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the oppressor's law
muzzles a dissenting voice
lest it speak of truth
Nylee 3d
I'll belong if I am me

But If I am anyone else
All I want is to fit in
I won't ever win

the game is twisted in design
And I am forbidden
To cross the drawn line.
Can you dare to be anymore absurd
i wish to cry, but I had to laugh
what forced you to be so rough and tough
what made you be so huffed up?

I look at my smile, it is twisted
Frowned upon by onlookers, unfitted
Gruelsome fate, cruel some off late
Paraded, lamenting about the fate.
I know very little
but even that knowledge
in the wrong hands is dangerous.

Fire and storm
only one keeps us warm
but we cannot discard the

Whatever wills us to live
also wills us to die.
Nylee Apr 28
is it written on my face, it's turned upside down
How does it look like right here
You misconstrue what I mean
How does it make you think another story
You would not ask what's wrong
But make it seem all about you
How does it not matter to you
That there is some reason for sadness
Why does your heart not listen
This instance is like one of many

You decided to ruin my Saturday
Coming prepared but giving nothing
You are always out to find reason
Like I am here to commit treason
How does it not make you see
That you have shattered everything in me
You and your wish for hard decision
It's immensely useless, your mind panics
And you would send a bullet my way
**** me with your sharpest tongue.
  Apr 26 Nylee
Sarah Daniels
My abandonment issues came from me
I abandoned myself in my time of need
My inner voice says evil things
I only hear myself when I say I’m nothing

I never knew how to take care of me
Only existing for other peoples needs
Cast aside like all abandoned things
Now I’m alone and know I’m nothing
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