts to understand
that the happiest people may just be the saddest
and it fills me with grief
as it is anything but untrue
true to the point it hurts me

my secret was being revealed

it strips me off my feigned confidence
and leaves me with an empty shell
empty of love
of all the good things in life

i am sad for myself
who have turned out this way

and in the end i only have myself to hold
but i do not like me
not now
not ever

so tell me

how shall i live?

— Y.H.

my own personal epiphany,
gentle fervor.
i'm asking
how do i appreciate the good
if the bad never goes away

it is my mind that i have no control over
it is just me all along

(c) Y.H.
 Dec 2019 waffle
Janelle Tanguin
To think that the planets might have been misguided
when they let your star sign almost be my rise;
they would never have guessed
how in twenty years my sockets would confine
sullen, sunken eyes
surrounded by darker spaces,
recurring insomnia I try to hide.
Worn-out clothes now, twice my size.
You gave me the longest summer of my life.

I hate my voice booming static
on the other end of the line.
I miss all my old friends,
and I can't figure out why
I wait in my tower for a knight,
but when at long last he comes
I'd throw him out the window
expecting him to survive.
 Dec 2019 waffle
grace snoddy
i envy the cars that end up driving south.
the streetlights are tempting,
and blurred buildings tell me
“there’s other ways out”.
a handful of exit plans,
and empty destinations,
that i am reminded once again
in this world it is truly every man for themselves.
because if it were different
silence wouldn’t be my only company,
as i drive absentmindedly
hating every exit sign i see.

maybe the thought of having nowhere to go
is more humble
than the thought of having no one to give you a place to be.
 Dec 2019 waffle
karen champagne
I feel isolated and alone,
removed from myself,
like being in an empty box with no door,
like a cage with no bars,
under lock and key,
my own prison in my head,
im in survivor mode
 Dec 2019 waffle
Vamika Sinha
 Dec 2019 waffle
Vamika Sinha
you do not need to fit in their beautiful
because it lies
that one size fits all.

you were not made
so powerfully, so tenderly,
so naturally
to smooth yourself into
a magazine cutout.

you are not a puzzle piece.
the only place you need to fit
is inside that skin of yours.
I often find myself choosing
The option that pleases people
Even if it doesn't
I rather not have the conflict
Of choosing something different
But because of it
I see myself
Burdened with lines and cages
Boundaries and limitations
Filled with unwanted self expectations
To fit in so I'm not left out
To avoid having to explain myself
Why am I like this
Why do I like this
And then ask myself
Why do I still feel unwanted
I put myself in this box
Even though I didn't have to
Now I will tear this box
And build a fort or castle
Just because I want to
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