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May 2023 · 394
Emotional journal
Nylee May 2023
This place is my journal
Of things I have ever felt
In the only ways
I could have spelt
May 2023 · 574
Nylee May 2023
In the centre of blame game,
You find a scapegoat,
A sacrifice for greater good
Too bad!
Nylee May 2023
Time and time again
I find myself in immense pain
I've been fighting with myself in vain
We've coming into the cycle of unending suffering
In this life, I have nothing to gain
It is all the same through different lens
The answers are hidden inside
But we are not seeking it this time
who has the time, our busy schedule is defined
It will twist again upside down
We've to pay for every crime we do.
May 2023 · 147
Life story
Nylee May 2023
I too get the scores that i hide
But to whom will i confide
It is the time of trouble
The world doesn't smile
Why should I smile back
I got nothing to crib but I crib
Because I have nothing
The life didn't happen to me
I got no disclaimers
What this to expect
Now I have to figure
Do I even live
Am I part of this world
Or should I just edit
the words I use to tell you my story.
Apr 2023 · 128
How disappointing
Nylee Apr 2023
I gave my everything
I was a disappointment
I see it now,
stamped all over
I have no cover
Everyone knows it
I have no one to blame,
Nothing to claim.
Apr 2023 · 625
Closed book
Nylee Apr 2023
I am not your favourite person
it is not right, you know nothing about me
I am a closed book,
don't open me to read,
the empty pages are not yours to fill,
I am normal, don't make me feel bad
It is exceptional, the part you expect me to fill still,
But I am my own person,
Keying my destiny to be apart.
Mar 2023 · 224
Life sentence of life.
Nylee Mar 2023
My chest is heavy,
The inside is hollow
All the thoughts in my head
I can't keep them all.

In many ways
Little of me losing away
I keep pondering
Why me, why indeed?

Unbearable at times
The misery madness
The reason of existence
unanswered and the end.
Jan 2023 · 791
Thanks luxury
Nylee Jan 2023
You give me ease
but my list of problems don't end

You give me joy
but my amount of sadness doesn't change

it is crazy, the technology
Everything is super speed,
Still no time to rest or sleep.
Aug 2022 · 395
Worth more
Nylee Aug 2022
And as I wait,
I ponder my worth,
and as a single piece in seven billion
I am aware, one less will not hurt
It won't matter, not to you and not to me
It will still be seven billion
and as powerless I feel
individually we are so less
but collectively we are the world.
Jul 2022 · 1.4k
One more to seven billion
Nylee Jul 2022
What is me?
not even a speck
in this universe sea.
who am I even?
I can't believe in
the being human,
where there are seven billion
just like me,
while I keep my eyes close
to this reality.
Jun 2022 · 1.2k
The life
Nylee Jun 2022
If not for this lingering sadness,
I would pronounce myself dead.
May 2022 · 1.6k
What do you do for living
Nylee May 2022
apart from breathing through your nostrils?
Every breath intake,
A second more to live
all we ever did was breathe
through the sorrows and happiness
it has many arcs, the wave
every moment I spent living,
I knew the fate
same as everyone
death will swallow me whole
all I ever had was my fine soul.
Mar 2022 · 3.7k
Being Moony
Nylee Mar 2022

I am a moonchild
Turning colder every night,
Hiding my face,
little more these days

Jan 2022 · 654
I am still awake.
Nylee Jan 2022
I don't get nights sleep
I hear your words repeat
in my mind's reach
I need a break,
Please don't speak.

People like to preach
Assure their life is perfect
Have their hands on mine to dissect
Maybe I am nature's freak

Don't need your poke of stick
But a part of your speech
Found a place in my heart to creep
Makes it harder for me to breathe
Your sharp edge cut this deep

I need a break.
I am still awake.
Nov 2021 · 1.8k
Beautiful illusions
Nylee Nov 2021
Everything is a lie,
What I see as reality
is just my side of story
A pretty point of view
Live it, believe it,
illusion is beautiful
Aug 2021 · 1.7k
Plant me in your heart
Nylee Aug 2021
It's       a   desperate          plea
Do    not                ignore    me

I­'d act out
I don't know
what it is about
Take a notice of me
I've been waiting patiently
for not much but all I need is
an attention for a second or three
for without I'll wilt without your sunshine
Please water me with all the love you'd do your plants

Don't pluck me apart
Jul 2021 · 2.6k
Nylee Jul 2021
Little by little
every shard of my work
will disappear from this world
and the time will erase
my existence
yet this year I celebrated my birthday
Jul 2021 · 509
Made to ignore
Nylee Jul 2021
Read it and ignore
Move ahead and forget
For three seconds
I reached your mind
and that is enough
for me for now
Notice me not.
May 2021 · 1.6k
Nylee May 2021
Why does the moon keep on hiding their dark side,
Am I turning into just like you,
reflecting the bright and hiding in the dark night.
May 2021 · 885
Nylee May 2021
The entire world is suffering
and most of us
are trying our best
to not fall apart
at minutes interval.

Most of us are dealing with our losses
by remembering the times
when we had it all
and yearned for more
Now our balances are minus again.

We are trying our best to
survive in the harshest weather
of the new decade
many trees been uprooted
By the shore.

How do I not fall apart,
I am left with nothing
On the cart,
Keep these fat tears on bay,
till it flows over.

At minutes interval,
Bad news arrival,
I switch the channels,
It is worse than before,
Than ever before
May 2021 · 1.4k
Life bound
Nylee May 2021
Why bind me to my own words
You are free from all the strings
I am not moving in years
But you've been flying ever since.
Apr 2021 · 1.4k
A brief meet
Nylee Apr 2021
You are not here for the truth
And I am not going to lie,
let us depart with a solemn goodbye
Mar 2021 · 1.4k
Truth is subjective
Nylee Mar 2021
I have scribbled across thousands of drafts
I couldn't write a sentence of absolute truth.
Is this the one?
Feb 2021 · 1.1k
Nylee Feb 2021
No one catch up to me
I am far too gone

There is no map to place I go
There are no lingering footsteps to where I am

You'd miss me
for a day or two
but then, time fixes it
and I'd be a distant memory
Feb 2021 · 926
Nylee Feb 2021
Jet set
Let's leave
Leaving no trace behind
Like we never existed.

Let's escape to another world
It is not strange
If we stayed any longer
We'd bleed out
sweat, dreams and blood,
eventually like all others do.
Jan 2021 · 1.9k
Nylee Jan 2021
You were the sun
Lately, all you do is
my skin.
Dec 2020 · 981
Nylee Dec 2020
How insecure am I
It comes out in waves
as I call out the names
it's been ever the same
as far, since I was five.

I see them
looking at me,
they can sense my nervous energy,
I can see the anxiety building up
Overflowing the cup
as I grow old.

I am okay
without anybody
But I change immediately
as I sense someone
around me.

It's just me
I feel everyone judging me,
I want high scores
but I can't act right,
I know it is impossible
to please everyone
but at those times
I just forget even to try,
it's how I am.

I do know,
I am getting negatives
because of my inactions
but I cannot calm my nerves.
It is the heart hammering
On the walls loudly,
It is hard.

My eyes
vulnerable to all eyes,
Can't you see that I
am afraid?

I am an open book
with empty lines,
with doodles at sides,
this is my mind
with more scribbles.

I can't grow like this,
I've to get over this
the world is merciless,
won't give another chance
this is it, miss the hit
you go back home.

I am nervous, I am unsure,
I am a mess, looking for cure,
my best attempt of smile
is like another big failure,
I try to speak up, more words
they flow with stammer.
Nov 2020 · 435
Nothing is same
Nylee Nov 2020
Day by day
everything is the same
but everything has changed
In a flick of time
everything is translated
A year turning into
a new lifestyle
everything is changing
I can't see it now.
Nov 2020 · 398
The one
Nylee Nov 2020
Why should I seek the other
When i have the one?
Nov 2020 · 1.5k
Nylee Nov 2020
I've been sitting on the top of the ladder
looking at the world from the high I can reach
every once in a while someone glances my way
I look back straight in the eye till they look away.

There is peace which I can attain here
no one looks down on me even if they want to
But there is nothing straight up to my height
Everything is placed below my sight.
Oct 2020 · 5.6k
still awake
Oct 2020 · 1.0k
the purpose of my living
Nylee Oct 2020
After all this.
I was only meant to die.

not even a speck of dust,
in this entire universe,
I am an indistinct part of the dark night sky
Oct 2020 · 584
Me, well!
Nylee Oct 2020
I am so restricted to me
That I don't see the world around me
The universal sea
I am caccooned to a well
My well-being at that

I don't see the obvious
It does concern us
It is all dubious
Too hard to understand the truth
Till it is too late

Wait, I should do that
Hey, I can't help that
Well there is no end to my rant
Wait it is happening fast
Isn't it just great!

You know, you know
I know but I don't
It just doesn't show
Too caught up in me
I lose moments of my sanity
Losing on my vanity.
Oct 2020 · 1.6k
Awakening as it be
Nylee Oct 2020
Nights are awakening
into the deep sleep.

Terrains keep changing
we need little more time
of the slumber
for the enlightenment
Oct 2020 · 876
Night breaks
Nylee Oct 2020
I see, breathe and
feel my heart
breaking a thousand times a day
I keep silence all through the day, the night
but when I go to sleep on my bed,
I remember each broken piece
like a still fresh bleed
Depriving me from night's peace
this is my sleep disease
All these heartaches control my night dreams
They won't cease till I cease.
Sep 2020 · 1.1k
End, and the end
Nylee Sep 2020
who is the winner,
who is the loser,
ask the ashes, dust and paper.

the papers inked from history
what does it really tell.

the victor of half the world,
he had to surrender too,
who is the real victor
when the time came
and even the greatest empire fell!

A single word in history,
maybe not even that,
like losing identity
with a swish of a spell

Ink the story,
blue, black, deep
where I haven't even been
My ancestor's glory
won't keep the gleam
the light will fade off
the coming years will tell.

A select, an opportunity, a calling
it is coming with the wind,
but what does it really mean
what does it sell?

wise words,
and nothing, well!

No name for the fame,
a letter to begin,
but it is the end, expel.

My end, and yours
we'd leave the world,
leave behind our body
what of the legacy,
is there even one?
I'd be in places,
earth, heaven or hell

would it matter even,
I am going off empty hand
my hands that type won't accompany even.
Sep 2020 · 1.5k
A look at letters
Nylee Sep 2020
A tangent drawn over
Below looking for cover
Closely following through
Decide against going after
Elevating my view
Further towards the issue
Glued my eyes toward sad side
Happiness doesn't make my guestlist
It has been a while I've felt good
Jinxed my life with overthinking mind
Kind of never been ever kind
Letters and words, I cannot encompass

Much like my dreams that never came true
Not thinking about it doesn't make them go
Ongoing struggle keeping the feelings inside
Pushing it within, to not hinder my work
Quite unsuccessful attempts, and I see day becoming night
Rays turning dark in blink of time
Stars are no longer seen in the night sky
Turn the page over, how do I
Until almost I tear those pages out
Vanishing away is a thought lingering
What good I am currently exploring
Exploring the tweaks of my current life
You wouldn't want to share one with me
Zero is the number of chance, you'd like me.
Sep 2020 · 440
it is coming, it goes on
Nylee Sep 2020
Things are happening in the shadows
I am aware, but unaware
What takes place in those dark places
Then I think, should I care
Should I not,
Is it okay, if it is not.

Time is of essence, I am losing it
What's to come, it is happening
I am affected, should I be affected
It is out of my hands
Should I try to grasp it
Maybe there is more to come.

It is dark, the day hasn't began
No truths have come to light
It is all well hidden
The plotting and plans unfold
The sequence it uncoded
I should have been prepared, no?

But no, there comes a fall,
A dive, trust shattered
Heart battered,
It is all too fast
Yes, I would move on
Leave behind the baggage I don't want.
Sep 2020 · 341
Messaging through the time
Nylee Sep 2020
There was a time
a letter back would take a month
patiently waited
yearning was a joy,
And here is the times now
a reply three seconds late
what a horrendous fate.
Sep 2020 · 269
The way you do is beautiful
Nylee Sep 2020
How do you **** a life?

But you do it so well
what expertise in
the choices
tone, words

you mourn too
sweet little nothings
pitiful stare
and nice
share a piece of cake
so sugary

and cherry on top
all the facts,
I deleted from my mind
restored back
It is the rush of feelings
too many at the same time

You have squeezed my
Soul out
I am empty
Inside out,
executed in precision
I can never mend
my pieces back.

I am short of breath,
You did it so well,
or am I short of me?
Sep 2020 · 1.4k
Same old paper feeling
Nylee Sep 2020
As I look through my past poetries
I've already felt the feelings I am feeling now
Like on repeat stream, I stream through it again
I will capture it once again,
Like a treasured entity.

The paper will be heavily inked
with an account of watery blotches
My eyes heavily rained
it makes an unforgettable picture,
the state of my heart,
the same as this half torn paper.
Sep 2020 · 2.6k
You in my imagination
Nylee Sep 2020
My imagination turned wild
I made you true in my head
You were beautiful and kind
So perfectly defined
Physically so similar
But in fantasy, you were divine
One of the kind.

I like my mind's craft
Not you, you are too human
When I see you in contrast
You don't hold a flame
You are not the same
You are not who I crave.

You never hurt me with words,
Actions are very just,
And you care about me,
Not you, but the one in the head
You are not even a shadow
In his bright light,
But he makes me sad too
By not existing in this world
Sep 2020 · 1.7k
Today's observations
Nylee Sep 2020
Today is tomorrow's yesterday
Today is yesterday's tomorrow
My half life in past and in future
I don't know much about today,
the very same day,
what about now.
Different versions of today.
Sep 2020 · 327
Why do you go.
Nylee Sep 2020
I see you, looking with, without
a shine, you don't define, in confine
You won't share, what you made of
Like a little bit of, what I can't think of
Some details you won't care,
What won't you engage
I am in your head, and you have conquered mine
You try to dust of my shine
Listening to my words, you nod off
I've been trying to connect, intersect
but it is maybe that something I lack,
You think I am waste of a chance
a nobody to spare your glance
In track of things that won't happen
You drew a fine line
I am stuck on my side, You've gone beyond.
Sep 2020 · 2.1k
My September
Nylee Sep 2020
You were fresh out of September
Dewdrops touching my face

a bright day
A sunny smile
the star lighting me up

A patch of pink and blue

but with rainy nights
and windy breezy evenings

The sweaters of November
will suit you too
Aug 2020 · 3.0k
August slipped away
Nylee Aug 2020
All that was August
Breezed through just like
                  Wind gust.
Inspired by Taylor Swift song 'August'.
Aug 2020 · 398
ain't I funny?
Nylee Aug 2020
This joke, ummm... me!
never gets old
oh, no
that's not entirely true,
I do age, you know
but just like wine,
You'd laugh harder
If you see me now.
Nylee Aug 2020
all in the end
I'll always be unwelcome
whatever i contribute
I will remain invisible
this home won't accept me
but I still stuck around
trying so hard
in vain
one day
it will come
embrace me
I am leaving this place
but in my head
I cannot shake this feeling
that who would accept me
in the road ahead
I'd always be alone
walking through the forest
there is no one to call
my own
I reach the native land
it is by the sea
the waves do not reach me
the cool breeze skip over me
there is the absence of
the sun rays
but I am floating
in this helpless feeling
little more push
and I might just drown
Aug 2020 · 348
life up
Nylee Aug 2020
I used to
follow life,
then I did let it go
and it is
still close by

a touch
and it sets      
Aug 2020 · 2.0k
Knock, knock
Nylee Aug 2020
Be ready to be locked outside
I am scared of all things that are happening
I keep all the doors and windows closed
I'd rather be alone inside
please do not knock

knock, knock
who is there?
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